Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
The Miracle School is the Implementation Arm of the Source-Created, Universal Heaven Project. The Universal Heaven Project was established in the beginning of the Creation to provide Source Support to beings living in the Creation to learn how to work with the Source to build the Heaven that their lives and world were created to be.
The Miracle School was established recently to accelerate the transmission of Source Communications to beings throughout the Creation so that they can prepare adequately for the end of The Transition when the Implementation Aspect of the Source leaves the Creation to return to its home at the Source Level. The Transition began in 2015 and will end in 2045, if not sooner.
After the end of The Transition, the Implementation Aspect will only be able to sustain the Source Connection, the Link to Life, of beings who have developed a strong Working Relationship with the Source. Training in how to develop a Full Power Working Relationship with the Source is, therefore, a primary focus in The Miracle School.
Students learn how to connect to Inner Source Guidance to pilot their way safely through the tumultuous spiritual changes that are part of The Transition, which is the most massive change in the nature of spiritual reality since the beginning of the Creation. Well trained and equipped students become Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists working with the Source in The Working Relationship to build the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. This Way of Life is what makes it possible for them to achieve the 100% Source Connection that enables the Implementation Aspect to link back to them to sustain their Source Connection after the end of The Transition.
The Miracle School reaches beings throughout the Creation through the miracle of the Inner Plane level of The Miracle School, which can be accessed by beings universally.
The Outer Plane Miracle School is spearheading the Prototype for developing a Global Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. This Prototype will help beings on the Earth and throughout The Universal Community to know how to transition out of the scarcity, struggle, and suffering of a Source-Disconnected Way of Life into the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based, Total Abundance Way of Life.
The Source is teaching students of The Miracle School how to form the strong Working Relationship that will enable them to survive the end of The Transition by training them to become trained and equipped Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists. Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists learn how to receive Inner Plane Source Guidance that directs them to do the spiritual work that Stewards The Miracle of Life. The Miracle of Life is what is in jeopardy during The Transition. Beings must learn what it is and how to preserve it.
The Miracle of Life is a Soul, a Perfected Spiritual Intelligence, linked to a Suit – a manifest body/mind –that can carry out the Mission of the Soul in The Manifest World. The Miracle of Life can exist only in certain conditions. Understanding these conditions and learning how to work with the Source to maintain them is how Suits will retain their Source Connection and afford the Soul linked to them a chance to have a continuing life in The Manifest World.
Training in how to work with the Source as a Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist is how Suits learn how to work individually and on teams to preserve The Miracle of Life for themselves and for the miracle of their Spiritual Habitat in the Creation. They learn how to build the Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that nurtures The Miracle of Life through strengthening the Source Connection.
The stronger the Source Connection of a Suit, the more miracles the Suit can receive from the Source and the faster the Suit can transition out of Scarcity into Miracle-Based Total Abundance.
Source-Directed Activists learn directly from the Source how things work in the Creation and how to work with the miracles that make the difference between a life blighted by scarcity, disease, and suffering and a life that is abundant, disease free, and full of the joy of Building Heaven and Living Heaven in everyday life. They have the individualized help of the Source that created them and all of life who wants them to succeed in realizing the potential for experiencing Life as Heaven in The Manifest World. This life has no comparison to the often lonely, confused, and makeshift lives that people try to fashion for themselves in a world where they emulate experts and others around them who are also lost in the maze of Self Interest choices that do not add up to True Happiness. Only the Source knows what it really takes to experience Life as Heaven. Asking the Source for help and receiving Source Support 24/7 is how you chart your course for a quality of life that is simply not possible without the direct help of the Source.
We have reached the point in the history of the Creation when Suits need to be trained and equipped to shoulder the work of Stewarding The Miracle of Life. Before the end of The Transition, Suits need to step in and take up the slack or risk the loss of The Miracle of Life of their own life and for essential Spiritual Structures that are necessary to sustain The Miracle of Life for the Creation. The Miracle of Life for the Creation is what sustains the Spiritual Habitat for Life in the Creation. Without a Spiritual Habitat in which to reside, no Suit, however evolved, can sustain its life. This is similar to the situation in which a healthy human cannot survive a cataclysmic crash of the ecosystem that sustains its life.
