Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
For links to information about The Source Reality Station and The Source Reality Station Campaign you can reference The Resource Directory below.
The Source has created Source Solution Miracles that empower you, as a Source-Directed Activist, to alleviate suffering in your life and in the world and to manifest The Heaven that Life Was Meant to Be.
These Source Solution Miracles enable you to act as both a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist bringing about the healing and transformation that is needed on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality, as well as catalyzing the social change that is needed on the Outer Plane, the Physical Level of Reality.
Through a combination of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism, you can work together with other Source-Directed Activists to build an abundant, Love-Based World in which all beings can have The Heaven Experience, the experience of quintessential happiness and fulfillment.
For a full understanding of The Work of the Source to lay the foundation for The Heaven Experience, you can sign up for Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source and with the Gifted Source-Directed Activist Training Materials and emailed Source News Updates that enable you to get started seeing the Vision and working alongside the Source to make it a reality.
Sign Up for Connecting, your Point of Connection to Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials and emailed Source News Reports on The Work of the Source.
The purpose of The Source Reality Station is to give you an opportunity to learn in an optimal environment how to receive Direct Source Guidance through working with Online Miracle Tools such as Total Abundance Screens, Source-Created Graphics, and The Source Plan Button.
As you practice with the Online Miracle Tools that provide the Miracle Tool in a more materialized format, you gain Skill Sets that will help you to work with the Inner Plane Miracle Tool, which is less materialized and which takes greater skill to access. It is important to practice accessing the Miracle Tools on the Inner Plane as well as online to ensure that the Skill Sets developed with the Online Miracle Tools are translating effectively to the Skill Sets that you need for the Inner Plane Miracle Tools.
The Source Reality Station is an entry point to Source Reality. Once in Source Reality, you escape from the confusion and negativity that has been created by Manifest Beings. In this clear Spiritual Space you can learn how to attune to the Source and practice your Heaven Agent Skill Sets that enable you to receive detailed and accurate Source Guidance and contribute to the work being done on the Total Abundance Way of Life Projects that are helping to build a Total Abundance Way of Life on the Earth.
Since being able to access detailed, accurate Source Guidance is critical to your ability to manifest Total Abundance and since transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life is critical to becoming sustainable so that your Suit can survive the upcoming stages of The Transition, the time you log learning these essential skills is central to your safety and well being in the time ahead.
I have established this mode of training to enable you to learn how to attune to Direct Source Guidance when I am not with you in person in a Session, Webinar, or Intensive. I find that Heaven Agents have successfully received Source Guidance when riding The Source Intelligence Wave that emanates from me in person but have failed to sustain their ability to continue receiving Direct Source Guidance when they are not with me in person. They tend to become reliant on The Source Intelligence Wave and don’t push through the barriers within their own consciousness to establish a reliable set of Skill Sets for accessing Direct Source Guidance in the moment when they are on their own and need it to take the Next Step on their Heaven Agent Mission.
While working online in this way may require some serious introspection on your part to understand your own process and why you are clearer on some days and not as clear on others, as long as you know that your life depends on developing the Skill Sets for getting the Direct Source Guidance that enables you to become sustainable, you will not allow your Suit to dodge the inevitable learning curve challenges that will occur and sign off to living the Self-Directed Life that will be its undoing. You will need to be at the helm of your life guiding your Suit to persevere until real proficiency is attained.
This is not unlike the perseverance needed to learn a foreign language or master a skill that requires clarity about the conditions that exist when things work and when they do not work.
Since the Story Culture does not value receiving detailed, moment-to-moment Source Guidance as a life skill, you will have to stand your ground with your Suit if it wants to devalue the learning process and return to its customary way of life which includes keying off of what others are doing and what is validated in Story Culture.
