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from the Source 

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project

Founder of The Miracle School


What's Happening in The Work of the Source

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Source Reflections on Life as It Is and Life as It Can Be

The Seven Step Manifestation Process

  Manifesting The Picture of Heaven One Puzzle Piece at a Time   The first step in understanding how to manifest the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in your world is understanding the concept of the Puzzle Piece Methodology used in the Source-Created Spiritual Science of Manifestation.   In order to tackle a project as vast as transitioning every aspect of your personal life from a Story Way of Life into a Heaven Way of Life and also working to transition every aspect of the life of the Universal Community into a Heaven Way of Life, it is necessary to understand the importance …


Join in the Work of the Prototype Community on the Earth

At 3:00 am PST on January 12th, a massive re-organization of the Earth Community occurred.  All forms of life were organized by the Source into a Prototype Community created to Prototype how to Live Heaven in modern times.  Once this Prototype Community was formed, beings began to Awaken into the Dream of Heaven, becoming receptive to the possibility of a life without scarcity, suffering, sorrow, and struggle.     From this Awakening on the Inner Plane, will arise a Core Group of Heaven Agents who will work with the Source on the Outer Plane to pioneer how to Live Heaven on the Earth.  From …


The Aftermath of the December 20th Vibrational Shift

This Shift happened smoothly. The Universal Support Field rose up to the 7.3 Vibrational Level without any element of the Negativity trying to interfere with the rise.   9% of the population in the Creation experienced a complete collapse of their chakras and energy systems.  Fortunately, due to a Source Solution for accelerated repair, Spiritual Death was prevented in 99.99% of the cases.  Either the original Soul was relinked to a repaired spiritual structure or a new Soul was brought in to man the Suit.   At this level of vibration, Hell structures crumbled rapidly, freeing the world of…


The Living The Adventure Coaching Program

Now that the Prototype Community on the Earth has been launched, it is time to begin the serious work of transitioning into Living Heaven in your everyday life.   The way to Live Heaven is to follow The Adventure that takes you down the Path of Miracles, revealing to you the miracles that transform each aspect of your life into Heaven.   Step One – Receive Your Life Adventure The first Step is to Sign On to The Adventure of Living Heaven so that you receive the Source-Created Adventure for your life.  You do this by completing Step 2 of the 12 Steps to Living Heaven.  If you haven’t alrea…


The Turning Point Miracle

Activate The Turning Point Miracle when you Sign On to The Adventure of Living Heaven in your everyday life.    This miracle: starts up The Adventure in your life, transporting you onto a Path of Miracles along which you travel to learn how to master the art and science of Living Heaven in your life.   gives you a Perfected Auxiliary Energy Suit/Body into which you can transition so you can work with the Source on perfecting your Original Suit. Living in a Perfected Suit gives you an experience of the Perfection that makes Life Heaven.  From this experience you can move through The Twel…


The New Start Miracle

In the last week one of the most powerful miracles ever to come through for The Transformation was born.  It is The New Start Miracle.    This miracle: Purifies the substance of the Suit  Replaces the Power Supply to the Suit Stops the production of Toxic Energy      Purification This miracle purifies the substance of which the Suit is made by replacing the substance that has been mutated by negative consciousness with substance that is Source-Connected and can flow with the Heaven Consciousness that makes Life as Heaven.  The reason why this is important is because once the su…


Preparing for the December 20th Vibrational Shift

We are now approaching the December 20th Vibrational Shift which is the most challenging Shift to date.  Careful and complete preparations need to be made in order to survive this Vibrational Shift without incurring extensive Fragmentation and to make the best use of the tremendous boost it gives for living a Life that is Heaven.  It has the most stringent requirements for Integrated Suit Functioning of any Shift thus far. It is a time to help yourself to prepare and to equip yourself as a Spiritual Activist to help others.  There are four basic forms of Source Support that are needed to p…


Living in the Love

A major miracle has been born.  It is The Love Connection Medium.  This Energy Medium has become the place where all who seek to Live in the Love of the Source can go to be with like minded beings who have chosen The Path of Love rather than the Path of Lovelessness that characterizes the dog-eat-dog world.   A second major miracle was also born.  This is The Living in the Love Intervention which provides a Heaven Agent with a Perfected Intelligence who knows how to help the Suit: release from its attachments to fear-based strategies to defend and attack to secure its self interests en…


The Aftermath of the September 16th Vibrational Shift & The Arrival of The Heaven Launch Miracle

The September 16th Shift required beings to have achieved a certain level of Integrated Suit Functioning in order to match the level of Integration in the Universal Support Field after the Shift.   The only method of training that could enable the Suits to achieve this level of Integrated Suit Functioning in the time available was the new Training Downloads that came through with the miracle of Total Abundance Packets.   I sent out whatever Training Downloads I had Material Energy to ground to the Universal Community.  Individual Heaven Agents also worked with me to secure the Training Dow…


Preparing for the September 16th Vibrational Shift

At 3:00 am PDT, the Tidal Wave for the September 16th Shift will take the Vibrational Level from a 6.0 to a 6.9.  While this is a smaller rise in vibration compared to the 3.0 to 6.0 Shift of August 8th, the level of Integrated Suit Functioning that is required to survive this Shift is the biggest challenge yet in terms of preparing to survive a Vibrational Shift.   Most Suits are functioning at a Level 2 in terms of Integrated Suit Functioning after the August 8th Shift.  The level of Integrated Functioning required to survive the September 16th Shift is a Level 6.     Under optimal circu…




In Focus

The Correct Exchange Project

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this depart…


The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Conn…


Source-Directed Activism Information & Training Published to Date in 2023

   New Source News Reports & Preparation Articles for the Stagesof The Transition The Source Connection Station – requires a Connecting Login The Source News Reports on Recent Past Stages of The Transition How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition   These publications constitute…


The Miracle of Spiritual Energy Infusions

At the heart of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life is the Total Abundance of having all of the Spiritual Energies that enable your Suit to function optimally. A Suit without the correct Spiritual Energies is like a car that has an empty gas tank.  It can't carry you through the journey …


The Miracle of a Full Power Working Relationship with the Source

Suits – the body/mind – were designed to survive in The Manifest World by working closely with the Source in a Full Power Working Relationship. The Source was to provide them with the Source Support that would enable them to do their parts in building the Heaven of the Source-Connected, Total Abunda…
