The Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Training Hub


 Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists

committed to supporting

The Work of the Source

to help themselves and others transition into

the Heaven of a Total Abundance Way of Life

that sustains a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own






Sherry Daniel, Ph.D. - Founder of The Miracle School

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School


This is the place where you can come to learn about the Source-Directed Miracle-Based Training that is helping Source-Directed Activists to build the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.


The Source-Directed,
Miracle-Based Training Directory


About Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Training


Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Training was created by the Source to enable beings to learn how to build the Heaven of the Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that is needed if they are to experience Life as the Heaven it was created to be and sustain their Source Connection, their Link to Life. 


This Training is now urgently needed because the Creation is in the midst of The Transition, the most massive Universal Spiritual Change since the beginning of the Creation.


Every Suit has an onboard Miracle that knows how to work with the Source to enable the Suit to retain its Source Connection.  Training in The Miracle School is Training for how to support the work of the Miracle so that the Suit retains its Link to Life and its ability to have a chance to experience Life as Heaven. 


For a full understanding of this kind of Training, you can reference the information in The Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Training Project.



About The Directory 


The Three Types of Training 

In the Directory, I have divided up the Training into three categories:


Comprehensive Full Power Training includes:

  • At-a-Distance (see the description below)
  • In-Person (see the description below)


At-a-Distance Training includes:

  • Inner Plane work such as Inner Plane Miracle-Based Coaching that reaches only the Extended Range of Consciousness of the Suit that is often outside of the conscious awareness of the Suit and
  • Training that is a combination of Inner Plane and Outer Plane Work as when a Heaven Agent works with me in an Online Station, such as the Working Relationship Station.  In the Station they are actively engaged in their Conscious Range in interacting with the Source Communications and energies that I send through the Station. Their Extended Range is also working with me on the Inner Plane.


In-Person Training includes:

  • Outer Plane interactions where I am physically present and interacting with the Heaven Agent either remotely in a phone session, an online meeting, a webinar, or in The Source Connection Center in Seattle.
  • These interactions occur within the context of Outer Plane Miracle-Based Coaching. There are five levels of this kind of coaching. Only on Levels 4 and 5 does a student enter into a Miracle-Based Coaching Program where they work extensively with me on a one-to-one basis. After admission into a Coaching Program, individual and group Miracle-Based Coaching Sessions and Intensives can be scheduled.


Training through Materials in Other Hubs

Miracle-Based Training occurs as Heaven Agents work with Source Solution Miracles and Build Heaven Projects and learn from articles in The Source News Hub and in The Source Connection Station. Links to these Hubs are listed because they provide a more extensive listing of the Training that is possible through these modalities.


The Two Levels of Training

There are two levels of Miracle-Based Training. These are:

  • Gifted Miracle-Based Training at an Introductory Level
  • Miracle-Based Training that requires Material Energy from the student to ground the miracles called upon in the Training 


Many Source Workflow Trainings, including the Written Source Workflow Trainings that go with The Core Course, have a Gifted part of the Training and a Full Power part that provides more powerful and complex miracles that require more Material Energy to ground. The Gifted part is the miracle of Basic Spiritual Code. The Universal Heaven Agent Network provides the Material Energy needed for this level of Spiritual Code for members of Connecting.  The Full Power part of the Training that requires a Correct Exchange from the student is for the complex miracle of Full Power Spiritual/Seed Code. Students in a Miracle-Based Coaching Program are eligible for Full Power Code. 


The highest level of Training is available to those who sign up for The Correct Exchange Project.  (See the section below on Comprehensive Training for more information.)


How to Get Started

The first step is to Sign Up for The Correct Exchange Project.  To understand what this means, you can watch the Video Series, The Miracle of Total Abundance.  



Comprehensive At-a-Distance and
In-Person Full Power Training 

Training has now shifted to work with the Source in The Correct Exchange Project.  Those who sign up for this Project are given guidance on what Miracle-Based Trainings to work with through Next Step Source Guidance that enables them to access all of the forms of Training that are available on the Inner and Outer Planes. These include a mix of At-a-Distance Miracle-Based Trainings and In-Person Trainings.  They draw on the Miracle-Based Trainings listed below and also include access to Trainings that are not listed here because they are only available to Heaven Agents who work with the Source on The Correct Exchange Project.


Heaven Agents who sign up for The Correct Exchange Project are provided with the most advanced trainings,  information, and opportunities to work with the Source to manifest the Total Abundance that is needed for the Ultimate Sustainability of their Source Connection. At present, I only offer Miracle-Based Coaching to those who have signed up for The Correct Exchange Project because this Signup opens the door to the maximum level of Source Support.


These Heaven Agents are following in the footsteps of the Prototype Communities who first committed to doing The Correct Exchange with the Source and then were given the highest level of training. This training is what enabled them to achieve Total Abundance. 


Heaven Agents in the Project can access the most advanced Trainings, which are Correct Exchange Trainings. They also have access to The Correct Exchange Project Resource Station where they receive information on what is happening in the Creation that is only available to those who have committed to working with the Source to learn how to do The Correct Exchange. They are at the forefront of what is happening in The Work of the Source to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance for the sake of all beings.


To learn more and sign up for The Correct Exchange Project, you can go to the video series:



At-a-Distance Miracle-Based Training

The Source Workflow Training Directory

Basic Training Course: The Master Foundation Building Project: Building The Culture of Heaven

Master Action Plan #1

Master Action Plan #2

Master Action Plan #3

Master Action Plan #4

Master Action Plan #5

Master Action Plan #6

Written Source Workflow Trainings

The Directory for Written Source Workflow Trainings  

Recorded Trainings Series

The Working Relationship Training Series

The Sustainability Timeline Training Series

The Time with the Source Training Series

The Source Will Materialization Series

The Source Solution Network Series

Recorded Individual and Group Sessions

Source Workflow Training Sessions

Working Relationship Training Sessions

Transcribed Individual and Group Sessions

Source Workflow Training Sessions

Working Relationship Training Sessions

Special Request Source-Directed Projects

Life that Works Projects

Inner Plane or Online Individual Working Relationship Sessions

How to Request a Working Relationship Session  

Training through The Dream Heaven Campaign – See The Dream Heaven Campaign Workstation  for links.

Training through Source Solution Miracles See The Source Solution Miracle Hub for links.

Training through Build Heaven Training Projects – See The Build Heaven Training Project Hub for Links to the Projects

Training through Source News Reports in The Source Connection Station and in The Source News Hub 

Training through Gifted Videos, Audios, and Written Trainings – See Gifted Source-Directed Activism Information and Training for links

In-Person Miracle-Based Training

Introductory Information about Outer Plane Miracle-Based Coaching

Working Relationship Sessions

Source Call to Action Mission Session Trainings 

available only to those signed up for The Correct Exchange Project 

Miracle-Based Coaching 

How to Request a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment

The Source Connection Coaching Program  


Modalities Available for Sessions for Individuals


Online Meetings

The Seattle Source Connection Center


Modalities Available for Sessions for Groups


The Seattle Source Connection Center