The Path to Total Abundance is a Path that you can only travel if you sign off of living a Story Way of Life and sign onto living a Source-Directed Way of Life. Only with the miracles and guidance of the Source can you escape from The Culture of Scarcity that is the foundation of The Story Way of Life and enter into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
Each Source Reality Station is equipped with Research, Action, and Communication Centers for each of The Total Abundance Way of Life Projects that are in focus in The Total Abundance Movement. As The Total Abundance Movement expands, new Projects will be added to The Source Reality Station.
Within The Project Research Center are the Miracle Tools for the Project. Most Projects work only with The Total Abundance Next Step Screen. Some Projects work in addition with a Source-Created Graphic that has become a Miracle Tool or with other Miracle Tools that can be referenced through the Next Step Screen. The Total Abundance Screen Project works with all six of the Total Abundance Screens.
In The Project Action Center is The Source Plan Button that is Miracle Linked to trigger The Activation Matrix which sends Source Power to the Material Energy Factory of your manifestation so that you can generate Material Energy to be used to ground the miracles that support whatever Next Step has been referenced in your research on a particular Total Abundance Screen. If your Original Material Energy Factory is not functioning well enough to produce enough Material Energy, the Source Power will be sent to your Auxiliary Material Energy Factory which can produce a limited amount of Material Energy until the negative energy that is clogging up your Original Material Energy Factory has been removed so that it can produce more Material Energy.
Also in the Action Center you can attune to the Source-Guided Heaven Agent Work that you need to do to support the Project. This is Heaven Agent Work that requires using your unique Miracle-Based Abilities that are a part of your Spiritual Function.
In The Project Communication Center you can send me a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report of what you discovered in your Research and what Actions you were Source-Guided to take. You can also report any information you have about our Inner Plane Interactions concerning your Report or our work in general on the issues that were raised.
I will respond with Inner Plane At-a-Distance Source Support and will post Online Source Responses and other Source Communications when it is within the scope of my Source Workflow to do so. I will often respond to a number of Reports from you in a single Source Response.
It is important to work daily in your Source Reality Station doing the research that expands your range of understanding and your Skill Sets in receiving Source Guidance and working as a Steward of The Miracle of Life.
The Source Reality Station is available to Heaven Agents who have requested At-a-Distance Source Support which provides necessary Inner Plane Source Interventions as well as Inner Plane Coaching and Asynchronous Online Coaching support. This kind of work is open to those who are enrolled in either The Total Abundance Program or The Source Connection Coaching Program. Both Programs qualify you to receive Coaching at different levels of Source Power and advancement.
Both Programs do not require a Financial Exchange to enter into the Program and do not require any fixed Financial Exchange for being in the Program. All aspects of the Program are individually designed to fit with your financial means and your needs as a Heaven Agent. You decide at each step of the way whether you wish to take the Next Step that is optimal for you. I provide a Gifted Coaching Program Assessment of your readiness to begin and periodic Gifted Online Source Guidance once you are in the Program.
Both Programs require that your Suit be upholding The Standard of Heaven Agreement on both the Inner and Outer Planes. The Standard of Heaven Agreement establishes the Standard for maintaining the Miracle-Friendly Working Relationship with me and the Miracle-Friendly Field in your life which make it possible for you to receive miracles from the Source. If the Miracle-Friendly Conditions are not present, the miracles can be created for you but will not land in your life. Since The Source Reality Station itself is a Total Abundance Miracle and all Coaching Support from the Source through my Manifestation is also a miracle, maintaining a Miracle-Friendly Field is the #1 criteria for receiving Source Support of this kind.
The Total Abundance Program requires a less advanced Miracle-Friendly Field than The Source Connection Coaching Program. Heaven Agents can enter into The Total Abundance Program and advance to The Source Connection Coaching Program when they are able to sustain a more complex Miracle-Friendly Field to support more advanced levels of work in The Coaching Program.
To better understand The Standard of Heaven Agreement, I recommend that you read it at:
The first step to entering into one of the two Coaching Programs is to fill out the form provided below which is an Assessment of your Suit’s spiritual readiness to work with the Source in this way. I will respond with information on whether your Suit qualifies for either one of the Coaching Programs. If your Suit is not yet ready, then I will provide information on Next Steps to take to help your Suit get prepared.
