Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
For links to information about The Receptor Intervention and The Receptor Intervention Campaign you can reference The Resource Directory below.
The Source has created Source Solution Miracles that empower you, as a Source-Directed Activist, to alleviate suffering in your life and in the world and to manifest The Heaven that Life Was Meant to Be.
These Source Solution Miracles enable you to act as both a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist bringing about the healing and transformation that is needed on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality, as well as catalyzing the social change that is needed on the Outer Plane, the Physical Level of Reality.
Through a combination of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism, you can work together with other Source-Directed Activists to build an abundant, Love-Based World in which all beings can have The Heaven Experience, the experience of quintessential happiness and fulfillment.
For a full understanding of The Work of the Source to lay the foundation for The Heaven Experience, you can sign up for Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source and with the Gifted Source-Directed Activist Training Materials and emailed Source News Updates that enable you to get started seeing the Vision and working alongside the Source to make it a reality.
Sign Up for Connecting, your Point of Connection to Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials and emailed Source News Reports on The Work of the Source.
When you receive a Love Connection Mindset, it takes up all of the Code Space for a Master Mindset, eliminating the Self Interest Master Mindset. This frees up your Suit to begin opening up your 27 Heart Chakra Receptors through which your Suit receives Source Support. The Self Interest Mindset was intent on closing them all down because it wanted to be the source for the Suit, designing ways to secure whatever it wanted that were based on its chosen Brute Force Methodology.
Getting rid of the stranglehold of The Self Interest Mindset on the Receptors is the first step but opening them up completely is the second step. This can take The Love Connection Mindset some time to achieve. In the meantime, the Suit is without Source Support to substitute for the Brute Force Methods that it was using previously. Since The Love Connection Mindset is working to get the Suit to stop running through the Spiritual Pathway System of Self Interest and firing off the Self Interest Templates that it developed when The Self Interest Mindset reigned supreme, it is necessary for the Receptors to open to the 100% Mark quickly so that an alternative can be given to the Suit.
In order to accelerate the opening of the Receptors, which are also needed to bring in the Source Support to enable the True Self in its Conscious Range into a State of Full Manifestation, the Design Aspect of the Source created The Receptor Intervention.
This Intervention provides additional Source Support to open the Receptors through:
Part of this Source Support takes the form of dealing with the opposition from the Negative Programming in the Suit to the opening of the Receptors. This can pose security issues that require Source Interventions to counter effectively.
The other part is for the Suit to accept the Core Code for Six Master Action Plans that help it to align in its Conscious Range with the work of The Love Connection Mindset to open the Receptors to the 100% Mark. This Master Action Plan Code replaces the Master Action Plan Code created by The Self Interest Mindset. Unless the negative Action Plan Code is replaced, it will continue to work against the Core Code of The Love Connection Mindset.
I will list the Six Master Action Plans here. While implementing these Action Plans will require training, accepting the Core Code is an important first step that enables The Receptor Intervention to work more efficiently and, therefore, require less Material Energy to ground. Source Workflow Trainings to help you implement these Action Plans will be created in the weeks and months ahead and will be available in The Love Connection Mindset Project.
While this Intervention may not be able to open the Receptors to more than a 90% opening without your Conscious Range participation through training in how to work with the Action Plans, reaching a 90% opening will be enough to empower your True Self to come through into a State of Full Manifestation in your Suit. Your True Self will then be able to work with the upcoming trainings that will be created to enable the Receptors to open to a full 100%.
Only when you have a 100% Receptor opening and understand fully what kinds of Source Support come through your Receptors and how to work with this Source Support, will you re-instate a 100% Source Connection at the Heart Chakra level. This is vitally important to achieving the 100% Source Connection that is needed to become sustainable at the end of The Transition.
For now, accepting the necessity of implementing the Six Master Action Plans and putting them into practice in your life to whatever extent you are able at this time, prior to the trainings, is your best course of action in accelerating the opening of your Receptors. As you accept the need for these Master Action Plans, I can transfer most of the Action Plan Code to you through The Receptor Intervention. The rest of the Code will have to be transferred through the Trainings.
