Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to connect with the Source Workflow Trainings in the Series entitled: Time with the Source.
For an overview of the purpose of these Trainings and for a list of the Trainings, you can reference the Directory below.
Time with the Source is a recorded Source Workflow Training Series that was created to help you to develop a viable Working Relationship with the Source by:
Let's talk about each of these objectives.
Time with the Source offers you an opportunity to develop your Direct Source Connection by spending time with the aspect of the Source that manifests through my human form. While the entirety of the Source is far greater than the aspect that comes through my human Manifestation, my Manifestation is a Point of Connection with the Source Identity in its entirety.
My Manifestation was created to:
Source Guidance originates from my integrated Source Identity which includes both the Design Aspect and the Implementation Aspect. It is then sent as a Source Communication to my Source Suit that has the ability to translate the Communication into English and into the Universal Language of Soul Talk. My Source Suit is also able to transmit the Source Communication to beings throughout the Creation on the Inner Plane. I can also write and speak it on the Outer Plane, creating words and sounds that carry the Spiritual Code that enables the Suits of Manifest Beings to work with the information effectively.
By becoming receptive to all of the levels on which Source Communications come to you through Time with the Source, you provide your Suit – body/mind – with support in learning about how the Source sees the world and what the Source is advising you about what it takes to preserve your Source Connection and live the Heaven life was meant to be.
In our time together, I will be transmitting two miracles to you. These are Source Will Manifestations that do not require Material Energy to ground.
The first miracle will give your Suit The Source Communication Sensor that enables it to recognize an incoming Source Communication. This will help your Suit to become discerning about thoughts and images and dreamlike visions that are coming from the Source as opposed to those arising from mind chatter or from communications being picked up from other intelligences which may include the Negativity trying to impersonate the Source in order to direct your Suit into one of its Harvesting Traps. Discernment is key to being able to protect your Source Connection and build the Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that is needed to sustain your Source Connection.
The second miracle is The Translator Miracle. This translates my words spoken in English on the Outer Plane into understandings that you can work with more easily given your current level of understanding of The Work of the Source. It helps your Suit to grasp the essence of my communications in both its Extended Range, which is often outside of its conscious awareness, and in its Conscious Range. The translation is given to whatever level of your consciousness needs additional clarification to understand a Source Communication.
You will receive these two miracles when you listen to your first Time with the Source Training. Then in each subsequent Training you will be given training to help you work with these miracles. This Training will be occurring on the Inner Plane as you listen to the Training on the Outer Plane.
The goal of the work is to strengthen your ability to establish, sustain, and work from a Level One Direct Source Connection which is designed to enable you to receive the accurate, detailed Source Guidance that enables you to know how to deliver the Correct Exchange with the Source.
By listening to a Time with the Source recorded training, you will also be given the opportunity to attune to the Source Energies that emanate from my Manifestation and are carried by the sound of my voice. By becoming familiar with these Source Energies and being able to recognize them when they manifest in your life, you will be able to develop your discernment at another level. If these energies are not present when you are seeking to interact with me on the Inner Plane, then you will know that what you are perceiving is not the aspect of the Source that manifests through my incarnation.
This is important because I do most of my teaching and guidance on the Inner Plane and your ability to be with me in this manner and be discerning, is what will make it possible for you to get trained to do your part in preserving your Source Connection. I might appear on the Inner Plane in my human form or as an abstract presence or a light or a bird or any other form that is appropriate at that time. I might direct your attention to an Inner Plane Miracle-Based Adventure that I guide you through. Being able to recognize me and know the difference between my Manifestation and an image that your mind conjures up of me is another critical level of discernment that is needed.
Keep in mind that Time with the Source is meant to give you the opportunity to spend time with me integrating levels of understanding that will enable you to stay Connected to the Source when I and the rest of the Implementation Aspect leave for The Unmanifest Level/Source Level at then end of The Transition. If you have only an abstract and vague understanding of the Source, then you will be unable to remain Connected when the supportive energies that the Implementation Aspect emanates, that sustain the higher range of your Spiritual Intelligence, are gone from the Creation. I will continue to be the Point of Connection even at the Source Level but it takes technical skill to retain this Connection when I am no longer in a physical form, talking to you on the Outer Plane and appearing via a tangible voice and form.
