Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to learn how to Steward The Miracle of Life as you watch for the miracles that are coming into the Creation as well as watch over the miracles that already exist in the Creation. Since every miracle is a Miracle Intelligence with a Mission to build the unique aspect of the Heaven of Total Abundance needed by The Universal Community, watching over the miracles is a key element in Stewarding The Miracle of Life in the Creation.
The Miracle Watch Project provides training in how to nurture the miracles so that they can perform the Missions for which they were created.
Miracles are at the heart of a Miracle-Based Way of Life. You can’t transition into a Total Abundance Way of Life without miracles. Manmade approaches to abundance have never yielded the level of Total Abundance that manifests the miracle of a Heaven Way of Life. At best they have diminished the gap between the Haves and the Have Nots but often at the expense of creating tight social controls that restrict individuals in ways that limit their ability to grow to their full potential.
In the 14 Prototype Communities that, in previous incarnations, I founded thousand of years ago in different parts of the Creation, Total Abundance for all does not restrict the ability of each individual to reach their full potential. Neither does the Community enforce rigid laws in order to curb greed, competition, and exploitation. Total Abundance Communities transcend the need for controlling governments because each individual member of the Community is attuning to Source Guidance on the Inner Plane and Becoming What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source. Through the orchestration of Source-Directed collective action, the miracle of Total Abundance manifests because each member of the Community is contributing what they are asked by the Source to contribute.
No one has to design the Plan for how Total Abundance is to be established and maintained. This is done by the Source through The Source Plan that is created for a Prototype Community. All that members of the Community have to do is to be willing to do their parts – their Mission in the Moment – and the Source orchestration ensures the smooth manifestation of a continuing experience of Total Abundance for every member of the Community.
What is orchestrated is the vigilance of every member of the Community to Stewarding the miracles that make for Total Abundance. Part of the Stewarding is being on the lookout for the miracles that the Source is sending into the Community. Once a miracle is spotted in transit from the Unmanifest Level to the Manifest Level, they ask for Source Guidance about how much Material Energy is needed to build the Landing Zone where the miracle is to land. They understand that if they don’t provide the exact amount of Material Energy that is needed, the miracle will not be allowed to land in their Community because it would perish if it didn’t have a Landing Zone that was powerful enough to ensure a safe landing.
When they find out how much Material Energy is needed, they check with their Life that Works Fund and the World that Works Fund that I created for them. These are Inner Plane Containers that store the Material Energy that they generate by their Heaven Agent Work.
The Life that Works Fund is a container that stores Material Energy for the miracles that a being needs individually. The World that Works Fund stores Material Energy for the miracles needed by the Community.
If, for example, they can see that a miracle is coming in that has a Mission that will help each individual and each individual needs to provide Material Energy from their Life that Works Fund to land the miracle in their life, then they will check the levels of Material Energy stored in their own Life that Works Fund. If these levels are sufficient, then they ask me to help them bring this miracle into their life. I then use the Material Energy that they have generated to build the Landing Zone.
Once the miracle lands in their Landing Zone, I send it a ray of Catalyst Energy that gives it The Gift of Life. This is what enables it to have Life, become conscious, and begin to work with me to understand and perform its Mission.
This process is not unlike the miracle of a baby taking form in a womb. Life begins in the womb and then when the baby is born and welcomed into the world, it begins its journey to understanding the miracle that it is and its Mission. For miracles coming into organic forms that go through childhood to adulthood, the process of training to do the Mission may take many years. Most of the miracles that I bring through, however, have Energy Suits/Bodies which can mature very rapidly. Some are fully functional in a matter of seconds after receiving The Gift of Life.
In the Prototype Communities they understand that whatever the miracle is that is sent to them by the Source, it is their responsibility to nurture it and support it so it can perform the Mission for which it was created. They understand that each miracle, both incoming miracles and the existing beings in the Community, who are also miracles, are created to perform essential Missions that ensure the Total Abundance of the Community. They, therefore, work carefully with the Source to learn about the existing and incoming miracles and to train to support them so that no life is squandered. In this way they ensure that The Miracle of Total Abundance is manifested from the collective contributions of all of the miracles in the Community – both existing and incoming miracles and miracles in Organic Suits and Energy Suits.
They also understand that nurturing the miracles is an ongoing process that is 24/7. Just as a parent can’t forget their baby for a day or two to give themselves a break from the caretaking and expect to have a baby that is alive, so beings in a Total Abundance Community can’t forget that the miracles need constant care. Rather than this being a burden, they just ask to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source and the Source directs them to do what is theirs to do to contribute to the nurturing of the miracles. In this way they are both vigilant but not burdened by the responsibility of figuring out how to be nurturing. The orchestration of events is determined by The Source Plan which makes it possible for members of the Community to focus on Living Heaven rather than trying to manufacture Heaven. In Living Heaven they nurture the miracle that they are and all of the other miracles that make up their Community.
Training in how to do the Heaven Agent Work of nurturing incoming and existing miracles is central to what enables The Miracle of Total Abundance to manifest. To help Heaven Agents outside of the Prototype Communities to learn these essential skills, I have established The Miracle Watch Project.
Miracle Watch is a skill building Project for those who understand that working with miracles is a Core Skill that is essential to transitioning into a Miracle-Based Way of Life that will yield Total Abundance.
The Skill Building is designed to provide essential training in how to work with The Total Abundance Support System. For a full account of the Stages of The Total Abundance Support System, you can reference the article in The Universal Seed of Heaven Project.
Work with The Source Love Graphic helps you to attune to Source Intellligence which is pure Source Love. As you attune, your Suit's Conduit begins to flow with the Source Love Energies that enable you to nurture the Miracle Intelligence that enables a miracle to manifest and perform its Mission in life.