Without being able to understand the Source Communications that are being sent to you to preserve your life, you will fail to Steward The Miracle of Life that sustains your Suit. Fatal errors will be made that will result in your Soul becoming unlinked from your Suit. This will cause Spiritual Death. If you don’t Steward your connection to The System of Life that sustains your physical life, your Suit will lose its ability to translate Life Energies into energies that sustain its physical functioning. Without Life Energies, your Suit will rapidly decline into Physical Death.
The Spiritual Laws of Physics that govern The Miracle of Life that sustains you and the Creation will continue to determine what happens to your Suit in the Creation whether or not these laws are understood by you or validated by your Cultural or Personal Stories.
Being unable to receive Source Guidance is analogous to being an astronaut in outer space not knowing how to radio to support on the Earth for help in dealing with malfunctioning equipment upon which your life depends. Without Source Guidance, you could find yourself in a situation in which you lack the technical expertise to solve the spiritual problems that have to be solved if your Suit is to survive on both spiritual and physical levels.
You receive Source Guidance on two levels of consciousness. Your Extended Range, which is generally outside of your conscious awareness, is very Source-Attuned and has been tracking the Source Communications that have been sent out to help you survive the massive Spiritual Changes that have been occurring in the Creation during the time of The Transition.
Your Conscious Range, on the other hand, has not been as attuned. Most people have tuned their Conscious Range to the theories about the nature of reality that arise from the cultural context in which they live. These Cultural Stories do not correspond to the true nature of reality and, therefore, distract them from receiving and valuing the Source Guidance that they are being sent.
At this point in The Transition you need to be able to bring your True Self into a State of Full Manifestation in your Conscious Range. This means actively seeking to receive and interpret and work with Source Guidance in your Conscious Range.
To help you to achieve this, I have worked with your Soul to release to you The Love Connection Mindset which came through your Love Connection Receptor in your Heart Chakra. This Receptor could only be opened by the will of the Soul once the Soul replaced the Suit as the Choice Maker with regard to the care of the Suit.
With The Love Connection Mindset, your Suit will be in a position to honor The Love Connection by learning how to understand and care for The Gift of Life given to it by the Source. This will help the Suit to grasp the concept that its loving and close Working Relationship with the Source is both its joy and the help that it needs to sustain The Miracle of Life gifted to it by the Source.
Learning how to talk with the Source about what is happening in its day and receive Source Guidance about how to bring through the Heaven that is possible in the moment will be perceived by the Suit as the Miracle-Based Adventure that it is. The Suit will then delight in receiving Source Guidance instead of screening out Source Guidance to tune into theories about the nature of life that have been a part of its Cultural and Personal Stories.
Learning how to receive Source Guidance includes learning The Universal Language of Soul Talk which is the language used by the Source when communicating with beings throughout the Creation. This is also the language that beings use to communicate with one another so that The Universal Community, which includes all species throughout the Creation, can work together to Steward The Miracle of Life for the Creation.
Soul Talk is an Inner Plane telepathic language that is beamed from the Source to a being and from one being to another. It can be communicated through dream-like images or video-like vignettes or through verbal communications coming in the language of the Suit or in some form of communication that the Suit understands.
Animals, for instance, communicate with one another telepathically through Soul Talk, communicating very complex thoughts and feelings that humans believe that they are incapable of having without a spoken language such as the languages that humans use. Animals retain a much higher range of spiritual perception and Source Connection because they have not been socialized to operate within a smaller range determined by a fabricated Cultural and Personal Story. They still have Direct Perception and do notice and understand what is happening in the Spiritual Level of Reality.
Children have a range closer to animals before they shut this down at age 9 in order to conform to the very two dimensional worldview that is in keeping with their Cultural Story. Once they shut down their ability to see what is happening in the Spiritual Level of Reality they lose a whole range of Spiritual Intelligence and become very limited to what they can understand and process regarding incoming Source Guidance.
In summary, being able to receive and understand Source Guidance requires valuing it and learning the Universal Language of Soul Talk. You will then be able to converse with the Source when the Implementation Aspect returns to the Source Level. This will enable you to retain the Source Support that is critical to survival and to experiencing Life as Heaven.
Source Guidance doesn’t come to you in a vacuum. It is a communication that references a context that is based on what has been happening since the beginning of Creation and what is happening now. If you know nothing about this history and are not tracking current events, then you will be unable to grasp what the Source is telling you.
This is similar to someone referring to emails if you didn’t know that computers exist and had no prior knowledge of emails.
