July 7th, 2013

The Spiritual Death Rate Rises

Filed in

Thus far 27% of the population in the Creation has lost their lives in the Vibrational Shifts of 2012 and 2013. This is up 6% due to a Shift in the Vibrational Level of the newly created Source Resource Grid.  This Grid is designed to gradually lift beings to higher levels of vibration to enable more beings to survive.  Many beings can’t survive a sudden 3 level Shift in the Support Field that will occur on August 8th.  To lessen the loss of lives more gradual Shifts in Vibrational Level of the Grid and not the Support Field will prepare Suits for the Shift in the Support Field on the 8th.


The first Shift from 3.0 to 3.7 caused a loss of 6% of the population.


A second Shift today from 3.7 to 3.9 did not result in any casualties due to a new Universal Flowstream that helped beings stay in a medium of Source Love with the right momentum to survive.


This Flowstream will not be sufficient to sustain lives above a 3.9 Vibrational Level, however.  Beings will need to enter into The Total Abundance Flowstream that will help them get up to the higher speeds needed to survive the August 8th Shift.

NOTE: For a more detailed analysis of the preparation statistics and the implications of these statistics, see the post in What's Happening entitled: Implications of the Preparation Statistics.

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