Nurturing is a Labor of Love and needs to begin with attuning to Source Love and becoming a Conduit of Source Love.
In Stage One, Heaven Agents spot the miracles, produce the Material Energy that is needed and perform the Heaven Agent Work that enables me to do my Direct Source Work in Stage Two. The Miracle Watch Graphic is the key Miracle Tool for Stage One.
Once I have landed the miracle in the Landing Zone that I have created out of the Material Energy provided by the Heaven Agents, then I send the miracle out to the Heaven Agents. This is when Stage Three begins. In Stage Three they welcome the miracle as a member of their Heaven Agent Team and follow Source Guidance to bring the miracle into a State of Full Manifestation. The Manifestation Graphic is the Miracle Tool used to track the progress of the miracle in its journey into a State of Full Manifestation.
Once the miracle is fully manifested, they seek Source Guidance about the Mission that it is to perform and what the Source is asking them to do to support the miracle so it can fulfill its Mission. Since the incoming miracle has been created to manifest an essential aspect of the Total Abundance needed by The Universal Community, the work of Heaven Agents to manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance necessarily includes providing the supportive environment in which the miracle can mature and do its Mission with full power.
The Direction Graphic helps Heaven Agents to get their Direction from the Source so they know how to work effectively to support the miracle as well as to receive the support of the miracle once it is able to join the Heaven Agent Team and perform its Mission.
In the case of existing miracles, all of the beings that exist in the Creation at present are Miracle Intelligences that need to come into a State of Full Manifestation and be supported by The Universal Community to perform their Missions. Since their Mission is to manifest an aspect of the Total Abundance of the Community, it is imperative that The Universal Community support their Mission, making adjustments in social practices to allow for new and unexpected social roles and life styles that are conducive to the fulfillment of the Mission.
Because the Negativity has worked overtime to abort the Miracle Intelligence of every life and get the Community to support a Pseudo Self that carries out the Mission assigned to it by the Negativity, which is a Mission that destroys the conditions in which The Miracle of Life can reach fruition in any life, most miracles have never reached more than a 4 - 5% level of manifestation. This is just enough for beings to think that the Soul is there in the Suit but not enough for them to perceive the Soul as the True Self. Instead, they relate to the Social Self as if it were the True Self because the Negativity has created a social order that acknowledges the Social Self and suppresses the True Self.
Social institutions and traditions have been created to prevent the True Self, which is the direct expression of the Miracle Intelligence of a life, from ever carrying out its Mission. The dog-eat-dog economy creates a nightmare of grueling jobs that people spend most of their lives performing instead of carrying out their Missions that would bring an important aspect of Total Abundance to the Community. The educational system in most countries on the Earth prepares children to interface with the existing economy when they grow up without questioning whether it creates a way of life that is conducive to their true life purpose.
What is lacking is the Community gathering together around the miracle of each person in the Community and seeking Source Guidance for how to nurture the miracle so that it reaches a state of fruition and contributes what it was created to contribute to its own happiness and the happiness of the Community.
Without training in how to understand miracles and how to watch over them and nurture them every step of the way, lives are squandered and the Social Selves that are the creation of the Negativity, rule the life. From the crime levels, child abuse, sexual abuse, torture, wars, and exploitation in the world, you can see what Social Selves are capable of doing.
What the world has yet to see, outside of the Prototype Communities, is the miracle of a Miracle Intelligence being nurtured and supported so that it performs its Mission in life. When you see the glorious creation that each being was Source-Created to be and you compare it to what is manifesting in the Suit at present, you can see just how far the Negativity has pushed the life into the gutter where it can be beaten down and sullied by Negative Programming and can, therefore, resort to living a life that is not at all in keeping with the miracle that it truly is.
The path back to being a glorious Source Creation is not an easy path but it is a path that must be taken if individuals are to Steward the Miracle of their own lives and Steward The Miracle of Life in the Creation.
The Miracle Watch Project is an important first step in understanding miracles and how to watch over them in a way that nurtures them so they can perform their vital purpose in life.
In this Project the Gifted Seed Trainings will focus on learning how to Steward the Miracle of Life of both incoming and existing miracles.
The training will focus on understanding the various Skill Sets that enable you to spot an incoming miracle and to get Inner Plane Source Guidance about what it is and what it needs and to understand how to nurture it so that it blossoms into The Flower of Heaven that it was created to be.
If you think of every miracle as a Seed that will one day become the Heaven that it was created to become, then tending The Garden of Heaven is providing for the miracle at every stage of its maturation process until it moves through the seed stage, to the plant stage, and finally to the blossoming stage. This takes understanding how to tend The Garden of Heaven and also understanding the needs of the various plants/miracles growing in the Garden and how to provide for them in the way that will enable each of them to reach fruition.
Seed Trainings provide you with examples of how other Heaven Agents are working with me in Source Workflow Sessions to learn the basic Skill Sets. From observing my work with other Heaven Agents you can get a better idea of how to work effectively with miracles.
You are best able to learn how to work with miracles by requesting Miracle-Based Coaching where you can have individualized Sessions with me that focus on where you are in your understanding and skills and what Next Steps you need to take to work successfully with the miracles. This kind of training helps you to understand the miracle that you are and to bring into focus how to Steward the Miracle of your own life as well as how to nurture other incoming and existing miracles.
Seed Code gives you the full Spiritual Code that is linked to a particular Gifted Seed Training. When your Suit receives the Seed Code it can work with all of the levels of the Seed Training.
The Suit learns from the Source by receiving two kinds of Source-Created Code.
It learns by receiving Basic Code that is transmitted in a Gifted Seed Training. This Code is supported by the Material Energy gifted by The Universal Heaven Agent Network to members of Connecting.