Beings were to have worked with the Implementation Aspect throughout its long sojourn in the Creation in order to become skilled Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists who could take over the work of preserving the conditions in which The Miracle of Life can be sustained after the end of The Transition. When Suits decided to ignore the Principles of Life and set off to create an every man for himself reality based on the pursuit of their Self Interests, they disconnected from the Source and from the wisdom of the Source that would have enabled them to create Heaven in their lives and world.
Now that the end of The Transition could happen at any point between now and 2045, Suits need to be prepared to shoulder the work that is needed to sustain their own lives or the Miracle of Life for the Creation.
This is why the Source has created The Miracle School and is accelerating the learning process for Suits throughout the Creation so that The Miracle of Life will survive the end of The Transition.
Living a 100% Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life is what enables the Suit to sustain a 100% Source Connection, which is necessary to preserve the Source Connection at the end of The Transition. Transitioning into this Way of Life is the way that Suits can preserve their Source Connection while simultaneously building a Miracle-Based Way of Life that affords them a quality of life that far surpasses the Brute Force Way of Life that is based on manmade inventions and practices.
For example, a manmade sofa can afford comfort of a certain practical sort. A Miracle-Linked Sofa can transport you into a Source-Created Comfort Zone that helps you to release stress, regenerate, and feel the love and support of the Source helping you in your life. In this time of The Transition, your Suit needs more than the ordinary ways of de-stressing and regenerating. It needs Miracle-Based ways of de-stressing and regenerating so that it can rise to the challenge of closing the gap in its Source Connection before it is too late to close the gap and it is left without any Source Connection to sustain its life.
The path to sustain your Source Connection is a Path of Miracles that is an incredible Adventure. Your Suit becomes the Miracle it was Source-Created to be and you, the Soul, are supported in doing the Mission for which you incarnated in a Suit in this lifetime. You get the chance to fulfill your Life Purpose and to experience a life that is far more exciting and fulfilling than living an ordinary life where you are just someone trying to meet the social expectations of your society and carve out something of a decent life for yourself and your family.
While there is urgency to make it to the finish line of achieving a 100% Source Connection before the end of The Transition, the Path there is Source-Guided and replete with miracles to help you achieve success. Following the lead of the Source becomes the comfort that you need in a time of upheaval that could easily capsize your Suit on the tidal waves of spiritual change that are occurring during The Transition.
The Prototype for building a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life has been achieved by 14 Prototype Communities that the Source founded many thousands of years ago in different parts of the Creation. These Prototype Communities transitioned from living a dog eat dog life with wars, crime, abuse, scarcity, disease, and struggle into communities that achieved:
They worked with the Source to create Love-Based Communities that nurture all of their own. To this day they work closely with the Source in The Working Relationship and follow Source Guidance about how to bring in the miracles that make it possible to manifest a Miracle-Based Way of Life that yields Total Abundance for all.
They have proven that it is possible to Build Heaven and Live Heaven. The Prototype that they have created is helping beings throughout the Creation to begin their own transition into a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.
The Miracle School is the place where those not living in a Prototype Community can learn how to follow in the footsteps of the Prototype Communities and achieve the same results that they have achieved. It is also a place where the Prototype Communities themselves come to learn how to take their success to the next level where they achieve Ultimate Sustainability. Ultimate Sustainability is when the Suit achieves a 100% Source Connection and is living a 100% Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.
Source-Directed Activists working with me in the Earth Plane will be the ones who travel the last leg of the Journey of Reconnection to discover the meaning of The Love Connection with the Source which is, in the final analysis, what will enable the Implementation Aspect to link back to a Suit after its return to The Source Level. It is The Love Connection with the Source that bridges the gap between a Disconnected Suit and one that has fully Reconnected to the Source in a 100% Source Connection. The Prototype that will be built from their experiences will be what will be seeded to Suits throughout the Creation to enable them to bridge the gap and achieve a 100% Source Connection.
