Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to work on implementing Master Action Plan #2 which enables you to open the Heart Chakra Receptor to information on The Source Perspective.
Below you will find an Overview of the resources in this Workstation which include a Heaven Agent Report form that enables you to inform me of your experiences in working with implementing The Action Plan.
The Seed Trainings are based on Soul Talk Source Workflow Trainings which means that the Heaven Agents working with me in the Source Workflow Sessions are coming in on the Inner Plane through The Soul Talk Network. I am conversing with the aspect of their Suit Consciousness that is seeking Source Support for leaning how to develop the Heaven Agents Skill Sets for Stewarding Life.
Members of Connecting can access the Source Report on the Source Workflow Session. This Report carries Basic Spiritual Code which is helpful to the Suit in integrating the concepts discussed in the Session. While this is helpful Code, it does not constitute the full power of The Seed Training. A Full Power Seed Training includes the complex Seed Code for the Training. This compliments the Basic Code that is transmitted in the Report of the Session. With Seed Code you can access everything that your Suit needs to work effectively with The Heaven Ray.
If you would like to read the Report, and you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can sign up by accessing the link provided below. All Source-Directed Activist Training Materials available through Connecting are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network who supplies the Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracle of the Basic Code that is transmitted through the training materials. When you sign up for Connecting, you not only gain access to all of the videos, audios, and written trainings that are available, but you also receive emailed Source News Updates on The Work of the Source on The Total Abundance Movement which is manifesting the Heaven of Total Abundance for all beings.
The Full Power Seed Training contains the Source Report on the Session as well as the Seed Code that is transmitted to your Suit to provide it with all of the complex understandings that it will need to have to work effectively with The Heaven Ray.
To access Seed Trainings, you can reference the Source Workflow Trainings listed below.
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Source Workflow Sessions occur whenever I am approached on the Inner or Outer Plane by a Heaven Agent who is seeking my support in dealing with an issue in their life or in the world. If the Session is in keeping with my Source Workflow and the participants have supplied the Material Energy needed to ground the miracles that will be needed in the Session, then I am able to perform the work.
To maintain the privacy of those approaching me on the Outer Plane for Sessions of this kind, I do not transcribe what occurred in the Session.
I prefer to transcribe Sessions that occur with beings who approach me on the Inner Plane. They provide an interesting view into the inner workings of the Extended Range of the Suit, which is the part of the consciousness of the being that primarily works with me in an Inner Plane Session. The Extended Range is generally outside of the conscious awareness of the Suit.
Because most of my work that transforms lives occurs through such Inner Plane Coaching Sessions, it is important for students to understand how I work with them in Sessions of this kind.
Once I depart for the Source Level at the end of The Transition, all of my Sessions will be Inner Plane Sessions. It is, therefore, important that Heaven Agents learn how to work in this way with me so that we can continue our Working Relationship once I leave The Manifest World.
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Reality-Based Trainings are fictive accounts that either provide The Source Perspective on the kinds of experiences that:
These accounts are given to me by the Design Aspect and transcribed as given. They are rich in Code and provide a level of information that doesn't surface in other contexts.
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General Source Response Trainings provide Heaven Agents with feedback on their efforts to implement an Action Plan. Many of the questions and comments come in from Heaven Agents contacting me on the Inner Plane. In some instances groups of Heaven Agents or Suits themselves will interact with me directly.
For Heaven Agents communicating with me through the Heaven Agent Report Form for the Action Plan, I answer to the issues raised and do not provide verbatim reports or the names of the contributing Heaven Agents. For feedback that requires a very personal level, I communicate with the Heaven Agent in their online Communication Center.
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The Source Support Miracles that are particularly recommended for this Action Plan are:
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The key to transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life is actively learning form the Total Abundance Way of Life Projects and putting what you learn into practice in your life. When you do this and have experiences to share, then it is important to submit a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report that will enable me to track your experiences and create from your understandings the Secondary Code that will help others to benefit from what you are learning.
This is an important way in which you can contribute to The Work of the Source on a Total Abundance Way of Life Project.
It is important to ask to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source so that what you share is what you are Source-Directed to share with me concerning the Project. If you are not certain that what you are sharing comes from Source Guidance, you can do the best you can to stay aligned with the Source and to remain in Helping the Source Mode when writing your Report. I can interpret whatever images you receive if they are from Source Guidance and determine if what you are sharing is Source Directed and, therefore, useful for the work of the Project.
If what you have provided is information that needs to be shared with other Heaven Agents, I will summarize your contribution in an upcoming Source News Report. I do not include your name and I paraphrase what you have written. If you are working with me in a Coaching Program I will respond to you individually when it is in keeping with my Source Workflow with regard to my work with you in the Coaching Program.
You can share:
To submit your Report, you can access the form provided below.
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Sign up for Connecting receive updates on The Total Abundance Movement as well as on all of the Source-Directed, Spiritual Activism Projects and Campaigns that are a part of it. You will also gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
These Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gfited videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Be on the lookout for this email.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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