The Miracle of a Source Communication


Source Communications transmit Source Truth which materializes in your life to form the Foundation for Heaven upon which you can build a Life that is Heaven.  Without this Spiritual Foundation of Source Truth, it is not possible to build a Miracle-Based Way of Life that is of Heaven.  It is like trying to build a house on a pile of shifting sand rather than on a firm foundation.


Source Truths can be transmitted through audio recordings, videos, and through writing.  In each modality there are multiple layers of the Communication that provide your Inner Intelligence, the aspect of your Spiritual Intelligence that knows how to work with the miracles of the Source, with the technical information it needs to understand Source Truth and to receive the materialization of Source Truth that builds the Foundation of Heaven.


When you work with a Source Communication, different levels of the Communication come through at different times.  It is, therefore, best to work with the Communication multiple times so your Inner Intelligence will pick up all of the levels and your conscious mind can grasp the complexity of the Communication.  


Since these Communications reference The Source Perspective on Reality – a perspective that is unfamiliar to many – it is necessary to provide yourself with some background information on how the Source sees the world, feels about what is happening now, and about what the Source is bringing into manifest form in the future.


The best way to get an overview is to work with the Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials available through a gifted membership in Connecting. This will give you access to audio and video Next Step Communications from the Source as well as to The Journey of DiscoveryHeaven Agents in Action Broadcasts, and emailed Source News Updates that keep you abreast of what is happening in The Work of the Source.


When you sign up, I can bring in more powerful miracles in the videos and audios because The Universal Heaven Agent Network has gifted you with the Material Energy to ground these miracles.  This provides you with more transformational energies that are helpful in getting up to speed in understanding The Work of the Source. It is their desire that you understand the Heaven that is possible and join in their work to build a Love-Based Universal Community that is abundant, Miracle-Based, disease free, Source-Connected, and which nurtures all of its own.


To sign up for Connecting you can go to:





In Focus

The Correct Exchange Project

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this depart…


The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Conn…


Source-Directed Activism Information & Training Published to Date in 2023

   New Source News Reports & Preparation Articles for the Stagesof The Transition The Source Connection Station – requires a Connecting Login The Source News Reports on Recent Past Stages of The Transition How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition   These publications constitute…



The Correct Exchange Project

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this depart…


The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Conn…


Source-Directed Activism Information & Training Published to Date in 2023

   New Source News Reports & Preparation Articles for the Stagesof The Transition The Source Connection Station – requires a Connecting Login The Source News Reports on Recent Past Stages of The Transition How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition   These publications constitute…
