Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to join in the work of The Simulated Total Abundance Experience Project. This Project is designed to provide your Suit – body/mind – with Simulated Total Abundance Experiences that help it to understand Total Abundance and make the decision to work with you to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life. Only when your Suit is genuinely willing to travel The Path to Total Abundance will you be able to travel this path successfully.
For information on how to participate in this Project, you can reference the Overview section below.
As the result of the work of a small group of Heaven Agents using their Heaven Rays, a cache of Source Energies that had been entrapped by Stasis Energies since the beginning of the Creation, was freed from this entrapment. The Source Energies were then used to ignite Simulation Technology.
Simulation Experiences are like journeys into the future of a Total Abundance Way of Life that create an Immersion Experience in which your Suit experiences living in a new way that is fully integrated with who you are and how you naturally function in your life. Through immersing itself in a particular aspect of a Total Abundance Way of Life in a Simulation Experience, your Suit is able to understand what is possible, get comfortable with it, and then want to be able to transition into this new way of life.
Your Suit needs Simulated Experiences to even begin to fathom the miracle of a Total Abundance Way of Life. Merely sketching out the theoretical parameters of what is possible doesn’t usually ring any bells in your Suit's consciousness. This is because it has been used to lifetimes of scarcity, struggle, and suffering and has geared its way of life to cope with these adversities. To convince it to try something new is very challenging unless you give your Suit a Simulated Experience that makes it realize that the change is not only possible but delightful and something that it would greatly prefer over its current Scarcity Way of Life. Only when your Suit is convinced that the Total Abundance Way of Life is what it wants will it stop opposing your decision to move your life out of Scarcity into Total Abundance.
The part of your Suit that has the Simulated Experience is generally the Subconscious Range of your Suit Consciousness. This is where your Suit clings onto a Scarcity Way of Life and resists your decision in your Conscious Range to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life. In the case of advanced Heaven Agents who have developed their Spiritual Senses, there may be an awareness of the experience which will manifest like a Miracle-Based Adventure on the Inner Plane. The Simulated Experience will help the Suit to get onboard with wanting and working for a Total Abundance Way of Life even if, in the Conscious Range, the details of the Simulated Experience do not surface into consciousness.
The Simulated Experience can occur either in an Inner Plane Simulation Field, which allows for experiences that require expansion of your energies, or in an Inner Plane Simulation Chamber.
For example, in The Seed Trainings described below, the one on Becoming a Conduit of Source Light and Love, required a Simulation Field. The Simulation Experience for Transitioning Beyond the Fear of Scarcity into the Source-Directed Use of Resources required a Simulation Chamber.
Some Simulation Experiences are grounded by Heaven Phase Technology that does not require Material Energy to ground the miracle. These Simulation Experiences are available to all beings throughout the Creation.
Other Simulation Experiences require that those supporting these experiences provide the Material Energy for the miracle of the Simulation Experience to manifest. These are the Simulations that occur at a more materialized level and, therefore, require Material Energy to ground. Those unfamiliar with the concept of Material Energy can read the information provided in the highlighted section below.
For those who are new to working with the Source, the key concept in connecting to a Source-Created Miracle is providing the Material Energy that is required to bring the miracle to the level of Spiritual Materiality where it is needed.
No Material Energy is needed to create the miracle which is freely given by the Source. The Material Energy is needed to ground the miracle so that it can come into your life or into the life of a loved one.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground a miracle varies according to the type of miracle that is to be grounded. The Design Aspect of the Source, who creates the miracles, determines the amount of Material Energy that will be needed for any particular miracle to be delivered to the being for whom it is intended.
Beings were created to generate the Material Energy that is needed to ground all of the miracles that they need from the Source. Because beings have forgotten how to generate this Material Energy and have sustained Suit Damage that impairs their ability to produce Material Energy, the Source has created a miracle that enables them to provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange. The Financial Exchange carries the Material Energy from the work that was done to earn the funds for the exchange. While a Financial Exchange provides only a low level of Material Energy, it is a blessing to those who have not yet learned how to generate the Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
A financial equivalent of the amount of Material Energy that is needed is provided for those who lack the skill to generate the right amount of Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
Some Simulation Experiences are designed to effect permanent changes in your Suit’s ability to perform at a certain level. An example is the Source Light and Source Love Experience. Returning to the Simulation Field is how continuing progress is made. Once the Skill Set is mastered then it can be used whenever it is needed.
Most Simulation Experiences are not about developing a particular Skill Set but rather about understanding what it is like to live in a Total Abundance Way of Life. When this understanding is the goal, the method is for the Suit to rely on just a few Simulation Experiences and then draw on other methods for integrating what has been learned into everyday life.
The Seed Code behind a Seed Template sets into motion the developmental sequence that enables your Suit to be supported in integrating its experience in the Simulation Experience with its thoughts and behaviors in daily life. The Seed Template holds the Spiritual Space for this developmental process. This prevents the Negativity from aborting the process by derailing your Suit’s ability to follow through on the understanding of what is possible that it gained through the Simulation. Without the developmental Code in the Template rolling out the prompts that cue the Suit to what decisions to make in the moment, the Suit is clueless about what to do differently to secure Total Abundance in its life.
Simulation Chambers with Technical Support are available to Suits that have been so highly networked to Negative Programming that even with their best efforts and the support of a Seed Template, they find that the Negative Programming is overpowering their will to change their Scarcity Way of Life behaviors in order to travel their Path to Total Abundance.
Since the decisions of your Suit will determine your sustainability in the stages of The Transition, it is important that you understand the struggles of your Suit to learn the Total Abundance Way of Life when it has been in the groove of The Scarcity Way of Life for lifetimes. It is important to give your Suit what it needs to make the transition. Your Suit is incapable of doing anything for which it lacks the Spiritual Software. In this way it is like a computer. You can’t demand that your computer do word processing if you don’t have a word processing program on the computer. In the same way you can’t demand that your Suit live in a way that is conducive to your Total Abundance if it has nothing but Scarcity Software onboard.
It is up to you to outfit your Suit with the Spiritual Software, such as a Seed Template, that it needs to perform at the level that will enable it to become sustainable. You have to keep in mind that if your Suit is not sustainable, the Source will not be able to link back to it at the end of The Transition and it will die for lack of the Life Energies that the Source supports. This means that you, the Soul, will be without a Suit.
Since you have to have a Suit to exist in the Creation, you will lose your place in the Creation. This means that although your Soul will exist for all eternity in an unmanifest and inactive state at the Source Level, it will never again have the opportunity to incarnate in The Manifest World and experience the Heaven that can only be experienced through life in a Suit.
The Source is providing the Spiritual Technology that will give your Suit a chance to become sustainable. It is up to you to work with the Source Support that is offered to ensure the sustainability of your Suit.