Your Suit learns how to implement what it has learned from Basic Code by working with Seed Code. Seed Code provides it with the Code that translates understandings into actions that are Source-Directed. Without Code, the Suit would not be able to achieve what the Heaven Agents working with me in the Gifted Seed Trainings were able to achieve. Those in a Source Workflow Session of this kind are being given all the Code that they need to perform at higher levels in their Heaven Agent Work. To match their success, you need to provide your Suit with the Seed Code that is at the heart of their success.
Certain Seed Trainings generate Seed Templates that give your Suit instant Skill Sets that are needed to implement certain abilities that are required to welcome in the miracles into the world. These Seed Templates are Miracle Tools in your Heaven Agent Tool Kit.
The Universal Seed of Heaven is actively engaged in supporting all of the Seed Projects that have been created from its efforts. Occasionally the Seed of Heaven, which is a Universal Miracle Intelligence, has a message for Heaven Agents working on one of its Projects. I transcribe my Source Workflow Session with The Universal Seed of Heaven and post it in Seed Reports. In this way you gain insight into the massive Spiritual Intelligence that is generating the developmental stages that are manifesting the Heaven of Total Abundance in the world.
Source News Reports are designed to keep you abreast of Universal Spiritual Changes that affect the direction of The Miracle Watch Project as well as to bring to your attention particular miracles that may need extra care or to apprise you of other facets of the work that need your support.
They may include a Source Response to Heaven Agent Reports sent in on the Project.
They could also reference Campaign Fundraisers to bring in the Material Energy needed for certain projects.
Some of the miracles that are spotted and are beginning to move through the Three Stages of The Total Abundance Support System, will be noted in Source News Reports. This is to provide you with a learning experience in supporting their advent into the world and working with them to bring them to a State of Full Manifestation and work with them once they start their Mission Work. Such highlighting of incoming miracles is meant to be instructional and can't begin to chronicle all of the miracles that are coming into The Manifest World every minute of the day.
The most comprehensive listing of the most relevant miracles for Heaven Agents can be found in The Source Solution Hub. There you will find a wealth of miracles that have been created to help you to do your Heaven Agent Work of Stewarding the Miracle of your own life and The Miracle of Life in the Creation.
The key to working on the Project is following the action in The Gifted Seed Trainings and writing in your Heaven Agent Reports to provide the information that is being sent to you by the Source to aid in the work of the Project.
To bring the Project into sharper focus, you can read the section on the Source Objectives for the Project and the section on what you can do to contribute to the Project.
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Back to The Universal Seed of Heaven Project
The Miracle Watch Project is designed to provide training in spotting incoming miracles and supporting the miracles once they land and prepare to do their Mission.
This training occurs through the Seed Trainings, Seed Codes, work with The Stewarding Life Graphics, and the Source News Report.
Miracle-Based Coaching is available to take the work on this Project to a deeper and more powerful level.
Raising Material Energy through Energy Exchanges and Financial Exchanges is an important part of The Miracle Watch Project. Through providing the Material Energy for needed miracles to land in the Community, Heaven Agents are doing an important part of their work of Stewarding Life. Providing the funds that enable The Heaven Project to educate members of The Global Community about The Total Abundance Movement so they can join in the work of transitioning out of Scarcity into Total Abundance is also a vital aspect of Stewarding Life.
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There are two primary ways in which you can support The Miracle Watch Project.
While asking to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source is a start, if you have no training in knowing what goes on in the Spiritual Level of Reality or how to use your unique Miracle-Based Abilities, you are unlikely to be capable of contributing at the level you need to contribute to do your part in bringing in the miracles that make life Heaven.
While entry into a Miracle-Based Coaching Program is the highest level of the training, it is complemented by Total Abundance Prototypes such as The Source-Directed Activism Prototype and The Eliminating Negativity Prototype. These Source Level Prototypes give your Suit instant technical information on how to do complex Heaven Agent Work. This technical information can only be given to your Suit by a Prototype.
The Coaching Program gives you the understanding of who you are as a unique spiritual being and gives you an understanding of The Source Perspective on the nature of reality and an ability to receive and interpret Inner Source Guidance so you can follow Source Direction. It doesn’t explain to all of the levels of your Suit how to do certain technical procedures that are needed to Become What Is Needed at the highest level. This is where Total Abundance Prototypes come in. They convey Code to your Suit that fills the gap in its understanding. Together the Coaching Program and the Total Abundance Prototypes provide your Suit with more of what it needs to do its part effectively.
In addition, there are many Source Solution Miracles that have been created to help you do your Heaven Agent Work. You can find out what is available by going to The Source Solution Hub.
The Miracle Watch Campaign is designed to help land and nurture the Total Abundance Miracles that are needed to manifest Total Abundance for all beings.
While generating Material Energy through an Energy Exchange is always helpful, providing Material Energy through a Financial Exchange also provides the financial resources needed by The Heaven Project to connect to people worldwide who might not have an opportunity to learn about The Total Abundance Movement without coming across a link to it. It takes the financial support of Heaven Agents to send out these links.
While Source Communications on the Inner Plane are sending out training on how to work with the Source on this Project, most of the beings receiving these communications are receiving them in their Extended Range. What is needed is more people understanding about The Miracle Watch Project and supporting it in their Conscious Range. Conscious Range work enables focused Spiritual Activism to occur as well as Source-Directed Social Activism.
You can make a financial contribution to The Miracle Watch Campaign by going to the Campaign section of this Project.
