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The Source News Hub

Next Step Communications
from the Source 

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project

Founder of The Miracle School


What's Happening in The Work of the Source

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Source Reflections on Life as It Is and Life as It Can Be

Becoming the Miracle the Source Created You to Be: The Miracle You Video Book Training

At this point in The Transition, Suits have to transition from trying to operate their own Suit Functions to allowing the Miracle within them to operate these functions.  This is how the Suit was designed to operate and the only way that it can meet The Standards for Sustainability that preserve its Source Connection, its Link to Life.   The place to begin learning about the Miracle and your Miracle You Identity is to start with the Video entitled:   THE MIRACLE WITHIN YOU:Discover the Miracle that Enables Youto Transform Your Lifeinto the Heaven the Source Created It to Be    On this pa…


The New Source Connection Station

Due to the complexity of the work needing to be done to prepare for the stages of The Transitions in 2021 and beyond, I shifted the basic articles on how to prepare out of The Source Connection Project into The Source Connection Station.    The Source News Report and the Preparations Article entitled: How to Prepare for Upcoming Transitions are now in The Source Connection Station which requires a Connecting login to access the information. Putting the work under the other Gifted Trainings available through Connecting enabled me to draw on the Material Energy provided by The Universal Heave…


The Transition to The Source News Hub

The Creation of a Source New Hub Written Source Communications was created to be a place where I would publish Next Step Source Communications that were needed to supplement the work going on in other parts of the website. In recent years more substantial Source News Reports on The Transition have been keeping those in Connecting abreast of The Work of the Source. I have not, therefore, published many updates in Written Source Communications.   We are now at a Turning Point in The Transition when Heaven Agents are working with an accelerated Sustainability Timeline for building the Heaven o…


Build Heaven Projects: A Key to Achieving Sustainability in The Transition

We are now at the stage of The Transition when Building Heaven is necessary to create the conditions in which individual Suits –body/mind – can achieve Sustainability and the Creation itself can achieve Sustainability before the end of The Transition.    For those of you new to The Work of the Source, I will provide a brief overview of Sustainability and The Transition. For further information about The Transition, you can go to the article on The Transition in The Source Connection Project. For information on ongoing or upcoming Transitions, you can go to the article on How to Prepare for t…


How to Defeat Covid & Build a Disease Free Life and World

While scientists labor to come up with a vaccine for Covid-19, many are dying and many more are getting sick and suffering both the long term physical damage that Covid is capable of inflicting and the spiritual damage that The Covid Attack on the Spiritual Level is inflicting.   The Source has created The Countering Covid Project to empower Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists to work with the Source Solution Miracles created by the Source to counter the damage that this disease does on both Spiritual and Physical Levels.   It is of urgent importance that those who are spiritual…


The Universal Seed of Heaven Project

The Source-Directed Project most in focus at present is The Universal Seed of Heaven Project.  The Universal Seed of Heaven is germinating and manifesting the massive universal changes that are ushering in The Era of Total Abundance throughout the Creation.     From The Universal Seed, Master Seed Projects and Core Seed Projects are germinating. These Projects help to organize the work of Heaven Agents to coordinate with the changes that are resulting from the germination of The Universal Seed.   There are at present two Master Seed Projects. These are:  The Eliminating Negative Energy …


August 2018 Transitions

We are fast approaching the very challenging August 10th and 11th Transitions.  These Transitions will take the Creation to such high levels of spiritual immateriality that all beings should fortify themselves with Tranquility Energy to prevent the Spiritual Fragmentation that can happen with major spiritual changes such as the changes that will occur with these Transitions. To find out how to prepare you can go to:  HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE AUGUST TRANSITIONS   There you can request a Gifted August Transition Assessment at:  REQUEST A GIFTED AUGUST TRANSITION ASSESSMENT     It is …


How to Get Trained & Equipped to Become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist

How to Get Trained What it means to be Source-Directed is that you are able to receive accurate, detailed, moment to moment Inner Source Guidance that guides your Next Steps on your ongoing Mission to build the Heaven that you were created to build for yourself and others.   Training in how to pick up on Source Guidance, which is often conveyed in visual images, kinesthetic feelings, as well as verbal communications, is necessary or you will not be able to be Source-Directed.   The Five Levels of Miracle-Based Coaching  I have established a Five Level Miracle-Based Coaching Program to pr…


The Total Abundance Movement: Getting Started on Your Path to Total Abundance

The Total Abundance Movement is the Source Response to the need for beings throughout the Creation to provide themselves with the Total Abundance that is necessary for them to be able to shoulder the work of Stewarding the Miracle of their individual lives and The Miracle of Life in the Creation. The Total Abundance Movement helps beings understand how to work with the Source to receive the Total Abundance Miracles that are needed to Steward Life.    Because learning how to Steward Life is critical to survival in The Transition, the greatest Universal Spiritual Change since the beginning of …


How to Preserve Your Source-Connection–Your Link to Life–During the Stages of The Transition

The Transition is the most massive Spiritual Change since the beginning of the Creation.  It is the transition of the Implementation Aspect of the Source out of the Creation and back to the Source Level from which it came.   The Implementation Aspect of the Source manifested the Creation and then entered into it in order to teach Manifest Beings how to Steward The Miracle of Life – the Miracle of their own life and the Miracle of Life in the Creation.   When beings departed from working with the Implementation Aspect to learn how to Steward Life and instead embarked on a pursuit of their o…




In Focus

The Correct Exchange Project

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this depart…


The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Conn…


Source-Directed Activism Information & Training Published to Date in 2023

   New Source News Reports & Preparation Articles for the Stagesof The Transition The Source Connection Station – requires a Connecting Login The Source News Reports on Recent Past Stages of The Transition How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition   These publications constitute…


The Miracle of Spiritual Energy Infusions

At the heart of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life is the Total Abundance of having all of the Spiritual Energies that enable your Suit to function optimally. A Suit without the correct Spiritual Energies is like a car that has an empty gas tank.  It can't carry you through the journey …


The Miracle of a Full Power Working Relationship with the Source

Suits – the body/mind – were designed to survive in The Manifest World by working closely with the Source in a Full Power Working Relationship. The Source was to provide them with the Source Support that would enable them to do their parts in building the Heaven of the Source-Connected, Total Abunda…