A lack of knowledge of The Source Perspective on how things work and how they need to work in order for your Suit to become sustainable and Life to become sustainable in the Creation will prevent you from following technical instructions for how to perform the Heaven Agent Work that is essential to survival.
For instance, if the Source instructs you to use one of your Miracle-Based Abilities and you have never heard of Miracle-Based Abilities and don’t know what yours are or how to work with them, then you will be ineffectual at deploying the needed Miracle-Based Ability to do the Heaven Agent Work that is necessary for your sustainability.
Cultural Stories about the Source and the spiritual nature of reality have so distorted the understandings of most beings that they are expecting the Source to direct them to take action in the playing field of their fabricated Story Reality. When Source Communications come in that do not validate and reference this Story Reality, the Suit bounces them as irrelevant mind chatter and awaits instructions that fit with their Story idea of how things work in the Creation.
Many beings who stubbornly clung to their Cultural Story and did not heed the Source Guidance that they received to preserve their Source Connection are now Empty Suits without a Soul. They lost their Source Connection because they refused to learn what it took to preserve it. Too late they discovered that they are subject to the Laws of Life in the Creation and that their Cultural Story is not able to save them just as it can’t save them from a natural disaster.
I have provided a wealth of gifted videos, audios, and articles through Connecting, that help you to understand The Source Perspective on Reality. If you skim these materials you will not provide your Suit with the depth of understanding that it requires to fundamentally alter its perspective on reality. Your Suit needs time to come to understand The Source Perspective and to wonder what would change in its life if it saw the world as the Source sees it.
Embedded in the Training Materials is Spiritual Code that your Suit needs to integrate what it is learning about The Source Perspective into its daily life. The more time you spend studying and re-studying the materials, the more levels of the Code your Suit comes to understand. Each level helps your Suit to free itself from the Cultural Filter that screens out The Source Perspective and with it the Source Communications that come to the Suit to help it navigate in its life. As long as the Cultural Filter is screening out Source Guidance, your Suit is at risk and you are at risk for losing your Suit and with it your chance to have a place in the Creation.
In order to get rid of the Cultural Filter, a Heaven Agent must go over the Training Materials with great care and write down key concepts and think about how those concepts shape life in the Creation. They need to know how the concepts affect them personally and think about their impact in different life situations.
The more time you acquaint yourself with Source Logic, which is the way that the Source perceives an issue and the kind of variables that it considers in coming through with a Source Solution Miracle for this issue, the faster you will learn more about The Source Perspective. Reading about the different Source Solution Miracles in The Source Solution Hub is one way to enter into The World of the Source and explore how the Source thinks and what it considers important in approaching a problem.
If you spend Time with the Source in this way, as well as with working with all of the other Training Materials on the website, then it will be a first step to learning from the Source directly how it thinks and how it works in the world.
I provide these materials as gifted materials so that people can learn about The Source Perspective directly. This provides the context in which they can then begin to learn how to receive individual Source Guidance which will reference this context.
It is important to understand that if you do not make the most of this opportunity, then you are handicapping your Suit in its attempt to survive. You are denying it access to the education that it must have in order to understand the context in which Source Communications will come to it. This will then prevent it from receiving these communications because of the Cultural Filter and also prevent it from working with them intelligently in the context of the Spiritual Reality in which they are an integral part.
A good place to begin is with The Gifted Introductory Total Abundance Training that gives you the overview. Tracking the latest developments in The Transition is one way to keep track of current events. You can do this in the How to Prepare articles that are posted in The Source Connection Project prior to every stage of The Transition. Connecting gives you gifted access to all of the Spiritual Activism Training Materials and to emailed updates on The Work of the Source. The Source Perspective Project is also another resource. Working with the Next Step Projects most in focus is a way to watch how the Source addresses work on a Project. You can access a list of these Projects in The Miracle School Directory. And Then The Source Solution Hub brings you access to all of the projects and Source Support that is currently posted in the website.
The website as a whole is a Miracle Tool that you can learn how to work with to go on Source-Guided Miracle-Based Adventures that enable the Source to guide you individually in your learning process. You can read the article: Working with the Website as a Miracle Tool to learn how to work with the Source in this way.
In the astronaut analogy, if you could receive radio support from the Earth about how to repair your equipment but you hadn’t developed any skills for following the directions that were given, you could fail to make the repairs and lose your life.
