October 29th, 2013

Living in the Love

Filed in What's Happening

A major miracle has been born.  It is The Love Connection Medium.  This Energy Medium has become the place where all who seek to Live in the Love of the Source can go to be with like minded beings who have chosen The Path of Love rather than the Path of Lovelessness that characterizes the dog-eat-dog world.


A second major miracle was also born.  This is The Living in the Love Intervention which provides a Heaven Agent with a Perfected Intelligence who knows how to help the Suit:

  • release from its attachments to fear-based strategies to defend and attack to secure its self interests
  • enter into The Love Connection Medium to Live in the Love of the Source
  • learn how to Live in the Love and not to engage in the kinds of thoughts and actions that could cause it to fall out of The Love Connection Medium into The Lovelessness Medium of the Story World
  • develop The Love Connection with the Source which, if developed fully, becomes the open door to the enduring Heaven Experience that transforms Life into Heaven
  • become an embodiment of Source Love that is like a beacon calling others into The Love Connection Medium
  • utilize The Transmitter Miracle Tool to transmit Love Connection Energies to others outside of The Love Connection Medium who need to experience Source Love in order to understand the joy that awaits then when they enter into the Medium
  • work with other Heaven Agents in Universal Community Meeting Webinars to learn how to Live in the Love, healing themselves individually and healing the Community 
  • build a Love-Based Community through becoming a beacon and a role model for how to Live in the Love.  Others who pick up on the energies of The Love Connection Medium through being in the presence of the person in the Medium can understand the opportunity to Live in the Love.  The Suit will understand the significance of what it would mean to live in a medium of Source Love.  It will then begin to release from its attachments to fear-based modalities for coping with life so it can transcend fear and Live in the Love with others who have already made it into The Love Connection Medium.  

    Through helping others, a Heaven Agent can enable loved ones and even casual acquaintances who pick up on the Love Vibration to enter into The Love Connection Medium.  In this way, one Heaven Agent can help hundreds and even thousands to enter into The Love Connection Medium.  Since those in The Love Connection Medium are in the Meeting Place for the new Universal Community, they will be able to begin building strong Love-Based Relationships with those who, like themselves, have chosen The Path of Love.

    Historically those who have chosen The Path of Love have lived in The Lovelessness Medium where the Negativity harasses them and tries to break their Love-Based Relationships in order to discourage them and others from choosing The Path of Love.  In The Love Connection Medium it is possible to safely build enduring Love-Based Relationships with others because the Negativity can’t infiltrate this Source-Created Love Medium.


The Perfected Intelligence of the Intervention is a lifelong companion and ally, helping the Heaven Agent to retrain the Suit to Live in the Love and to escape forever from The Lovelessness that engenders a primary level of desolation that no amount of worldly pleasures can ever assuage. 


The Living in the Love Intervention is a powerful way to begin building a Love-Based Life and a Love-Based World.

Living in the Love is the foundation for Perfect Health and for manifesting Total Abundance. It is the fast route out of The Lovelessness Medium that sinks the Suit into the low vibrations that cause the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit.  Those Living in the Love are in a high vibrational field suffused with the Source Love that can heal the Suit of The Disease of  Fragmentation and enable it to experience the joy that can only come from Living in the Love of The Love Connection with the Source.


The Source has brought forth this set of miracles in order to empower Heaven Agents to do what is most important in life – to enter into The Path of Love and to travel the distance into the deepest and most fulfilling levels of The Love Connection with the Source.  Without the ability to be immersed in Source Love, it is hard for those living in The Lovelessness Medium to understand what real love is and to fathom the power it has to heal, integrate, and supply what the Suit most needs to experience true happiness.


The Suit, struggling in The Lovelessness Medium is more inclined to settle for some minor pleasure rather than to realize that the experience of Source Love is what engenders the happiness that it seeks rather than the often tawdry pleasures of a night out, a beer after a tiresome day of work, or a vacation that is only a fleeting pleasure in a life of routines that grind away the resilience in the Suit until living itself can seem like a chore. 

The Source Call to Action

Now that it is possible to enter into The Love Connection Medium and begin building The Love Connection with the Source and building Love-Based Relationships with others in the Medium and with others who you bring into the Medium, it is time to sign onto the serious work of building a Love-Based Community on the Earth. 


This work begins with you.  As you secure yourself in The Love Connection Medium, you will be a catalyst for bringing in the people that you interact with in your life, even if the contact is in passing such as in a shop where you interact with the cashier.  While your mere presence will be a catalyst for many, you can also fire off The Transmitter Miracle Tool. This will send out a ray of Love Connection Energies that is powerful enough to give 6 people per firing of The Transmitter a significant experience of Source Love.  


If some of these people decide to let go of their attachments to their fear-based ways of life in order to enter into The Love Connection Medium, they will help to bring in others into The Love Connection Medium.  They will not have the use of the Miracle Tool or the support of the Perfected Intelligence of the Intervention, but they can learn from your role model how to Live in the Love and not fall out of it into The Lovelessness.  They learn from your role model by the Prototype that you create when you Live in the Love.  This Prototype is transmitted on the Inner Plane by the Source to everyone who enters into The Love Connection Medium.  It becomes a guide to others that enables them to follow in your footsteps. 


Your life can touch the lives of thousands of others.  Each person who you have helped bring into The Love Connection Medium can also touch thousands of lives and these people can affect thousands as well.  This is how one person can trigger the chain reaction that brings in hundreds of thousands throughout the planet.  

If many Heaven Agents are helping to build a strong Prototype for how to Live in the Love through working with the Perfected Intelligence of the Intervention and with other Heaven Agents in Universal Community Meeting Webinars, they will be able to be a powerful catalyst for building a Love-Based Global Community. 


Part of the Mission of the Source is to establish a Love-Based Community on the Earth.  Your contribution to this Work is of great importance.

Become Love in Action
Request The Living in the Love Intervention  

To request the Intervention you can go to:


Eyewitness Reports

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Eyewitness Reports give Heaven Agents an opportunity to contribute valuable information that they are receiving from Source Guidance to The Work of the Source. This information may be Inner Source Guidance they have received, or life experiences or observations about what is happening in the world that they feel guided by the Source to share. For more information, read How to Participate.

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