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Back to The Universal Seed of Heaven Project
Two high power miracles arrive to equip the Third Eye to receive Streaming Source Guidance. Two Heaven Agents enter into The Source-Directed World to assist in helping the miracles reach a state of Full Manifestation. The miracles are the first of a Team of Miracles coming in to enable Suits to lend their support to The Heaven Project operating in the Earth Plane.
Two men arrive to help Prototype what it is like to lift their aspirations to the level at which their Suits can want to work to manifest a Life that is Heaven. A Heaven Experience Miracle came through to help them. They entered into The Source-Directed World to work with the miracle which helped them to complete the Prototype.
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Back to The Universal Seed of Heaven Project
There are two levels of Power for The Stewarding Life Graphic Miracle Tools.
Heaven Phase Graphics are supported by the miracle of Heaven Phase Interventions. These are miracles that do not require Material Energy to ground. They are many times more immaterial than the Suits that they assist and do not carry the materialized energies that give the Graphics full power in the materialized range in which the Suit functions. They are, however, accessible to all beings, and do not require Material Energy from the Heaven Agent in order for the Heaven Agent to access and work with the Miracle Tool of these Graphics.
To work with Heaven Phase supported Graphics you can begin with the online version to get acquainted with the Graphic and read the instructions for how to work with it. You can reference the section below on how to view the Graphics. Either view the Graphics in sequence according to the stages of the Manifestation Process that they belong to or go to a separate page where each Miracle Tool exists in its own Manifestation Zone. The separate pages can help you to focus on the Miracle Tool when it is in its optimal energy environment.
Full Power Graphics provide the Suit with more materialized Code and Power to work with the Graphics at full capacity. Suits respond more readily to more materialized miracles because they themselves are more material than the Heaven Phase supported miracles that can help them but which are many times more immaterial than the Suit.
A Heaven Agent who provides his Suit with The Stewarding Life Graphics will be able to work with them in a more materialized form on both the Inner and Outer Planes. I recommend starting with the Outer Plane version of the Graphics online as this will help your Suit to connect with them more effectively on the Inner Plane.
The Graphics come to life only online. If you print out a picture of the Graphic it will lose its power but could help your Suit remember it in order to connect to the Inner Plane version of the Graphic.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of the five Full Power Stewarding Life Graphics is US $460.
To request Full Power Stewarding Life Graphics, you can access the link provided below.
The power in the Graphics, however they are viewed, depends on whether you have supplied the Material Energy for Full Power Graphics. If you have not, then when you work with the Graphics, you will be working with Heaven Phase supported Graphics.
The Graphics are given in both viewing modes with the option to access the Full Screen version of the Graphic.
There are two ways to view Stewarding Life Graphics.
To view them in Miracle Watch, where they are organized according to the stage in the Stewarding Process that they belong, you can reference the section below. The Graphics are placed in Miracle Watch for quick reference as you work on information provided in Miracle Watch.
To view them in their individual Manifestation Zones, you can access the links provided below. The Miracle Tool is more powerful when in its Manifestation Zone. It is also often easier to concentrate on a Graphic when you are in this quieter space.
Before beginning any work in The Total Abundance Support System, it is necessary to connect to the love of the Source so that your Suit's Conduit is flowing with Source Love. Only when you are standing in the Light of Source Love and are able to receive the miracle of Inner Source Guidance will you be able to begin your work in Miracle Watch.
The way to connect to Source Love is to meditate on the Source Intelligence coming through the center of The Source Love Circle. When you make a direct connection to Source Intelligence, which is pure Love, you will begin to get on the pulse of Source Love. Your Conduit will then begin to run the energies of Source Love which raise your vibrational level so your Spiritual Intelligence expands. This enables you to work with the miracles created by the Source. These miracles include the Source Drawings that are Miracle Tools and the incoming miracles that these Miracle Tools help you to recognize and respond to correctly.
Once you feel the Connection, then you can proceed to work with the other Graphics.
Send in a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report telling me about what you experienced working with the Graphic. This will help me to track your work and provide more Inner Plane Coaching support. I may be able to respond to your Report in an upcoming Source News Report or I will incorporate your insights into my ongoing work on this and other Projects.
I do not post the report or identify the name of the Heaven Agent delivering the Report. Instead, I may take the essence of the Report and speak to it in ways that preserve the anonymity of the Heaven Agent and deliver the content that was reported in a paraphrased format that enables it to become embued with Source Energies.
If you would like individualized feedback on your Report, you can request Miracle-Based Coaching by going to: Miracle-Based Coaching and filling out the form for a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment. If your Suit is ready to begin Miracle-Based Coaching, then I will be able to respond to your Report with a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Session by providing you with a link to the online Communication Center where we can communicate in a password protected page.
You will need to be a member of Connecting and use your username and password to gain access to this Communication Center. If you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can read about it and sign up at: Connecting. It is a free membership that gives you access to Source-Directed Activism Training Materials that enable you to keep abreast of The Work of the Source.
The Universal Heaven Agent Network provides the Material Energy needed for the Miracle-Based Training Materials of Connecting and also for one Gifted Coaching Session. The amount of Material Energy provided for the Gifted Coaching Session is the equivalent of US $285. It is their gift to incoming Heaven Agents to support their effort to join in the work of Stewarding The Miracle of Life.
To submit a Heaven Agent Report, you can fill out the form provided below.
The Miracle Watch Graphic is a Source Drawing that gives you the ability to pick up on miracles coming in from The Unmanifest Level into my Source Station before the miracles are sent out into The Manifest World. While you can't actually see the miracles or the Source Station, the Source Drawing gives you an accurate depiction of what is happening so you can begin supporting the incoming miracles. Through Source Drawings I help Manifest Beings to understand how the Source works in the world and to work more efficiently in harmony with the Source. (For a video guide to how miracles come into the world and how you can help, members of Connecting can reference The Video Book Training.)