To find out more about the forms of Source Support that are available for Simulated Experiences, you can go to Source Support section below.
There are eight ways that you can provide support for your Suit through working with the resources of The Simulated Reality Project.
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There are two main Source Objectives for this Project.
The first Source Objective is to enable all Heaven Agents to have access to Simulated Experiences so that everyone can evolve into a Total Abundance Way of Life. Access can be granted in the instances in which Heaven Phase Interventions can support a Simulated Experience. This occurred in the Simulated Experiences for Becoming a Conduit for Source Light and Source Love. In other instances, however, Simulated Experiences can not be supported by Heaven Phase Interventions because they require miracles that need Material Energy to ground. In the case of Simulated Experiences requiring Material Energy to ground, it is incumbent on Heaven Agents to supply the Material Energy that is needed.
This is particularly true in the Simulation Experiences with Technical Support. These kinds of Simulations are required by those most beset by Negative Programming, who find that it is blocking the Suit’s ability to implement the vision of Total Abundance that it has chosen to endorse. Since Heaven Agents most at risk in The Transition are the ones most damaged by Negative Programming, it is important that Heaven Agents who are less compromised by Negative Programming rise to the challenge of supplying the Material Energy needed by those most at risk. In this way they can contribute to all Heaven Agents becoming capable of successfully transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
I have initiated The Total Abundance Way of Life Campaign to provide Heaven Agents with an opportunity to support other Heaven Agents in receiving Simulated Experiences. You can find out more about how to support this Campaign in the section below.
The second Source Objective is to develop the Secondary Code that will enable Heaven Agents who are not working with me on the Outer Plane to accelerate their learning process for transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
In order to generate Secondary Code, Heaven Agents working with Simulated Experiences need to submit Heaven Agent Eyewitness Reports to me about their experiences and their work of translating what they have learned into their daily lives. Through these communications, I can create the Secondary Code that can be seeded to other Heaven Agents who are only working with me At-a-Distance. In this way the Prototyping Work of Heaven Agents working with me in person in The Miracle School will be able to help those not working with me in The Miracle School on the Outer Plane to progress in their efforts to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
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In The Total Abundance Support System, the support of Heaven Agents is essential to my ability to use my Direct Source Work to manifest Total Abundance Miracles such as Simulated Total Abundance Reality Experiences.
Heaven Agent Support is needed to provide the Material Energy that grounds the Simulated Experiences that require Material Energy to ground. They need to provide the Material Energy not only for the Simulated Experiences that they need individually but they need to contribute to The World that Works Fund to supply the Material Energy needed by other Heaven Agents. Only by acting as Source-Directed Activists, engaging in the Grassroots Fundraising that is needed to make Simulated Experiences available to all who need them, are they fulfilling their Mission to support The Total Abundance Support System. Supporting The Work of the Source is how Heaven Agents learn how to become Stewards of Life and help their Suits to become sustainable.
The work of reaching the masses with information about a Total Abundance Way of Life and with the opportunity to have Simulated Total Abundance Reality Experiences requires the Financial Support of Heaven Agents. The links that reach people on the internet are what enable them to find out about The Work of the Source and to become educated so they understand the importance of the Team Work that will establish the Total Abundance Way of Life on the Earth that will enable it to become sustainable before the end of The Transition. While my work on the Inner Plane with all beings on the Earth leaves no one without some education in this regard, in order for the social changes to occur that enable Total Abundance to manifest, it will be necessary for many people to be educated on the Outer Plane and to join in the work on the Outer Plane.
I have initiated The Total Abundance Way of Life Campaign to provide Heaven Agents with a way to contribute the Financial Support that is needed to sustain this work. A Financial Contribution provides both Material Energy to ground miracles and the Financial Support that enables the Outer Plane work of The Heaven Project to reach the millions of people who need to be educated about the urgent need to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life before the end of The Transition.
Financial Support also provides scholarship funds for Heaven Agents who wish to contribute to The Total Abundance Movement but who lack the means to do so financially and have not yet learned how to generate Material Energy through an Energy Exchange. Through Heaven Agents supporting fellow Heaven Agents, a Core Group of Heaven Agents can be trained and mobilized to spread the word about The Miracle of Total Abundance and to support others in emancipating themselves from Scarcity and entering into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
Your support is essential. Even if you have no ability to contribute to this work through a Financial Exchange, it is important that you ask to go on the Missions that I will send you to do the Heaven Agent Work that generates the Material Energy that can be gifted to this Project through an Energy Exchange. Material Energy grounds miracles. The miracles it ground are the miracles that will save life on the Earth and in the Creation.
Become Love in Action. Steward The Miracle of Life in the Creation while there is still time to save it before the end of The Transition. Support The Total Abundance Way of Life Campaign.
What will tip the scale in the Collective Consciousness is the Prototyping Work of a Core Group of Heaven Agents who diligently transition every aspect of their personal lives into a Total Abundance Way of Life. Their Prototyping Work will generate Secondary Code that can be gifted to those who will not be able to work with me directly. This will help them to know how to make the transition in their lives.
Only when Heaven Agents become dedicated Total Abundance Way of Life Prototypers will we get the traction that is needed to move The Global Community toward a Total Abundance Way of Life. This means working diligently to transition every facet of their way of life into a Total Abundance Way of Life. It means being willing to make changes on the Outer Plane in the way that they live their lives so they are no longer giving energy to The Scarcity Way of Life that is endangering The Miracle of Life.
Through taking the Seed Trainings and keeping me informed of your work with the Simulated Experiences, you can contribute to the Prototyping and become a part of the Core Group of Heaven Agents who is moving The Global Community closer to understanding and accepting the importance of transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
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This Campaign is designed to provide The Work of the Source with two kinds of Heaven Agent Support.
Of great importance is the work of Heaven Agents to supply the Material Energy needed to ground the Total Abundance Miracles such as the Simulated Total Abundance Experiences that are needed by Heaven Agents worldwide. Without them Heaven Agents will not be able to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life before the end of The Transition.
I have done the Direct Source Work to make these miracles possible and now Heaven Agents need to step forward and provide the Material Energy to ground them. This is an essential Next Step in supporting The Total Abundance Support System which is what enables the Suit to sustain its place in The Substratum of Life.
While Material Energy needed for this Campaign can be provided by Heaven Agents going on Source-Directed Missions to generate the Material Energy, Material Energy provided through an Energy Exchange only solves one part of the Source Objectives for this Campaign. It can ground the miracles for more incoming Heaven Agents but it can’t bring the Heaven Agents into our work on the Outer Plane. It takes Financial Support to cover the costs of getting the word out on the Outer Plane.
