Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come for Next Step Source Guidance
on how to prepare for the Vibrational Shifts on:
August 8, 2013
September 16, 2013
December 20, 2013
September 16, 2014
For basic information on the Shifts, you can reference the following Next Step Videos:
How to Prepare for the Final and Most Dangerous Vibrational Shift on September 16, 2014
NOTE: All Next Step Videos can be accessed by members of Connecting through the links above.
If you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can join by
filling out the form at the bottom of this web page.
In this article you will find out the details on how to obtain a Source-Connected Suit which is essential to surviving the September 16, 2014 Vibrational Shift and its aftermath.
In this article you will be introduced to Six Miracles that you can begin working with immediately to prepare for the September 16th Vibrational Shift. The key to disconnecting from the Negativity to avoid their plans to accelerate Spiritual Fragmentation during the Shift, is transitioning into Source-Centered Mode.
Learn how to work with the Six Miracles to help yourself and others transition into 100% Source-Centered Mode.
In this article, you can reference many of the forms of Source Support that have been created to help Heaven Agents prepare for the Shifts.
You can request Three Gifted Source Interventions that will help you and others to prepare.
In this article, you can find out about the four forms of Source Support that are particularly important for this Shift which is the most challenging Vibrational Shift thus far in terms of the standard of Integrated Suit Functioning that is required to survive the Shift.
The first and most important step is to enter into Source Care, Level One, which occurs when you enter into The Universal Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program created by the Source to guide you individually on your Path to Ultimate Spiritual Healing.
If you wish to work with me on the Outer Plane, you will need to complete online The Six Step Process that enables you to request admission into The Program. Those working with me on the Outer Plane are able to receive individualized Source Guidance Emails, which are ongoing assessments of how they are progressing on the Path and what Next Steps they need to take to prepare for the upcoming Vibrational Shifts.
This personal feedback is an important aspect of the success of any Heaven Agent seeking to match the levels of Spiritual Integration of the Creation as it continues to rise to higher levels of Integration during the Vibrational Shifts.
If you wish to only work with me on the Inner Plane, then you can complete The Six Step Process on the Inner Plane, providing the Material Energy for The Rhythm of The Love Connection Intervention that enables you to enter into Source Care, Level One.
To complete The Six Step Process, click on the link below.
Through working with the Source to manifest Total Abundance for all, you enter into an Integrated Way of Life and become suffused with the Source Love that enables you to achieve the levels of Spiritual Integration needed to survive the Vibrational Shifts. Start getting equipped to live an abundant life that provides you with all of the Source Support that you need to survive the Shifts and to maximize their potential for establishing you at a better vibrational level to Live Heaven in your everyday life.
This Intervention just came through on August 1st in response to the need of Suits to have additional support in ousting the Negativity within them and reaching the levels of Spiritual Integration required to survive the Shift. Through the help provided by The Universal Heaven Agent Network outside of the Earth Plane, this Intervention can be made available to all who wish to survive the Shift and build a solid foundation for Total Abundance in their personal lives and in their communities.
To find out more about the Intervention you can access the link provided below:
This Intervention has saved countless lives by providing the Suit with a Perfected Intelligence who is like a resident medic on board the Suit equipped with the miracles of the Source to counteract Fragmentation and help the Suit to recover rapidly even from life threatening levels of Fragmentation. This Intervention is one of the most important Interventions to provide for yourself and your loved ones since it does what nothing else can do to prevent Accelerated Fragmentation.
Avail yourself of the Source Support provided in The Live Heaven Intensive that will enable you to get your Suit to the high levels of Integrated Functioning required to survive the Shifts through helping it to enter into The Heaven Reality and learn how to Live Heaven once it is there. The Heaven Reality is the optimal Spiritual Space for your Suit. It provides it with a balanced and stable Life System that enables it to heal from The Disease of Fragmentation and to attain the Perfect Suit Functioning that is needed for the Source Perfected Universe. To find out more you can watch the video:
You can also read the article:
To understand what Heaven Experience Equipment & Training is all about, you can watch the Next Step Video: The Source Plan for The Total Abundance Project: Getting Equipped & Trained to Live The Heaven Experience.
For details on how to procure the equipment and training, you can read the article entitled: The Total Abundance Project. This article should be read after watching the video as it references information in the video without providing any additional explanations.
