August 3rd, 2013

Recycling Toxic Energy

Filed in Source Reflections

As beings transition into an Integrated Way of Life and release the negative energy that has bound them to a Fragmented Way of Life, there is a need to release these negative energies in a way that does not foster further Fragmentation.


Spewing the energies through cathartic outbursts or injecting them into the Earth thinking that she can easily handle these energies are two very dangerous ways to deal with toxic energy.


The correct way to deal with toxic energy is to recycle it so it returns to innocuous, white light energy that can return to the Cycle of Life.


I’ll outline here some basic understandings that will enable you to release toxic energy effectively without causing harm to yourself or any other.



Clearing Toxic Energy in Your Suit

The best way to clear negative energy from the Suit is to ask the negative energy to “Dream Heaven”.  When the negative energy is given this Source Command it will either disintegrate on location or it will clear through two spiritual channels that run through the Suit – the chakra channel which runs up through the center of the body and the spine/head channel which runs up through the back of the body and out the top of the head.  


Both channels feed into a system of 45 chakras/energy centers that hover above the  head.  The first three of these energy centers are now devoted to recycling toxic energy released from the Suit and transitioning it back into non-toxic, white light energy that, when released into the universe, can be repurposed to serve Life.  When negative energy is recycled it does not create Energy Smog around the Suit that becomes an Energy Medium into which the Negativity can land and set up its equipment to then attack the Suit.


When energy is clearing through the two channels, it is sometimes possible to pick up on the mental and emotional content of the energy that is being cleared.  It is important to avoid poking holes in the channels to see what is clearing and to get involved mentally or emotionally with the content.  Getting into the content can abort the clearing process by spilling the toxic energy directly into the Suit causing the Suit to have to deal with the emotions and thoughts that make up the toxic energy.  These are best ejected instead of dredged up again for another review.


A parallel support process of seeking Source Guidance about what is clearing is productive.  Some content may be reviewed in a neutral way so that insights are gained that help the Suit to let go of the content and allow the energy to clear.  The key to this part of the process is remaining neutral and not spinning out into a Story about the content but rather asking for the Source Perspective on the issues that are being dealt with during the clearing.


For instance, if a person is releasing grief and anger about a divorce, it is best to release the toxic energies of the grief and anger without getting into developing or embellishing a Personal Story about what happened and who was right or wrong.  Seeking Source Guidance to understand what is to be learned about the situation will maintain the Suit in alignment with Source Truth and keep it from elaborating a Personal Story to defend its Story Character Identity.  


From Source Guidance, comfort can be gained by seeing the Truth of what happened in both Suits during the relationship and the break up and what is in the Source Plan for the Next Step.  In this way the Suit clears away crippling levels of toxic energy while remaining forward moving, Source-Aligned, and open to the adventure of Building Heaven that lies ahead.  This keeps the door closed to the Negativity that tries to get in and cultivate a Personal Story that distorts the Truth about what happened in the relationship in order to perpetuate Untruths that keep the mind and the emotions of the Suit bound to an unrealistic assessment of what happened which prevents the person from going forward to create true Love-Based Relationships in the future. Personal Story Building is promoted by the Negativity because these Stories replicate the dysfunctional patterns that led to the negative outcome and, therefore, create future occasions of toxic mental and emotional outbursts that create Harvesting Opportunities for them.


When people do not handle their toxic energies correctly but end up raging at themselves or others, indulging in self pity, grieving with no control over where the energies of this grief are going, etc., they end up spewing the energy directly out into the world.  This negative energy becomes a toxic substance that magnetizes the kinds of life experiences that led to the toxic energies in the first place.  This brings back into the life twice the amount of negative energy as was spewed out into the world.  This negative energy then becomes a breeding ground for more life experiences that replicate the negative ones that led to the development of toxic energy initially.


The Negativity loves it when people spew their energy.  It, in fact, encourages people to develop situations in which they let their thoughts and emotions fly.  Emotionally provocative movies and novels, violent sports events, and the like stir up Story Emotions and cause them to spew out of the Suit if there is no care taken to recycle these emotions correctly.  The Negativity comes in and harvests this energy which is laced with Life Force Energies.  They live off of the Life Energies and then use the negative energies to connect back to the spewer.  They either build a Harvesting Operation outside of the Suit in the medium of these energies or they get on the frequency of the energy spewed and follow it back into the Suit, infiltrating the inner workings of the Suit to set up Control Centers from within that encourage the Suit to generate more emotional outbursts that then generate more negative energy to be harvested.