The training is all Miracle-Based Training meaning that it carries the miracle of a Source Communication which transmits different levels of Source-Created Spiritual Code, which is also a kind of miracle. Code gives your Suit what it needs to understand a Source Communication at a technical level that enables it to implement what it is learning in its Conscious Range of understanding. Some trainings also provide Individualized Inner Plane Source Guidance transmitted to you as the Source works with you as you are working with a Training.
The basic understandings about Source-Directed Activism and The Work of the Source are given in Gifted Information and Gifted Trainings to enable all beings, regardless of their access to financial resources, to learn from the Source how to develop a Working Relationship with the Source and how to prepare for the stages of The Transition that are now well underway.
Gifted Introductory Information carries Introductory Code which is gifted by Source-Directed Activists contributing to The World that Works Fund. This information can be explored by visiting the Six Hubs that organize the work being done in The Miracle School. These Hubs are:
A Gifted Source-Directed Miracle-Based Adventure is available to everyone working with the Miracle Tool of The Miracle School website. The Source connects to you directly to guide you on a Journey of Discovery to find whatever it is directing you to discover during each visit to the website.
How to Work with the Website as a Miracle Tool, gives you the basics for how to begin working with the Source as you explore the website.
Gifted Connecting Trainings carry Basic Code that is gifted by advanced Source-Directed Activists belonging to The Universal Heaven Agent Network. (Heaven Agent is another term for a Source-Directed Activist. A Heaven Agent works with the Source on The Universal Heaven Project to build Heaven in the world.)
You can sign up for a Gifted Membership in Connecting to gain access to all of the Gifted Source-Directed Activism Videos and Audios and Written Trainings on the website. This will give you a Connecting Login to access important information about The Transition which is available to members of Connecting in The Source Connection Station.
Partially Gifted Source Workflow Trainings provide Basic Code for members of Connecting and optional Full Power Code for students in a Miracle-Based Coaching Program.
An example is the Core Course on Building The Culture of Heaven which is the foundation for a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. This provides a six part Master Action Plan for how to become a Heaven Agent/Source-Directed Activist and transition into The Culture of Heaven which enables you to Build Heaven and Live Heaven. It contains transcripts of Source Workflow Sessions with Heaven Agents on the Inner Plane as well as Reality-Based Trainings that enable you to understand what a Heaven Way of Life can be like.
You can access links to this Training and many other Source Workflow Trainings in The Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Training Hub.
Beyond the gifted level of Information and Training is Miracle-Based Coaching, which provides you with individualized Source Guidance to help you learn how to develop The Working Relationship with the Source and to master your unique Miracle-Based Abilities to become a skilled Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist. This is where you gain the understandings and Skill Sets to contribute to the Prototype for how to be a Source-Directed Activist working with the Source to Build Heaven and Live Heaven in your everyday life.
To find out about Miracle-Based Coaching you can go to: Miracle-Based Coaching.
Students from all over the Creation work with me in The Miracle-Based Coaching Program by generating the Material Energy needed to bring in the miracles for this more advanced level of training. They provide the Material Energy through an Inner Plane Energy Exchange.
Students working with me on the Outer Plane on the Earth contribute the Material Energy that is needed through a combination of an Energy Exchange and a Financial Exchange. In this way they provide a Correct Exchange which supports The Work of the Source in The Heaven Project on the Earth and provides the Material Energy that enables me to bring in the miracles needed for the Trainings.
For more information on how miracles manifest, you can read the article: How Miracles Come into Your Life and World.
I recommend reading the article: About The Miracle-Based Training Project to learn more about the Miracle-Based Training that the Source creates to teach you to become a Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist. It will outline the At-a-Distance, Asynchronous, and In-Person types of training that are available. You can then go to The Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Training Hub to explore the different kinds of training.
You can start by becoming a member of Connecting so that you have full access to the wealth of video, audio, and written trainings that provide you with a basic level of Source-Directed Activism Training.
This is a two part series which enables you to learn about the One Thing that you need to do to work with the Source to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance. This is what I taught the Prototype Communities that led to their success in manifesting The Miracle of Total Abundance. To start the series you can go to:
The Correct Exchange Project is your entry point into the Full Power Source Support that is needed to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance in your life so that your Suit can make it to the Ultimate Sustainability of its Source Connection. The Source is no longer able to work with students who are not committed to doing The Correct Exchange with the Source that enables them to achieve Total Abundance and Ultimate Sustainability. This is because there is so little time left before the end of The Transition and this is the only path that is able to get you there.
