What's Happening


This is the place where you can come to find out What's Happening in The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of Lives that Work and a World that Works.  Here you can find:


  • News about what is happening in the Creation as a whole and how this impacts you and the world community
  • News from The Construction Site of Heaven
  • Information on new Spiritual Solutions to help you build a Life that Works and a World that Works
  • Next Steps you can take to keep up with the Universal Changes that are manifesting the Source Perfected Universe and to Build Heaven in your life and world

Source Communications

Launch Heaven Happenings to Save Lives – July 10, 2013

Get equipped and trained to launch the Heaven Happenings that can save the lives of your family and friends and of others in the Global and Universal Community.


Join with other Heaven Agents in The Universal Heaven Agent Network Summit from July 16th – August 8th to launch Heaven Happenings to help the masses prepare before the August 8th Vibrational Shift.


How to Get the Word Out about the Need to Prepare for the Vibrational Shifts – July 9, 2013

Heaven Agents need to support The Work of the Source to get the word out to as many people as possible so that they will have an opportunity to prepare for the Vibrational Shift on August 8th and the ones that will follow.  While Inner Plane Source Communications have alerted all beings throughout the Creation, most beings need to hear the news on the Outer Plane as well to bring the need to transition into an Integrated Way of Life in focus.


Those who prepare will be those who survive the Shifts.  To avoid the loss of lives, lend your support to getting the word out on the Outer Plane.


There are several ways in which you can help the Source to get the word out. You can join:

  • The Tell-a-Friend Campaign
  • The Truth Campaign

Help Yourself and Others to Prepare by Joining The Total Abundance Movement – July 9, 2013

Attend The Love Connection Webinar Series on July 16th, 18th, and 26th  

Enter into The Total Abundance Movement by entering into The Total Abundance Flowstream, a massive Universal Flowstream that gives you the momentum needed to materialize abundance.

Seek Source Support in The Love Connection Series to receive The Abundance Mindset, The Total Abundance Template, and enter into The Total Abundance Flowstream. Contribute to The Global Miracle Link Campaign and The Truth Campaign that will gift others with the Total Abundance that they need to prepare for the upcoming Vibrational Shifts. 

There is no Financial Exchange needed to attend the Webinars.  Instruction in how to generate Material Energy through an Energy Exchange is given for those wishing to receive the miracles of The Abundance Mindset, entry into The Total Abundance Flowstream, and The Total Abundance Template.


Get on the Fast Track in Your Preparations by Joining The Universal Heaven Agent Network – July 8, 2013

Within the last few weeks, the Source has created a Spiritual Network, which is like an Energy Grid, that provides those who choose to align with the Source and Build Heaven in the world, a safe Heaven that is replete with the transformational energies that enable them to counter Fragmentation and become Spiritually Integrated.  This Network is The Universal Heaven Agent Network.


Entry into this Network is a fast track to achieving the levels of Spiritual Integration needed to survive the Shifts. Those who request entry – which can be done with an Inner Plane request –enter into a transformational process that clears any attachments to the beings and things that are fragmenting them and holding them down at lower levels of vibration.  They have to be clear enough of these attachments to enter into The Universal Heaven Agent Network.  


Once in The Network, through working with other Heaven Agents to assist in The Work of the Source, they strengthen the Source Connection which is what enables their remaining attachments to fall away, leaving them free to build the Heaven of an Integrated Way of Life.




The Earth Calls a Summit for July 27th  – July 7, 2013

After the recent 6% increase in Spiritual Death due to the July 2nd Vibrational Shift in the Source Resource Grid from a 3.0 to a 3.7, it has become apparent that the lack of preparation among humans on the Earth is putting them at high risk of astronomically high Spiritual Death Rates in the upcoming August 8th Shift – which will be a Shift to a 6.0 Vibrational Level.


Of the 6% who died, 21% of the Spiritual Deaths occurred on the Earth where beings have been largely tuning out Source warnings to prepare and continuing on in their Personal and Cultural Stories that deny what is really happening on the Inner Plane because this content doesn’t have a place in their static Stories about the nature of life.


The Implications of Current Preparation Statistics – July 6, 2013

Humans haven’t improved in their preparations for the Vibrational Shifts since June 27th when I recorded the most recent Next Step Communications from the Source video on the Vibrational Shifts.  At that time:


3% were prepared


1% was trying but needed additional support


17% were aware of danger but were not bringing the picture into focus


79% were continuing on in a Fragmented Way of Life without concern for the warnings of the Source


Outside of the Earth Plane, particularly after the most recent rise in Vibrational Level in the Source Resource Grid which now houses all beings in the Creation, beings are making much better progress in their preparations.  This is partly because they live in less material levels of the Creation where what is happening on the Spiritual Level of Reality is in their picture at all times along with what is happening in the Physical Level of Reality.  When 6% of the population died during the recent Grid Shift of July 2nd, they were alarmed. They were also rocked by the choppy waters of this Shift that churned up the Energy Medium in which they live.  Many Heaven Agents were reporting in high levels of fear and requests for Source Support to deal with the aftermath of this Shift.


High Spiritual Death Rate during The Source Resource Grid Vibrational Shifts of July 2nd and July 6th – July 6, 2013

Major Spiritual Structures are being put into place by the Source to help the majority of the beings throughout the Creation survive the upcoming Vibrational Shifts, particularly the massive three level Shift on August 8th.


The most massive structure is a Source Resource Grid that provides the Source with resources to make the Universal Changes that are needed for the Source Perfected Universe.  All beings in the Creation have now taken their places in this Grid which supplies them with life sustaining resources and structuring energies that enable them to contribute to building a sustainable way of life.