What it takes to bring Heaven Agents into this work on the Outer Plane, is putting out Click Ads on the internet that reach the masses and give them a Point of Connection with The Work of the Source so they can find the web site and begin working with us to Prototype a Total Abundance Way of Life. Click Ads reach millions who are seeking spiritual solutions and spiritual activism related resources on the internet. They have been proven to be the most effective Outer Plane way of reaching those who have a Mission to join in the Outer Plane work of The Total Abundance Movement.
It takes the Financial Support of Heaven Agents to enable The Heaven Project to send out Source Communications through Click Ads and other modes of internet communication. I can develop the educational materials and run the Campaign to get the word out but without the Financial Support of Heaven Agents supplying the Financial Support that is needed for this work, potential Heaven Agents will not know about The Total Abundance Movement and will, therefore, not be available to help you to establish the Total Abundance Way of Life that is needed if life on the Earth is to be sustainable.
If it is in your Mission to help to get the word out through telling those you know, then this will be part of your Stewarding Work. If it is to provide information to me about someone who has the means to fund the effort on a larger scale who you feel will be receptive to this work, then this is part of your Stewarding Work. If it is to contribute Financial Support to this Campaign, then this is how you Steward Life. If it is your Mission to do all of the above and more, then this is what you need to do to Steward Life.
For every Heaven Agent the Mission will vary. It is important to seek Inner Source Guidance about what is yours to contribute and to contribute it. I provide a link below where you can contribute to The World that Works Fund for the Financial Support that is needed by this Campaign.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
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There are three Seed Trainings available at this time for this Project. They are Soul Talk Source Workflow Trainings which means that the Heaven Agents working with me in the Source Workflow Sessions are coming in on the Inner Plane through The Soul Talk Network.
Members of Connecting can access the Source Report on the Source Workflow Session. This Report carries Basic Spiritual Code which is helpful to the Suit in integrating the concepts discussed in the Session. While this is helpful Code, it does not constitute the full power of The Seed Training. A Full Power Seed Training includes the complex Seed Code for the Training. This compliments the Basic Code that is transmitted in the Report of the Session. With Seed Code you can access everything that your Suit needs to work effectively with the Training.
If you would like to read the Report, and you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can sign up by accessing the link provided below. All Source-Directed Activist Training Materials available through Connecting are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network who supplies the Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracle of the Basic Code that is transmitted through the training materials. When you sign up for Connecting, you not only gain access to all of the videos, audios, and written trainings that are available, but you also receive emailed Source News Updates on The Work of the Source on The Total Abundance Movement which is manifesting the Heaven of Total Abundance for all beings.
The Full Power Seed Training contains the Source Report on the Session as well as the Seed Code that is transmitted to your Suit to provide it with all of the complex understandings contained in the Training that it will need to have to work effectively with Simulated Experiences. No written account could ever provide your Suit with all of the technical information that it needs at Subconscious Levels in order to work effectively with a Miracle Tool as complex as a Simulation Chamber. The only safe and effective way to transmit this knowledge is through Seed Code that goes directly to the levels of consciousness in your Suit where it is needed. Without Seed Code, the Suit is left with intellectual understandings that are inadequate for it to work effectively to Become What Is Needed to Support the Work of the Source when working with Simulated Experiences.
To request the Gifted Training, members of Connecting can access the links below.
Full Power Seed Trainings are available only to Heaven Agents who qualify for Miracle-Based Coaching at Levels 4 or 5. These Heaven Agents are producing the high quality Miracle-Friendly Field of energy needed to receive the miracle of Seed Code. If you are in either The Total Abundance Coaching Program (Level 4) or The Source Connection Coaching Program (Level 5), you are already pre-qualified for a Full Power Seed Training.
If you are uncertain whether your Suit is producing the requisite level Miracle-Friendly Field, you can request a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment. For more information on the Assessment and on Miracle-Friendly Fields and Miracle-Based Coaching, you can go to: Miracle-Based Coaching.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground Seed Code varies according to the particular level and kind of Seed Code that is linked to a Training.
This Training grounds the Seed Code for:
This Training grounds the Seed Code for:
This Training grounds the Seed Code for:
To request the Seed Code for Full Power Seed Trainings, you can provide the Correct Exchange by accessing the links provided below.
You can then use the links to the Trainings provided above to read the Reports. If you are eligible to receive the Seed Code, per the prerequisites describe above, then the Seed Code will automatically go to you. If you are not eligible, your financial exchange will not be processed or will be refunded.
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A Seed Template carries the Seed Code for a particular Simulated Experience. This Seed Code when translated into a Template, provides the Suit with pre-processed Code which enables the Suit to readily receive the information that it needs to take action.
If just Seed Code was given to a Suit, it could take years before the Suit could process it through the stage of a Seed Imprint to a Seed Template. Providing your Suit with a Seed Template gives your Suit a short cut to being able to act on the essential information available in the Seed Code.
A Seed Template triggers a developmental process that is akin to the firing of the biological DNA that forms a baby in the womb. Only in this case, the DNA is for an ability to integrate a Total Abundance Way of Life into some aspect of daily living. Suits are wired to function in a DNA triggered fashion. When they receive the correct DNA and they want to make use of it to achieve a certain goal, then they have what they need to achieve the goal.
While the Simulation Experience gives the Suit the motivation to want to transition into a particular aspect of a Total Abundance Way of Life, the Seed Template gives it the triggered DNA to make the transition. This is why the two forms of Source Support work well together.
As Seed Templates are created, they will be listed in this Directory with information that enables you to request the Seed Template directly from the Directory.
This Template sets into motion the developmental sequences that enable your Suit to know how to transition into the Source-Directed use of material resources. Although your Suit may be willing to do what is Source-Directed, realizing that this contributes not only to its own experience of Total Abundance but to the Total Abundance of others, it may not know what daily decisions it needs to make to enable this to happen. The Template will direct the thoughts and experiences of the Suit so that it can bring into focus the choices that will enable it to achieve the goal of working with material resources in a Source-Directed Way.
When your Suit has the Spiritual Software of the Seed Template, it will be able to respond to your directive to transition into the aspect of a Total Abundance Way of life that is built on the Source-Directed Use of Material Resources. Since this ability is central to a Total Abundance Way of Life, it is important to provide your Suit with the Template that will enable you to have a Suit that can respond to your directives and successfully use material resources in a Source-Directed Way.
The amount of Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracle of The Source-Directed Use of Material Resources Template is US $325.
To request this Template, you can access the link provided below.