The same is true of being out in the Creation on your own after the Implementation Aspect has left for the Source Level and lacking the skill sets and spiritual tools to know how to implement Source Guidance to deal with the repairs and maintenance that are essential to your survival. You could lose your life not just in this incarnation but for all eternity.
Getting Trained & Equipped is a life saving necessity.
The Miracle-Based Coaching Programs were created to provide you with the individualized guidance to develop the skills that you need individually to sustain your life. You can find out more about these programs at:
While it may seem very far from your current frame of reference to think of the Creation as a whole and what it is made of at the Spiritual Level and what will sustain it, your perspective needs to expand and become a Universal Perspective.
The Self Interest Mindset has narrowed your focus to your own immediate surroundings and needs and encouraged you to focus on defining your reality in terms of the values that your culture upholds as supporting your Self Interest.
Since The Self Interest Mindset doesn’t govern the Creation and culture does not control what happens in the forces that move the Creation, relying on this contrived reality will be your undoing when massive Spiritual Changes upend the Creation and you must have a Universal Perspective in order to survive.
Those thinking Small Picture will become extinct. Those thinking Big Picture – a Source-Guided Big Picture – will be avidly learning how the Source created The Manifest World and what it is built from and what they, as the Stewards of this Miracle of Life, need to do to care for this Gift of Life from the Source.
There is so much to learn and so little time to learn it. I am here to accelerate your learning process but unless you open your eyes to seeing the work from a Big Picture Perspective that is Source-Guided, you will not be preparing adequately for the Universal Team Work that is needed for The Miracle of Life for the Creation to survive.
The Universal Heaven Agent Team will arise from beings of many different species throughout the Creation, working to contribute what is theirs to contribute to Stewarding The Miracle of Life that sustains the Creation.
Part of learning how to engage in Team Work that spans species on the Earth as well as throughout the Creation is to learn the Universal Language of Soul Talk which enables you to converse with any being anywhere.
Expanding your knowledge of what exists isn’t based on blind belief. I teach you the skills to observe for yourself what is happening in distant parts of the Creation and to converse with other beings who, like yourself, are Source Creations. In this way you learn directly who is out there in the Creation and how to work with them to Build Heaven for yourself and The Universal Community.
The veil of ignorance that humans have pulled down to protect their Story of Reality needs to be lifted or the ignorance of what is really happening could put you and your loved ones in danger both because you can’t do your part to Steward Life but also because you can be harmed by the Negativity, the criminal element, that relies on your ignorance to take advantage of you in ways that leave your Suit injured, wasted, and ripe for their harvest of your Life Energies. You can’t afford to be ignorant of the dangers occurring on the Outer Plane and you can’t afford to be ignorant of the dangers occurring on the Inner Plane.
If you would not think of walking through a dark alley in a crime ridden part of town at night then you might consider how many dark alleys you blithely walk down on the Inner Plane because you don’t know what is happening on the Inner Plane.
People come to me for healing from severe injuries that they have suffered at the hands of the Negativity. It is clear that they participated in their own victimization because they were ignorant of the danger and did nothing sensible to protect themselves.
Just as a Community must work to control the criminal element in its midst on the Outer Plane, so it must work to control this element on the Inner Plane.
In summary, the commitment to Stewarding Life is a commitment to taking the time to understand The Miracle of Life and what it is that you need to do to keep it safe and allow it to reach a State of Full Manifestation so that it can enable you to perform your Mission in this life. This means looking at the activities of the criminal element that exploits life as well as getting to know the good hearted beings throughout the Creation who will gladly join with you to Build Heaven.
Training in how to Steward The Miracle of Life can be begun through working with projects listed below.
The Universal Seed of Heaven Project
The Project for Eliminating All Negative Energy
The Transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life Project
The Simulated Total Abundance Experience Project
The Love Connection Mindset Project
The Total Abundance Prototype Project
Work in a Miracle-Based Coaching Program through a Source Reality Station that provides the most advanced Miracle Tools, is the way to work with these Projects at the highest level. Those working in the Coaching Program graduate from working online to working with me in In-Person Sessions, to Webinars, and Intensives in the Seattle Source Connection Center and in Maui, Hawaii.