I will also provide information on the level of At-a-Distance Source Support that I would recommend given your level of spiritual advancement and the challenges that you uniquely face in the upcoming stages of The Transition. The goal is to chart a course that will enable you to attain a basic level of proficiency in receiving accurate Source Guidance, working with your Miracle-Based Abilities, and learning how to work on Source-Directed Projects as a Spiritual and Social Activist. Since every Heaven Agent’s path is unique, the Source Recommendation that I will make will be suited to your unique situation. I will suggest what is optimal and we can work together to establish a level of Source Support that you can sustain over time.
You can get an idea of the kind of At-a-Distance Source Support that is optimal in the section below.
A request for a Gifted Coaching Program Assessment is an opportunity to discuss with me your current situation and to receive Source Guidance about The Path to Total Abundance that is possible for you.
You can request a Gifted Coaching Program Assessment by accessing the link provided below.
To progress at optimal speed to keep up with the challenging stages of The Transition, it is best to work diligently and intensely in your Source Reality Station. This requires investing in the Source-Guided Training that enables you to learn:
These are just some of the many levels of learning that can occur through your interaction with me in your Source Reality Station. The Station helps you to center your thoughts and actions in Source Reality so that you learn the most valuable Skill Set of all, which is how to develop a complex and vivid Interaction with me on the Inner Plane that includes getting Source Guidance but also includes all of the Time with the Source that helps you to understand the Source and build The Love Connection which alone will enable you to sustain your Source Connection once I return to my Source Level.
While working with me in person in webinars, intensives, and phone sessions has been helpful in the past, it is important to work with me At-a-Distance since this will be the way that we interact for most of the time that I have remaining on the Earth and the only way that we will interact when I have returned to the Source Level. Learning how to get this level of the Interaction to be strong and clear has to be a #1 Priority for anyone wishing to sustain their Source Connection in the time ahead.
What this means is that you need to think seriously about spending hours of time working in your Source Reality Station and also providing the Material Energy for the At-a-Distance Source Support that enables me to interact with you in a training mode on the Inner and Outer Planes. Since Source Support of this kind is a miracle that requires Material Energy to ground, it is important that you provide it with the kind of Material Energy that is needed for you to ground enough Source Support to learn what you need to learn.
Many Heaven Agents who have been able to get Source Guidance in webinars lack the skills to work effectively with me on ongoing projects. They get sporadic insights and often spend only moments of their days trying to attune and follow the thread of the ongoing Miracle-Based Adventure of their life. With this kind of attentiveness, even dedicated Heaven Agents will fail to secure their Source Connection in the upcoming stages of The Transition and will lose their Source Connection altogether by the end of The Transition. This is because they will not have attained the 100% Source Connection and built the 100% Source-Connected Way of Life that is needed to retain their Source Connection.
For billions of lifetimes beings have put their Source Connection on the back burner and focused on the things that they wanted and feared in their current incarnation. Now there are only a few decades at most left to master the Skill Sets that should have been mastered in the beginning of the Creation. Unless beings bring the picture into focus and get serious about learning the Skills that will save their lives, they will be caught short even before the end of The Transition. They will fail to make the Standard for the upcoming stages of The Transition.
For this reason, I recommend that people requesting a Source Reality Station commit to at least a 6 month period of intense training in the Station. The optimal level of this training is $1200/month for a total of $7200 for the 6 months. After they have achieved a certain baseline level of knowledge and skill, then a maintenance level of training of at least $570/month should be maintained so they continue on their path toward a 100% Source Connection with enough Source Support to make real progress. If they need to work more intensely than this, then they will need to provide the additional Material Energy for the work to progress at a rate that enables them to keep up with the Developmental Sequence that has been created by the Source to enable them to reach the 100% Source Connection before the end of The Transition. Since this differs from one person to another, different amounts of Material Energy will be needed for this goal to be achieved.
