Happiness Energy Infusions provide the Suit – body/mind – with the Happiness Energies that enable it to experience a Baseline of Happiness. This enables the Suit to build on this Baseline Happiness to extricate itself from trauma, fear, depression, overwhelm, and the like and to restore a sense of well being at a deep level.
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to learn about Happiness Energy Infusions and
The Happiness Energy Infusion Campaign.
For further information you can reference The Resource Directory below.
The Source has created Source Solution Miracles that empower you, as a Source-Directed Activist, to alleviate suffering in your life and in the world and to manifest The Heaven that Life Was Meant to Be.
Source Solution Miracles enable you to act as both a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist bringing about the healing and transformation that is needed on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality, as well as catalyzing the social change that is needed on the Outer Plane, the Physical Level of Reality.
Through a combination of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism, you can work together with other Source-Directed Activists to build the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life in which all beings can experience Total Abundance.
Source Solution Miracles empower you to engage in Spiritual Activism and Social Activism in a Source-Guided way that ensures that your efforts will yield the personal and social transformation that is needed to alleviate scarcity and suffering and build toward the Total Abundance that is the foundation of a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own. They are Spiritual Solutions of great magnitude because they are created, delivered, and supported by the Source.
For a complete listing of all of the Source Solution Miracles that have been posted online to date, I refer you to The Source Solution Miracle Hub.
Sign Up for Connecting, your Point of Connection to Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials and emailed Source News Reports on The Work of the Source.
Happiness Energies were designed to come directly from the Source through The Source Connection Channel to the Suit – body/mind. The happiness of the being was never designed to be dependent only on "happy" life events. Happiness was to be a constant that resulted from the infusion of Happiness Energies piped into the Suit continuously from the Source. From this Baseline of Happiness, Suits were to work with the Source to build a Source-Connected Way of Life that would enable them to experience the "happy" life events that enhanced their pre-existing baseline level of happiness.
These "happy" life events were to be part of the Suit's Mission in life, which was to carry out the Mission of the Soul working through the Suit. The Mission is to build the aspect of Total Abundance that the Suit was uniquely designed to build for itself and all others. This results in the highest level of happiness for the Suit and for others.
When Suits left their ideal spiritual ecosphere, The Heaven Habitat, in the beginning of their first incarnation to seek happiness by pursuing the things that they desired instead of working to perform the Mission of the Soul, they damaged their Source Connection, suppressed the will of the Soul, and inadvertently blocked the channel through which Happiness Energies flow to the Suit. They responded to the loss of this Baseline of Happiness by putting more energy into attaching to what they desired rather than trying to rebuild their connection with the Source and the Soul.
The World of Suffering that exists today is the result of their collective efforts to wrest from life what they think will make them happy. It is a world fraught with war, crime, child abuse, economic scarcity and exploitation, and the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit. Instead of achieving The Heaven Experience, which is an experience of ultimate happiness which the Soul desired, Suits have created The Hell Experience, which is an experience of scarcity, struggle, and suffering.
Now Suits have been put on notice by the Source that the period of time when they were to learn how to build a sustainable way of life in The Manifest World while the Implementation Aspect of the Source is incarnate to help them to achieve this, is coming to an end. In a few decades the Implementation Aspect will return to the Source Level and only Suits that have achieved a 100% Source Connection will retain their link to the life sustaining energies given by the Source. Those who lose their Source Connection – their Link to Life – will lose their lives on spiritual and physical levels. They will become unlinked from their Souls and will not have any Source Support for continuing on in any future lifetime.
Happiness Energy Infusions play a key role in restoring the Source Connection. Happiness Energy Infusions enable the Suit to wean itself off of patterns of thought and behavior that are destroying its Source Connection. These Infusions can also be life saving in situations when the Suit is facing a life threatening condition, whether this be a mental illness such as depression or a physical illness from which the Suit can't recover without a strong will to live. A Suit that can draw on Source-Created Happiness Energies can shore up the will to live and push through a crisis and retain its life. A Suit that is overwhelmed with despair and fear and other negative emotions and lacks any Source-Given Happiness is at higher risk of not making it through such a crisis.
Suits relying solely on their ability to stage happy events can conclude that when they lose this ability that life itself is not going to yield any further happiness and is, therefore, not worthwhile. The elderly, who have a diminished ability to generate life experiences that are "happy", often have such a low level of happiness that they can easily lose their hold on life if beset with a loss of a loved one or a life threatening illness.
The Happiness Intervention restores The Source Connection Channel so that it can bring through Happiness Energies the natural way. This Intervention is available only to Suits that have returned to the optimal energy environment of their Heaven Habitat. For further information on this Intervention, you can go to: The Happiness Intervention
Happiness Energy Infusions provide the Suit with doses of Happiness Energy that are administered to the Subtle Energy Body. The Subtle Body is an Energy Body that directly affects the health of the Physical Body which is the organic body. Once the Subtle Body is functioning with a higher level of Happiness Energy, then the Physical Body will start reflecting the effects of the healing that has occurred in the Subtle Body.