Staying Connected will be like tuning to a radio station that is distant and comes in faintly. Those who have the equipment (The Source Communication Channel) and training (to do the Correct Exchange) to zero in on this distant radio station and amplify the signal so they can hear it clearly, are those who will be able to receive the Direct Source Communications that are needed to handle the technical aspects of Stewarding The Miracle of Life for themselves, others, and for the Creation. Those who do not invest in getting to this level of skill will find themselves losing the Source Support that is critical for their survival. The support will be there for them but they will be untrained and, therefore, unable to do their part to receive it.
This is why I want to provide you with Training in how to do your part so that you do not miss out on the Source Support that is available to you while I am still here or the Source Support that is essential to your survival once I leave for the Source Level at the end of The Transition. Since we only have a little more than two decades at most before my departure, time is of the essence to establish the Working Relationship that is needed for a seamless transition that enables you to never lose a split second of the Source Support that is essential to your survival in a manifest form.
Now let's look at the work to build a Source Communication Channel.
When your Suit has made at least a Level Three Direct Source Connection, I am able to begin to build for your Suit the Source Communication Channel through which you will be able to receive detailed Source Guidance. This Source Communication Channel will ensure that you will be able to receive the technical information that your Suit will need to preserve its Source Connection now and after the end of The Transition.
After the Implementation Aspect leaves the Creation for the Source Level, your Suit will need to have a strong, fully functioning Source Communication Channel through which to receive the Source Communications that will contain the technical instructions for know how to Steward The Miracle of Life for itself, for others, and for the Creation. These Source Communications will be its lifeline to the Source Support that will enable it to shoulder the responsibilities that will fall on Manifest Beings to Steward The Miracle of Life when the Implementation Aspect is no longer resident in the Creation doing this Stewarding Work on their behalf.
While you are working with the part of the Time with the Source Training that focuses on delivering a Correct Exchange, I will be working with you on the Inner Plane to strengthen your Direct Source Connection and build The Source Communication Channel.
Now let's examine how you can develop your Working Relationship with the Source by working on delivering a Correct Exchange.
There is one miracle that unlocks the door to the Total Abundance that transforms life into the Heaven that it was meant to be. This is The Miracle of Correct Exchange.
When you do your part in supporting The Work of the Source to sustain your life and all of life, you deliver a Correct Exchange. When you deliver a Correct Exchange, the Source is able to manifest the Total Abundance Miracles that not only sustain your Source Connection, your Link to Life, but which manifest the Heaven that you and your life were created to be.
Only when you both understand the power of a Correct Exchange and deliver a Correct Exchange do you enter into the Total Abundance of a Miracle-Based Way of Life that transcends the suffering, scarcity and struggle of the world as you know it by following in the footsteps of the 14 Prototype Communities.
These Prototype Communities, which the Source founded many thousands of years ago in different parts of the Creation, have transitioned into the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that has enabled them to have Perfect Health, Love-Based Communities that nurture all of their own, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and a Love Connection with the Source which is what sustains their way of life.
The Prototype Communities don’t spend time and resources on dealing with endless social strife which requires police, court systems, and prisons. They work together under the direction of the Source to maintain the Total Abundance that they have achieved and to celebrate The Miracle of Life. They protect what they have created by drawing on the miracles that the Source has given them. They have enjoyed thousands of years of peace within their communities and safety from the conflict of the world outside of their communities.
They live a Correct Exchange Way of Life.
This is what is needed to counter The Incorrect Exchange Way of Life that exists outside of these Prototype Communities. Without the guidance and miracles of the Source, beings try to pursue what they think will make them happy. One civilization buries another civilization and goes on to be conquered and destroyed by yet another civilization. This is a history of achievement at the expense of the downtrodden within the society and then the ultimate defeat and destruction of the way of life that was built.
