December 22nd, 2013

The Aftermath of the December 20th Vibrational Shift

Filed in What's Happening

This Shift happened smoothly. The Universal Support Field rose up to the 7.3 Vibrational Level without any element of the Negativity trying to interfere with the rise.


9% of the population in the Creation experienced a complete collapse of their chakras and energy systems.  Fortunately, due to a Source Solution for accelerated repair, Spiritual Death was prevented in 99.99% of the cases.  Either the original Soul was relinked to a repaired spiritual structure or a new Soul was brought in to man the Suit.


At this level of vibration, Hell structures crumbled rapidly, freeing the world of Hell Sound Fields, Hell Manifestation Fields, entities, arsenals of weapons, and the like.  Anything running off of low vibrational energies disintegrated.


As time progressed, however, I discovered that the Negativity had planned another tactic for sustaining their Hell Reality and this was through drawing on structures and weapons that ran on a rare form of Source Power that had been entrusted to Source Power Beings who were given the ability to move quantities of Source Power around to different parts of the Creation where it was needed. No caches of this kind of Source Power were left in the Creation but structures, entities, and weapons that had been created from it existed in a latent pre-manifest state.  When the Shift occurred, they activated on schedule and became a major menace to life in the Creation.


I am still working to retire all of this category of aberrant creations in order to stabilize the situation and start to re-establish structures for Life as Heaven. 

As I am stabilizing the situation, the Good News is that there isn’t the outbreak of Fragmentation Energies that have been released with all of the previous Shifts when so many Fragmented that the fallout was severe enough to fragment many others.  I am hoping that there will be a continuation of a lessening of the load of negativity in the world and that the latent forms of negativity that are arising will be quickly eradicated, issuing in a new era of peace in the Creation as a whole.  


Urgent Need for Emergency Tranquility Energy Interventions

As I am surveying what has happened in Suits in general, I am finding that many have sustained some loss of functionality due to the lack of Tranquility Energies to sustain the viability of the Spiritual Electrical System.  Some Suits have experienced a collapse of parts or all of their Spiritual Electrical Systems, leading to a loss of part or all of their Source Connection and with it the Source Guidance and Source Support upon which they had been relying.


I have been able to get some Emergency Tranquility Interventions to many but lack the Material Energy to provide this kind of support to all of the Suits that are in need of it.  


This is a time when Heaven Agents need to step forward and contribute to The World that Works Fund the Material Energy that is needed to supply those in need with the Tranquility Energy that will enable them to sustain their health on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.  Breakdowns in the Spiritual Electrical System can cause a rupturing of the Spiritual Mid-Brain which can lead to insanity. They disrupt the Spiritual Intelligence System and with it the Spiritual Immune System.  The result is a Suit that lacks the intelligence to function properly and is not properly protected by the Spiritual Immune System.  This can cause the Suit to decline into serious illness and physical death.  




The Source Call to Action

Help Those in Need

In light of the need for Emergency Tranquility Energy Interventions for many who are suffering from damage to their Spiritual Electrical System, the Source is calling on all Heaven Agents to provide additional Material Energy through either an Energy Exchange or a Financial Exchange to The World that Works Fund.  These Material Energies will be used to ground the Tranquility Interventions for those most in need.


To contribute through a Financial Exchange to The World that Works Fund, you can fill out the form that can be accessed through the link provided below.



To contribute through an Energy Exchange, you need to have training in doing Heaven Agent Work from a place of pure love. From this work, Material Energy is readily generated.  For more information on how to generate Material Energy, I refer you to the Next Step Communications from the Source Video entitled: The Source Plan for Transitioning into The Source Perfected World.

Eyewitness Reports

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Eyewitness Reports give Heaven Agents an opportunity to contribute valuable information that they are receiving from Source Guidance to The Work of the Source. This information may be Inner Source Guidance they have received, or life experiences or observations about what is happening in the world that they feel guided by the Source to share. For more information, read How to Participate.

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