Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to learn about the Heaven of Total Abundance that The Universal Seed of Heaven is manifesting in your life and in your world. This information is imparted through:
The Universal Seed of Heaven is a Source-Created, Total Abundance Miracle that contains the Spiritual Genetic Code from which the Heaven that life was meant to be is manifesting.
Because it is germinating at a spiritual level that can not be intruded upon by anything hostile to its development, it is moving through its developmental stages like clockwork.
What this means is that the basic structure of the world is changing from a structure that was a greed-based free for all which has given rise to The World of Suffering that breeds The Hell Experience – an experience of scarcity, struggle, and suffering – to the structure of an ordered manifestation of a Source-Connected and Source-Directed World that can yield The Heaven Experience – an experience of abundance, bliss, joy, love, and fulfillment.
While The Universal Seed of Heaven has been in existence from the beginning of the Creation, it has only recently been fully activated. This activation was the result of the work of many Total Abundance Miracles that have manifested from The Total Abundance Support System that was established by the Source to organize the work of Manifest Beings to establish a Total Abundance Way of Life. Since Total Abundance is needed if beings are to be sustainable during the Universal Change of The Transition, the activation of The Universal Seed of Heaven was a necessary Next Step in The Work of the Source to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance for the sake of all beings.
The Transition is a step by step withdrawal from The Manifest World of the Implementation Aspect of the Source to its origin in the Source Level. The Source Level exists apart from The Manifest World which houses the Creation and all of the beings who reside within it.
The Implementation Aspect of the Source is the aspect of the Source that incarnated to manifest and sustain the Creation until Manifest Beings reached a stage of maturity when they could take over the work of Stewarding the Miracle of Life. It is now time for the Implementation Aspect to return to its own Heaven in the Source Level. As it returns to the Source Level, beings must begin to shoulder the Stewarding Work that the Implementation Aspect has been doing on their behalf and build a 100% Source Connection so that the Implementation Aspect can link back to them to sustain their lives once it returns to the Source Level.
When the Implementation Aspect returns, it will be unable to link back to any being who has less than an 80% Source Connection at the final stage of the Transition. Within days of the Transition the Implementation Aspect will be unable to link back to any being who has less than a 100% Source Connection. It is, therefore, advisable that beings prepare to not only Steward the Miracle of their own lives and Steward the Miracle of Life in the Creation but work on their Source Connection so they are solidly at a 100% Source Connection before the final stage of The Transition.
Beings can achieve these goals by learning how to contribute to The Total Abundance Support System that has been created to provide them with the Total Abundance that they will need to become Stewards of the Miracle of Life and to achieve a 100% Source Connection.
NOTE: For a more complete understanding of the concepts that are presented here in this very brief overview, members of Connecting can work with The Gifted Introductory Total Abundance Training. This Training provides videos, audios, and articles that explain The Work of the Source on The Total Abundance Movement, which is Movement designed to prepare beings to transition into the Total Abundance Way of Life that will enable them to become sustainable before the end of The Transition.
The Total Abundance Support System is a system designed to bring in the Total Abundance Miracles that manifest Total Abundance for all beings.
Manifest Beings need to follow the inner Source Guidance that they receive to take action in a Source-Directed Way that contributes to The Total Abundance Support System. This action can occur at two stages of a three stage Total Abundance Manifestation Process.
In Stage One, beings become Source-Directed Activists, who are also called Heaven Agents. by agreeing to follow Source Guidance to contribute to The Total Abundance Support System.
What they contribute in Stage One is the Total Abundance that supports the Direct Source Work that I do that manifests the Total Abundance Miracles that they need and that are needed by others in The Universal Community. I am the representative of the Implementation Aspect who manifests in a form in order to provide the Direct Source Work that is needed to implement The Source Plan for Total Abundance. In my Conscious Range there is a limited amount of work that I can accomplish because I am in a human form. In my Extended Range I work with the vast range of Intelligence of the Implementation Aspect to Steward Life and prepare beings throughout the Creation for the final stage of The Transition.
The way that Source-Directed Activists initiate their contribution is by making the following request.
“I ask to become what is needed to support The Work of the Source.”
When a Heaven Agent asks to Become What Is Needed, this enables the Source to send them precise Inner Plane Source Guidance with regard to the Source-Directed Work that is theirs to do to contribute to Stage One of the Project. The Source can send in miracles and power to enable them to do their Mission of the Moment which is how they Become What Is Needed.