The Impulsivity Template gives the Suit the ability to both evaluate its thoughts and emotions before taking action and to seek Source Guidance with regard to how to react to a situation that is triggering its Abuser Behavioral Patterns. Most Abusers act before they think. Those trying to stop Abuser Behavioral Patterns from firing need help in controlling the Impulsivity that has been built into the Abuser Mentality by the Negativity. While getting rid of the Internal and External Networks that support the Abuser Mentality is important, unless the Suit can stop and think of the Source-Guided Way of responding before taking action, it is likely to revert back to its Abuser Patterns.
For example, an Abuser Pattern might be triggered whenever the Suit feels on overload due to frustrations, pent up anger, physical discomfort, etc. The Abuser Pattern then finds a target and the negative emotions are released on the victim. The Abuser feels relieved of the negative emotions and feels like he/she did what was right, which was to punish someone who was doing something wrong or to engage in culturally approved behaviors for persecuting certain people in the community. Rarely does an Abuser reflect on the fact that the attack on someone else was a method for clearing his/her negative emotions and think about the damage to others that abuse entails and about the long term effects of abuse on the victim and on the quality of life in the society.
Examples are women who are beaten by their husbands/partners because they haven’t performed up to their expectations. The beatings are justified by the Abusers because they believe that they must punish, control, and motivate the woman to do better next time. In other instances, the beatings are simply men taking out their life frustrations on women – the whipping post – phenomenon or indulging in cruelty which gives them a sense of power because they can overpower a woman and make her suffer and feel helpless to protect herself. This often makes the man feel powerful even though in his interaction with other males, he may be the one who is being mistreated by more dominant males.
The Impulsivity Template helps the Abuser become aware of his/her build up of toxic emotion and the need to work with the Source to release them so they do not erupt in an attack on someone else. It also gives the Suit a sense of how to slow down a response and seek Source Guidance instead of acting out the Abuse Pattern. It encourages reflection on the long term effects of abuse and on what is Right Action in dealing with any social interaction.
A Suit that has been through the Abuser Chamber and genuinely wants to eliminate its Abuser Pattern, will appreciate the help of The Impulsivity Template because it will give it back control over behaviors that are putting its life at risk at this point in The Transition.
NOTE: The Impulsivity Template is not just helpful in the case of Abuser Programming. It can help any Heaven Agent who is trying to stop the action of triggered Story Behavioral Patterns in order to make room for Source-Guided Responses that enable it to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life. Even Heaven Agents with good self-discipline can find this Template helpful in promoting more discernment about what triggers their behavioral patterns and creating more of a space in which they can slow down and get Source Guidance before taking action.
The amount of Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracle of The Impulsivity Template is US $1200.
To request The Impulsivity Template, you can access the link provided below.
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Back to The Universal Seed of Heaven Project
This Simulation Field helps the Suit understand how to expand the channel in the center of the heart chakra through which Source Light and Source Love come into their Spiritual Space. By expanding this channel and allowing more Source Light and Source Love to flow through the channel, they are able to fill up the Spiritual Space of their incarnation. Only when the Spiritual Space is completely lit up will they be able to connect to the new Substratum of Life which I will send in after I return to the Source Level at the end of The Transition.
The new Substratum will be able to dock with the Spiritual Space through the Source Light and Source Love energies that provide the Miracle-Friendly Field that is needed for the docking. If the Spiritual Space is only partially filled it will exist at a level below the level at which the new Substratum can dock. The Spiritual Space and the being within it will, therefore, miss their opportunity to dock with the new Substratum before the small reserve energies from the original Substratum are spent.
When these lifesaving energy reserves are spent, the Spiritual Space will disintegrate, terminating the life of the being on spiritual and physical levels. The being will suffer Spiritual Death when the Soul unlinks from the Suit, leaving behind an Empty Suit. The Suit will also disconnect from The Network of Intelligence that sustains its physical life. Because Empty Suits can not re-incarnate, this will terminate the life of the being in The Manifest World.
To enter into The Simulation Field to learn how to become a Conduit of Source Light and Source Love, you can ask your Inner Intelligence, the part of you that knows how to do the technical work that connects you to the miracles of the Source, to help you enter into the Field. I will be there on the Inner Plane guiding you as you go in and out of the Field in the course of your learning process.
I will give you, in your Extended Range, updates on how you are doing in terms of how much of your Field is being lit up and help you to work through whatever problems you might be having. If you have re-instated your Continuum of Consciousness between your Extended Range and your Conscious Range, you will be able to work with me in your Conscious Range as well.
You can work with the Source Workflow Training on Becoming a Conduit for Source Light and Source Love to get a better idea of how to work with the Field and deal with the Negativity that opposes this work because the work empowers beings to ward off their Harvesting Operation attacks.
I recommend that you elect to do the Full Power Training that includes the Seed Code for how to become a Conduit of Source Light and Source Love. The Seed Code transmits complex technical information to your Suit that gives it the information that it needs to do the work and sustain its progress even in the face of the opposition of the Negativity. Since contracting the channel through which Source Light and Source Love come through the heart chakra is almost an instinctual response in beings when threatened by the Negativity, your Suit needs to have technical support in keeping the channel open and still maintaining proper defenses so that it Holds the Line for Heaven rather than capitulating to the intimidation tactics of the Negativity. Since capitulating to the Negativity will result in the end of your life in the Creation, it is of the utmost importance that your Suit be technically equipped to stand and fight for the right to have a life in The Manifest World. Nothing short of this will be sufficient to survive the end of The Transition and maneuver effectively to re-dock to the new Substratum of Life.
For information on this Training, you can go to the Seed Training section.
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This Simulated Experience is supported by Heaven Phase Technology. It is, therefore, available to all beings who wish to know what it feels like to use their material resources in a Source-Directed Way for the Total Abundance that this brings.
If you would like to step into this Simulation Chamber, you can ask me on the Inner Plane and I will guide you through your Simulated Experience. If you have developed your spiritual senses you may be able to track the action in your conscious awareness. If you have not, then I will work with your True Self in your Extended Range of Consciousness, which is often outside of your Conscious Range, to enable your Suit to have this experience.
To get a better understanding of how to work with this Chamber, members of Connecting can access the Gifted Introductory Training with Basic Code. I would recommend that you elect to do the Full Power Training that has Seed Code in order to provide your Suit with the technical information on how to work with Source Direction in the management of your material resources. Much more information than can be imparted through Basic Code is needed to work effectively with this training. You can access information on the Training in the Seed Training section.
I would also recommend that you request the Seed Template for The Source-Directed Use of Material Resources that has been created for those working with this Simulation Experience. You can access this Template in the Seed Template section.
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Although beings are working very effectively with Simulated Experiences in their Extended Range, which is generally outside of their conscious awareness, very few of them are having the Simulated Experience in their Conscious Range. While the Suit can sign on to transitioning into the aspect of a Total Abundance Way of Life that it experienced in its Extended Range, it will take longer to ground this in the decisions the Suit makes in its Conscious Range if there is no real awareness at the conscious level.