This Grid activated the first Vibrational Shift of the beings in the Grid to prepare them for the Vibrational Shift of August 8th which will lift the Support Field of the Creation.  In this Vibrational Shift only the Grid changed its Vibrational Level, not the Support Field of the Creation.


Entering into Source Care at the Highest Level – April 10, 2013

The Seventh Level of Source Care

Within Level 7 Source Care there are 10 Steps – the tenth Step being the highest level.


Once they reach Step 10, instead of being alone in the Creation trying to survive, they are protected by the Source who can work effectively with them to enable them to survive because they have given up all of their attachments to the things and beings of the world which anchor them to the Realm of the Negativity. A Suit without attachments is a Suit that has no Interface to the Negativity.  A Suit that has no attachments even to their own ways of thinking or doing things, is a Suit that can move quickly into action to avoid things that are harmful and would cause suffering.


Heaven Agents Report in from The Source Perfected World  – April 10, 2013 

At present small groups of Heaven Agents from The Other World and some of the Prototype Communities have been working with me in the Source Perfected World.  These are beings who have permanently left their homes in the Original Creation in order to Homestead in Heaven – in the perfected Spiritual Space of the Source Perfected World.


When they first arrived they described the world as a place of ethers with no structures.  They said that these ethers were Heaven Energies that afforded them the greatest Heaven Experiences they had ever had even though there were no structures creating a familiar habitat.  They say that it was a good experience in understanding what really creates happiness. Before they had experienced the Heaven Energies without any props, as it were, such as a beautiful natural setting, a gathering of friends, etc. they had had more difficulty in separating out the role of the Heaven Energies that they experienced from the characteristics of the setting and the activities in the setting in their homes in the Original Creation.  In the Source Perfected World when they first arrived, there was nothing but energies so it became apparent that an even greater experience of Heaven was possible even though there was no habitat or social context around them.



The Gift of Source-Created Consciousness – March 31, 2013

As the Heaven Agents who had attained Source-Created Consciousness to varying degrees in other lifetimes, began to receive the Activation Energies that activated this Consciousness, a Spiritual Space was opened up on the Earth for me to bring in Source-Created Consciousness for all beings.


The Training Facility – March 30, 2013

To help prepare beings for the Transition into The Source Perfected World, my Source Function has created a Universal Training Facility that all beings have now entered into.  In this Training Facility, I work with them directly and through a staff of the Perfected Heaven Agents who have recently come into the Creation.


The Rehabilitation Center – March 29, 2013 

If a being has failed to qualify for the Source Perfected World by the time they cross over at death, they enter into The Rehabilitation Center where they can continue their training.


They have a finite amount of time to learn.  If they do not work with the opportunity and they squander the energies allotted to them to transition into the Source Perfected World, their incarnation expires.  


The Seven Levels of Source Care – March 26, 2013

Once the Source-Created Consciousness has been activated, the Suit can choose to enter into Source Care at the highest level.  When this happens, it drops all of its attachments to anyone or anything other than the Source and its Consciousness goes to live in Source Care.  This means that the Consciousness is no longer resident in the Suit where it can be attacked by the Negativity.  The Source represents it in the Suit and the Consciousness enjoys the experience of life in a Suit without any of the hazards.  



Source-Crreated Consciousness – March 25, 2013 

In the beginning of the Creation, beings elected to enter into the Manifest World in the Co-Created Universe model of the Creation.  In the Co-Created Universe, they were to co-create the Heaven that they would experience in the world.  Their part was to build Self-Made Consciousness that was to be an expression of their love for the Source and their Celebration of the Life in the Manifest World that the Source had created for them.  They were to build this by adhering very closely to the Source-Given Blueprint for manifesting this consciousness. 


Self-Made Consciousness was designed to be a partial bridge to the Ultimate Heaven Experience. They understood that the only way that they could experience the Ultimate Heaven Experience was if they stepped out of their Self-Made Consciousness into Source-Created Consciousness which would then pick them up where their bridge ended and take them into the Ultimate Heaven Experience.


The Source Perfected World – March 22, 2013

Instead of waiting until the current universe evolves to a perfected state, my Source Function has created a Source Perfected World on the Outer Plane that is two million times bigger than the Creation previously was. The Original Creation is like the size of a pea compared to the new Source Perfected World. Together the Original Creation and the Source Perfected World constitute the now greatly expanded Creation.



The One-on-One Organizational Structure of The Universal Community – March 18, 2013

As in the Prototype Communities, all group projects are organized through a one-on-one organizational structure that is the Source to the individual Heaven Agent.  Although massive numbers of Heaven Agents might turn out to do some project together, they are not organized by some leader in the group.  They are each listening only to the Source and following the information that they are receiving directly to do their part in the project.  


Universal Vibrational Shifts – December 2012

We are in the midst of four Universal Vibrational Shifts that will take the Source Perfected Universe to the level at which Heaven can be built most efficiently.  Those who survive these Vibrational Shifts will be those who work to perfect their Suits.  The kind of perfection that is needed is Spiritual Integration.  


To help you understand what Spiritual Integration is, I will give you a brief overview.


The Advent of The Build Heaven Era – November 2012

In late October I successfully launched The Build Heaven Era.  While we have been Building Heaven for many years, we have been building it without the full power that is now available to us in The Build Heaven Era.  This power was supplied by the Fourth Universal Power Surge and is now available to help us move forward rapidly to build Lives that Work and a World that Works.  


In the Build Heaven Era miracles that could not come through in previous eras come through easily and frequently, whenever they are needed.  The bottom line in The Build Heaven Era is success backed up by the Source for the building of the Heaven of the Source Perfected Universe.  Since The Build Heaven Era began I have seen miracles beyond the scope of any miracles that were possible before.  This is only the beginning.