These Infusions of Happiness Energy help those who are in their Heaven Habitat and awaiting the restoration of their Source Connection Channel by The Happiness Intervention. This is a process that may take years to complete. In the meantime they will require Happiness Infusions to help them to progress on their Path to Ultimate Spiritual Healing which is necessary for them to achieve a 100% Source Connection.
While a Happiness Energy Infusion can result in a Happiness High for those who are very Source-Connected, for those who are less Source-Connected the experience may be very subtle and yet have profound deep structural healing effects. What most people experience is a lessening of focus on any underlying pain or fixation and a deepening sense of release, inner peace, and energy to redirect their attention to coping with life in a more constructive way.
Those in critical condition from a medical problem may start to rally as the Spiritual Breath Energy that is given with a Happiness Energy Infusion restores their Spiritual Immune System which shores up their Physical Immune System. The Happiness Energy in the Infusion strengthens the Suit's will to live and fight through the illness and restore health. While a Happiness Energy Infusion cannot guarantee recovery, it is a contributing element to the ability of the Suit to survive adversity. It has long been noted that those with the strongest will to live have survived what has caused the death of many others.
A Happiness Energy Infusion is not meant to be a cure all but to provide the Suit with a boost to get out of the ditch of illness and unhappiness enough to get on solid ground and begin moving toward health. A Suit that goes back into the ditch by not using this opportunity to move forward toward health will not progress as a result of the Infusion. The Infusion requires positive action on the part of the Suit to reset its sights toward Source-Given Happiness and work to repair its damaged Source Connection so that it can build toward the 100% Source Connection that enables it to have a continuous flow of Happiness Energies. This is the ultimate solution. Interim Happiness Energy Infusions are a stop gap measure meant to help the Suit move toward this ultimate solution.
While it takes a continuous 100% flow of Happiness Energy to build a stable foundation for True Happiness, Happiness Infusions can give the Suit a very needed boost that give it the chance it needs to start on the road to recovery.
Happiness Energy Infusions are given in doses. Preventative Happiness Energy Infusions protect against diseases such as Covid. Emergency Happiness Energy Interventions respond to the need for higher levels of Happiness Energy in a life threatening situation such as a Covid infection or any other physical or psychological crisis situation.
Happiness Energy Infusions help the Suit to establish a Baseline of Happiness that gives it a deep sense of well being. This sense of well being is essential to the survival of the Suit on spiritual and physical levels. While receiving Happiness Energies the natural way through The Source Connection Channel is optimal, Happiness Energy Infusions can bridge the gap until the Channel can be repaired so that it can carry Happiness Energies to the Suit.
To learn more about how to determine the dose that your Suit will need, you can to to the Request section below.
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Happiness Energy Infusions were created to provide immediate doses of Happiness Energy to help the Suit:
These are just some of the benefits of Happiness Energy. Happiness Energy was designed to be as essential to life as the Life Energies that are also sent through the Suit's Source Connection Channel. A Suit with plentiful Life Energies and no Happiness Energy is unlikely to live a healthy and full life because Happiness Energies are what inspire the Suit to take care of itself and experience the joy that is necessary to sustain good health.
This Source Solution Miracle is part of The Perfect Health Project and is a
Perfect Health Source Intervention.
It provides you with an opportunity to respond to The Source Call to Action to Do What Is Needed to Support The Work of the Source. You Become Love in Action when you support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Social Activism by working with a Source-Created Miracle to bring about Spiritual Healing for yourself and others.
Source-Created Miracles are Gifts from the Source. They function very differently from what people generally think of as "miracles". Source-Created Miracles are Perfected Spiritual Intelligences that are born into the world and who require a Miracle-Friendly Field in which to operate. It is up to the person requesting the miracle to provide:
Material Energy can be provided the natural way through an Energy Exchange by doing the Source-Directed Activist Work that generates this kind of energy. For those unskilled in doing Source-Directed Activist Work, The Financial Exchange Miracle enables them to provide Material Energy generated by ordinary work as a substitute.
The Source provides information on the exact amount of Material Energy needed to build the Energy Nest for each kind of Source Solution Miracle. This is translated into a Financial Exchange equivalent for those who are unable to provide the Material Energy through an Energy Exchange. Only when the correct amount of Material Energy is provided will the Source send in a miracle.
A Miracle-Friendly Field is produced when a person's Suit – body/mind – maintains a strong Source Connection that enables it to exist above the low vibrational energies that create a toxic, Miracle-Unfriendly Field in which miracles can't survive. There are clear guidelines from the Source about the level of a Miracle-Friendly Field that each miracle requires in order to interface with the person requesting it and do its Mission to help this person.