The problem is the disconnection in The Continuum of Consciousness between the Extended Range and the Conscious Range, a disconnection that the Negativity has worked to achieve. Children are born with a natural unbroken Continuum of Consciousness. They can easily see what is happening on the Inner Plane as well as what is happening on the Outer Plane. By the time they are 9 years of age, they begin blocking this awareness because it is not socially acceptable to reference what is happening on the Inner Plane as part of what is considered “reality” in most cultures. While cultures differ in their willingness to include information that about what is happening in the Inner Plane in their conversations, most cultures favor a focus on what is happening on the Outer Plane, which is only 10% of the life experiences of a person. This leaves the person alone and unsupported in dealing with the 90% of their life experiences that are happening on the Inner Plane.
In order to help the Suit to re-establish The Continuum of Consciousness so that an Integrated Picture of Reality can emerge, I have created this Continuum of Consciousness Chamber that supplies the Suit with the intensely transformative energies needed to reconnect their Extended Range with their Conscious Range. Short stints in this Simulation Chamber will help a Suit to re-establish The Continuum of Consciousness and regain its ability to put the picture together and hold it together.
Once you have re-established your Continuum of Consciousness you will be able to notice in your Conscious Range when I am with you helping you to travel your Path to Total Abundance. Since the ability to interact with the Implementation Aspect of the Source through my Manifestation is key to your ability to retain your Source Connection, and since this interaction is primarily on the Inner Plane during the remainder of my lifetime in the Manifest World and completely on the Inner Plane after I return to the Source Level, your Suit's ability to track what is happening on the Inner Plane will be critical to your survival. Reclaiming your birthright of an unbroken Continuum of Consciousness has to be a priority if you with to retain your Source Connection.
To request entry into this kind of Chamber, you can ask your Inner Intelligence to connect you to the Chamber. I will then come on the Inner Plane to assist you in working effectively with the Simulated Experiences that will help you to re-establish your Continuum of Consciousness.
There are many Suits that chose to break their Source Connection and experience Spiritual Death rather than deal with the reality of The Transition. These Suits have become extremely dangerous to Suits with Souls.
There are also Suits that have been Double Agents but who have still retained their Souls. These Suits often have out of control Hell Agent Identities running their Suits that continue The War against the Source and anyone in support of The Work of the Source.
Now a type of Transformation Chamber has been created that will contain the toxic and dangerous energies of those most damaged by The Disease of Spiritual Fragmentation and provide an optimal environment in which they can heal and function at a higher level. While this will not be enough to restore an Empty Suit so that it can live beyond its current lifetime, it will reduce its suffering and the suffering that it inflicts on others.
I have Prototyped this type of Chamber with Non Suits who lost their Souls very early on in The Transition and who lack many basic aspects of Suit Equipment that enable them to function in the world. In a Rehabilitation Chamber these Suits are being healed so they can function without doing violence to themselves or others. This is a major help for them and for The Universal Community in which they have been wrecking havoc.
In my Prototyping work with the Suits of Double Agents that have been unable to control the Hell Agent parts of their Suit, the containment of this violence and the ability for this violence to be cleared from the Suit in the Rehabilitation Chamber is enabling them to get the Source-Connected part of their Suits back in the driver’s seat so they can become contributing members of The Universal Community.
These types of Rehabilitation Chambers will be a significant contribution to the Project for Making the World Safe for Heaven for the Heaven Agents who are more Source-Connected and want to work effectively with the Simulation Experiences to become Stewards of Life.
Note: This kind of Chamber is gifted to those most in need who are willing, at the level of their True Self, to accept this kind of Source Support. It is not something that you can request for yourself or another person. It is given to those who are posing a threat to the society that requires this kind of stringent Source Response.
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If you would like to work with a basic Simulated Total Abundance Reality Experience, the best way to begin is to request a Gifted Simulated Reality Experience Assessment. Enter into the Comments box on the form that you can access through the link below, the aspect of a Total Abundance Way of Life that you would like to explore through a Simulated Experience. This could be an aspect of Total Abundance that has to do with what you individually need for your health, personal relationships, career, to handle a difficult situation, to heal from an emotional trauma or upsetting event, to achieve life purpose fulfillment, and the like.
Basically, anything in your life can be the focus of a Simulated Experience. It is only when you experience what Total Abundance would be like in some aspect of your life that you realize how far below the level of Total Abundance you are now living. Even if the Simulated Experience only reaches your Subconscious Range, your Suit will be transformed by seeing a way out of the rut of Scarcity that it has been traveling in for lifetimes.
One of the best ways to work with Simulated Experiences is to ask for the one that is a Next Step on your Path to Total Abundance. You might be surprised at what Experience might be given. It might be one that is not on your list of priorities but when you have this Experience all the doors to Total Abundance begin to open to you. Sometimes this is because the Experience helps you work through a thought form that holds you back into Scarcity Logic or a fear of success that is buried in your unconscious mind and not something you have known was an impediment to achieving Total Abundance.
It is best to work strategically with Simulated Experiences through a Next Step Process. This is similar to putting the lever under the boulder of Suit opposition to Total Abundance and letting the boulder of opposition roll off your Path to Total Abundance rather than trying to heave the boulder down your Path to Total Abundance. If you are uncertain what aspect is a Next Step for you, you can ask me for an Assessment of what kind of Simulated Experience would be best for you at this time. I will email you with information about the Simulated Experience that can be created for you.
Since each Simulated Experience is unique to the individual, I will only be able to determine the amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of this Experience when I can see not only what Experience you need but whether this Experience needs Technical Support or can occur with just the basic support given for every Simulated Experience. I will also determine if a Seed Template is needed and if so, the amount of Material Energy that will be needed to ground this miracle.
You can email me back with any questions or concerns. If you are ready to go forward with the Simulated Experience, I will create the Simulation Chamber on the Inner Plane for this Experience. I will then come on the Inner Plane in my Extended Range, which is generally outside of my conscious awareness, when you are ready for the Experience. I will help you into the Chamber and will watch over the process and work with you both while you are in the Chamber and when you exit and process what your Suit has learned.
This will be a form of Miracle-Based Coaching on the Inner Plane that is needed for these Simulation Experiences to be helpful to you. They will be similar to the Miracle-Based Coaching that you can read about in the Seed Trainings. If you would like to request the Simulated Experience once you have found out what is involved in delivering it to you, you can enter the amount of the Correct Exchange in The Life that Works Fund form. If you would like to request a Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on how much per month you can provide and I will email you with information on whether this will work with the Material Energy reserves now available in The World that Works Fund.