Too often beings come from a place of Self Interest when approaching the Source. This generates a Self Interest Medium around them that repels the Source rather than drawing the Source to them. When the Source leaves for the Source Level it will not be able to link back to a Suit that is generating a Self Interest Medium. Only those who truly celebrate life as an opportunity to experience their Love Connection with the Source as they work with the Source to Build Heaven in the world will generate The Love Connection Medium to which the Source can link.
Flowery expressions of devotion that mask a Self Interest Agenda generate a Self Interest Medium. Most of the ritualized tactics of people engaged in propitiating their idea of the Creator yield nothing but a Self Interest Medium. They are a means to an end and the end is getting the Creator to deliver some form of help that they desire.
It takes allowing the True Self to take the helm of the Suit and represent the Soul, who has a genuine Love Connection with the Source, for the Love Connection Orientation to take in the Suit and start generating The Love Connection Medium that is essential to the survival of the Suit.
The True Self isn’t beset by a Self Interest Agenda. It sees the immense difficulty that my Manifestation faces in dealing with a world in which the War against the Source has been engaged in by most of the Suits in the Original Creation. Even though the Source-Connected part of a Suit may have been genuinely trying to honor The Love Connection, the parts that were fragmented by the Negativity and programmed to war against the Source have been and still are in an attack mode. This War against the Source has worked against my efforts to teach beings how to Steward Life and has torn down the Spiritual Structures that sustain life in the Creation, making my stop gap Stewarding Work far more difficult.
The True Self asks if it can help instead of asking to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source with the understanding that this is how it cooperates with the Heaven that the Source is creating for it.
In the Prototype Communities, The Love Connection was not developed because their Self Interest Mindset would not allow The Love Connection Receptor to open fully enough to bring through The Love Connection Mindset. The only Mindset that I could bring through was The Source-Connected Life Mindset which stopped short of including The Love Connection focus within it. It was not a Master Mindset and did not have Core Code so it did not replace their Self Interest Mindset. They worked hard to repress the Self Interest Mindset so that they could work with the Source to achieve a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Way of Life.
Although they have developed a limited Love Connection with the Source, their primary focus has remained on the Heaven Way of Life that the Source sustains for them. They have been very willing to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source in sustaining this way of life but have not had the deeper vein of love for the Source that would have prompted them to step forward and ask to help the Source, without any Self Interest Agenda in the background.
To bring the Love Connection of the Soul into focus in the Conscious Range of the Suit, it is important that the True Self become the recognized Identity in the Suit and its selfless love of the Source be expressed through the Suit. The practice of asking the Source what you can do to help opens up a very different relationship to my Manifestation – a caring relationship toward the Source. This occurs when you offer to do work to help the Source not because it will indirectly help you but because you genuinely wish to help the Source.
The True Self is genuinely appreciative of The Gift of Life and of the work of the Source to make it possible for the Soul to have a Suit and a Manifest World in which to experience Life as Heaven. It understands the dire condition in the Creation at present and the strenuous nature of The Work of the Source to give beings a last chance to survive and experience Life as Heaven. It is willing to help the Source out of love for the Source and out of a sense of treasuring the last days in which it can be with the Source in The Manifest World before it departs for the Source Level. This orientation is what generates The Love Connection Medium that enables the Source to link back to the Suit after it departs.
Those who focus on asking to help the Source without a hidden Self Interest Agenda will be those who retain their Source Connection. Those who continue to dress up a Self Interest Agenda with a pretense of love for the Source will not retain their Source Connection.
Ultimately, it will not be based on social artifice. It will be based on whether the Suit is living in a medium of Self Interest or in a medium of The Love Connection. It is another Spiritual Law of Physics with which the Suit must come to terms.
The Heaven Experience is created when you do your Mission at the 100% Mark without any Self Interest Agenda involved. You ask to help the Source and the Source enables your Suit to perform flawless Heaven Agent Work that Builds Heaven for you and for all others.
In this way you contribute the unique aspect of Total Abundance that is yours to create, including generating The Heaven Experience Medium which manifests the energies of Heaven in the world around you.
It was to have The Heaven Experience that Souls wished to have Suits through which they could work to Build Heaven in The Manifest World. When the Soul achieves The Heaven Experience it honors its love for the Source and expresses its appreciation for The Gift of Life by reaching the highest level of True Happiness that this Gift was intended by the Source to help them achieve.
