March 25th, 2013

Returning to Life

Filed in What's New

Those who are working to Build Heaven in their lives say that they often have a hard time staying focused on what is important in their lives.  They say that the Truth of Life slips in and out of their awareness.  Sometimes it is so clear and other times they can’t remember what it was they were thinking or feeling.  They say that because they don’t have others to talk to about their spiritual insights, the insights get lost.  


When I looked into the situation, I could see that they lacked a social context in which it was ok to spend time talking to the Source about the real meaning of what was happening in their lives and studying the Source Truths given to them.  They hadn’t grown up doing this and it wasn’t a part of their daily routine, as it were.


Trying to squeeze it into the schedule isn’t the answer. Living in the Truth is what is needed and this is a process of immersing yourself in the Field of Source Intelligence that communicates to you through all of your senses at every moment, the reality of Life as it really is.  When you Live in the Truth, then you aren’t in the fog of Story Untruth from which you have to extricate yourself in order to go in search of Source Truth.


The only way to enter into Source Truth is to enter into The River of Life which is Truth in a manifest form.  When you ask your Inner Intelligence to help you to “return to Life”, then you will leave the Pseudo Life fabricated by the Cultural Story and will enter into the Rhythm of Life as Heaven.  Once in Life again, you will live and breathe the profound Truths of what Life is.  You won’t have to struggle to know truth or to keep what is important in your conscious awareness.  Nothing that is unimportant will be in your awareness.  Life as Intelligence that can know Truth will be all that you know and experience.


It is the most profound shift and a necessary one.  It is returning to an Integrated Picture of Reality and relaxing into a world that finally makes sense on every level.


In the Story World life is so Fragmented that it is hard to keep what is important in focus. When you return to Life, nothing but Life is in focus and so the battle to retain your focus on what is of real importance is a non-issue.

The Next Step

In order to Return to Life as Heaven, you can ask your Inner Intelligence, which is the aspect of your Spiritual Intelligence that knows how to work with the miracles of the Source, to extricate you from the River of Death which is the Pseudo Life that doesn't sustain your Suit or your Soul and to help you enter into The River of Life.  You need to let go of your attachments to the things in the Story World that you think will make you happy and ask the Source to take you back into the everlasting happiness of Life as it was meant to be – to Life as Heaven.

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