I am able to offer interest free Payment Plans to those who would like to sign onto the 6 month Training Program and lack the financial resources to exchange for it in a single payment. When a Payment Plan is created, I borrow the Material Energy from The World that Works Fund to ground the miracles.
Heaven Agents throughout The Universal Community contribute Material Energy to The World that Works Fund to help other Heaven Agents receive the Miracle-Based Training that they need when they need it. The Heaven Agent receiving this kind of Community support gives back to The Universal Community through their monthly Payment Plan which frees up the Material Energy for the sake of other Heaven Agents in need.
If you need a Payment Plan, you can tell me what you can afford per month and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if it can carry your Payment Plan.
If you lack the financial means to sustain the work at the level that is needed, you can request an Assessment of what kind of Source Support can be given. There might be some Gifted Material Energy available from The Universal Heaven Agent Network and there may also be income producing opportunities through The Heaven Economy that will enable you to afford the training that you need.
Since even $1200/month will not cover all of the Material Energy that is needed for my At-a-Distance Source Support of your learning process, it is important to work in the Station to contribute to The Total Abundance Support System. When you contribute you generate Material Energy that can be used to balance the exchange for the Source Support that you do not cover financially.
Part of your contribution is giving your permission to The Miracle School to utilize any Source Guidance, insights, or experiences that you enter into a Heaven Agent Report or in any other form of communication with me to educate others in The Universal Community. These experiences will be presented generically without reference to your name. You will be referred to as a Heaven Agent who contributed information that is of value to the Community. In this way you will be helping to expand the Collective Knowledge Base of the Community. This will also help others who are not working with me in Online Source Reality Stations to learn how to work in their Inner Plane Source Reality Stations to contribute the knowledge that needs to come from them to the Collective Knowledge Base. Since your Prototyping Work with the Source Reality Station and the Miracle Tools in the Station will help all beings, it is important that relevant understandings be shared with the Community.
Most of this sharing will occur in Inner Plane Source Communications and some of it will be reflected in Source News Reports on the Projects or in other materials developed as a part of my work to disseminate information to the Global and Universal Communities.
You will need to fill out a form when signing up for the Station that reflects your understanding of this part of the work and your willingness to contribute in this way.
For more details on how to provide the Correct Exchange, you can go to the section on How to Request a Source Reality Station.
If you are ready to begin work in one of the two Coaching Programs, have worked out the details for the level of the Coaching Program that is right for you, and have provide the Correct Exchange for setting up your Source Reality Station as well as supporting the At-a-Distance Source Support Intervention, then I will set up your Station online and will provide you with the link. You can then go into the Station and start sending Heaven Agent Reports from the Station to me as you work on The Total Abundance Way of Life Projects in your Station.
The Source Reality Station was created to provide you with a place in Source Reality where you can:
This Source Solution Miracle is part of The Total Abundance Project and is a Total Abundance Miracle Tool.
It provides you with an opportunity to Become Love in Action supporting Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Social Activism.
For those who are new to working with the Source, the key concept in connecting to a Source-Created Miracle is providing the Material Energy that is required to bring the miracle to the level of Spiritual Materiality where it is needed.
No Material Energy is needed to create the miracle which is freely given by the Source. The Material Energy is needed to ground the miracle so that it can come into your life or into the life of a loved one.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground a miracle varies according to the type of miracle that is to be grounded. The Design Aspect of the Source, who creates the miracles, determines the amount of Material Energy that will be needed for any particular miracle to be delivered to the being for whom it is intended.