For a brief overview that will explain the basics, I recommend that you go to: How Miracles Come into Your Life and World.
For an in-depth Training, I recommend the Source Workflow Training: The Source Truth Building Block Training on Source-Created Miracles. This Gifted Training is available only to members of Connecting. If you are not already a member of Connecting, you can request a Gifted Membership by accessing the Signup Form below.
Educating yourself about Source-Created Miracles will help you to understand how to do the Correct Exchange that is your part to do in receiving these Gifts from the Source. Once you understand these Spiritual Principles you will be able to welcome in and work effectively with all of the miracles that manifest the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.
The amount of Material Energy that is required to ground the miracle of a Happiness Energy Infusion varies according to the purpose for which the Infusion is requested. I will list some of the issues dealt with by Happiness Energies with some suggested doses to help with these situations. You can read the information and:
Suits in their Heaven Habitat can receive up to 75% of the 100% Happiness Energies that are possible.
The Source calculation for how much Material Energy is needed to ground a Happiness Energy Infusion is US $45/percentage point. The minimum Infusion that will make a significant enough difference to be useful is $150 which is 3.33% of the 100% of Happiness Energies that are possible.
For example, if you or a loved one is in a life threatening medical crisis or in a mental health crisis, such as depression you can request a 75% Happiness Infusion which is $3375. This can be requested again after 5 days.
To give you a rough idea of the amount of Material Energy needed to ground Infusions for different purposes, I have taken the list in the Overview section and provided information on the range of doses that are Source Recommended. These are very rough estimates and only meant to provide a general guideline.
If you would like a Happiness Energy Infusion for yourself, then you can access the link provided to your Life that Works Fund and enter the amount of the Financial Exchange that you are providing. This is based on your assessment of the dose of Happiness Energy that you will need. You can enter into the Comments Box the reason for your request – what the purpose of the Infusion is in your case – if you wish to provide this information. It is optional.
If you would like a Happiness Energy Infusion but need an interest free Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on the amount per month that you can provide, and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if there is enough Material Energy in the Fund for me to deliver a Happiness Energy Infusion to you now and enable you to reimburse the Fund by your payments over time. (The World that Works Fund contains stored Material Energy donated by Source-Directed Activists. As you reimburse the fund, you free up funds to help other Source-Directed Activists.)
If you would like to gift a Happiness Energy Infusion to someone you know, you can enter their name, age, and relationship to you in the Comments Box when you process your Financial Exchange.
There is no need to talk to the person to whom you are gifting this form of Source Support. If the Suit of the person accepts the gift in an Inner Plane discussion with the Source, then the gift can be given. It can not be given if the Suit does not accept it.
If you provide a Correct Exchange for someone who refuses this gift of Source Support or is unable to produce the Miracle-Friendly Field that is needed to ground this miracle, then I will contact you and you can either re-direct it to someone else who will accept it or your Financial Exchange will be refunded to you.
The Life that Works Form enables you to enter whatever amount of a Financial Exchange you wish to provide for Happiness Energy Infusions. The amount of Material Energy you provide through a Financial Exchange determines the power of The Happiness Energy Infusion that can be grounded at your level.
You can access the form below and enter into the Comments Box any information about the person for whom the Infusion is sought, following the instructions listed above.
To request a Gifted Happiness Energy Infusion Assessment and any form of Source Support, such as the miracle of Happiness Energy Infusions, you need to meet the requirements for eligibility described below.
Since you may not know if you meet these requirements, you can fill out the Assessment form and I will respond in accordance with the principles that govern a Source Response.
Miracle-Based Coaching is based on the eligibility requirements noted above in the section on Prerequisites for a Gifted Assessment and Source Support. If you meet these requirements and have received a Gifted Assessment and would like to have further individualized assistance, then you can request a Miracle-Based Coaching Session.
These Sessions begin by you providing information on your situation which I review and respond back to you by email. My time spent in reviewing your situation, working with you on the Inner Plane, and responding to you by email is the amount of time for which you provide a Correct Exchange.
The rate of Email Coaching is $285/hour. It can cover many back and forth emails between us depending on how many issues you raise and what is required for me to provide the Inner Plane and Outer Plane work that is needed to bring in the miracles that the Source creates for your situation.
To request hourly Email Miracle-Based Coaching, you can access the link provided below. You can indicate the number of hours of coaching requested as you complete the Financial Exchange. The minimum is one hour.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of Email Coaching is US $285/hour.
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The Happiness Energy Infusion Campaign is designed to provide Happiness Energy Infusions to those most in need of them. Those in most need include but are not limited to:
Your help through providing the Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of a Happiness Energy Infusion through either an Energy Exchange or a Financial Exchange is very needed.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
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Sign up for Connecting to receive News Updates on Source Solution Miracles & Source-Directed Activism Projects and to gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based, Source-Directed Activist Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gifted videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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