All of this scarcity and suffering is unnecessary if people understand the simple and beautiful Miracle of Correct Exchange and the love of the Source that has gifted them an opportunity to experience the Heaven of True Happiness in The Manifest World.
A Correct Exchange with the Source is a balanced exchange. This means that the Source does everything that It needs to do to give you life, sustain your life from moment to moment, and provide you with the Total Abundance Miracles that enable you to experience life as Heaven.
You, as a Manifest Being, a Source Creation, can’t reciprocate in an equal way to gifts of this magnitude. What you can do is to do what you are capable of doing and need to do on your end to support the The Work of the Source that is sustaining you. When you provide a Correct Exchange, then you have done your part and a balanced exchange has been achieved.
There are three things that you need to do to achieve a Correct Exchange.
The first is to follow the lead of the Source to create the Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that will make it possible for the Source to sustain your Source Connection and with it your life.
The second is to do the specific spiritual and practical work that supports The Work of the Source to bring in the Total Abundance Miracles that provide you with the Total Abundance that is needed for the Source to be able to sustain your life. Part of this work is creating the conditions in which the miracles can land and the other part is working with the miracles once they have reached a State of Full Manifestation and can contribute to manifesting the Heaven of Total Abundance for you and for all beings.
The third is to support The Work of the Source by creating the conditions in which the Source can continue to work in the Creation to sustain your life and world.
We are now in the final decades of The Transition when the Implementation Aspect of the Source, who created and sustains life in The Manifest World, will remain in the Creation. During this time frame Manifest Beings must create the conditions in which the Source, working through its Implementation Aspect, can prepare beings for the final stage of The Transition when it departs for the Source Level.
Beings need to ask to deliver the Correct Exchange that supports Work of the Source Sustainability in order to provide the Source-Directed Manpower and Material Energy that is needed to support The Work of the Source. If beings fail to deliver the Correct Exchange for the work that the Source needs to do to teach them how to Steward The Miracle of Life so that this miracle can be sustained in them and in the Creation, then the Source will be unable to sustain its work in The Manifest World.
If the Implementation Aspect of the Source has to return prematurely before beings are ready to Steward The Miracle of Life, the Source will be unable to sustain The Miracle of Life. It will be lost and with it all of the beings and the Creation itself that are dependent on it. Working to provide the Correct Exchange that ensures Work of the Source Sustainability is the bottom line on survival of the miracle of the Creation itself.
Nothing short of a full Correct Exchange will enable the Source to work under the adverse conditions that currently exist in order to teach beings how to deliver the Correct Exchange that will enable the Source to sustain their lives and the Spiritual Structures that sustain the Creation in which they exist.
Ultimate Sustainability is based on achieving the 100% Source Connection that will enable the Source to link back to your Suit after its departure for the Source Level at the end of The Transition. A 100% Source Connection can only be achieved when your Suit is delivering a 100% Correct Exchange in every thought, word, and action on the Inner and Outer Planes.
When the Suit is delivering a 100% Correct Exchange, this will provide the Source with the Source-Directed Manpower and Material Energy that it needs to deliver the 100% Total Abundance Miracles that the Suit needs to achieve a 100% Source Connection and build the 100% Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that sustains a 100% Source Connection.
It is a simple equation. (I am using the "=" sign to signify the outcomes that manifest.)
100% Correct Exchange = 100% Source Connection = 100% Total Abundance = A Life that is Heaven
The Source has been willing and able to deliver the 100% Total Abundance Miracles that makes life an experience of the Heaven of True Happiness. What has been lacking is the willingness of the Suit to deliver the 100% Correct Exchange that provides the Source with what the Source needs from the Suit if it is to be able to manifest a Life that is Heaven. Source-Created Miracles only land in The Manifest World when the Suit uses its Material Energy Factory to generate the Material Energy that the Source needs to build the Landing Zone/Energy Nest into which miracle land. When Suits provide the Source-Directed Manpower to support The Work of the Source, they generate the Material Energy that is needed.