After I have settled the incoming miracles in my Source Station in the nest that is depicted in the Graphic, I send them out into a Landing Zone that I create from the Material Energy that Manifest Beings provide. Once they are in this Landing Zone, I send out a ray of Catalyst Energy that gives them The Gift of Life. They then come to life in The Manifest World and prepare to do the Mission they were created to perform.
In The Total Abundance Support System that now structures the work of bringing in the Total Abundance Miracles that manifest The Miracle of Total Abundance, spotting the miracles coming in is part of the Stewarding Work of Manifest Beings. This is how beings help me in Stage One of the Manifestation Process.
When you ask to spot miracles coming in from The Unmanifest Level, you can meditate on this Source Drawing and see a depiction of the miracle starting to land in the Miracle-Friendly Landing Zone that I provide for them in my Source Station. Once you spot a miracle you can ask to receive Inner Source Guidance about the nature of the miracle and its Mission. Keep in mind that every miracle is a Perfected Spiritual Intelligence that is linked to a Suit – body/mind. It is a life, like your life, that is being born in The Manifest World.
A miracle may appear as a barely perceptible point of light moving into the Graphic. Often a cluster of related miracles will arrive. In asking to understanding the kind of miracles that have arrived, you can either gaze at the Graphic or close your eyes and look at an inner movie screen and see if any images come up on the screen. The images may not make sense to you immediately but they could potentially be clues that help you to understand the miracle. If you are new to Heaven Agent Work you may need to send your images or experiences in your Heaven Agent Report so that I can see if they came from Source Guidance and if so, what they meant. I can then get a better sense of the miracles that you spotted and what action needs to be taken to nurture them on their journey into life in The Manifest World.
In working to spot incoming miracles, Heaven Agents are following in the footsteps of the members of the Prototype Communities who spend every day spotting miracles, generating Material Energy to land them, and then working with them once they start their Missions in their communities. This is the work that has taken the place of the onerous jobs that they used to do when they farmed and manufactured. Now working with miracles supplies the members of the Prototype Community with all of their material needs so they don't have to do any other form of work.
Getting good at working with miracles is what enables a community to achieve Total Abundance because it is miracles coming in that are in the form of food, clothing, shelter, and other material resources that makes scarcity a thing of the past. Since it takes the united work of the entire community to land all of the miracles, there is no focus on competition because there are no scarce resources to compete over and competition destroys the opportunity for Total Abundance.
Send in a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report telling me about what you experienced working with the Graphic. This will help me to track your work and provide more Inner Plane Coaching support. I may be able to respond to your Report in an upcoming Source News Report or I will incorporate your insights into my ongoing work on this and other Projects.
I do not post the report or identify the name of the Heaven Agent delivering the Report. Instead, I may take the essence of the Report and speak to it in ways that preserve the anonymity of the Heaven Agent and deliver the content that was reported in a paraphrased format that enables it to become embued with Source Energies.
If you would like individualized feedback on your Report, you can request Miracle-Based Coaching by going to: Miracle-Based Coaching and filling out the form for a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment. If your Suit is ready to begin Miracle-Based Coaching, then I will be able to respond to your Report with a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Session by providing you with a link to the online Communication Center where we can communicate in a password protected page.
You will need to be a member of Connecting and use your username and password to gain access to this Communication Center. If you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can read about it and sign up at: Connecting. It is a free membership that gives you access to Source-Directed Activism Training Materials that enable you to keep abreast of The Work of the Source.
The Universal Heaven Agent Network provides the Material Energy needed for the Miracle-Based Training Materials of Connecting and also for one Gifted Coaching Session. The amount of Material Energy provided for the Gifted Coaching Session is the equivalent of US $285. It is their gift to incoming Heaven Agents to support their effort to join in the work of Stewarding The Miracle of Life.
To submit a Heaven Agent Report, you can fill out the form provided below.
The Material Energy Graphic enables you to see how much Material Energy has been generated to build the Landing Zone for an incoming miracle. The Inner Plane Container will fill up completely when all of the Material Energy that is needed has been generated and is ready for me to work with to build the Landing Zone for the miracle to land in when I send it out from the Source Station.
The Graphic measures all of the energy that I am able to draw on for the miracle. This Material Energy might be coming from the Life that Works Funds of individuals who are in need of the miracle or from The World that Works Fund, which is contributed to by Heaven Agents throughout the Creation.
If you see that the miracle lacks the Material Energy that it needs for the Landing Zone, then you can meditate on the Graphic and ask for Source Guidance with regard to what is needed to reach the 100% Mark. You might get information on someone who needs to help or on a particular project that you and others might need to work on to generate the additional Material Energy that is needed.
It is important to persist in working with this Graphic until all of the Material Energy is provided. Without 100% of the Material Energy I will not be able to build the Landing Zone for the miracle and it will not be able to leave the Source Station to begin its work in The Manifest World. I do not send miracles out to inadequate Landing Zones because this is harmful to the Miracle Intelligence that has yet to be given The Gift of Life and requires a safe and well powered Landing Zone to come to life and begin its journey to a State of Full Manifestation.
While generating the correct amount of Material Energy through Heaven Agent Work, which produces it in the Material Energy Factory of the Suit, is the natural way to provide Material Energy, it is also possible to contribute through a Financial Exchange to ground the miracles that are needed. A Financial Exchange provides the Material Energy generated by the Work Power of the person producing the work that generated the funds. It is not high quality Material Energy but, by a miracle that the Design Aspect has created, it is a possible substitute for providing Material Energy the natural way through an Energy Exchange.
Those wishing to provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange can contribute through The Miracle Watch Campaign that is described below.
