June 14th, 2024

The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returned to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition

Filed in What's Happening

This post references understandings about The Transition that readers may or may not have.  For a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of The Transition, I recommend signing up for Connecting to access the article: Questions & Answers about The Transition.  If you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can go to the article: The Transitionwhich is a brief overview.



The Departure

In mid May 2023, The Implementation Aspect of the Source had to make an abrupt departure to The Source Level to avoid a massive attack on its Manifestation, which is my aspect of the Source Identity. The Design Aspect of the Source, which resided at The Source Level, was unable to prevent this departure from activating the original design for The Transition. 


This design was for The Implementation Aspect to leave The Manifest World and arrive first in The Lower Source Level and then move immediately to The Upper Source Level.  The move to The Upper Source Level is what would end The Transition. The Source, working from The Upper Source Level, would not be able to link back to any Suit that did not have a 100% Source Connection.  


Since Suits were not ready to survive the end of The Transition, The Core Intelligence of the Source Identity, which is The Decision Making Aspect, intervened. The Decision Making Aspect made it possible for The Implementation Aspect to return to the Lower Level and not continue on immediately to The Upper Level.  


The Decision Making Aspect made it possible for me to retain my human life in order to work in The Manifest World but to have my Source abilities protected in The Source Level. The reason for maintaining my form is because my aspect of the Source is the part of the Source Identity that works with Suits in The Working Relationship with the Source.  I convey Source Guidance and help to deliver Miracle-Based Source Support and Beyond Miracle Source Support that Suits need in order to prepare for the end of The Transition and to continue to receive Source Support once The Transition is complete.


After I return to The Upper Source Level at the end of this lifetime, I will no longer have a manifest form but will remain in contact with all Suits who have attained a 100% Source Connection. These are Suits that have learned how to work effectively with my aspect of the Source Identity in The Working Relationship with the Source.



The Aftermath

While this sudden, and unexpected departure to The Source Level has opened up a new way of working to help beings prepare for the end of The Transition, it has also ended the massive levels of Source Support that The Implementation Aspect was formerly able to provide while operating from within The Manifest World.  


For instance, The Implementation Aspect generated, through my Manifestation, a Source Love Medium that gave Suits wishing to preserve their Source Connection a critically important Miracle-Friendly Field in which to reside. The Source Love Medium left with The Implementation Aspect and The Hell Field of low vibrational energies that has been created by the Negativity is creating a very Miracle-Unfriendly Field for all Suits, making it more difficult for them to receive the Total Abundance Miracles that enable them to preserve their Source Connection.


When The Implementation Aspect was working in The Manifest World from its unmanifest form, it was sustaining The Miracle of Life on behalf of Suits until they could learn how to sustain it for themselves. When this part of The Implementation Aspect left for The Source Level, most of the support that it provided ended.  While The Decision Making Aspect is able to provide some additional Source Support for The Miracle of Life, Suits that do not work to do The Correct Exchange with the Source are losing ground in their efforts to maintain their Source Connection.  This is because it is The Correct Exchange with the Source that creates the conditions in which the Total Abundance that is needed to sustain the Source Connection can be manifested.


The 14 Prototype Communities manifested The Miracle of Total Abundance in their communities thousands of years ago and enjoy Total Abundance to this day. They mastered The Spiritual Science of Correct Exchange and created the conditions in which they could transition out of abject scarcity and suffering into a Miracle-Based Way of Life that generates Total Abundance for all members of the Community.



The Correct Exchange Project

To help beings living outside of the Prototype Communities to learn how to do the Correct Exchange for Total Abundance, The Decision Making Aspect sent in Source Power from The Source Level to activate the miracle of The Universal Correct Exchange Project. 


The Universal Correct Exchange Project is manned by a massive Perfected Spiritual Intelligence that was suppressed by the Negativity since the beginning of the Creation. Once it was born in the Creation, which occurred in September 2023, it began holding a space in which Suits could learn how to do the Correct Exchange so that they could create the conditions in which Total Abundance Miracles could come into their lives and world.


In September 2023, I established The Correct Exchange Project in The Miracle School to provide those seeking to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance Source Support to learn how to do The Correct Exchange with the Source.  


This was a Turning Point in my work. From that point on The Decision Making Aspect began working only with those who sign up for The Correct Exchange Project on either the Inner or Outer Planes.  


Those who sign up on the Outer Plane have an opportunity to work directly with me in The Miracle School to learn about The Correct Exchange. They are the ones who are advancing most rapidly toward Ultimate Spiritual Healing, which enables them to achieve the Ultimate Sustainability of their Source Connection. Their Prototyping work will help those who I will be working with only on the Inner Plane.


I have established a Gifted Video Series entitled: The Miracle of Total Abundance, to help those seeking to Build Heaven in their lives and world and to sustain their Source Connection with a way of understanding what has happened in the Creation and how they can work with the Source to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance. At the end of this video series you will have an opportunity to Sign Up for The Correct Exchange Project.  


To access this video series, you can go to:





I encourage you to register the magnitude of what has happened. The departure of The Implementation Aspect, which was, in the original design of The Transition, scheduled for 2045, has occurred in 2023. This is due to the opposition of the Negativity to my work to teach beings about The Correct Exchange with the Source, which liberates them from the cruel and ruthless Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.


Fortunately, this has not triggered the end of The Transition, which would have required Suits to have a 100% Source Connection in order to sustain their Source Connection and with it their place in The Manifest World.


This has left Suits in a more inhospitable condition in The Manifest World without The Implementation Aspect taking up the slack when they fail to do The Correct Exchange and sustain The Miracle of Life for their own lives and for the Creation. While The Decision Making Aspect can work from The Source Level to do some of what The Implementation Aspect used to do, Suits must work harder to do their part. Their part is to do The Correct Exchange with the Source that enables the Source to deliver to them the Total Abundance Miracles that they need in order to make it to the 100% Source Connection that preserves their Source Connection.


The Source has bought Suits some time to prepare but under these adverse conditions it is more important than ever to focus on learning how to do The Correct Exchange that is essential to sustaining the Source Connection.


Study the materials in The Miracle of Total Abundance video series. It will open a door for you to understanding what Next Steps are needed to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance in your life and world and preserve your Source Connection.

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