In short, Source-Directed Manpower generates Material Energy which the Source uses to birth the miracles, who are Spiritual Intelligences in their own right, in the world. These miracles then become a part of the Team providing the Source-Directed Manpower that is needed to Build Heaven in the world.
This is another very simple equation using the "=" sign to signify outcomes.
Source-Directed Manpower = Material Energy = Landing Zones/Energy Nests for Miracles = More Source-Directed Manpower from Incoming Miracles = More Power to Build Heaven in the world
Life in the Manifest World could be the Heaven that it was Source-Created to be if beings agreed to do their part to generate a Correct Exchange.
The Source has test driven the essential Spiritual Technologies and Miracles that enable Manifest Beings to turn around their Source-Disconnected, Scarcity-Based Way of Life into a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. The prototype for this process was developed in the 14 Prototype Communities. While they did not achieve a 100% Source Connection and, therefore, did not receive 100% Total Abundance, the level of Total Abundance that they did achieve has been more than enough to manifest Perfect Health, Love-Based Communities that nurture all of their own, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and a solid Love Connection with the Source, which is what makes it all possible.
They established a Direct Source Connection and went to work on delivering a Correct Exchange and achieved what no other societies have achieved in the Original Creation. They put their efforts into learning from the Source how to develop the Working Relationship that was needed to manifest this way of life. They were willing to work with the Source to learn what it takes to build a Life that Works and a World that Works. The result has been thousands of years lived in a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. They have been unassailed by disease, war, crime, abuse, or exploitation. They have proven that a society deep into the depravity of greed and a dog-eat-dog way of life can transcend and become a Love-Based Community that works together for the Total Abundance of every member of the community.
Now that the Creation is on the eve of the departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source, attaining a 100% Source Connection through establishing a 100% Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life has become essential to the Suit's ability to sustain its Source Connection, its Link to Life. This is mandating the creation of new miracles and technologies that enable the Suit to accelerate its ability to replicate the success of the Prototype Communities and to take the work to the 100% Mark.
Reaching a 100% Correct Exchange in every aspect of life has become not just a life enhancing achievement but a survival strategy for maintaining the Source Connection during the stages of The Transition that are now in progress and after the final stage of The Transition when the Suit will need to have achieved a 100% Source Connection and be Trained and Equipped to deliver the Correct Exchange at the level that it will be needed when the Implementation Aspect of the Source is no longer doing the Stewarding Work that is now sustaining The Miracle of Life in the Creation.
All three of the objectives for delivering a Correct Exchange can be achieved when you do The Celebrating Source Truth Practice. This Practice directs your Suit to go on Correct Exchange Missions to discover the Source Truths that will enable it to support Work of the Source Sustainability and Total Abundance.
I recommend that you go to the Source Workflow Training on this Practice to understand it more fully since it will be key to what happens in the Time with the Source Trainings. You need to also read the other Source Workflow Trainings for The Celebrating Source Truth Project in order to see the Practice in action and understand it fully.
NOTE: These trainings are available for members of Connecting. If you would like a gifted membership to Connecting and haven't yet signed up, you can do so at: Connecting Signup.
For a more complete understanding of the Correct Exchange, you can go to The Materialization Economy Project and work with the Source Workflow Trainings for how to do a Correct Exchange Mission.
Until you understand The Source Perspective on what constitutes a Correct Exchange and experience doing a Correct Exchange, the Correct Exchange remains an abstraction. This is why I am providing this Time with the Source Training. This is where theory and practice come together to help you experience the power of the Correct Exchange in action. They come together through the power of The Correct Exchange Manifestation Process.