Send in a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report telling me about what you experienced working with the Graphic. This will help me to track your work and provide more Inner Plane Coaching support. I may be able to respond to your Report in an upcoming Source News Report or I will incorporate your insights into my ongoing work on this and other Projects.
I do not post the report or identify the name of the Heaven Agent delivering the Report. Instead, I may take the essence of the Report and speak to it in ways that preserve the anonymity of the Heaven Agent and deliver the content that was reported in a paraphrased format that enables it to become embued with Source Energies.
If you would like individualized feedback on your Report, you can request Miracle-Based Coaching by going to: Miracle-Based Coaching and filling out the form for a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment. If your Suit is ready to begin Miracle-Based Coaching, then I will be able to respond to your Report with a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Session by providing you with a link to the online Communication Center where we can communicate in a password protected page.
You will need to be a member of Connecting and use your username and password to gain access to this Communication Center. If you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can read about it and sign up at: Connecting. It is a free membership that gives you access to Source-Directed Activism Training Materials that enable you to keep abreast of The Work of the Source.
The Universal Heaven Agent Network provides the Material Energy needed for the Miracle-Based Training Materials of Connecting and also for one Gifted Coaching Session. The amount of Material Energy provided for the Gifted Coaching Session is the equivalent of US $285. It is their gift to incoming Heaven Agents to support their effort to join in the work of Stewarding The Miracle of Life.
To submit a Heaven Agent Report, you can fill out the form provided below.
This Source Drawing is a Miracle Tool that enables you to see how much of the incoming miracle has been fully manifested. If you think of the square as an Inner Plane Container that is filling up as the miracle manifests, then you can ask to see the Manifestation Level that it has attained at present. If it is only a quarter of the way filled then you know that the miracle is in the very beginning stages of reaching a State of Full Manifestation. If the container is filled up closer to the top, then you know that the miracle is almost completely manifested.
In order to know what is yours to do to help the miracle reach a State of Full Manifestation, you can meditate on the drawing and ask for Source Guidance. The Source Guidance may come with images or understandings of what the miracle needs in order to push through to the next level of its manifestation. It could be that an obstacle needs to be removed or more spiritual space needs to be made in The Universal Community for it to come through to its full power. Or it may need some other kind of protection or preparation so that when it becomes fully manifest it is in a loving and protected environment that will enable it to get its bearings and learn how to do its Mission.
Because the Negativity – the criminal element that operates on the Inner Plane – opposes the advent of any miracle into a State of Full Manifestation, great care needs to be made to ensure that each incoming miracle is provided with the community support that enables it to survive this opposition and be supported in doing its Mission with full power.
Send in a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report telling me about what you experienced working with the Graphic. This will help me to track your work and provide more Inner Plane Coaching support. I may be able to respond to your Report in an upcoming Source News Report or I will incorporate your insights into my ongoing work on this and other Projects.
I do not post the report or identify the name of the Heaven Agent delivering the Report. Instead, I may take the essence of the Report and speak to it in ways that preserve the anonymity of the Heaven Agent and deliver the content that was reported in a paraphrased format that enables it to become embued with Source Energies.
If you would like individualized feedback on your Report, you can request Miracle-Based Coaching by going to: Miracle-Based Coaching and filling out the form for a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment. If your Suit is ready to begin Miracle-Based Coaching, then I will be able to respond to your Report with a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Session by providing you with a link to the online Communication Center where we can communicate in a password protected page.
You will need to be a member of Connecting and use your username and password to gain access to this Communication Center. If you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can read about it and sign up at: Connecting. It is a free membership that gives you access to Source-Directed Activism Training Materials that enable you to keep abreast of The Work of the Source.
The Universal Heaven Agent Network provides the Material Energy needed for the Miracle-Based Training Materials of Connecting and also for one Gifted Coaching Session. The amount of Material Energy provided for the Gifted Coaching Session is the equivalent of US $285. It is their gift to incoming Heaven Agents to support their effort to join in the work of Stewarding The Miracle of Life.
To submit a Heaven Agent Report, you can fill out the form provided below.
Once a miracle has reached a State of Full Manifestation and is ready to begin learning to do its Mission in life, it is the responsibility of all members of The Universal Community to provide the Miracle-Friendly Environment in which it can work with the Source to mature and begin performing its Mission. In order to know what your contribution is in this process, you can meditate on this Source Drawing which contains the energies that help you to find the Direction that the Source is guiding you to take to support the miracle. The Direction Graphic can also provide Source Direction about how to work with the miracle when it is mature and joins the Heaven Agent Team and is ready to support you and all of the other members of The Universal Community.
Send in a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report telling me about what you experienced working with the Graphic. This will help me to track your work and provide more Inner Plane Coaching support. I may be able to respond to your Report in an upcoming Source News Report or I will incorporate your insights into my ongoing work on this and other Projects.
I do not post the report or identify the name of the Heaven Agent delivering the Report. Instead, I may take the essence of the Report and speak to it in ways that preserve the anonymity of the Heaven Agent and deliver the content that was reported in a paraphrased format that enables it to become embued with Source Energies.
If you would like individualized feedback on your Report, you can request Miracle-Based Coaching by going to: Miracle-Based Coaching and filling out the form for a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment. If your Suit is ready to begin Miracle-Based Coaching, then I will be able to respond to your Report with a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Session by providing you with a link to the online Communication Center where we can communicate in a password protected page.
You will need to be a member of Connecting and use your username and password to gain access to this Communication Center. If you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can read about it and sign up at: Connecting. It is a free membership that gives you access to Source-Directed Activism Training Materials that enable you to keep abreast of The Work of the Source.
