Greetings from Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.
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Next Step Communications from the Source
The Source News Report on
Preparations for the Most Massive Vibrational Shift in the History of the Creation, Occurring on August 8, 2013
On August 8th, the Support Field of the Creation – the Spiritual Platform on which all of life rests – will be lifted up three Vibrational Levels. This will be the most massive Vibrational Shift in history.
Those who prepare for this Shift by achieving the level of Spiritual Integration needed to match the Support Field when it reaches a Level 6 Vibration will survive the Shift. They will ride the Tidal Wave of Source Power that lifts the Support Field to a better way of life – to a level of Spiritual Integration which supports their work of building a Life that is Heaven.
In this Source News Report, I provide information on the August 8th Shift and the minor ones that will follow, and what beings throughout the Creation, particularly Heaven Agents from The Universal Heaven Agent Network, are doing to prepare for these Shifts.
The Vibrational Shift Resource Station
I have established The Vibrational Shift Resource Station to provide a central place where those preparing for the Shifts can go to track the news, learn what is needed to prepare, and access the Source Support that will help with their preparation.
It is the wish of the Source that all beings rise to the challenge of doing their parts to prepare adequately for the miracle of the Vibrational Shifts which they so urgently requested of the Source after the crash of the Universal Source Connection Channel.
Wishing you Heaven,
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School