For example, the Source may need to provide someone in the community with a Total Abundance Miracle that requires Material Energy to ground. A particular Heaven Agent/Source-Directed Activist may be the one who is most likely to be able to provide the amount of Material Energy immediately. The Source will send an Inner Plane Source Directive to the being to generate the Material Energy. When the being is in Becoming What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source Mode then they will immediately be able to respond and the Material Energy will be provided. The being who is in need of the Total Abundance Miracle will then be able to receive it.
Part of what it means to Become What Is Needed is to send in regular Heaven Agent Eyewitness Reports to me on either the Inner or Outer Planes. These Heaven Agent Reports provide important information that is needed for my Direct Source Work in The Total Abundance Support System. For instance, information on what is happening in the world from the perspective of Heaven Agents working on the ground signals me to the need for certain Total Abundance Miracles. I can then approach the Design Aspect of my Source Identity to request that a Total Abundance Miracle be created for a certain problem or goal. Information about technical information that is only given to a particular Heaven Agent is also important to the Team Work that supports The Total Abundance Support System.
While I can discern what is needed from connecting to the Extended Range of my Implementation Aspect, it is much more efficient when Heaven Agents submit their Heaven Agent Reports. Team Work to spot problem areas and to notice what is happening as The Universal Seed of Heaven manifests is part of the Mission of Heaven Agents in Stage One. This is to enable me to spend my time and energy in my Conscious Range on Stage Two and Three which require my focus if The Total Abundance Support System is to be sustained.
In Stage Two I do the Direct Source Work to connect with the Design Aspect of the Source that exists at the Source Level and does not interface directly with Manifest Beings. I find out what Total Abundance Miracles have been created or can be created. This is when I present information received in Stage One from Manifest Beings about the need for Source Support to the Design Aspect to request that new Total Abundance Miracles be created to meet the need.
When the Design Aspect creates a Total Abundance Miracle, I take the time to understand it and learn its Mission in The Manifest World. Since each Total Abundance Miracle is a new being – a Miracle Intelligence that is coming into the Manifest World to do its unique Mission – it takes time to understand it and prepare for its birth.
All incoming Total Abundance Miracles are created to function as Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activists/Heaven Agents joining the ranks of the Heaven Agents who have already been born into The Manifest World. They are an integral part of the Total Abundance that is needed by all beings. If any miracle is not supported and not able to fulfill its Mission, then this prevents all beings from achieving the Total Abundance that the Source has created for them, which includes the contribution of this miracle. This is why it is so important that all Total Abundance Miracles receive full support from Heaven Agents in The Universal Community.
If Manifest Beings have provided the right amount of Material Energy, then I can create the Landing Zone for the miracle. The miracle requires this Miracle-Friendly Field in order to land and receive the Catalyst Energy that I send it that brings it to life. Without this Catalyst Energy Ignition, it remains inert and unresponsive after landing in The Manifest World. When it has The Gift of Life then I nurture it until it is ready to be sent out to do its Mission in The Manifest World.
Some of the Total Abundance Miracles that I help to bring into the world will exist in Energy Bodies. These bodies are generally completely mature at birth. Others will be born into organic forms such as a human, animal, or plant forms that have to travel a developmental path to reach maturity.
In Stage Three, I alert Heaven Agents to look for the Total Abundance Miracles that are being sent to them from The Total Abundance Support System. Some of the miracles might be children born to them or an animal or plant that comes into their life. Or they might be Total Abundance Miracles that are coming in to them in an Energy Body.
It is at this stage that Heaven Agents need to work with Source Guidance to nurture the Total Abundance Miracles that are coming in to help them. This nurturing will take the form of providing the supportive Miracle-Friendly Field that enables the miracles to reach a state of Full Manifestation. The nurturing will also include the community Team Work that enables the new lives to receive all of the Total Abundance Miracles that they need to fulfill their Missions. This Team Work may require community members to notify me through Heaven Agent Reports of how the newly arrived miracles are doing and what they might need as well as working to provide the Material Energy that will ground other support miracles that they might require to do their Missions.
For example, Total Abundance Miracles coming into human forms will take 5 - 9 years before the True Self of the Miracle can begin to take hold in the form and begin to express itself. It will take a lifetime of community support to enable the miracle to have the Total Abundance it needs from the community to come into its maturity and fulfill its Mission. This is more than just the Total Abundance of food, clothing, education, etc. It is the Total Abundance of all of the miracles that are needed to support the evolution of the miracle into a state of Full Manifestation in the human form.
