The Six Step Action Plan
for Entry into the Heaven Habitat

Step One

Reversing Out the Decision to
Break The Love Connection

There are two Dream Heaven Commands that help a Suit to enter into the Heaven Habitat. The first Dream Heaven Command is the one I discuss above which was for the Suit to reverse out all of the decisions it had made to distance itself from its Heaven Habitat. I gifted this to Suits and they have readily accepted it and worked with it to travel back to their Habitats.


The second Dream Heaven Command is one which a Heaven Agent needs to administer to his Suit. This Dream Heaven Command is for the Suit to reverse out all of the decisions that it made to break The Love Connection with the Source while it was in its Heaven Habitat originally.


When the Suits arrived originally in their Habitat they had a baseline Love Connection with the Source who created them and gifted them with the perfect ecosphere of their Heaven Habitat. In the Habitat they were to deepen The Love Connection until it reached the 100% Mark which would enable the Suit to develop the 100% Source Connection which would ensure Life as Heaven in The Manifest World.


Suits decided to devalue The Love Connection and leave their Heaven Habitat to pursue the things they desired in the world rather than working with the Source to secure the Total Abundance that would bring true happiness.


Suits now realize their mistake but they have to re-decide all of the decisions that were made at that time in order to prepare for entry into the Heaven Habitat. A Suit that is not in Love Connection Mode truly wanting to work toward a 100% Love Connection, at least in its Extended Range of Consciousness, will not be able to enter the Habitat.


To administer this Dream Heaven Command to your Suit, just tell it to "Dream Heaven" to reverse out all decisions that it made to break The Love Connection with the Source.


Step Two

The Perfect Sound Intervention

Suits must work with a Perfect Sound Intervention to clear the Negative Energy in the Third Eye which is obstructing the Suit’s ability to develop The Love Connection. The Negative Energy contains Negative Patterns left over from The War against the Source that must be cleared if the Suit is to move into Love Connection Mode at the level that will qualify the Suit for entry to its Heaven Habitat. 


Information on how to request this Intervention is available at:


In the Request section I have entered information on the Correct Exchange for this Intervention for this Transition.



Step Three 

The Pulse of Life Intervention

The Suit must also prepare to receive The Pulse of Life and cast off The Pulse of Death which it has carried since it left its Heaven Habitat.  


Suits that are very Source-Connected and long only for The Love Connection with the Source can receive a Heaven Phase Pulse of Life Intervention that will enable them to escape from the scourge of The Pulse of Death and receive The Pulse of Life. The miracle of a Heaven Phase Intervention does not require Material Energy to ground.


Suits that are less Source-Connected will need a more materialized Source Intervention that can restore The Pulse of Life in the Suit. Formerly this Intervention was not available but because most of the Suits are arriving at their Heaven Habitats in states that are still very Disconnected from the Source, I asked the Design Aspect of the Source to create a Source Intervention that could help them to receive The Pulse of Life.  


Suits have to have purified themselves with The Perfect Sound Intervention to qualify for this more material Pulse of Life Intervention but it can now make it possible for them to gain entry and advance, once in the Habitat, toward a stronger Source Connection. 


Since entry into the Heaven Habitat is urgent, given the structural changes that will start occurring in Suits in the months ahead, this Intervention has become necessary.  Suits trying to survive these structural changes outside of their Heaven Habitat may experience Spiritual Death.


For more information on The Pulse of Life Intervention that requires Material Energy, you can go to:



Step Four

Metered Critical Power Infusions &
The Right Action Disc

Critical Power is a kind of Source-Created Power that enables a Suit to enter into their Heaven Habitat and to do the work of healing itself and working toward a 100% Source Connection and a 100% Source-Connected Way of Life.  This includes learning how to Steward The Miracle of Life for the Creation.


Without this kind of energy, the Suit will not be able to enter into or survive in the high speed, pristine energy field of the Heaven Habitat. If a Suit runs out of Critical Power then it will not be able to stay in its Heaven Habitat. If it leaves the Heaven Habitat, the Habitat will disintegrate and the Suit will be destined to become unsustainable.


