Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to take your first steps toward transitioning into the Heaven of Total Abundance. This Master Seed Project is designed to provide you with Miracle-Based Technologies that enable your Suit – body/mind – to receive the technical support that it needs to be willing to leave behind its Scarcity Way of Life and work to support your decision to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
If your Suit, on subconscious and conscious levels, opposes your decision to transition out of Scarcity into Total Abundance, it can sabotage your best efforts to achieve Total Abundance, not because it wants Scarcity but because it is reluctant to change its basic defense mechanisms and behavioral patterns unless it is totally convinced that you are leading it toward a viable alternate. Suits don't give up what is familiar and practiced unless they can have a real experience of a Total Abundance Way of Life. This is why this Master Seed Project sponsors Core Seed Projects such as The Simulated Total Abundance Reality Project that provides your Suit with Simulated Experiences of Total Abundance that convince your Suit to support your efforts.
This Project is an offshoot of The Universal Seed of Heaven Project that is generating the Universal Changes that will manifest the Heaven of Total Abundance in the Creation. This Master Seed Project has generated Core Seed Projects that carry out the work of The Master Seed Project. These Core Seed Projects can be accessed through the links in The Core Seed Project Directory.
For links to the work of this Project, you can reference the Overview section below.
The Source Perspective on Total Abundance is that it is not about having the most material possessions, it is about having everything that you need on mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and environmental levels to fulfill the Mission that you came into this life to complete. Having extraneous material possessions or relationships is seen, by the Source, as detracting from the True Happiness that comes when you live in harmony with your Life Purpose and have only what you need to fulfill it.
A Total Abundance Way of Life is a life that is so Source-Connected that every single aspect of your Total Abundance manifests in your life like clockwork because you are always doing your part as a Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist to facilitate the Manifestation Process that is directed by the Source.
A Total Abundance Way of Life is a Source-Connected Life that is lived in the light of The Love Connection with the Source whose presence is always with you, guiding you to find the Total Abundance Miracles that the Source manifests for you on your Path to Total Abundance. While you have a role to play in helping these miracles manifest and a role to play in working with them effectively when they do manifest, the Intelligence that guides the whole process is the Intelligence of the Source who orchestrates The Miracle of Total Abundance that unfolds at every step on your Path to Total Abundance.
The highest level of Total Abundance is The Heaven Experience, an experience of love, bliss, joy, fulfillment, and adventure, manifests when a being lives their Mission to the 100% Mark in the light of Source Love.
Aside from the obvious, that a Total Abundance Way of Life is a far happier and fulfilling way to live, is the fact that transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life has now become a necessity for survival.
We are at the point in the history of the Creation when all beings must transition into the Total Abundance Way of Life that will enable them to achieve the 100% Source Connection that is needed to survive the stages of The Transition.
The Transition is the departure of the Implementation Aspect of the Source from The Manifest World back to its home at the Source Level. Beings must learn how to Steward the Miracle of Life if they are to retain their Source Connection and build a world that the Implementation Aspect can sustain once it returns to it Source home.
What is needed is the Total Abundance of everything that is required for a being to become 100% Source-Connected and establish a 100% Source-Connected Way of Life that yields Total Abundance. Without Total Abundance, beings will lack what they need for their Suits to become sustainable. If their Suits lose their Source Connection because they are living a Scarcity Way of Life and lack the Total Abundance they need to attain a 100% Source Connection, then the being (Soul) will lose its chance to exist in a Suit in The Manifest World.
In the article on The Transition, in The Universal Seed of Heaven Project, I explain more of what is meant by The Transition and provide links to more substantial explanations by video and articles.
The key to transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life is understanding how to work effectively with the Source in The Total Abundance Support System. In this System, the Source does the Manifestation Work and Heaven Agents support the process and learn how to welcome in the Total Abundance Miracles that enable them to have a Total Abundance Way of Life.
For a detailed understanding of The Total Abundance Support System, you can refer to the article in The Universal Seed of Heaven Project.
In order to work effectively with The Total Abundance Support System, it is necessary for Heaven Agents to become receptive to a Total Abundance Way of Life. After lifetimes of living a Scarcity Way of Life, the Suit – body/mind – is not programmed to think Total Abundance. It is programmed to think Scarcity. While you may take readily to the vision of Total Abundance, your Suit may not. It may think that its best bet is to operate within the Scarcity landscape with which it is familiar.
What this means to you, is that you can endorse working with the Source to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance in your life and in the world and your Suit can sabotage your efforts, directing its thoughts and actions to travel in the Scarcity Ruts with which it is familiar.
What is needed is a Miracle-Based Technology for helping your Suit to experience a Simulated Total Abundance Reality so it can feel what it is like, get used to it, and feel that it could become its reality, and then make a decision to transition into this Reality. Only when your Suit, in its Conscious Range and Subconscious Range, is onboard with your decision to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life will you be able to make this transition successfully.
To help your Suit to have the Simulated Total Abundance Reality Experiences that it needs to understand what the different aspects of its life would be like if it had Total Abundance, you need Simulated Total Abundance Reality Experiences. These Simulated Experiences provide what no amount of intellectual envisioning can provide. They give your Suit what it needs to want what you want, which is a Total Abundance Way of Life.
While Simulated Total Abundance Reality Experiences help most Suits, there are Suits that are so highly networked with Negative Programming installed by the Negativity that they can want a Total Abundance Way of Life but not be able to stop the triggering of the Scarcity Way of Life patterns that sabotage any attempts to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
To counter the Negative Energy that is behind this kind of Negative Programming, Simulated Reality Experiences with Technical Support are needed. The Inner Plane Chamber in which the Experience occurs combines technical support to destroy the Negative Programming with Simulated Experiences that rebuild the Suit’s capacity to immediately begin moving in a positive direction so that new Total Abundance Pathways are established in the Suit to prevent the Suit from remembering the Scarcity Pathways and trying to rebuild them even after the original Negative Programming has been removed.