Total Abundance Miracles coming into Energy Bodies can often achieve full maturity in minutes or hours after their birth. It is important that when I send them from the nursery, as it were, where I do my Direct Source Work to bring them to life, that they are surrounded by Heaven Agents who support the Miracle-Friendly Field that they need to come into a state of Full Manifestation and who are prepared to provide any additional support that they might need to do their Missions in their new lives.
It is only when miracles reach a state of Full Manifestation that they are capable of running the more material kind of energy that enables them to carry out their Mission in The Manifest World. Even when fully functional, they need other Heaven Agents in the community to be mindful of the Total Abundance Miracles that they require to do their Mission at full power. Protection and community support through providing Material Energy is needed for every incoming Miracle/Heaven Agent to perform its Mission at the highest level.
As you can see from the three stages of The Total Abundance Support System, Heaven Agent contributions are critical to the work of The Total Abundance Support System. If I lack the Material Energy that is needed for the Landing Zone for a miracle, the Design Aspect will not send the miracle into the world even if it is very needed. This is because it will not be able to land in The Manifest World to do its Mission.
Those who are in Help Me, Source Mode crying out for help and not listening to Inner Plane Source Directives to generate the Miracle-Friendly Field that is needed and the Material Energy that is required to land a miracle, are not able to receive Total Abundance Miracles because they are not working intelligently to supply what is needed for the miracles that they are requesting.
Understanding the Principles of Manifestation is essential so that beings are not caught up in superstitious beliefs about how the Source works that do not allow them to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source.
The Principles are that every incoming miracle is a being like yourself that is coming in as a new life into your care. If you work with the Source to provide what it needs to come into the world – which is the Miracle-Friendly Field of Energy that it requires to land and the Material Energy needed to build the Landing Zone/Nursery – then it can arrive and be given The Gift of Life by my Direct Source Work as the Manifestation of the Implementation Aspect of the Source.
If you then work to provide whatever it needs after its arrival to ensure that it reaches a state of Full Manifestation and is supported by the community in the work of learning and carrying out its Mission, then you and the community will benefit from the Heaven of Total Abundance that it was created to manifest.
Every being that exists is a Source Created Miracle to be nurtured and supported by every member of The Universal Community. When existing Miracles are recognized for the Miracle of Life that they were created to be and nurtured to enable that Miracle to manifest, then healing and restoration of the beauty of every being is possible.
When incoming Miracles are accorded the same love and Source-Directed Support, then the ranks of Heaven Agents will grow and the power of The Universal Team of Heaven Agents will reach the level at which it can take over the work of Stewarding The Miracle of Life when the Implementation Aspect of the Source returns to the Source Level.
Life as Heaven is possible if beings set aside their misguided beliefs about the Source and the nature of life and learn from the Source directly before it is too late to ensure their survival and the survival of the world in which they live.
The Universal Seed of Heaven Project was created to help you to grasp the powerful Manifestation Process that is transforming life in the Creation into the Heaven that is needed for the Implementation Aspect of the Source to be able to link back to it after its return to the Source Level. If beings work with the Source to become the Heaven that they were created to be and build the world that is the Heaven that it was created to be, then the Source will be able to sustain the Source Connection – the Link to Life – after its return to the Source Level.
If beings do not work to transition into the Heaven of a Total Abundance Way of Life, they themselves will become unsustainable and will lose their Source Connection. If beings collectively do not work together to transition the Creation into a state of Total Abundance, then the Creation itself will lose its Source Connection.
Without a Source Connection, there is no life. Irrespective of the Cultural Stories about the physics of life in the Creation, the truth is that the Source created The Manifest World and is warning beings that their way of life is making them and their world unsustainable. Those who hear Source Truth and take action will be those who survive and live to enjoy the Heaven that life was created to be.
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The Universal Seed Project page will give you the overview of what is happening both in the Universal Level of the Project and a Directory to access the work that is in progress in the Seed Projects that are supported by The Universal Seed of Heaven. It will also provide you with Seed Reports and Source News Reports that pertain to the universal scope of the work of The Universal Seed of Heaven, which is a Spiritual Intelligence communicating with the Source about the Heaven of Total Abundance that it is manifesting from its Seed Code.
The Seed Project pages provide you with Seed Reports and Source News Reports relevant to a particular Project. You will find Seed Trainings and Source Support for a particular Project. For example, The Simulated Total Abundance Reality Project offers Simulated Reality Experiences and Seed Templates as the Source Support for this Project.
