November 29th, 2013

The Turning Point Miracle

Filed in What's Happening

Activate The Turning Point Miracle when you Sign On to The Adventure of Living Heaven in your everyday life. 


This miracle:

  • starts up The Adventure in your life, transporting you onto a Path of Miracles along which you travel to learn how to master the art and science of Living Heaven in your life.  
  • gives you a Perfected Auxiliary Energy Suit/Body into which you can transition so you can work with the Source on perfecting your Original Suit. Living in a Perfected Suit gives you an experience of the Perfection that makes Life Heaven.  From this experience you can move through The Twelve Steps to Living Heaven to perfect your Original Suit so that when, in a decade, your Auxiliary Suit is no longer available, you will have a Perfected Original Suit to transition into.
  • gives you the support of the Source as your Guide on The Adventure, helping you on the Inner Plane to find the treasures on your Path that transform your Life into Heaven.  It also initiates an Outer Plane working relationship where you email me with your Eyewitness Reports from the Field and I send you Source Guidance Emails to help you on your Adventure.
  • gives you the miracle of The Heaven Ring which encompasses your manifestation, maintaining a Miracle-Friendly Field of Energy around you that is protective and supportive of your work of experiencing Heaven in your life.
  • gives you The Source Light which illuminates the path ahead so you can pick up on the miracles and avoid the obstacles.


Find out more about The Turning Point Miracle and The 12 Step Adventure to Living Heaven in the article:




The Source Call to Action

Now that The Turning Point Miracle has arrived, it is time for every Heaven Agent to Sign On to The Adventure of Living Heaven.  Through Signing On you come to a Turning Point in your life where you decide to embark on The Adventure. When you embark on The Adventure, the Source is willing to provide you with a host of miracles that are not available to those who have not made the decision to transition into a Heaven Way of Life.


The Work of the Source on the Earth is to build a Prototype for Living Heaven that will not only demonstrate how Heaven can be lived in modern times, but which will develop the Secondary Spiritual Genetic Code that will enable others in the Global Community who will not work with me in person, to pick up on the Code and begin Living Heaven in their lives.  Through the Prototyping Work of a Core Group of Heaven Agents, Code can be sent on the Inner Plane to all others in the Global Community, sparking a transformational shift into a Heaven Way of Life.


This is how it was done in the 14 Prototype Communities that I established thousands of years ago in many parts of the Creation.  


Those who become a part of the Core Group of Heaven Agents working with me on this Prototype Project will have the opportunity to not only help all beings on the planet but to build a Prototype that can be exported to Communities throughout the Creation who are awaiting the work of the Heaven Agents on the Earth.


Those Signing On to this Prototype Project will have the opportunity to work closely with me in this, my final incarnation, strengthening their Source Connection in a way that can only be done by having close, personal contact with the aspect of the Source that manifests in the Material World.  I will give them full support to be successful in their endeavor to Live Heaven in their lives and to work alongside me to create on the Earth the conditions in which all beings will have an opportunity to Live Heaven as well.


Since Living Heaven is a shift out of the Story Way of Life that engenders the Hell of suffering in your life, it is not possible to be successful in Living Heaven while also Living Hell.  You have to decide to do one or the other.  


Just as you can’t set sail on a great expedition and remain tethered to the shore, so you can’t set sail on The Greatest Adventure of All while remaining tethered to your old ways of life that have led to scarcity and suffering in your life.


As in any expedition, you need to get equipped and trained to travel the distance.  The 12 Steps that I outline in the article give you an overview of the general flow of your Adventure and the basic miracles and training that you will need to be successful in Living Heaven in your life.


Take action now. 

The Adventure is starting on a universal scale and you need to embark on it and not be left behind living the tired out patterns of a way of life that does not yield Heaven.



Eyewitness Reports

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Eyewitness Reports give Heaven Agents an opportunity to contribute valuable information that they are receiving from Source Guidance to The Work of the Source. This information may be Inner Source Guidance they have received, or life experiences or observations about what is happening in the world that they feel guided by the Source to share. For more information, read How to Participate.

Dear Sherry,

In this article about The Turning Point Miracle, you gave us so much important information in a very well structured overview. It was really what I needed at this moment because there is always so much going on and changing, that getting an overview helps my way of thinking in grounding the information. It was showing me the way to reread some information and to look at the video of The Source Plan for Transitioning into The Source Perfected World again, that I seemed to need doing. It feels like I got a deeper understanding about the importance of the Love for the Source and to keep on track with working on building a more integrated way of life.

Understanding the information at a more profound level gave me a lot of energy today. Thank you so much!

hilde | Belgium

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