The video series: The Miracle of Total Abundance will take you to a signup page for The Correct Exchange Project.
Once you have signed up, the Source will begin providing you with Inner Plane, Beyond Miracle Source Support that will enable your Suit to prepare to work with me in Outer Plane levels of Source Support that involve Beyond Miracle Source Support and Miracle-Based Source Support . For information on what The Correct Exchange Project is about you can go to The Source News Hub article entitled: The Correct Exchange Project for a brief overview. The in-depth description is available on the signup page at the end of The Miracle of Total Abundance video series.
You will have access to Trainings and Source Solution Miracles that are not available to those not signed up for The Correct Exchange Project. You will also be given individual guidance about how to best work with the Source to achieve Total Abundance and Ultimate Sustainability. This Source-Guided Next Step Approach is what enables you to work most efficiently.
While it is best to signup for The Correct Exchange Project and receive Next Step guidance about how to begin your training to become a Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist, you can start working with The Working Relationship Training Series. This series profounds foundational level training that is needed to work in The Correct Exchange Project most effectively.
Begin with WRT1: How to Develop a Full Power Working Relationship with the Source which gives you the in-depth understanding of what it takes to develop the strongest Working Relationship with the Source.
Then graduate to other Working Relationship Trainings that walk you through how to begin building a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. WRT2, for instance, is about how to develop a strong Spiritual Energy Support System. This is the first step that the Prototype Communities took to build their Miracle-Based Way of Life that has lasted for thousands of years. Without a strong Spiritual Energy Support System your Suit lacks what it needs to work with miracles. Since miracles are the Building Blocks of a Miracle-Based Way of Life, you need to begin by providing your Suit with what it needs to do this kind of work.
WRT3 on Dream Heaven Technology is also basic to what you will need to know to work in The Correct Exchange Project. Getting started with these Trainings will enable you progress most rapidly.
Find out what is happening in the stages of The Transition and how this impacts your ability to sustain your Source Connection in each of the stages. Read the articles in The Source Connection Station. These are The Source News Report on past stages of The Transition and How to Prepare for Upcoming Stages of The Transition. This Station is for members of Connecting.
Sign up for the Feed in The Source News Hub which contains Written Next Step Communications from the Source. This will alert you when I post information about What's New, What's Happening, and Source Reflections on Life as It Is and Life as It Can Be.
These Gifted articles and Connecting videos and audios and Source Workflow Trainings provide you with the understandings that the Source wishes you to have in order to work effectively in The Working Relationship. They are your first level of preparation for building a strong Working Relationship with the Source.
Take the Partially Gifted Culture of Heaven Training with its Six Master Action Plans that help you to understand what it means to be a Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist and get started transitioning into The Culture of Heaven, which is the foundation for a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. The training offers Basic Code that is gifted to members of Connecting. For Full Power Code you need to be enrolled in The Miracle-Based Coaching Program.
Source Support through Individual Working Relationship Sessions is a Next Step. I can work with you in Individual Working Relationship Sessions either At-a-Distance, Online, or In-Person based on the Miracle-Friendly Field that your Suit is producing. If your Suit is producing a Miracle-Friendly Field that is below the level at which it can receive more advanced miracles, then the work begins at the level where your Suit is and helps it to begin generating a higher Miracle-Friendly Field so it can advance to more direct work with me in a Working Relationship Session.
These Sessions are now available only to those who have signed up for The Correct Exchange Project.
Once you have signed up for The Correct Exchange Project you can request entry into a Miracle-Based Coaching Program. This is the highest level of Outer Plane Source Support available in The Miracle School. This Source Support provides you with individualized training that will enable you to achieve Ultimate Sustainability and contribute to developing the Prototype for living a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that will help those who will not be able to work with me in the Coaching Program on the Outer Plane.
Suits producing a Miracle-Friendly Field of a +6 to +8 can enter into The Total Abundance Miracle-Based Coaching Program. Suits producing a +8.1 to +10 Miracle-Friendly Field can enter into The Source Connection Coaching Program and join The Source Solution Network when they become highly skilled Heaven Agents.