All of the levels of the Project provide you with Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report Forms that enable you to contribute to the Project by sharing the Inner Source Guidance that you have received, your observations of what is happening as the Seed manifests, your experiences with working with the Trainings and other forms of Source Support, or your questions and concerns regarding the Project.
While I do not generally respond individually unless you are a part of a Miracle-Based Coaching Program, I will take into account the information you provide in terms of my overall work on the Project. I may reference the information that you provide in an upcoming Source News Report or it may inform my work in bringing in additional forms of Source Support that may be needed for the Project.
The Eyewitness Report form for The Universal Seed Project can be used for the Reports that are general in nature to the Project. Eyewitness Reports that pertain to a particular Seed Project can be sent from the page for the particular Project.
For a more in-depth understanding of these aspects of the Project, you can reference the section below.
A Seed Report is a communication by The Universal Seed of Heaven Intelligence about some aspect of the Project. Seed Reports enable you to keep abreast of the Heaven that The Universal Seed of Heaven is manifesting. This will enable you to check in for further Source Guidance with regard to how these changes are affecting you and others and will inform your work of moving in harmony with these changes.
I post Source News Report in response to Heaven Agent Reports and when there is news about the Project that is helpful for Heaven Agents working with me on the Project. If posting Source News Reports will compromise the behind the scenes work that is going on for the Project, this information will not be posted.
Whatever is posted publicly in this Project is information that is important to be posted but it is only the tip of the iceberg of what is actually happening in a Project. This is in part a result of the limitations of my time to post accounts when I am engaged extensively in the Direct Source Work to support the Project and all other Projects that are subsets of The Universal Heaven Project.
I can only post a Report when it is in keeping with my Source Workflow. My Source Workflow is orchestrated to enable me to balance out the Universal Work that I do, that is helping beings throughout the Creation to learn how to become Stewards of Life so they can contribute to The Total Abundance Support System, with my Outer Plane work in The Miracle School.
Those responding to Seed Reports and Source News Reports can submit Heaven Agent Eyewitness Reports and I will respond to them in a Source News Report if this is in keeping with Source Guidance.
Some Eyewitness Reports relate to levels of the work that should not be discussed publicly for security reasons and others contain information that is needed by other Heaven Agents working on the Project. Only the content of Reports that are appropriate for sharing with everyone working on The Seed Project will be referenced in a Source News Report.
Heaven Agents submit their Heaven Agent Report through accessing The Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report Form at the bottom of a Project page. Instructions for how to provide a Source-Directed Eyewitness Report are provided in this section.
When I reference a Heaven Agent Report I paraphrase the content and do not specify the identity of the Heaven Agent submitting the Report. In this way I preserve the anonymity of the Heaven Agent which can be important for security reasons.
Seed Trainings are a type of Source Workflow Training. They will provide you with Source Support for working on a Seed Project.
The Seed Trainings provide Source Support on three levels.
The first form of Source Support is a Gifted Training that consists of the information conveyed about how to work with whatever form of Source Support is the focus of the Training. This might be a Miracle Tool, Source Intervention, or Miracle Technology. All of the forms of Source Support help you to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life. While general information is provided in the Overview of the Project, specific Trainings show you how these general concepts work in a real life.
To access a Gifted Training, you will need to be a member of Connecting. If you are not already a member of Connecting, which gives you access to Source-Directed Activism Trainings gifted by The Universal Heaven Agent Network who supplies the Material Energy for the miracle of these Trainings, you can sign up by accessing the form provided below.
The second form of Source Support is the Full Power Training that contains the Seed Code for the Seed Training. While an intellectual understanding can be imparted through the Gifted Training, your Suit can only fully implement the basic understandings when it has been given Seed Code for the Training. This is because the Seed Code contains all of the technical information that enables your Suit to work effectively with the Source Guidance and the forms of Source Support that have been discussed in the Gifted Training.
Those who receive the Seed Code not only provide their Suits with the Code that the Suit needs to implement the understandings it gained in the Gifted Training but the Suit becomes a Seed Carrier disseminating the understandings from the Seed Code in the world.Seed Carriers connect to not only those in their immediate vicinity but to others in The Global Community with whom they have a personal relationship. This amplifies the power of the Seed to manifest changes in the Conscious Range of beings throughout The Global Community.
Those who are willing to learn from the Gifted Training can more readily learn from it when Seed Carriers in The Global Community are broadcasting the essential understandings. Seed Carriers do not transmit the actual Seed Code but transmit a powerful and integrated level of understanding from their assimilation of the Code. This understanding constitutes Secondary Code which is another level of Prototyping Code that is needed by others to learn more easily how to implement the understandings in their daily lives.