The Universal Heaven Agent Network provides the Material Energy needed for the Miracle-Based Training Materials of Connecting and also for one Gifted Coaching Session. The amount of Material Energy provided for the Gifted Coaching Session is the equivalent of US $285. It is their gift to incoming Heaven Agents to support their effort to join in the work of Stewarding The Miracle of Life.
To submit a Heaven Agent Report, you can fill out the form provided below.
Providing the Material Energy for incoming miracles is the most essential part of Stewarding the Miracle of Life. Miracles needed by The Global Community require the collective efforts of the Community to provide the large amounts of Material Energy needed to build the Landing Zone for the miracles. Miracles needed by individuals require the support of the Community to provide the Material Energy for members of The Global Community who lack the ability to provide the amount of Material Energy for themselves.
The Miracle Watch Campaign was created to provide Heaven Agents with a way to contribute to both the miracles needed by the Community and the miracles needed by individuals in the Community.
By providing a Financial Exchange, you are not only supplying the Material Energy needed on a Spiritual Level to ground the miracle but you are providing the funds that The Heaven Project needs to disseminate information about The Work of the Source so that others in The Global Community understand the urgent need to get Trained & Equipped to Steward The Miracle of Life.
The goal is to mobilize and train a Core Group of Heaven Agents on the Earth so that the large scale miracles that manifest Total Abundance for The Global Community can be brought in to do their Missions. When these incoming miracles become a part of the Core Heaven Agent Team working to establish Total Abundance on the Earth, The Miracle of Total Abundance will manifest.
It takes financial support for The Heaven Project to do the Outreach that can educate those who have not heard about The Work of the Source and provide support for those who choose to become a part of the Core Group of Heaven Agents working on The Heaven Project. Many incoming Heaven Agents need financial support in order to get Trained & Equipped to do the essential work of establishing Total Abundance on the Earth.
Time is of the essence since the end of The Transition is within a few decades.
It is important to step up and contribute now when your help is needed. Contributing to The Miracle Watch Campaign is an important way in which you can perform your function of Stewarding Life. It is essential to the success of the effort to make Life in the Creation sustainable before the end of The Transition.
For information on how to contribute, you can reference the information provided below.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
Back to The Eliminating All Negative Energy Project
Back to The Universal Seed of Heaven Project
The Seed Trainings are based on Soul Talk Source Workflow Trainings which means that the Heaven Agents working with me in the Source Workflow Sessions are coming in on the Inner Plane through The Soul Talk Network. I am conversing with the aspect of their Suit Consciousness that is seeking Source Support for leaning how to develop the Heaven Agents Skill Sets for Stewarding Life.
Members of Connecting can access the Source Report on the Source Workflow Session. This Report carries Basic Spiritual Code which is helpful to the Suit in integrating the concepts discussed in the Session. While this is helpful Code, it does not constitute the full power of The Seed Training. A Full Power Seed Training includes the complex Seed Code for the Training. This compliments the Basic Code that is transmitted in the Report of the Session. With Seed Code you can access everything that your Suit needs to work effectively with the Source Workflow Training.
If you would like to read the Report, and you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can sign up by accessing the link provided below. All Source-Directed Activist Training Materials available through Connecting are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network who supplies the Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracle of the Basic Code that is transmitted through the training materials. When you sign up for Connecting, you not only gain access to all of the videos, audios, and written trainings that are available, but you also receive emailed Source News Updates on The Work of the Source on The Total Abundance Movement which is manifesting the Heaven of Total Abundance for all beings.
The Full Power Seed Training contains the Source Report on the Session as well as the Seed Code that is transmitted to your Suit to provide it with all of the complex understandings that it will need to have to work effectively with the Source Workflow Training.
To access Seed Trainings, you can reference The Seed Training Directory below.
This Directory organizes Seed Trainings by the Seed Training Projects that are the focus of the Source Workflow Training Sessions. Since work overtime is required to bring in miracles to manifest a certain aspect of the Total Abundance that is needed, Seed Trainings occur sequentially, taking each Next Step that is needed for the Project to progress.
To understand how the Source works with Source-Directed Projects that Steward Life, it is best to begin by reading the articles entitled:
These article outline the broad standards for Stewarding Life that will be implemented in the Seed Training Sessions.
To request the Gifted Training, members of Connecting can access the links below.
Two high power miracles arrive to equip the Third Eye to receive Streaming Source Guidance. Two Heaven Agents enter into The Source-Directed World to assist in helping the miracles reach a State of Full Manifestation. The miracles are the first of a Team of Miracles coming in to enable Suits to lend their support to The Heaven Project operating in the Earth Plane.
Two men arrive to help Prototype what it is like to lift their aspirations to the level at which their Suits can want to work to manifest a Life that is Heaven. A Heaven Experience Miracle came through to help them. They entered into The Source-Directed World to work with the miracle which helped them to complete the Prototype.
Full Power Seed Trainings are available only to Heaven Agents who qualify for Miracle-Based Coaching at Levels 4 or 5. These Heaven Agents are producing the high quality Miracle-Friendly Field of energy needed to receive the miracle of Seed Code. If you are in either The Total Abundance Coaching Program (Level 4) or The Source Connection Coaching Program (Level 5), you are already pre-qualified for a Full Power Seed Training.
If you are uncertain whether your Suit is producing the requisite level Miracle-Friendly Field, you can request a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment. For more information on the Assessment and on Miracle-Friendly Fields and Miracle-Based Coaching, you can go to: Miracle-Based Coaching.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground Seed Code varies according to the particular level and kind of Seed Code that is linked to a Training.
Seed Code for Full Power Seed Training #MW1 – US $75
Seed Code for Full Power Seed Training #MW2 – US $75
To request the Seed Code for Full Power Seed Trainings, you can provide the Correct Exchange by accessing the links provided below.