Note: Your Life that Works Fund is an Inner Plane container that stores the Material Energy that you provide for the Source Support that you need personally. The World that Works Fund is also an Inner Plane container. It stores the Material Energy contributed by Heaven Agents throughout the Creation for the miracles that need to be grounded for The Universal Community. Its Material Energy reserves can be drawn upon to help individuals within The Universal Community if they lack the Material Energy to provide for a form of Source Support that they need. As they make monthly payments they can reimburse the Material Energy to The World that Works Fund so it will be available for other Heaven Agents needing Community support.
At this point in The Transition, every request for a Source Response on the Outer Plane requires that your Suit be maintaining at least a -6 Miracle-Friendly Field of Energy on a scale of -60 to +10. This enables me to contact you by email with my Assessment. If your Suit is not maintaining the Miracle-Friendly Field that is needed, then I will be unable to email you but will send whatever Heaven Phase Simulated Experiences can help your Suit start to produce the necessary level Miracle-Friendly Field. (For more information on the technical criteria for landing miracles in Miracle-Friendly Fields, you can reference the article entitled: Miracle-Based Coaching.)
While I can deliver Simulated Experiences even to beings below a -6 Miracle-Friendly Field if they are supported by Heaven Phase Technology, Simulated Experiences that require Material Energy to ground require that I be able to interact directly with the person requesting the Experience. I am not able to email or accept Material Energy through a Financial Exchange directly from a person if the Miracle-Friendly Field being generated by the Suit is below a -6. In such cases, I will send whatever Heaven Phase Simulated Experiences are possible to help the Suit reach the level at which it can interact with me through email communications and can provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange.
To request a Gifted Simulated Experience Assessment, you can access the link provided below.
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Simulated Experiences with Technical Support are needed when a Suit is struggling against Negative Programming that is fighting against its will to transition into a particular aspect of a Total Abundance Way of Life. Since the Negativity anticipated that the Source would challenge its Negative Programming, it reinforced it by creating an Internal Energy Network in the Suit that helped to resist any efforts of the Suit to adopt a Total Abundance Way of Life. It then further reinforced Internal Networks in the Suit with links to External Networks that could send in triggers to reinforce a Scarcity Way of Life.
When a Suit is battling this kind of Network Technology of the Negativity, it is necessary that it enter into a Simulated Experience Chamber with Technical Support. This kind of Chamber is designed to de-activate the Negative Energy that sustains Negative Networks and Negative Programming in general. When a Suit that is struggling with Negative Programming enters into this kind of Chamber, the transformational energies in the Chamber tackle the Negative Energy and work on eradicating the Negative Programming and the Internal and External Networks while the Simulated Experiences help the Suit to keep its focus on the Heaven of Total Abundance that it wants to achieve. Often many aspects of the Simulated Experience can only be experienced by the Suit when some of the Negative Programming is destroyed, freeing its consciousness to experience a Simulated Total Abundance Reality.
In addition to the work in the Chamber, I oversee the work that is being done. I work with Inner Plane Coaching with the Suit to answer its questions and check its progress as it goes in and out of the Chamber. If it begins to revert back to some but not all of the former behavior, then it is put back into the Chamber and the settings on the Chamber are adjusted to address the resistant levels of the Negative Programming and to provide specific Simulated Experiences that are needed to overcome the blindspots in its understandings that are a result of the Negative Programming. While the Suit must still choose to learn from and implement what it learns from its work in the Chamber, it gives the Suit a fresh start. This is very necessary in cases in which Negative Programming for lifetimes has damaged the Suit's ability to travel its Path to Total Abundance.
To date, I have created a number of Simulated Experiences with Technical Support for the classic problems that block the evolution of a Suit out of Scarcity into Total Abundance. They are listed in The Directory for Simulated Experiences below. Many more Chambers are possible but have yet to be brought into a state of Full Manifestation. In the interim, it is best to request a Gifted Simulated Experience Assessment if you have a need that is not matching up with one of the Chambers with Technical Support that have been posted to date. I can manifest that a Special Request Chamber be created for you individually or I may create a general Chamber that will be of use to others as well.
The amount of Material Energy needed for the more heavy duty Simulated Experiences with Technical Support and the Miracle-Based Inner Plane Coaching is based on what it takes to ground the miracles that will enable the Suit to receive ongoing support until it breaks through and the Negative Programming is deleted. It will still need the support of a Seed Template for whatever aspect of a Total Abundance Way of Life is being integrated into its life, but with the additional Technical Support this Template will be able to help the Suit achieve its goal.
This kind of Simulated Experience Chamber with Technical Support is designed to help Suits that are having trouble disconnecting from specific kinds of Negative Programming such as Negative Implants, Templates, and Structures that are controlling their automatic responses. The Chamber also enables them to receive the support of Simulated Experiences that help the Suit to envision a way of being in the world once the Negative Programming has been removed.
While this kind of Chamber can function to remove a wide variety of Negative Programming, there are several kinds of Negative Programming that most Suits need additional support in order to escape. The Disconnect Chambers listed below are designed to respond to this need.
This Chamber is designed to help Suits that are having trouble disconnecting from The Brute Force Way of Life Programming that has been installed in their Suits by the Negativity. This Negative Programming is entrapping the Suit and interfering with its ability to live a Source-Directed Way of Life.
The Brute Force Programming often gets in the way even when they ask to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source because they are trying to force things to happen by using this like a forced mantra to get the results that they think are important. This defeats the purpose of asking to Become What Is Needed, which should be accompanied by a relinquishing of control and a willingness to be receptive to Source Guidance about what Next Steps to take. Brute Forcers try to continue their Self-Directed Life using Source Technologies without realizing that they are misusing these Technologies.
In the Chamber they are given the technical support to disconnect from the Brute Force Programming the Negativity installed so they can think outside of the box of the Brute Force Method which many have been employing for billions of lifetimes. For some, this technical disconnection from the Brute Force Programming is the only way that they can progress toward living a Source-Directed Way of Life.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of The Disconnect Chamber for Brute Force Programming is US $3700. This enables the Suit to remain in the Chamber for as long as is needed to not only disconnect the Brute Force Programming but to work with the Simulated Experience for getting to neutral and being receptive to Source Guidance.
To Request The Disconnect Chamber for Brute Force Programming, you can access the link provided below.
The Negativity has put through some very severe Negative Programming in Suits to encourage them to abuse themselves. This Programming is reinforced by childrearing practices that employ punishment and shaming that the child is encouraged to internalize as a method of controlling themselves so they will not engage in the behaviors that are censored by their caregivers. When the child wants to control their behavior they abuse themselves by directing anger and shaming thoughts at themselves for wanting to do what is prohibited.