Students in a Coaching Program can request an Online Source Reality Station with Miracle Tools that they work with in the Station to hone their skills in working with the Source on the Inner Plane. I post in their Station information on how they are progressing and what Next Steps to take and provide them with resources that they need to progress on their path to Ultimate Sustainability, which is what will ensure the preservation of their Source Connection during The Transition.
I give students in a Coaching Program an opportunity to learn by hands on work on the different Build Heaven Training Projects that are listed in The Build Heaven Project Hub where they receive individualized feedback from me on the Inner and Outer Planes. While those not in a Coaching Program can participate through the Heaven Agent Report Forms on the Projects, they do not receive individualized feedback from me. I take into consideration the information that they provide and incorporate it into my continuing work on the Project.
Students in a Coaching Program continue to work with me in more advanced Individual Working Relationship Sessions. They can graduate to Group Working Relationship Sessions where they learn how to do the Team Work that is essential to Building Heaven in their lives and world.
Because I am the aspect of the Source that works with beings in The Working Relationship with the Source, as a representative of my Source Identity in its entirety, I am able to work with students in the Coaching Program 24/7 through my Extended Range. It is this very comprehensive form of training that makes it possible for students in the Coaching Program to move forward rapidly in Prototyping how to Build Heaven and Live Heaven. Their Prototyping Work yields Secondary Spiritual Code which is built from their experiences.
I give this Secondary Code to those not working with me on the Outer Plane to help them to speed up their learning process. Since all beings need to reach a level of competence to retain their Source Connection, the work done by those studying with me on the Outer Plane is important to the advancement of all beings throughout the Creation. Through seeding Secondary Code to individuals and communities throughout the Creation, students of The Miracle School working with me only on the Inner Plane can learn what the students working with me on the Outer Plane are learning.
This is how I established 13 of the Prototype Communities. I worked In-Person with the first Prototype Community and then transferred the Secondary Code from their experiences to beings in the other Prototype Communities. They were able to achieve the same results in 29 years just as had those in the first Prototype Community who had the advantage of working with me In-Person.
Although I work with beings throughout the Creation on the Inner Plane, the Secondary Code developed by those I work with on the Outer Plane will be critical to accelerating the learning process and taking it to a higher level than the level achieved by the Prototype Communities. The Prototype Communities did not achieve a 100% Source Connection and did not build a 100% Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. They built enough of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life to transition out of brute force manufacturing and farming into receiving all of their material needs directly from the Spiritual Level to the Physical Level but they lacked the strong Love Connection with the Source that will sustain their Source Connection at the end of The Transition. My work with students currently is focused on going the full Journey of Reconnection so that this is Prototyped for the sake of beings everywhere, including those in the Prototype Communities.
The key to becoming a Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist is developing the strong Working Relationship with the Source that enables you to receive the detailed Source Guidance that enables you to go the distance toward Ultimate Sustainability before the end of The Transition. The Miracle School is where you can come to learn about how to develop this Working Relationship.
I am the aspect of the Source who represents the Source in The Working Relationship with a Manifest Being. I translate for you the Source Guidance that I receive from the other parts of my Source Identity that do not incarnate and do not communicate directly with Manifest Beings. In this way I provide you with the Source Communications that enable you to navigate successfully on your Journey of Reconnection to the love of the Source who created you and wishes for you to have a Life that is Heaven. I teach you how to receive these Source Communications on the Inner Plane so that when I return to The Upper Level of The Source Level at the end of my last incarnation, you will be able to continue to receive Source Communications that provide you with what you need to stay Source-Connected.
Whatever it takes to ensure that you are able to achieve Ultimate Sustainability is what is needed. I am able to bring in the miracles created by the Design Aspect of the Source and teach you how to work with them to achieve Ultimate Spiritual Healing, which is what your Suit needs to recover from the Disconnection from the Source that happened since its first incarnation.
To understand the history of the Creation and your own personal spiritual history, you need to work with the Next Step Videos and Audios, read Next Step Written Source Communications in The Source News Hub, read the materials on the website, take the Connecting Trainings, and learn from me directly. Then you will fill in the gaps in your understanding and can make rapid progress toward preserving the Miracle of your life and helping to preserve The Miracle of Life of the Creation itself.