Through giving to help others, you become suffused with the Source Love that is essential to your own healing and to achieving the levels of Spiritual Integration that is needed for the Vibrational Shifts.
Join in the Heaven Agent Work of The Universal Heaven Agent Network Summit and lend your love and support to helping all beings throughout the Creation to prepare adequately for the upcoming Vibrational Shifts.
The life you save may be your own.
Request The Living in the Love Intervention that will enable you to enter into The Love Connection Medium and learn how to Live in the Love of the Source. Others who are in your presence will pick up on the Love Connection Energies running through you and around you and can make the decision to enter into The Love Connection Medium. In this way they can enter into the healing and integrating energies of Source Love which will help them to survive the Shift. There they can learn from your example, how to Live in the Love and not engage in the thoughts and behaviors that can cause them to fall out into The Lovelessness Medium.
To find out more you can read the article:
Through requesting to join The Universal Heaven Agent Network you are able to receive powerful, transformative energies that help you to clear away the negative energy from the Suit that has come from living a Fragmented Way of Life and accelerate the process of achieving Spiritual Integration.
All that is required is to make the request. To find out more you can go to:
You are in charge of making the Executive Level Decisions that keep your Suit from lapsing into apathy and denial. Take charge and get your Suit to safety. If you lose your Suit, you lose your chance to exist in the Manifest World. Take care of this most precious gift to you from the Source.
Familiarize yourself with what a Suit is, how it works, what has happened to it historically, and what it needs in order to function optimally. The Owner’s Manual for Your Suit provides you with detailed Source Support to take charge and begin getting your Suit to be the vehicle that you need it to be to carry you in this lifetime and in lifetimes to come.
Like a car, it has to be maintained or you – the driver of the car – could be stranded on the roadside.
The Owner’s Manual for Your Suit is an eBook that you can access at:
You can go to The Gateway for Source Support for information on the full range of:
The Gateway Miracle provides you with Source Guidance in locating the miracles for your Next Step.
From May 10th – August 8th, the Source is providing additional Source Power to those who are actively working to prepare for the Vibrational Shifts. To maximize the potential for rapid personal transformation during this time, it is best to schedule a Personal Power Surge Intensive. The Correct Exchange for such an Intensive is determined individually based on what kind of support you need.
It is possible to work At-a-Distance through Source Interventions, Ultimate Spiritual Healing Stations, Miracle Tools, etc., and also to work In-Person through scheduling your Intensive for a period of time in the Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center. Here in this Place of Miracles, it is much easier to make quantum leaps forward in your personal preparations.
To inquire about what a Personal Power Surge Intensive would look like for you, email me and I will respond with a potential structure for a Personal Intensive that fits your individual needs.
In addition to the Personal Power Surge Intensives which are scheduled for the Power Surge that the Source is providing in preparation for the August 8th Vibrational Shift, are:
For more information, you can read the article on:
Keep abreast of any upcoming Webinars in addition to those in the Love Connection Webinar Series and the Summit. These Webinars offer you additional Source Support for your work on educating your Suit and getting it equipped and trained to travel the distance for you. You can find out what Webinars are scheduled by going to:
For the latest news on the preparations for the Vibrational Shifts and any new forms of Source Support that become available as we get closer to the Shifts, you can go to Written Next Step Communications from the Source.
In What’s Happening, you can follow the news about what is happening on the Spiritual Level of Reality and with the work of Heaven Agents throughout the Universal Community.
In What’s New, you can find out about any new forms of Source Support, such as Webinars, Miracle Tools, Source Interventions, etc.
Did You Know
In Did You Know, you can track the statistics on what is happening as beings throughout the Creation prepare for the Shifts.
To access the entire series of archived and upcoming Audio and Video Source Communications, fill out the form below to become a member of Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source.
When you sign up you will receive:
The miracles that you will experience through Connecting have been exchanged for by Heaven Agents who generate the Material Energy that enables me to ground the miracles on your behalf.
It is a gift from them to you – an invitation to join them in The Universal Community of Heaven Agents who work together to Build the Heaven of a Universal Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own. It is their desire that you will join them at The Construction Site of Heaven and work with them to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
When you sign up you will gain access to free:
I welcome you to join in the work of the Source and build the Heaven your life and all of life was meant to be.
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