NOTE: While I provide information on Simulated Reality Experience with Technical Support in this Project, they also contribute to The Eliminating All Negative Energy Project. By necessity the work of the two Projects is integrated because transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life can only occur when Negative Energy is eradicated. Similarly, an important part of understanding a Total Abundance Way of Life through a Simulated Experience is noting the social practices and inner ways of thinking and feeling that are not part of a Total Abundance Way of Life because they contained Negative Energy and have been deleted. Feeling the goodness and freedom and relief of dropping off any way of life that has Negative Energy is part of how Simulated Experiences help the Suit to understand what it has to leave behind in order to enjoy a Total Abundance Way of Life.
Your contribution begins with getting your Suit to embrace the vision of Total Abundance and begin working with you to achieve it. This creates a Prototype for traveling The Path to Total Abundance that will help others to follow in your footsteps.
When you are intent on working with the Source to transition every aspect of your life into a Total Abundance Way of Life, then you will be Prototyping every aspect of the transition that becomes an integrated part of your life. If you look at your life as a puzzle with every piece of the puzzle representing an aspect of the Total Abundance Way of Life that is possible for you, then you can follow Source Guidance to put into place every single Puzzle Piece until you have completed the Picture of a Total Abundance Way of Life. Once this Picture is completed you will have successfully transitioned into a Total Abundance Way of Life and can help others to make the transition as well.
In this Master Seed Project for manifesting a Total Abundance Way of Life, I will be providing you with support for experiencing different aspects of a Total Abundance Way of Life and then working with Source Support to achieve them. One of the ways that you can begin this Project is through participating in The Simulated Total Abundance Reality Experience Project. There will also be other Projects that will become other Core Seed Projects designed to help you learn how to work with Miracle-Based Technologies to help your Suit make the transition.
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The Master Source Objective is for all of life in the Creation to successfully transition out of Scarcity into the Total Abundance Way of Life that will yield the 100% Source Connection that is needed for The Miracle of Life in each individual and in the Creation to be sustainable by the end of The Transition.
To accomplish this, four Source Objectives for this Project have been ignited:
The first Source Objective is to complete a Prototype for how to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life. This Prototype will help others not working with me directly on the Outer Plane to know how to make the transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life.
The second is to disseminate this Prototype along with information about Source Support for making the transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life to The Global Community. This dissemination will occur on the Inner Plane through Source Communications and will occur on the Outer Plane through Source Communications sent out to The Global Community.
The third is to generate the Material Energy needed to ground the Total Abundance Miracles that enable Heaven Agents to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life. This can be generated through Energy Exchanges and Financial Exchanges gifted to The Total Abundance Way of Life Campaign.
The fourth is to provide Financial Support for the Source-Directed Social Activism that needs to occur to bring about the social changes that foster the love-based Total Abundance Way of Life. This can be accomplished through supporting The Total Abundance Way of Life Campaign.
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This Campaign is designed to provide The Work of the Source with two kinds of Heaven Agent Support.
Of great importance is the work of Heaven Agents to supply the Material Energy needed to ground the Total Abundance Miracles such as the Simulated Total Abundance Experiences that are needed by Heaven Agents worldwide. Without them Heaven Agents will not be able to transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life in time to meet the deadline of establishing a Total Abundance Way of Life Prototype from which a Total Abundance Global Community can arise before the end of The Transition.
I have done the Direct Source Work to make these miracles possible and now Heaven Agents need to step forward and provide the Material Energy to ground them. This is an essential Next Step in supporting The Total Abundance Support System which is what enables the Suit to sustain its place in The Substratum of Life.
While Material Energy needed for this Campaign can be provided by Heaven Agents going on Source-Directed Missions to generate the Material Energy, Material Energy provided through an Energy Exchange only solves one part of the Source Objectives for this Campaign. It can ground the miracles for more incoming Heaven Agents but it can’t bring the Heaven Agents into our work on the Outer Plane. It takes Financial Support to cover the costs of getting the word out on the Outer Plane.
What it takes to bring Heaven Agents into this work on the Outer Plane, is putting out Click Ads on the internet that reach the masses and give them a Point of Connection with The Work of the Source so they can find the web site and begin working with us to Prototype a Total Abundance Way of Life. Click Ads reach millions who are seeking spiritual solutions and spiritual activism related resources on the internet. They have been proven to be the most effective Outer Plane way of reaching those who have a Mission to join in the Outer Plane work of The Total Abundance Movement.
It takes the Financial Support of Heaven Agents to enable The Heaven Project to send out Source Communications through Click Ads and other modes of internet communication. I can develop the educational materials and run the Campaign to get the word out but without the Financial Support of Heaven Agents supplying the Financial Support that is needed for this work, potential Heaven Agents will not know about The Total Abundance Movement and will, therefore, not be available to help you to establish the global Total Abundance Way of Life that is needed if life on the Earth is to be sustainable.
If it is in you Mission to help to get the word out through telling those you know, then this will be part of your Stewarding Work. If it is to provide information to me about someone who has the means to fund the effort on a larger scale who you feel will be receptive to this work, then this is part of your Stewarding Work. If it is to contribute a Financial Support to this Campaign, then this is how you Steward Life.
It is important to seek Inner Source Guidance about what is yours to contribute and to contribute it. I provide a link below where you can contribute to The World that Works Fund for this Campaign.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
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At present, due to the fact that this Project has just been initiated, there is only one Core Seed Project that has been developed. In time, other Core Seed Projects will be added as the work of The Master Seed Project advances.
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I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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