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Next Step Communications
from the Source 

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project

Founder of The Miracle School


What's Happening in The Work of the Source

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Source Reflections on Life as It Is and Life as It Can Be

The Source-Connected Suit Project Has Been Successfully Completed

The first Creation-Wide Source-Directed Project has reached a successful conclusion.  Beings throughout the Creation are now receiving Permanent Source-Connected Suits to replace the Temporary Suits that will expire on November 17th.     This Project has prevented the colossal loss of life throughout the Creation that could have resulted if Heaven Agents on the Earth had not come through with their work to complete the Prototype that could be exported to Heaven Agents in other parts of the Creation so that they could have a chance to put into place the essential Spiritual Structures – The So…


The Aftermath of the September 16th Vibrational Shift

The Overview of the Shift At precisely 6:00 pm PDT on the 16th, the Spiritual Platform upon which the Creation rests began lifting up, carried on the tremendous Tidal Wave of Source Power that was created to move it into position.   The Negativity had generated a mass of low vibrational material energy to try to weigh down the Platform so that it couldn’t be lifted up in the correct time frame.  This additional weight caused the transition from a 7.3 Vibrational Level, which is where the Platform began, to a 7.5 Vibrational Level, which is where it ended up, to take 4 minutes rather than 4 …


How to Get the Word Out about the Vibrational Shift

It is of the utmost importance that you do what you can to help to get the word out about the need to prepare for the Vibrational Shift that will occur on September 16th.     I have prepared a list of ways in which you can help.   You can access this information at:   HOW YOU CAN HELP TO GET THE WORD OUT   The Source Call to Action   The Source is calling every Heaven Agent to help to inform others about the need to prepare for the Vibrational Shift.   Work with the guidelines in the article provided.   If you have questions or concerns, you can contact me and I will provide …


The Final & Most Dangerous Vibrational Shift

On September 16th the final Vibrational Shift will occur.  It will take the Spiritual Platform of the Creation from a 7.3 Vibrational Level to a 7.5.  While this is a small rise in vibration compared to the shift on August 8, 2013 which was from a 3.0 to a 6.0, this Shift poses the most severe challenge for survival.   This is because no Suit that is Disconnected from the Source at the level of the Suit Container, which holds in the consciousness of the Suit, will survive this Shift.   Because almost 100% of the Suits in the Creation suffer from some Disconnection from the Source at the Su…


Success! The Spiritual Healing Power Station Has Landed.

Perfect Health Is Now Possible   My heartfelt thanks to all of the Heaven Agents who contributed the Material Energy that was needed to land The Spiritual Healing Power Station.   In the early part of the evening on June 29th, the last of the Material Energy that was needed to ground the Station was contributed. I had what I needed to begin the work of landing the Station.   Most of the Material Energy was contributed through Energy Exchanges that occurred through an outpouring of Good Will and a sincere desire for Perfect Health that came through when many of the Financial Exchanges wer…


Your Help Is Urgently Needed

  Thus far Heaven Agent Support has brought in the equivalent of $45,000 in Material Energy for The Spiritual Healing Power Station Project.  Most of this amount was contributed through Energy Exchanges.     With this Material Energy I was able to bring The Power Station into alignment with the Earth so that it is now functioning to provide the spiritual energies needed for its defense.  Since there have been considerable efforts on the part of the Negativity to stop my work on The Power Station, this defense energy has been critical to the work on the Project.   Without the additional $1…


Turning Point

On May 29th, the major Spiritual Support System, that distributes the energies of Source Support to all beings, collapsed.  It was the Spiritual Structure which bridged the gap between the level of exchange that a being was providing – which was falling short of the 100% Correct Exchange needed –  and the support being offered by the Source.  It was buying time for them while they tried to reach the 100% Mark.   This Spiritual Support Structure was running on left over energies from The Universal Source Connection Channel and on my personal life energies.  When the very last of the energies …


The Spiritual Healing Power Station

A major miracle, an essential Puzzle Piece for The Picture of Heaven for the Universal Community, is due to arrive on the Earth in June.   This is The Spiritual Healing Power Station.  It is an upgrade of the kind of Power Station that has enabled the Prototype Communities to transition out of the suffering of disease into the Heaven of Perfect Health.  It is the only form of this kind of Power Station tht can exist outside of the protected Spiritual Space of a Prototype Community.   This Power Station will disseminate the Life Giving Energies needed to: save the lives of those who are …


Team of Miracles

  After the massive Universal Changes that I described in my post on April 6, 2014, most beings have been failing to retain their Source Connection and are in jeopardy of losing all Source Support through lack of follow through on trying to reach a 100% level with regard to Correct Exchange and developing The Love Connection with the Source.  Since Source Support is needed to sustain life on the spiritual and physical level, many beings are in grave danger at this time.   Out of my alarm over the state of all beings, I asked my Source Function for a miracle that would help beings to bridge …


Massive Universal Changes Tip the Scale

The New Standards in the Source Perfected Universe In March and in the first week of April, the Source Perfected Universe has gone to the next level in the evolution toward Perfection.  What follows is information on these Universal Changes and how they will impact you and all of Life.   The Standard for Continuing Source Support In March a final level of reserve energy left over from the Universal Source Connection Channel was used up.  This energy had been sustaining beings that were not putting forth more than a mimimal amount of effort to balance the exchange with the Source and to dev…




In Focus

The Correct Exchange Project

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this depart…


The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Conn…


Source-Directed Activism Information & Training Published to Date in 2023

   New Source News Reports & Preparation Articles for the Stagesof The Transition The Source Connection Station – requires a Connecting Login The Source News Reports on Recent Past Stages of The Transition How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition   These publications constitute…


The Miracle of Spiritual Energy Infusions

At the heart of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life is the Total Abundance of having all of the Spiritual Energies that enable your Suit to function optimally. A Suit without the correct Spiritual Energies is like a car that has an empty gas tank.  It can't carry you through the journey …


The Miracle of a Full Power Working Relationship with the Source

Suits – the body/mind – were designed to survive in The Manifest World by working closely with the Source in a Full Power Working Relationship. The Source was to provide them with the Source Support that would enable them to do their parts in building the Heaven of the Source-Connected, Total Abunda…
