July 10th, 2013

Preparation Statistics

Filed in

Preparations on the Earth Plane


Nothing has improved since June 27th in preparations on the Earth Plane despite the loss of lives in the July 2nd Vibrational Shift in the Source Resource Grid.


3% are prepared

1% are trying but needed additional support

17% are aware of danger but are not bringing the picture into focus

79% are continuing on in a Fragmented Way of Life without concern for the warnings of the Source



Preparations Outside of the Earth Plane


Great improvement has occurred since I lasted noted the statistics on June 27th.


80% are now prepared for the Shifts - up from 49%


1% are trying and needing more Source Support – down from 12%


18.5% are scared but ineffectual in their preparations.  This is down from 38% who were aware of danger but not bringing it into focus.  Now all of this group has the picture into focus but many are reacting with fear rather than with understanding of what to do to achieve the levels of Spiritual Integration needed to survive the Shifts.


.5% are still working the angles to try to Harvest the empty Suits and survive to perpetuate a Fragmented Way of Life at the expense of all of life – down from 1% due to the loss of lives in the July 2nd Grid Shift. These Hell Agents have stored energy in their own Suits and in caches that have yet to be confiscated by the Heaven Agents working to deter this War against Life that these Hell Agents are waging.  

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