The Negativity can’t harvest high vibrational energies that are outside of their range.  They, therefore, promote cultural traditions that generate low vibrational energies.  Traditions that engender competition, war, crime, violence, perversity, and the like provide low vibrational energies that give them the interface that they need.  With this interface they harvest, refuel, and Build Hell in the world through their ever encroaching moves on the Suit.


While the Story Cultures of the world celebrate events that give people a chance to “let it all hang out” and emote profusely, the Source enjoins beings to clear their emotions and remain responsible citizens, creating a clean Miracle-Friendly Environment for themselves and others. In this clean environment they are able to experience the Heaven that ends the negative life experiences that generate the toxic emotional energies from which they are trying to escape.


If Suits would clear themselves of the toxic energies that cause them pain at emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual levels, they would have Perfect Health and would be able to enjoy a Life that is Heaven.



Clearing  Toxic Energy in the Environment

To clear up toxic energy that has already been spewed into the environment, it is best to use the Dream Heaven Command which will provide the toxic energy with the power and information to disintegrate itself – effectively becoming its own recycling operation.


Heaven Agents should be regularly clearing their spiritual environment through using the Dream Heaven Command so that the low levels of vibration that promote the Disease of Fragment can be eliminated and replaced with the high vibrational energies that promote Spiritual Integration.


The Eject Button Miracle is also an effective tool for clearing up the Energy Smog that a Suit has created. 


Protecting the Earth from Toxic Energies

One of the traditions that the Negativity has promoted is people pumping their toxic energies into the Earth.   The practices vary but they generally include envisioning a tube running through their bodies into the Earth through which they breathe out their toxic energies into the Earth.


Those engaging in this practice often feel that this prevents them from spewing and causing damage to themselves and others and believe that the Earth can very easily clear this energy and is, in fact, eager to help in this way.


The contrary is true.  The Negativity has been promoting this practice and the beliefs that make it seem innocuous in order to get millions of people to dump their toxic energies into the Earth who is already suffering extremely from the toxic, Miracle Un-Friendly Conditions that they are creating on the surface of the Earth.  When energy is deliberately injected into the body of the Earth she suffers from this and is unable to clear it effectively.  This is because only the creator of the toxic energy has the recycling centers in the Suit to clear the toxic energy they have generated.  When this toxic energy is poured into another being, this being suffers from it and has to put forth enormous amounts of energy to counteract it.


Since toxic energy is fragmenting, the ultimate strategy of the Negativity is to foster so much toxic energy from these toxic injections and from the toxic energy generated by humans in general on the surface of the Earth, that the Earth will experience accelerated Fragmentation and will die as a spiritual being.  They then wish to take control of the Suit and use it to manifest Hell on Earth, using all of the natural connections of beings to the Earth to utterly destroy them on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.


Instead of pumping negative energy into the Earth, humans should be providing emergency care to the Earth who is besieged by the attacks of the Negativity and in need of support, not in need of being attacked by those whose lives she is supporting.




Creating a Miracle-Friendly Environment in which the miracles of Heaven can manifest is one of the most important tasks for individuals and for communities.  Since the release of toxic energies into the spiritual energy environment is what creates the breeding ground for the Negativity and exacerbates the Disease of  Fragmentation, practices that contribute to this need to be replaced with practices that promote a clean, Miracle-Friendly Environment in which Spiritual Integration can occur and Heaven can, therefore, be built. 

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While reading this information it felt so good to have a clear summary of what mechanisms are working behind our negative emotions and thoughts. It felt even better to see what solutions are available both to stop producing any more negative energy and to get free of what we already have produced in a responsible way.

I realize that it is tricky to use our story cultural ways of keeping thinking through things, get confused and then risk to get stuck in negative emotions. It is tricky because in my environment it is highly promoted to help people in this story way of thinking, because we are not aware of the mechanisms behind it. If more people would read the explanations and solutions that are available, I think we will all start to use them right away and also to clean our environments around us to start with.

hilde | Belgium

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