This pattern of triggered self abuse comes in-between them and the Source. Instead of remaining neutral and open and receptive to Source Guidance about what course of action is in keeping with their Mission, they shut out the Source and abuse themselves to get themselves to conform to the social codes of conduct of their society. This is one of the main points of Disconnection with the Source. This kind of Disconnection has seriously damaged the Source Connection itself, particularly when cultural traditions encourage self abuse as a way of conforming to standards attributed to the Creator.
In some cases of Self Abuse Programming, a child internalizes the Failure Programming of a caregiver. The child can not become successful without making the caregiver successful. The child senses this unspoken taboo on success in their caregiver and engages in self sabotage that is another form of self abuse. This is how failure is passed down the generations.
In other cases a person takes on the Self Abuse endorsed by the society. This abuse might be the abuse of their health through addictive substances, overeating, lack of attentiveness to their health, etc. It could also be engaging in socially approved dangerous sports or activities that could damage or destroy their bodies.
Since Self Abuse Programming can exist at very subliminal levels that belie the conscious efforts of the person to take care of themselves and succeed, it is often necessary to enter into a Disconnect Chamber to disconnect the Internal Network of Self Abuse Programs in the Suit and its link to External Networks in order to give the Suit a chance to think outside the box of perpetuating Self Abuse.
In The Disconnect Chamber for Self Abuse Programming the person is given both the technical support to disconnect from the Self Abuse Programming and the Simulated Experiences that help them to envision living a life in which no Self Abuse is needed to control their Suit.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of The Disconnect Chamber for Self Abuse Programming is US $600. A Heaven Phase Intervention can be partly drawn upon for this Chamber which would otherwise require $4600 to ground the miracle. Because most beings in The Manifest World abuse themselves even when they are trying to help themselves, this Chamber is very needed. Unless Self Abuse Programming is cleared from the Suit it can never reach the 100% Source Connection that is needed to become sustainable. This is because it will refuse Total Abundance because this conflicts with perpetuating its Self Abuse Patterns.
To request The Disconnect Chamber for Self Abuse Programming, you can access the link provided below:
Closely related to Self Abuse Programming is the programming that the Negativity has installed in the Suit to turn it into an Abuser Suit that breaks down others through physical, social, sexual, psychological, or spiritual violence. Since the Negativity benefits from damaged Suits that are ripe for its Harvesting Operation, programming Suits to abuse other Suits has always been high on its list of priorities.
Like most Negative Programming put into a Suit by the Negativity, the Programming doesn’t just exist in the Suit. It is usually networked to larger Negative Networks operating outside of the Suit that continue to reinforce and also fire off the Programming from a distance. When a Suit enters into a Disconnect Chamber designed to eliminate Abuser Programming, this Chamber will cut off the External Networks influencing the Suit in order to work on eliminating the Internal Abuser Networks in the Suit. This is an important part of the recovery of the Suit.
Simulation Experiences will also help the Abuser learn how to relate to others without wishing to do them harm.
For a clearer idea of how this Chamber works, you can reference the Source Workflow Training SE3, that can be referenced in the Seed Training section above.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of The Disconnect Chamber for Abuser Programming is US $10,000. Since this is a large amount of Material Energy for most people to produce, even through an Energy Exchange, The Universal Heaven Agent Network has offered to provide the Material Energy for $2500 of this amount in their effort to promote an Abuse Free World.
Unfortunately, no Heaven Phase Intervention can help to ground the kind of Chamber needed for this purpose. A Chamber of this kind needs the Material Energy generated by Heaven Agents to ground. This is because this Chamber, unlike The Rehabilitation Chamber used for dangerous Suits, is not just working to create a less violent person but is working to heal the root cause of the violence and completely rehabilitate the Abuser. This requires a much more powerful kind of Chamber.
With the gift of $2500 from The Universal Heaven Agent Network, the Financial Exchange that is needed from a Heaven Agent is US $7500.
Heaven Agents can request this kind of Chamber for someone they know personally or know of who is engaging in abusive behavior that is damaging others. If the person agrees to accept the help on the Inner Plane, then the gift of this Chamber can be given. If they refuse it, then the funds advanced for this cause will be either refunded or re-directed to someone else who is need of this Chamber. The person making the request can tell me how they would like the funds to be handled in such an instance.
To request The Disconnect Chamber for Abuser Programming, you can access the link provided below:
One of the more highly developed tactics of the Negativity was to install Negative Programming in Suits to make them engage in addictive and obsessive behaviors. When Suits spent their Spiritual Intensity on such pursuits, they lost their reserves of Spiritual Intensity and then were unable to draw on their reserves to defend themselves against the Negativity. This took the power out of The Heaven Ray and out of any use of the Miracle-Based Abilities that the Suit had for its own self defense.
To instigate and sustain addictions and obsessions, the Negativity installed elaborate Internal Networks in the Suit so that multiple triggers would initiate the behavior and sustain it. These Internal Networks were also linked to multiple External Networks operated by the Negativity to trigger the behavior and reinforce it as well as to harvest its output which was the Spiritual Intensity energies of the Suit that were the target of this kind of Harvesting Operation.
When people struggling with addictions and obsessions try to make a New Year’s Resolution to stop the behavior, this often ends in an effort that holds for a short period and then they relapse, often into more egregious levels of the behavior. This is because the Negativity moves in to reinforce the behavior by using its existing Internal and External Networks to continue the behavior and shore up the structures that support it.
While Simulation Experiences of being addiction and obsession free are often uplifting for the Suit and give it a desire to change the behavior, unless the Networks supporting the behavior are destroyed, it is likely to be a pitched battle between the conscious will of the Suit to stop the behavior and the deeper desires of the Suit, that are triggered by the Networks, to continue the behavior .
This is why The Disconnect for Addiction and Obsession Programming Chamber is needed. The Technical Support part of the Chamber breaks up the Networks and the Simulated Experience part of the Chamber provides the motivational experiences that enable the Suit to envision life without the addiction or obsession.
While other forms of Source Support may be needed as well as medical support in the case of serious addictions such as an opium addiction, this Disconnection Chamber gets at the spiritual root of addiction and obsession and provides the Suit with the 24/7 rehabilitative support that it needs to defeat the Negative Programming of the Negativity.
The amount of Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracle of The Disconnection Chamber for Addiction and Obsession Programming is US $6000.
To request The Disconnection Chamber for Addiction and Obsession Programming, you can access the link provided below.
One of the main problems that Disconnected Suits have is in getting the Spiritually Fragmented parts of their Suit to function in a synchronized manner so that they are capable of doing their Mission Work. Generally one part of the Suit fires slightly out of synch with another part and the end result is a hemorrhaging of energy in the Suit that depletes the overall reserves of the Suit to carry out the Mission.