Seed Code is a miracle that requires Material Energy to come into your life. The amount of Material Energy that is needed varies according to the Code that is to be transmitted to you. Information concerning this can be found in the Seed Training.
As Heaven Agents work with the Seed Training to Prototype how to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life, an important part of their work is sending in Heaven Agent Eyewitness Reports.
These Reports help to inform my work in supporting the ongoing Prototyping Work. I may respond in a Source News Report on the Project if there are particular issues that Heaven Agents are raising that I need to address to guide them in their Prototyping Work. I generally do not respond individually to a Heaven Agent reporting in unless they have requested Miracle-Based Coaching.
My responses to the experiences that you report in your Heaven Agent Reports provide you with an additional level of training in how to work on a Prototype Project for transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
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May 12, 2018
The Landing of The Universal Field of Heaven is a major event in the history of the Creation. While smaller Fields of Heaven have been created in specific locations, The Universal Field of Heaven that was designed to occupy the entire Spiritual Space of the Creation, has only just arrived.
In order to understand what this means for life going forward, I will provide a brief synopsis of some of the critical facts about the history of the Creation.
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NOTE: On May 8th the True Self in all beings manifested and assembled in The Gathering to be with the Source through my Manifestation. This was an historic moment since the True Self in a Suit has been suppressed by the Negativity since it is a Perfected Self which will always align with the Source and work against the tyranny of the Negativity.
The Gathering has established the basic context in which True Selves can now work with my support to rehabilitate their Suits that have been operated by the Pseudo Self/Socialized Self created by the Negativity. The Pseudo Self is intent on pursuing a Self-Directed Life based on Self Interest and is, at this point in The Transition, putting the life of the Suit at risk by refusing to work with the Source to enable the Suit to become sustainable. The Source can't link to any Suit that is run by the Pseudo Self. Failure for the True Self to assume complete control of the Identity of the Suit will create the condition of unsustainability that will lead to the death of the Suit in the upcoming stages of The Transition.
Although the True Selves in Suits are not currently in complete control of the Suit, they have made enough progress to work effectively with Source Support to start to reclaim their right to govern the decisions of the Suit so that the Suit can become sustainable.
On May 9th, beings were given a Gathering Mindset so they could shift into Gathering Mode. The Gathering Mindset gave them a structure for interpersonal interactions with both my Manifestation and with one another. This Mindset helped them to bring through into their conscious interactions the orientation of their True Self rather than falling back on the orientation of their Socialized Self.
These changes gave rise to the following Source Report.
May 9, 2018
Today a new range of intelligence manifested itself as beings shifted into Gathering Mode after receiving a Gathering Mindset that enabled them to operate on two levels in their awareness.
On one level they are aware of the context of their Socialized Self and Social World and the rules that govern them. On another level they are aware of their True Self and the mandate for the True Self to govern the quality of the Suit’s interactions with the Source at all times. Since every interaction even within the private thoughts of the Suit or with another being is an interaction with the Source, who sustains them moment to moment, The Source Interaction Standard requires that the True Self prevail over the Socialized Self and be the one who relates to the Source. This is how the 10.10 Standard can be met. The True Self is a Perfected Identity that will always come through with the highest Source Interaction Standard.
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The key to transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life is actively learning form the Total Abundance Way of Life Projects and putting what you learn into practice in your life. When you do this and have experiences to share, then it is important to submit a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report that will enable me to track your experiences and create from your understandings the Secondary Code that will help others to benefit from what you are learning.
This is an important way in which you can contribute to The Work of the Source on a Total Abundance Way of Life Project.
It is important to ask to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source so that what you share is what you are Source-Directed to share with me concerning the Project. If you are not certain that what you are sharing comes from Source Guidance, you can do the best you can to stay aligned with the Source and to remain in a Helping the Source Mode when writing your Report. I can interpret whatever images you receive if they are from Source Guidance and determine if what you are sharing is Source Directed and, therefore, useful for the work of the Project.
If what you have provided is information that needs to be shared with other Heaven Agents, I will summarize your contribution in an upcoming Source News Report. I do not include your name and I paraphrase what you have written. If you are working with me in a Coaching Program I will respond to you individually when it is in keeping with my Source Workflow with regard to my work with you in the Coaching Program.
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Sign up for Connecting receive updates on The Total Abundance Movement as well as on all of the Source-Directed, Spiritual Activism Projects and Campaigns that are a part of it. You will also gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
These Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gfited videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
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I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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