The Source loves the Soul and the Suit and wishes for them to experience the Heaven of True Happiness. It has always been willing to do whatever it could to facilitate this outcome.
Now that the Implementation Aspect is leaving for the Source Level, there is limited time in which this goal can be achieved. Because The Heaven Experience Medium is important to maintaining the high vibrational field that is needed to support life after the departure of the Implementation Aspect, it is an important part of the work that needs to be done to Steward The Miracle of Life. While the Source can link back to someone generating a Love Connection Medium, that person may have trouble functioning when the high vibrational field that the Implementation Aspect generates is gone and they have not generated a Heaven Experience Medium to sustain the high vibrational field needed by their Suit to function optimally.
Only well Trained & Equipped Suits led by the True Self will be able to do their Mission Work at the 100% Mark without Self Interest. Since this is what generates The Heaven Experience and The Heaven Experience Medium, this is what the Suit must strive to achieve before the end of The Transition.
When you request The Receptor Intervention with the Core Code for the Six Master Action Plans, the Source can work with The Love Connection Mindset to open your 27 Receptors to the 90% Mark. You will need training in how to implement the Action Plans in your Conscious Range to make it to a full 100% opening.
A 90% opening of your Receptors will enable your True Self to receive enough support to begin coming into a State of Full Manifestation in your Conscious Range. Your True Self will then be able to help your Suit to work with the Master Action Plan Trainings when they become available.
The Receptor Intervention was created to:
This Source Solution Miracle is part of The Total Abundance Project and is a Total Abundance Miracle Tool.
It provides you with an opportunity to Become Love in Action supporting Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Social Activism.
For those who are new to working with the Source, the key concept in connecting to a Source-Created Miracle is providing the Material Energy that is required to bring the miracle to the level of Spiritual Materiality where it is needed.
No Material Energy is needed to create the miracle which is freely given by the Source. The Material Energy is needed to ground the miracle so that it can come into your life or into the life of a loved one.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground a miracle varies according to the type of miracle that is to be grounded. The Design Aspect of the Source, who creates the miracles, determines the amount of Material Energy that will be needed for any particular miracle to be delivered to the being for whom it is intended.
Beings were created to generate the Material Energy that is needed to ground all of the miracles that they need from the Source. Because beings have forgotten how to generate this Material Energy and have sustained Suit Damage that impairs their ability to produce Material Energy, the Source has created a miracle that enables them to provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange. The Financial Exchange carries the Material Energy from the work that was done to earn the funds for the exchange. While a Financial Exchange provides only a low level of Material Energy, it is a blessing to those who have not yet learned how to generate the Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
A financial equivalent of the amount of Material Energy that is needed is provided here for those who lack the skill to generate the right amount of Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
The amount of Material Energy that is required to ground the miracle of The Receptor Intervention is US $2600.
If you would like The Receptor Intervention for yourself, then you can access the link provided below.
If you would like The Receptor Intervention but need an interest free Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on the amount per month that you can provide, and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if there is enough Material Energy in the Fund for me to deliver The Receptor Intervention to you now and enable you to reimburse the Fund by your payments over time. (The World that Works Fund contains stored Material Energy donated by Source-Directed Activists. As you reimburse the fund, you free up funds to help other Source-Directed Activists.)
If you would like to gift The Receptor Intervention to someone you know, you can enter their name, age, and relationship to you in the Comments Box when you process your Financial Exchange.
There is no need to talk to the person to whom you are gifting this form of Source Support. If the Suit of the person accepts the gift in an Inner Plane discussion with the Source, then the gift can be given. It can not be given if the Suit does not accept it.
If you provide a Correct Exchange for someone who refuses this gift of Source Support, then I will contact you and you can either re-direct it to someone else who will accept it or your Financial Exchange will be refunded to you.
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Helping other Heaven Agents to reach a 100% Source Connection is helping to build the Universal Team Work that will be necessary to support the Spiritual Structures that sustain Life in the Creation. One way to help is to provide Material Energy for Receptor Interventions for other Heaven Agents. The more Heaven Agents with working Heart Chakra Receptors the more Source Support can come through into the world and set the stage for the Universal Work that must be done to sustain the Creation.
To provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange, you can reference the information provided below.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
Sign up for Connecting to receive News Updates on Source Solution Miracles & Source-Directed Activism Projects and to gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based, Source-Directed Activist Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gifted videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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