The Inner Plane level of The Miracle School reaches all species of all ages throughout the Creation. The Outer Plane Miracle School focuses on training adults but can also provide education to children in the basics of how to think about the Miracle that they are, how to connect to the Source, and how to live a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.
Parents can request Source Solution Miracles for their children. These might be miracles that the Source links to their toys, educational materials, clothes, music, events, etc. Families can receive Miracle-Based Coaching to deal with family issues and optimize personal growth and development.
Groups that represent a community cause or wish to bring Source Solution Miracles into the workplace can also work with me in The Miracle School. Through a combination of Miracle-Based Coaching on the Inner and Outer Planes, Source Solution Miracles, and Miracle-Based Trainings created for their situation, they can advance to a higher level of problem solving. They can turn to Source-Created Solutions rather than relying on Manmade Solutions that have a limited range.
Source Solution Miracles are needed not just by humans but by all forms of life on the planet. Inner Plane Coaching can help pets and other animals to work through difficult periods in their lives and learn how to do the Mission Work that they were created to do. No Source Creation is without an inner Miracle and a Source-Created Mission. Helping animals and plants to do their Missions is important to building a Global Total Abundance Community for all beings on the Earth and in the Creation.
Through Source Solution Miracle Campaigns and The Critical Campaign Project, Heaven Agents can provide Material Energy to help beings of all ages throughout The Global Community with Source Solution Miracles to help alleviate suffering and enable them to sustain their Source Connection. This Inner Plane assistance is given to only those most in need and only to Suits that accept the gift when it is offered. If the Suit refuses the gift then it cannot be given.
The Source works with each person differently, based on their spiritual history, their particular challenges in manifesting Total Abundance and achieving Ultimate Sustainability. There is no set curriculum. There is a Source Plan that is created for each student and the work progresses by Next Steps that the Source recommends and the student decides to take. The work is designed to be done while a student is also engaged in their work and family life.
The work involves online trainings, Beyond Miracle Source Support and Miracle-Based Source Support, and Inner Plane Miracle-Based Coaching. Outer Plane Miracle-Based Coaching could include working asynchronously with me in an online Station and working with me remotely in individual and group sessions by phone, online meeting, or webinar. There is also the possibility of working in-person at The Seattle Source Connection Center.
Currently the Source is willing to provide the full range of Source Support only to those who sign up for The Correct Exchange Project because this provides the most powerful level of Source Support.
Since no two beings have the same history or same path to Ultimate Sustainability, and the goal is to help each person achieve a strong Working Relationship with the Source that will stand them in good stead in all of their lifetimes to come, the Path that is Source-Created for them varies. I work with students to understand the Source Guidance that is given for how to proceed. This includes finding ways to help them produce the Material Energy that is needed for the miracles to come into their lives.
Those who commit to going the distance toward a Full Power Working Relationship with the Source to achieve Ultimate Sustainability are those who benefit the most from this individualized Source Plan approach to their education. Those who drop in and out and try out a miracle or two and continue living a Source-Disconnected Way of Life may make certain aspects of their life easier because of the miracles but they will ultimately not ensure the safety of their Source Connection in The Transition.
I have provided extensive gifted information and training on the website because I want everyone to be able to learn the basics about how to prepare for The Transition.
I offer support through gifted Material Energy from The World that Works Fund to those most in need until they gain proficiency in doing the Source-Directed Activist Work that manifests the Material Energy that they need for most of their Training.
I also offer interest free Payment Plans so that students can provide the percentage of their work in The Miracle School that requires a Financial Exchange in order to be in keeping with The Principle of Correct Exchange.
The more trained and equipped a student becomes, the more Material Energy they generate the natural way as a result of the Source-Directed Activist work that they do. This enables them to request Source Support that far exceeds what they are financially able to afford and to also generate Material Energy for The World that Works Fund to help other Source-Directed Activists get their start. In this way, they pick up speed in transitioning into a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life and enjoying and sharing the Total Abundance that they have achieved.