March 18th, 2013

One-on-One Spiritual Organizational Structure in the Universal Community

Filed in What's Happening

As in the Prototype Communities, all group projects are organized through a one-on-one organizational structure that is the Source to the individual Heaven Agent.  Although massive numbers of Heaven Agents might turn out to do some project together, they are not organized by some leader in the group.  They are each listening only to the Source and following the information that they are receiving directly to do their part in the project.  


In this way the kind of Story group process where a leader emerges and people turn to the leader and suppress the guidance they are receiving from the Source in order to fit in with the group, does not occur.


This structure will be taught in The Training Facility but it will also be maintained by a Universal Structure that has manifested in the Creation as a whole.

This Universal Structure shelters the being in a One-on-One Spiritual Space with the Source where they are finally free enough from the din of social pressure to listen within to Inner Source Guidance.  

Once they can hear Source Guidance coming through with regard to how to handle each situation, they are no longer having to resort to the Story Culture's recommended way of responding to any situation. They have, instead, the Source Perspective on the situation and Source Guidance on how to handle the situation so that the potential for Heaven that lies latent within it can manifest.  

In this way they can stand strong, stand alone, and become the change makers that move others into action to free themselves from the things that do harm in the world and perpetuate the suffering.  They will also be able to stand up for the Source Truths that need to be spoken and the Integrated Way of Life that needs to be built.

The Next Step

It is important to stop and think about what society would be like if every person looked only to the Source and did not key off one another – jockeying for positions of influence and power, catering to get their needs met, going along with things to avoid criticism and being ostracized, competing to win approval and social status, etc.

The ills of the world arise in large part from beings keying off of one another and then creating the dysfunctional relationships that drive the economy, family life, the government, etc.

What would your life be like, if the only opinion that mattered to you was how the Source saw what you were doing?  If you knew that the Source would help you to navigate in the Story World, then you would have no reason to react with fear about your social life and give into Story mandates that Disconnect you from the Source.  You could do Right Action in every instance and know that the Source would protect and guide you through the every situation.
Now that the Universal Structure for  the One-on-One Connection to the Source is in place in the Creation, beings are provided with the kind of support that they need to become Source-Centered rather than centering on the free-for-all in the social arena or within their own psyches.  In this way beings can learn how to Live Heaven from a base of strength, certitude with regard to what Plan of Action is the right one – the one that will build Heaven in the world – and peace in knowing that even if others fall away, the Source is always there for them eternally and is their mainstay from life to life.

Eyewitness Reports

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Eyewitness Reports give Heaven Agents an opportunity to contribute valuable information that they are receiving from Source Guidance to The Work of the Source. This information may be Inner Source Guidance they have received, or life experiences or observations about what is happening in the world that they feel guided by the Source to share. For more information, read How to Participate.

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