June 14th, 2024

The Correct Exchange Project

Filed in What's Happening

After the sudden departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to The Source Level in May 2023, the work on The Dream Heaven Project, which was launched in April 2023, was discontinued.  This work is now being taken up in the new Correct Exchange Project.  [For more information on this departure, read the June 14th What’s Happening Post entitled: The Implementation Aspect of the Source Returns to The Source Level to Buy Time for Beings to Prepare for the End of The Transition.]


The Source decided that given the changed circumstances after the departure a new way of working in the world that incorporates Dream Heaven Technology but builds on it to take the work to the next level was needed. In September 2023, the Source brought to life The Universal Correct Exchange Project and I launched a Miracle School version of this Project. The Universal Correct Exchange Project had been suppressed by the Negativity since the beginning of the Creation in order to prevent Suits from liberating themselves from their Harvesting Net.


To enter this Project it is necessary to qualify to work at this more advanced level. The qualification is committing to work with the Source to learn how to do the Correct Exchange. Only those doing The Correct Exchange with the Source are creating the conditions in which the Source can deliver the Total Abundance Miracles that enable the Source to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance in their lives and world. Suits that  work with the Source to achieve the Total Abundance that is needed will be able to achieve the 100% Source Connection that will enable the Source to sustain their Source Connection after the end of The Transition.


Now that the preservation of the Source Connection is at stake in The Transition, the Source can only provide the high level of Source Support that is needed to achieve Ultimate Sustainability to Suits that are willing to go the distance to Total Abundance to preserve their Source Connection.  


The commitment to do their part occurs when a being signs up to work with the Source in The Correct Exchange Project. This Signup can occur on the Inner or Outer Planes. 


This Signup is equivalent to what the members of the Prototype Communities did to initiate the level of Source Support that enabled them to build the Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that manifested Total Abundance for all members of the Community. The Source was only willing to work with them if they committed to doing their part in the effort to escape from the oppression of the Negativity and launch a protected Heaven Way of Life that was founded on Total Abundance.  


Those who wish to commit to working with the Source in The Correct Exchange Project on the Outer Plane can access an online Signup Form for The Correct Exchange Project. This initiates the highest level of Source Support for learning how to do The Correct Exchange. While an Inner Plane Signup helps the Suit learn how to do The Correct Exchange in their Extended Range, only Suits that can do The Correct Exchange in both their Extended Range, which is generally outside of their conscious mind, and their Conscious Range will be able to fully master The Spiritual Science of Correct Exchange.  Heaven Agents working with me in The Miracle School on the Outer Plane prototype doing The Correct Exchange for the sake of those who can only work with me on the Inner Plane in their Extended Range. This helps Heaven Agents throughout the Creation to learn how to do The Correct Exchange.



Stages One & Two

The training begins in Stage One with Inner Plane Source Support that provides Beyond Miracle Source Support that does not require Material Energy to ground.


When the Suit of a Heaven Agent begins producing the Miracle-Friendly Field that is needed for the high power Miracle-Based Source Support available through the Project and it is also upholding The Standard of Heaven Agreement, then the work advances to Stage Two. Stage Two enables the Suit to have Outer Plane Source Support which draws on both Beyond Miracle Source Support and Miracle-Based Source Support.  


In Stage Two Heaven Agents can access The Correct Exchange Project Resource Station which provides access to the Correct Exchange Trainings that teach Suits how to do the Source Call to Action Missions that enable them to build the Heaven of Total Abundance for themselves and others. Building Heaven and Living Heaven is how they do The Correct Exchange with the Source.  



How to Learn More & Sign Up  

For information on The Correct Exchange Project, you can watch the video series: The Miracle of Total Abundance. At the end of the series you can access the Signup Form that enables you to start receiving the 24/7 Source Support that is only available to those who commit to doing their part in sustaining their Source Connection and with it their chance to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance in their lives and world.  




Thousands of years ago when the Prototype Communities were founded in different parts of the Creation, it took an entire community committing to go the distance to building a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life for the Source to be able to provide the high level Source Support that it takes to achieve this.  Now it is possible for an individual to commit to doing The Correct Exchange with the Source and receive the highest level of Source Support. This is enabling individual Heaven Agents throughout the Creation to elect to work with the Source to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance and be successful in creating the Total Abundance that is needed to preserve their Source Connection. 


I urge you to take this opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the Prototype Communities and manifest the Total Abundance Miracles that transform your life into the Heaven that it was created to be. The Heaven of Total Abundance is what is needed to provide your Suit with the Total Abundance Miracles that it needs to achieve the 100% Source Connection that will enable the Source to sustain its Source Connection at the end of The Transition.


Eyewitness Reports

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Eyewitness Reports give Heaven Agents an opportunity to contribute valuable information that they are receiving from Source Guidance to The Work of the Source. This information may be Inner Source Guidance they have received, or life experiences or observations about what is happening in the world that they feel guided by the Source to share. For more information, read How to Participate.

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