March 25th, 2013
Source-Created Consciousness
Filed in What's Happening
In the beginning of the Creation, beings elected to enter into the Manifest World in the Co-Created Universe model of the Creation. In the Co-Created Universe, they were to co-create the Heaven that they would experience in the world. Their part was to build Self-Made Consciousness that was to be an expression of their love for the Source and their Celebration of the Life in the Manifest World that the Source had created for them. They were to build this by adhering very closely to the Source-Given Blueprint for manifesting this consciousness.
Self-Made Consciousness was designed to be a partial bridge to the Ultimate Heaven Experience. They understood that the only way that they could experience the Ultimate Heaven Experience was if they stepped out of their Self-Made Consciousness into Source-Created Consciousness which would then pick them up where their bridge ended and take them into the Ultimate Heaven Experience.
When beings were given their first Suits – body/mind vehicles – in the Manifest World, their Suits used their ability to create Self-Made Consciousness to create consciousness that was not built in accordance with the Blueprint. The result is the consciousness we see in the world today that is not Source-Connected and which has given rise not to The Heaven Experience but to The Hell Experience which is an experience of suffering.
Throughout the years since the beginning of the Creation, I have worked with the few who wanted to get back on track to creating the kind of Self-Made Consciousness that would enable them to one day receive Source-Created Consciousness. These are the Heaven Agents who I have trained in my many different incarnations in the Manifest World.
When I decided to return in this lifetime for a final attempt to help beings to achieve the Heaven that they had first desired before the Creation began, I worked with a Core Group of Heaven Agents who had attained varying degrees of Source-Created Consciousness in their previous lifetimes. They agreed to come into the Earth Plane at the time of my incarnation here and to work with me to activate their Source-Created Consciousness and build with me the Prototype of beings finally transitioning out of Self-Made Consciousness into Source-Created Consciousness and achieving The Ultimate Heaven Experience.
We have now arrived at the point in my work on the Earth when I am calling those who have Source-Created Consciousness to come forward. I am sending them the Activation Energies that enable this Consciousness to begin manifesting in their Suits, pushing out whatever Self-Made Consciousness might be in the Suit. In most Suits the Self-Made Consciousness is not only the consciousness that they have made but which others have made and imposed on them. In many Suits I see the consciousness of the lineage that enforces certain energy patterns on members of the lineage that often result in Story Character personality types that are typical of the lineage, life expectancy patterns, disease patterns, misfortune patterns, etc. I also see the consciousness made by influential people in their lives inserted into their Field of Consciousness often taking up the space for the consciousness that they have created for themselves. This is the kind of introjected authority figures and co-dependent people in their lives that skew their consciousness in significant ways. There is also, in many cases, the implanted consciousness of the Negativity driving them toward living Fragmented and self-destructive lives that make them ripe for the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.
Once the Source-Created Consciousness pushes out any Self-Made Consciousness and any implanted consciousness from the lineage, entities, and other people in a person’s life that has taken residence in the Suit, a dramatic change in life direction can occur in the Conscious Range that orients the Suit to a Source-Centered Life. The person who has this activation will spontaneously begin to purge out the things in their life that are not conducive to the Source Connection and welcome in whatever enables them to develop The Love Connection. They are then able to travel the last leg of their journey to The Ultimate Heaven Experience. This is the leg of the journey where they enter into the Seven Levels of Source Care. As they enter into the Seventh Level they merge into The Ultimate Heaven Experience.