Beings were created to generate the Material Energy that is needed to ground all of the miracles that they need from the Source. Because beings have forgotten how to generate this Material Energy and have sustained Suit Damage that impairs their ability to produce Material Energy, the Source has created a miracle that enables them to provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange. The Financial Exchange carries the Material Energy from the work that was done to earn the funds for the exchange. While a Financial Exchange provides only a low level of Material Energy, it is a blessing to those who have not yet learned how to generate the Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
A financial equivalent of the amount of Material Energy that is needed is provided here for those who lack the skill to generate the right amount of Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
The amount of Material Energy that is required to ground the miracle of The Source Reality Station is US $700. The Universal Heaven Agent Network is gifting $50 of this amount to support Heaven Agents wishing to get trained to contribute to The Universal Team Work that is needed to survive the final stage of The Transition. This means that a Heaven Agent will only need to provide the balance which is US $650.
If you would like a Source Reality Station, then you can access the link provided below.
If you would like a Source Reality Station but need an interest free Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on the amount per month that you can provide, and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if there is enough Material Energy in the Fund for me to deliver a Source Reality Station to you now and enable you to reimburse the Fund by your payments over time. (The World that Works Fund contains stored Material Energy donated by Source-Directed Activists. As you reimburse the fund, you free up funds to help other Source-Directed Activists.)
You will need to both complete the Financial Exchange and fill out the Participation Form below which acknowledges your agreement to The Heaven Agent Agreement, The Standard of Heaven Agreement, and the use of relevant information from your work by The Miracle School. This information, as mentioned earlier is to contribute to the Knowledge Base of the Community.
The Correct Exchange for the Six Month Training Program is US $7200. This covers all At-a-Distance Source Support which includes Source Interventions and Inner and Outer Plane Coaching. The Outer Plane Coaching is Online Asynchronous Coaching through Source Communications posted in your Source Reality Station.
1Any Live Sessions set up during the training period require additional Material Energy. The amount needed can be discussed if this level of Source Support is requested.
If you can provide the Correct Exchange in a single payment, you can access the link provided below. When you provide this much Material Energy in one payment, you generate additional savings through The Open Door Miracle. In this case the additional savings is US $500 which can be applied toward continuing At-a-Distance Source Support in your Station or toward any other form of Source Support.
If you would like to request a Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on your situation and the amount per month that you can provide and I will email you with information on what is possible given the reserves available in The World that Works Fund.
If you are an advanced Heaven Agent and would like to request some At-a-Distance Support but do not need the full Training Program, you can request a Gifted Source Reality Station Assessment by accessing the link provided below.
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It is vitally important that Heaven Agents worldwide learn the Skill Sets for receiving accurate and detailed Source Guidance, working on Source-Directed Projects, utilizing their unique Miracle-Based Abilities in Solo and Team Work, and contributing to the Collective Knowledge Base for the Global and Universal Community. The best way to accomplish this is through their work in a Source Reality Station.
The Prototyping Work that can be done by a Heaven Agent working in on Online Station will help those who lack the means to work with me in this way but who need help in understanding how to work in their Inner Plane Source Reality Station to contribute to The Total Abundance Movement.
By providing Financial Support to Heaven Agents who would like to receive the At-a-Distance Source Support that is needed to learn how to work in a Source Reality Station Online but who lack the financial means to support the Training Program, you are investing in the future of The Global Total Abundance Community. You are also helping to build the Universal Total Abundance Community that is awaiting the Prototyping Work that needs to be done on the Earth to support the work on Total Abundance in communities throughout the Creation.
It will take the work of many Heaven Agents to achieve Total Abundance on the Earth and in the Creation as a whole. Part of the Team Work that to ensure Total Abundance is the support that members of the Heaven Agents Community on the Earth provide to other Heaven Agents to enable them to receive the training that they need to contribute what is theirs to contribute to the Total Abundance of all beings.
It is in your Mission to give to support The Work of the Source. Ask for Inner Source Guidance about how much it is yours to contribute financially and then make your Contribution to The World that Works Fund for this Campaign in the form provided below.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
Fields marked with are required.
Sign up for Connecting to receive News Updates on Source Solution Miracles & Source-Directed Activism Projects and to gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based, Source-Directed Activist Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gifted videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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