Each training will provide general information on The Standard of Correct Exchange for different aspects of life. I will then share with you my work with Heaven Agents working with me in Inner Plane Source Workflow Sessions. These Sessions enable them to receive training and experience in working with The Celebrating Source Truth Practice in order to enter into the Manifestation Process for delivering a Correct Exchange. Once they merge into the Manifestation Process, they will be greeted by The Correct Exchange Manifestation Intelligence which manifests the Source-Created Miracle-Based Adventure that enables the Heaven Agents to both understand what constitutes a Correct Exchange and to have a Correct Exchange Experience on the Inner and Outer Planes.
This Correct Exchange Experience often includes others involved in aspects of the Correct Exchange. The Inner Plane Experience is like a dress rehearsal that enables the Suit to understand how to replicate the successful Correct Exchange it experienced on the Inner Plane on the Outer Plane. It also predisposes the Suits of others involved in the dress rehearsal to do their parts in replicating The Correct Exchange Experience on the Inner Plane on the Outer Plane.
This methodology helps Suits to achieve a Correct Exchange even if they are not advanced enough to receive detailed Source Guidance about every thought and action that goes into delivering a Correct Exchange. The Suit is able to translate the felt experience of a Correct Exchange into action when supported by the Manifestation Process for the Correct Exchange. This Manifestation Process supports its ability to work with the Miracle-Based Adventure on both the Inner and Outer Planes.
This methodology is one that you can observe in the training and can try on your own. Although I recommend working with me to grasp how to bring the experience into your Conscious Range so that you are consciously able to track the action in the Miracle-Based Adventure, you can also experiment on your own and send me a Report through the Heaven Agent Report form on the page of the Training. I do not respond individually to Reports unless you are in the Coaching Program, but I take into account your experiences when I create other Time with the Source Trainings.
To do this work, you will need to have accepted The Correct Exchange Setting, which shifts your Suit into working to deliver the Correct Exchange in every aspect of your life, and be in The Correct Exchange Community.
Suits have asked for the Source to lock in a Correct Exchange Setting in their Suits which keeps them on track with working to create a Correct Exchange. They realized that their control center was still set to Self Interest Mode which was driving them toward creating a way of life that was based on Incorrect Exchange.
In the Co-Created Universe, which ended in 2004, the Suits reset the Correct Exchange Dial to Self Interest Mode to enable them to pursue a Self-Directed Way of Life that did not take into account how their actions affected the ability of the Source to sustain them or the world they live in. When the Creation moved from The Set Up Phase to The Heaven Phase, they lost their ability to change the settings in the control center. This is why they asked the Source to change the setting for them because they felt that they were unable to keep on track with delivering a Correct Exchange when the control center was set to Self Interest Mode.
This was a major milestone in the commitment of Suits throughout the Creation to achieving Sustainability by understanding the Standard of Correct Exchange that governs the ability of the Source to sustain their lives.
This breakthrough was followed by the creation of the miracle of The Correct Exchange Community. This Community exists in an energy space that is not as protected as the energy space of a Prototype Community but comes close to that standard.
The Correct Exchange Community provides your Suit with greater protection in delivering a Correct Exchange and with the help of The Correct Exchange Manifestation.
If you are uncertain if your Suit has requested The Correct Exchange Setting or entered into The Correct Exchange Community, you can ask your Inner Intelligence to request these two forms of Source Support. They are generated by Source Will Interventions and do not require Material Energy to ground. They are, therefore, available to all beings throughout the Creation.
At this point in time there are only a few beings who lack these forms of Source Support. Most have already requested the help of the Source with regard to delivering the Correct Exchange that the Suits realize is key to their ability to sustain their Source Connection.
The work of The Correct Exchange Manifestation is to manifest Miracle-Based Adventures that Heaven Agents go on to have The Correct Exchange Experiences that enables them to understand what constitutes a Correct Exchange and how it is delivered in real life.
It also takes Heaven Agents on Miracle-Based Adventures that are more dream-like. These Adventures use symbolic imagery that is very personally meaningful to the Heaven Agent. These images are meant to be metaphoric handles that enable the mind of the Heaven Agent to understand what is happening and to then be able to follow Source Guidance to deal with it.