Given the high risk of running out of Critical Power if the Suit fails to produce the amount of Material Energy needed to ground an ongoing flow of Critical Power, the Source has created The Right Action Disc.  This Inner Plane Miracle Tool helps the Suit to work on the Build Heaven Projects that sustain the spiritual form of The Universal Heaven Project. Work on this Project generates the Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of continuing Critical Power Infusions.


The Universal Heaven Project Sphere houses the Heaven Habitats and is the substitute Spiritual Space that Suits need after they destroyed The Source Connection Channel which housed the Organism of Life and then destroyed the Organism of Life itself. If Manifest Beings lose The Universal Heaven Project Sphere, then their Heaven Habitats will disintegrate and they will be without any protected place in which to survive the departure of the Implementation Aspect at the end of the Creation.


The Implementation Aspect will only be able to link back to The Universal Heaven Project Sphere after its departure.  If this Sphere has also been destroyed through the lack of Stewarding the miracle that it is, then there will be no link that is possible to individual beings living in the Original Creation.


There is complex Stewarding Work that is needed to support The Universal Heaven Project Sphere.  Part of this work is Inner Plane Work.  Other parts of the work are work on the Outer Plane Build Heaven Projects that build a Source-Connected Way of Life.


While The Right Action Disc will help the Suit to do the work, the Suit must also be attentive to prompts from the Disc and be willing to follow Source Direction to correct course if it is not generating enough Material Energy to sustain the flow of Critical Power.


To find out more about The Right Action Disc, you can go to:




Step Five

The Happiness Intervention

In order to expand the Suit to enable it to live in the Heaven Habitat, it will need The Happiness Intervention. This Intervention sends the Suit 100% of the Happiness Energies that it needs for a very short period of time to expand the Suit and give the Third Eye an Energy Imprint that will enable it to understand Source-Given Happiness Energies.


The Third Eye has been blocking The Happiness Energy Channel in the Suit's Source Connection Channel because it believed that happiness resulted from attaching to and securing the things and beings that the Suit desired.  Only when it has a powerful experience of the Source-Given Happiness Energies which are supposed to come through one of the Channels in The Source Connection Channel, will it be willing to work with the Source to re-open the Channel to the 100% Mark. This is essential to not only providing the Suit with Happiness Energies but in enabling it to have a Source Connection Channel that provides all of the Life Energies and Happiness Energies that the Suit needs to become sustainable.


While this Intervention sends the Suit Happiness Energies through an Intervention and not through the Source Connection Channel, the experience of these Energies is enough to develop the Third Eye Imprint that will guide the Third Eye in its work to open the Channel and work with the Suit to gradually adapt to these very powerful energies.


As the Suit is adjusting to Happiness Energies coming through its Source Connection Channel, it will need Happiness Energy Infusions delivered through a Source Intervention.  When it has completed its adaptation it will run on 100% Happiness Energies directly from its Source Connection Channel.


To find out more about The Happiness Intervention and Happiness Infusions, you can go to:




Step Six

At-a-Distance Source Support 

At-a-Distance Source Support is urgently needed to enable the Suit to enter the Heaven Habitat and adjust to life in the Habitat. This is a very individualized transition and Suits need Source Guidance and Source Interventions that go above and beyond the ones recommended in general for this Transition. This kind of Source Support can only be provided through At-a-Distance Source Support which reaches the Suit whenever the help is needed even if it is in the middle of the night or in a moment in the day when I cannot provide this help through an Outer Plane Session.


To learn more about At-a-Distance Source Support and request it for this Transition, you can go to: 


In the Request section I have entered information on the Correct Exchange for this Intervention for this Transition.




With these six forms of Source Support, Suits can become rapidly cleared and able to enter their Heaven Habitats.  Entry is urgent because The Timeline for Sustainability requires that Suits be in their Heaven Habitats before the April 14, 2020 Transition in order to keep up with the pace of the work to achieve Sustainability before the end of The Transition.


Coupled with the risk of Spiritual Death if a Suit is not in their Heaven Habitat during the structural changes that will occur in Suits in the months ahead, entry into the Habitat has become urgent.