The Synchronizing Chamber enables the different parts of the Suit to function more synchronistically.
While better Mission Work is important at present, in the future, as we near the end of The Transition, synchronized functioning of the moving parts of the Suit will make the difference in the Suit surviving or losing its Source Connection – its Link to Life. This is because the Implementation Aspect will be linking back to the Suit with an Energy Link that requires an integrated, synchronized Suit to receive the Link and stay connected. If the Suit is out of synch in its internal functioning, the Connection will fail, and it will lose its life.
The Synchronizing Chamber can help the Suit to fire in a more synchronized manner but it can not do this in isolation. The Chamber is designed to compliment the work of the being to become a Conduit of Source Love. It is Source Love that integrates the Fragments of the Suit so that they can function as a unit. Without sufficient amounts of Source Love, the Suit can’t get synchronized because the distance between Fragments is too great.
The Negativity has worked diligently to create The Disease of Fragmentation and to block the synchronous functioning of the Suit. This is because a Suit that is Fragmented and malfunctioning is ripe for their Harvesting Operation. Countering this will require spending extensive periods of time experiencing what synchronized functioning is like and re-training the firing of the different functional parts of the Suit so they can become synchronized. This is what The Synchronized Chamber does through its combination of Simulated Experiences and Technical Support.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of The Synchronizing Chamber is US $2600.
To request The Synchronizing Chamber, you can access the link provided below:
When Suits start to malfunction when they go through rapid spiritual change for which they are inadequately prepared, they often generate Negative Energy which is disorganized and chaos inducing. This energy results from the chaos in the Suit as it tries to adjust. This also occurs when they experience negative emotions such as rage, fear, grief, remorse, vindictiveness, self pity, self hate, and the like.
While the Suit is designed to send out Negative Energy through the chakras and the spine to an Inner Plane Recycling Center that hovers 6 inches above the head which purifies the energies and returns them to white light, few beings are able to discipline themselves enough to utilize this natural means effectively enough to avoid creating Negative Energy Mediums in their energy fields, homes, and places of work.
The Negative Energy Redirect Chamber immediately redirects these Negative Energies into a container outside of the Suit where they are destroyed. This Alternate Container System frees the Suit to keep its vibration high and avoid creating the Negative Energy Medium that enables the Negativity to interface with their Suit to do them harm.
Since Suits have to keep their energy space clear of Negative Energy in order to advance on their path to a 100% Source Connection, spending time in The Negative Energy Redirect Chamber will set up in their Suit the mechanisms for this alternate way to handle Negative Energy. In time, through a combination of the learning from the Simulated Experiences and the time spent in an energy clear Spiritual Space, the Suit will learn how to let go of Negative Energies and allow them to clear through both their natural onboard Recycling System and also through the Alternate Container System.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of The Negative Energy Redirect Chamber is US $2500.
To request The Negative Energy Redirect Chamber, you can access the link provided below:
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May 17, 2018
The Universal Seed is reporting that the miracle of a Simulation Chamber with Technical Support is about to be born. This miracle will help those struggling with Negative Programming that is interfering with their ability to work well with the Basic Simulated Experience Chamber.
One of these kinds of Chambers will help to re-build The Continuum of Consciousness that is needed to register what is being learned by the Suit in a Simulated Experience in the Conscious Range of the Suit. This will greatly enhance the power of Simulated Experiences to support the Conscious Range behavioral changes that enable the Suit to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
(For information on how this breakthrough is translating into the work of this Project, you can reference the Source News Report below.)
May 17, 2018
After talking with the Universal Seed about the arrival of the miracle of Simulated Experience Chambers with Technical Support, I worked with the Seed to bring them into a state of Full Manifestation. They are now available to provide Source Support to those who need additional technical assistance in working with a Simulated Experience. This additional technical support counteracts the effects of Negative Programming in the Suit that has formed Internal and External Networks that work against the Suit's desire to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
The Negativity rarely implants just one or two implants in a Suit to program the Suit to perform in a manner that is self-destructive. It knows that it is working against the innate logic of the Suit to survive. It usually implants Negative Programming and creates an Internal Network among the different parts of the Programming. It then links the Internal Network up to External Networks that fire off the Internal Network, overriding the Suit's intent to discontinue a self-destructive way of life.
Many people who feel trapped in addictions or who engage in abusive behaviors toward themselves and others have Suits that are responding to the external trigger for Internal Networks for self-destructive behaviors.
Getting rid of the Internal and External Networks is best done in a Simulated Experience Chamber with Technical Support. The Technical Support provides the Suit with Source Support to free itself from the Networks and get rid of the Negative Programming and the Simulated Experience gives the Suit behavioral options to take the place of habitual behavioral patterns that were generated by the Negative Programming.
Prior to many of the Source Interventions of recent years, External Networks used to be hardwired to the Internal Networks of the Suit. Now the Negativity has been sending Negative Suggestions from its External Networks to the Suit through the Collective Consciousness generated by all beings. Beings are prone to readily accepting anything that they hear that comes through the Collective Consciousness which they key off of for their social survival.
The Simulation Chamber with Technical Support will screen out incoming Negative Suggestions to disengage the Internal Network from the External Networks. This will enable the Chamber to work with the Suit to dismantle the Internal Network. Once the Internal Network is dismantled, the Negative Suggestions from the Collective Consciousness will not immediately trigger behavioral responses in the Suit. To avoid a rebuild of the Internal Network, the Suit will need to work with the Simulated Experiences to find alternative ways of thinking and living that are Source-Directed and support the Miracle of its Life.
The key to transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life is actively learning form the Total Abundance Way of Life Projects and putting what you learn into practice in your life. When you do this and have experiences to share, then it is important to submit a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report that will enable me to track your experiences and create from your understandings the Secondary Code that will help others to benefit from what you are learning.
This is an important way in which you can contribute to The Work of the Source on a Total Abundance Way of Life Project.
It is important to ask to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source so that what you share is what you are Source-Directed to share with me concerning the Project. If you are not certain that what you are sharing comes from Source Guidance, you can do the best you can to stay aligned with the Source and to remain in a Helping the Source Mode when writing your Report. I can interpret whatever images you receive if they are from Source Guidance and determine if what you are sharing is Source Directed and, therefore, useful for the work of the Project.
If what you have provided is information that needs to be shared with other Heaven Agents, I will summarize your contribution in an upcoming Source News Report. I do not include your name and I paraphrase what you have written. If you are working with me in a Coaching Program I will respond to you individually when it is in keeping with my Source Workflow with regard to my work with you in the Coaching Program.
You can share:
To submit your Report, you can access the form provided below.
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Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness.
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These Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gfited videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
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I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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