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The Source News Hub

Next Step Communications
from the Source 

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project

Founder of The Miracle School


What's Happening in The Work of the Source

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Source Reflections on Life as It Is and Life as It Can Be

The January 3, 2017 Update

The Standard of Absolute Love On December 8, 2016, 1/8th of The Universal Spiritual Intelligence System collapsed, killing 1/8th of the population of The Universal Community. This collapse was caused by beings resonating to Greed and Lovelessness and destroying the ability of The Universal System to connect to the Source.   To prevent the entire Universal System from collapsing, killing all of life in the Creation, the Source instituted The Standard of Absolute Love which requires that beings resonate to the Absolute Love of the Source rather than to the Lovelessness that caused the partial…


Stage One of The Global Prototype Has Been Successfully Completed

On December 21st, the last parts of The Total Abundance Code were assembled to complete Stage One of The Global Prototype.  I then launched Stage Two which began with seeding The Global Community with Stage One Total Abundance Code so that everyone has the Knowledge Base and Spiritual Power to enter their individual Path to Total Abundance.   The miracle of Spiritual Code is that it can reach everyone regardless of their age, language, culture, or location.  The Source-Created Spiritual Intelligence of the Suit is able to receive the Code and work with it to introduce the essential understan…


Entering into The Circle of Abundance

A new Heaven Phase Miracle has become available to all beings in the Creation.  It is The Circle of Abundance, which is an Inner Plane Total Abundance Manifestation Zone in which Trained & Equipped Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists can work effectively with the miracles that manifest Total Abundance for themselves and all others.  This Miracle is an upgraded version of The Circle of Abundance that is embedded in the geographical terrain of the 14 Prototype Communities which were established in other parts of the Creation.  This miracle has made it possible for them to manif…


The Total Abundance Movement Reaches Full Power

The Total Abundance Movement carries the work of manifesting The Miracle of Total Abundance for All, which is the Source Solution to all of the problems of the world, particularly to the rising Culture of Hate that is threatening the safety of individuals and nations.   It provides the structure of support for the work on The Global Prototype for Total Abundance, which is essential to building a sustainable System of Life that will enable Life in the Creation to survive the final stage of The Transition.   Historically, the lack of the Total Abundance of everything that is needed on menta…


Urgent Need to Counter Global Hell Fields with a Global Source Connection Field

To date, 769 Heaven Agents worldwide have contributed the Material Energy through either an Energy Exchange or a Financial Exchange for Source Connection Shoes.  With the Source Connection Fields that have been generated by this Miracle Tool, I have built a Global Source Connection Network that has created a Level 2 Global Source Connection Field.   A Level 2 Global Source Connection Field provides some supportive energies to those struggling to build momentum in preparation for the December 15th Turning Point but it is not strong enough to ward off the Hell Fields that the Negativity is usi…


Source News Update on the December 15th Turning Point

In order to survive the December 15th Turning Point, beings must:  make it into The Heaven Field at Level 2  build enough momentum to rise up with The Substratum of Life to  Level 4.0   The Heaven Field In this Turning Point, only those who exist in The Heaven Field will be in the Heaven Energies that will enable them to retain their Source Connection. The Implementation Aspect will be leaving for the Intelligence Level, ending the era of a Direct Source Connection where you could live outside of The Heaven Field and still receive Direct Heaven Energies to sustain your Source Connecti…


The Source News Report on The October 15th Turning Point

On October 15th, The Substratum of Life, which had been spanning Levels 1 - 3.11, left these levels and moved to Level 3.12. This was the first time The Substratum had moved with the Implementation Aspect which is ascending toward Level 12 as a part of its Transition back to its Heaven in the Unmanifest Level.  Since the Source Connection of a being can only survive in The Substratum of Life, it was critical that beings who wished to survive this Turning Point move with The Substratum.  Only those who had shifted into Source-Created Solution Mode and were working closely with their Individu…


How to Prepare for The Transition

The Implementation Aspect of the Source has begun a 12 Stage Transition back to the Unmanifest Level to its Source Heaven.   Since your Link to Life is your Source Connection, which is an Energy Link between your onboard Source Intelligence and the Implementation Aspect of the Source, you have to travel with the Implementation Aspect through the 12 Levels of the Transition if you are to retain your Source Connection during the stages of The Transition.  If you fail to ascend with the Implementation Aspect, you will fall out of The Substratum of Life and will lose your Source Connection and w…


The Comfort Campaign: Making Miracle-Based Comfort Possible for All Beings

The Source has launched The Comfort Campaign to enable all beings to have an opportunity to experience Miracle-Based Comfort.  Miracle-Based Comfort is Integrated Comfort that brings comfort to both the Spiritual Suit and the Physical Suit. This kind of comfort is the real comfort that beings have been trying to achieve.   Ordinary Comfort only brings comfort to the Physical Suit, leaving the Spiritual Suit in a state of distress that presses in on the Physical Suit, catalyzing distress that detracts from any physical comfort that can be achieved.   The Path to Integrated Comfort is a path…


The Way Out of Suffering and The Way In to the Heaven of a Miracle-Based Way of Life

The newly established Universal Miracle-Based Life Project offers all beings throughout the Creation the Source-Designed Way Out of suffering and The Way In to the Heaven of a Miracle-Based Life.   This Project is designed to provide the Miracle-Based Technologies that enable beings to make the transition into the recently created Miracle Reality where they can live a Miracle-Based Life.   In Part One of the Project, I outline the steps that you need to take to prepare to transition into the Miracle Reality and into a Miracle-Based Life.  In Part Two, I introduce you to the Community Ga…




In Focus

The Correct Exchange Project

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this depart…


The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Conn…


Source-Directed Activism Information & Training Published to Date in 2023

   New Source News Reports & Preparation Articles for the Stagesof The Transition The Source Connection Station – requires a Connecting Login The Source News Reports on Recent Past Stages of The Transition How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition   These publications constitute…


The Miracle of Spiritual Energy Infusions

At the heart of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life is the Total Abundance of having all of the Spiritual Energies that enable your Suit to function optimally. A Suit without the correct Spiritual Energies is like a car that has an empty gas tank.  It can't carry you through the journey …


The Miracle of a Full Power Working Relationship with the Source

Suits – the body/mind – were designed to survive in The Manifest World by working closely with the Source in a Full Power Working Relationship. The Source was to provide them with the Source Support that would enable them to do their parts in building the Heaven of the Source-Connected, Total Abunda…