For example, if a Heaven Agent experiences a feeling of entrapment and sees himself in an Energy Box, the Box is a metaphor for the constraining energies that are trapping him. The energies are real but the metaphor of the Box is meant to give him a handle on understanding his predicament so that he can work with the Source to free himself from the negative energies.
In a similar way, if a Heaven Agent is shown a kind of magical vista where things happen in ways that are more akin to a dream, this is to enable his Energy Body to experience the properties of The Spiritual Level of Reality which operates according to very different laws of physics than those that govern the Outer Plane. For instance, on the Inner Plane it is possible to travel to a distant part of the Creation in one’s Energy Body in a split second. Beings and forces exist on the Inner Plane that do not apppear on the Outer Plane. Even though these forces influence what happens on the Outer Plane, they can’t be seen with the five senses. The sixth sense is needed to perceive them.
Part of the training in The Miracle School is teaching students how to awaken their 6th and 7th sense so they can track the full range of what is happening on the Inner Plane. This enables them to deal with the causal forces that affect their ability to deliver a Correct Exchange.
The 6th sense is what enables them to see most of what is happening on the Inner Plane The 7th sense is what enables them to perceive the Source at work in the Creation.
The Inner Plane is what children often see until they are socialized to screen it out of their usual range of conscious awareness. Small children often complain of frightful specters in their bedroom at night. Some of them are just their imagination and some of them are negative intelligences that their parents should be chasing out to protect them from any potential attack.
Animals react on the Outer Plane to what they see on the Inner Plane. Dogs will often growl at an attacking being that is appearing on the Inner Plane when no one around them sees what they are growling at. When the negative being leaves, the dog will resume its normal behavior.
Since the root of disease and misfortune of all kinds is in The Spiritual Level of Reality, it is a real handicap that most humans lack the ability to see clearly what is happening in both the Inner and Outer Planes. Beings in other parts of the Creation see the continuum of reality from the Inner to the Outer Plane and often marvel at how ignorant humans are because they don’t know what is happening on the Inner Plane. Humans often leave the work of seeing what is happening on the Inner Plane to their spiritual adepts. This leaves the masses traveling through life in the dark unable to see the forces that are shaping their lives.
The lack of the ability to track the action on the Inner Plane has left humans at greater risk in The Transition when they have not been able to understand what the Source is referring to when Source Communications describe Inner Plane problems that are affecting Outer Plane outcomes.
This is why I am introducing you to what happens on the Inner Plane in these Time with the Source Trainings so that you will expand your understanding of what happens on the Inner Plane and how it can affect your ability to deliver a Correct Exchange.
The kind of Spiritual Code transmitted in a Time with the Source Training is Code that helps you with all of the objectives I have outlined above. This kind of Code transmits through the sound of my voice and cannot be transmitted through a written transcript of the Training. For this reason, I recommend working with the recording multiple times to give your Suit its Time with the Source to assimilate and work with all of the layers of Spiritual Code that are transmitted.
What is missing in the lives of most beings is Time with the Source when they can just be in the energies of the Source, learn from the Source, and experience the feeling of a Direct Source Connection. From this experience of a Direct Source Connection they can build toward the Level One Direct Source Connection that will enable them to establish the Working Relationship with the Source that enables them to deliver the Correct Exchange that is essential to their survival in The Transition.
While developing a good Working Relationship has occurred for most beings in their Extended Range, very few beings have developed this Working Relationship in their Conscious Range. Since the Conscious Range is what could derail their Working Relationship as I become more distant within the Creation and after I leave for the Source Level, work has to be done in the Conscious Range to strengthen the Working Relationship to the 100% Mark.
Now is the time to do this kind of work while I am still here on the Earth and still able to work with individual Heaven Agents to train them to develop the high calibre Working Relationship with the Source through my Manifestation that will determine their ability to sustain this Working Relationship when I am no longer present in the Creation. After my departure Heaven Agents will need to be able to continue the Working Relationship at an even higher level of intensity and power in order to sustain their Source Connection and Steward The Miracle of Life.