The Direction Graphic





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How to Work with The Direction Graphic


Step One

Once a miracle has reached a State of Full Manifestation and is ready to begin learning to do its Mission in life, it is the responsibility of all members of The Universal Community to provide the Miracle-Friendly Environment in which it can work with the Source to mature and begin performing its Mission. In order to know what your contribution is in this process, you can meditate on this Source Drawing which contains the energies that help you to find the Direction that the Source is guiding you to take to support the miracle. The Direction Graphic can also provide Source Direction about how to work with the miracle when it is mature and joins the Heaven Agent Team and is ready to support you and all of the other members of The Universal Community.


Step Two

Send in a Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report telling me about what you experienced working with the Graphic.  This will help me to track your work and provide more Inner Plane Coaching support.  I may be able to respond to your Report in an upcoming Source News Report or I will incorporate your insights into my ongoing work on this and other Projects.


I do not post the report or identify the name of the Heaven Agent delivering the Report.  Instead, I may take the essence of the Report and speak to it in ways that preserve the anonymity of the Heaven Agent and deliver the content that was reported in a paraphrased format that enables it to become embued with Source Energies. 


If you would like individualized feedback on your Report, you can request Miracle-Based Coaching by going to: Miracle-Based Coaching and filling out the form for a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment. If your Suit is ready to begin Miracle-Based Coaching, then I will be able to respond to your Report with a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Session by providing you with a link to the online Communication Center where we can communicate in a password protected page. 


You will need to be a member of Connecting and use your username and password to gain access to this Communication Center. If you are not yet a member of Connecting, you can read about it and sign up at: Connecting Signup.  It is a free membership that gives you access to Source-Directed Activism Training Materials that enable you to keep abreast of The Work of the Source.


The Universal Heaven Agent Network provides the Material Energy needed for the Miracle-Based Training Materials of Connecting and also for one Gifted Coaching Session. The amount of Material Energy provided for the Gifted Coaching Session is the equivalent of US $285. It is their gift to incoming Heaven Agents to support their effort to join in the work of Stewarding The Miracle of Life.


To submit a Heaven Agent Report, you can fill out the form provided below.



 The Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report Form

Fields marked with star are required.

About You
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  2. Primary Phone Number
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