July 8th, 2013

Join The Universal Heaven Agent Network

Filed in What's Happening

Get on the Fast Track in Your Preparations for the Vibrational Shifts by

Joining The Universal Heaven Agent Network


Within the last few weeks, the Source has created a Spiritual Network, which is like an Energy Grid, that provides those who choose to align with the Source and Build Heaven in the world, a safe Heaven that is replete with the transformational energies that enable them to counter Fragmentation and become Spiritually Integrated.  This Network is The Universal Heaven Agent Network.


Entry into this Network is a fast track to achieving the levels of Spiritual Integration needed to survive the Shifts. Those who request entry – which can be done with an Inner Plane request –enter into a transformational process that clears any attachments to the beings and things that are fragmenting them and holding them down at lower levels of vibration.  They have to be clear enough of these attachments to enter into The Universal Heaven Agent Network.  


Once in The Network, through working with other Heaven Agents to assist in The Work of the Source, they strengthen the Source Connection which is what enables their remaining attachments to fall away, leaving them free to build the Heaven of an Integrated Way of Life.


Asking to join The Universal Heaven Agent Network yourself and asking others on the Inner or Outer Plane to join is a vitally important way to survive the Shifts and help others to survive.  


To ask to join The Network yourself, ask your Inner Intelligence, which is the part of you that knows how to communicate directly with the Source, to ask the Source for entry into The Universal Heaven Agent Network.


To ask another person to join The Network, ask your Inner Intelligence to send them the message on whatever level of their consciousness they can receive it.  Your Inner Intelligence will know how to accomplish this at a technical level. The Core Level of the Suits has already requested help from the Source and is willing to cooperate.  It is the conscious range that is often not receptive and is blocking the work of the preparations.  If the subliminal level of the Suit responds to your communication on the Inner Plane, then action will be taken to join The Network and this will trigger the transformational changes that will enable the conscious mind to evolve to understanding what is needed to live an Integrated Life.


The request to join The Universal Heaven Agent Network is akin to the "Dream Heaven Command" but is many times more powerful because it is backed up by The Heaven Agent Network Grid which is replete with the spiritual resources needed to transform a life, even one that has been very greatly damaged by the Disease of Fragmentation.


While asking others to join The Network on the Inner Plane can help them get started, they also need to process information in their Conscious Range in order to prepare adequately for the Shifts.  Therefore, Inner Plane Communications need to be coupled with Outer Plane Communications and with Outer Plane Experiences which can happen through launching Heaven Happenings that provide an experience of Heaven that is far more powerful than an intellectual explanation.


If you would like to add more transformational energy to your request to join The Universal Heaven Agent Network, you can fill out the form below and I will track your progress on the Outer Plane. 


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Eyewitness Reports give Heaven Agents an opportunity to contribute valuable information that they are receiving from Source Guidance to The Work of the Source. This information may be Inner Source Guidance they have received, or life experiences or observations about what is happening in the world that they feel guided by the Source to share. For more information, read How to Participate.

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