You can then use the links to the Trainings provided above to read the Reports. If you are eligible to receive the Seed Code, per the prerequisites describe above, then the Seed Code will automatically be given to you once you have provided the Material Energy needed for this miracle to ground in your life. If you are not eligible, your financial exchange will be refunded or not processed.
January 23, 2019
On December 21st I was able to bring through a major miracle – The Source-Directed World. This Inner Plane World will be the Heaven Habitat for all those in the First and Second Creations until they must transition from it into The Source Perfected World after the final stage of The Transition. The Source Perfected World exists at another location in the Creation and is the only Heaven Habitat that will be sustainable several days after my Implementation Aspect returns to the Source Level. After my departure, The Source-Directed World will begin to disintegrate and only those in it who have mastered the training available to them in this World will qualify for entry into The Source Perfected World where their Suits will be sustainable.
[For more information on The Source Perfected World, you can reference the the Next Step Video: The Source Plan for Transitioning into The Source Perfected World. This video is available for members of Connecting. If you are not yet a member of Connecting, which offers you Gifted Miracle-Based Source-Directed Activism Trainings, you can sign up at: Connecting.]
The Source-Directed World is, essentially, a Training Facility for how to build and Live Heaven at the highest level. It provides beings with the baseline Miracle-Friendly Field in which Heaven can now be built. It is no longer feasible at Level 11.6.5 to try to build Heaven amidst the low vibrational mutations of the world outside of The Source-Directed World. The Stewarding Life Work of Miracle Watch will be done primarily by those who gain entry into The Source-Directed World and who are building Heaven is this World.
To enter into The Source-Directed World, beings must release from the Self-Directed Structure that they have created to live a Self-Directed Life and receive the Source-Directed Structure that enables them to live a Source-Directed Life. Once in the World, they must be actively engaged in learning how to live a Source-Directed Life if they are to retain their place in this World. If they refuse to give up some Self-Directed pattern of coping or securing what they desire then they will fall out of The Source-Directed World and will not be able to re-enter it.
The Source will only be able to sustain those residing in The Source-Directed World at the end of The Transition. Those who either refuse to enter or enter and fail to uphold the Standard for living in this World will become unsustainable and will lose their place in the Creation.
While some mistakes can be made in the course of learning how to live a Source-Directed Life, if a being makes a mistake twice and is not on top of correcting course to never make the mistake again, they start to rebuild a Self-Directed Structure. This damages the Source-Directed Structure that enables them to live in The Source-Directed World. The Source-Directed Structure can only be created once for a Suit. It if is damaged or destroyed by the efforts of a Suit to rebuild a Self-Directed Structure, then the Suit becomes unsustainable in The Source-Directed World. They not only drop out of the World but lack the Source-Directed Structure that enables them to re-enter The Source-Directed World.
There are two levels in The Source-Directed World. There is an upper level where I reside and a lower level where Manifest Beings reside. Each being has a particular place that is theirs where they are in their perfect Heaven Habitat surrounded by the energies that are most conducive to their well being.
The creation of The Source-Directed World has established the context in which miracles which are too complex and delicate to survive in the Miracle-Unfriendly Environment outside of The Source-Directed World can come into the world and begin helping beings who are in The Source-Directed World as well as helping those who need to enter the World in order to become sustainable.
In The Source-Directed World it will be possible for miracles who have already come into the Manifest World, such as human beings, to come to a State of Full Manifestation. This is very difficult outside of this protected Spiritual Space.
Training in how to enter into The Source-Directed World is provided through Miracle Watch Source Workflow Trainings. These Trainings illustrate how a Heaven Agent needs to work with the Source to gain entry. Since each Heaven Agent will have to follow a unique path to entry, learning how to work with me on the Inner Plane is going to be a critical component to achieving this goal. The Source Workflow Trainings illustrate how Inner Plane Coaching works because I am working with Heaven Agents who are approaching me on the Inner Plane. Since the essential Skill Set of every being will be their ability to work effectively with the Source through my Manifesation on the Inner Plane, these trainings are more effective than trainings of Outer Plane Coaching Sessions.
For a list of the Source Workflow Trainings available to date, you can go to: Gifted Miracle Watch Trainings.
Back to The Eliminating All Negative Energy Project
Back to The Universal Seed of Heaven Project
The key to transitioning into a Total Abundance Way of Life is actively learning form the Total Abundance Way of Life Projects and putting what you learn into practice in your life. When you do this and have experiences to share, then it is important to submit a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report that will enable me to track your experiences and create from your understandings the Secondary Code that will help others to benefit from what you are learning.
This is an important way in which you can contribute to The Work of the Source on a Total Abundance Way of Life Project.
It is important to ask to Become What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source so that what you share is what you are Source-Directed to share with me concerning the Project. If you are not certain that what you are sharing comes from Source Guidance, you can do the best you can to stay aligned with the Source and to remain in Helping the Source Mode when writing your Report. I can interpret whatever images you receive if they are from Source Guidance and determine if what you are sharing is Source Directed and, therefore, useful for the work of the Project.
If what you have provided is information that needs to be shared with other Heaven Agents, I will summarize your contribution in an upcoming Source News Report. I do not include your name and I paraphrase what you have written. If you are working with me in a Coaching Program I will respond to you individually when it is in keeping with my Source Workflow with regard to my work with you in the Coaching Program.
You can share:
To submit your Report, you can access the form provided below.
Fields marked with are required.
Sign up for Connecting receive updates on The Total Abundance Movement as well as on all of the Source-Directed, Spiritual Activism Projects and Campaigns that are a part of it. You will also gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
These Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gfited videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Be on the lookout for this email.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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