The Negativity can more easily damage a Suit that exists at a low level of vibration in an Energy Medium that is formed from Negative Emotional Energy. The Negative Emotional Energy could come from fear, despair, anger, jealousy, greed, grief, and the like generated from negative life experiences. It can also be generated at a faster pace by the suffering and fear that can come with a Covid Attack if the body is plummeting into serious, life threatening illness with no medical remedy to ensure a recovery.
The general method for preventing the production of Negative Emotional Energy is for a Suit to work on cultivating its Source Connection by remaining neutral and asking for Source Guidance about how to deal with life’s challenges rather than building a story about them and generating emotional content to go with the story. The search for Source Truth helps the Suit remain neutral and seek to see The Source Perspective on why things that upset it happened and what it can learn about them so that it can avoid problems like that in the future and deal with any crisis that is at hand.
You can use The Dream Heaven Command to help dissipate Negative Emotions so they don’t become the Negative Energy Medium that feeds The Covid Attack. This method takes extended periods of time, however, and may not clear the Negative Energy Medium fast enough to slow down a Covid Attack.
To speed up the process, you can request a Perfect Sound Intervention to clear the Negative Energy. This Intervention uses Perfect Sound, which is a type of Source Sound, to eliminate Negative Energy. It is many times faster and more effective than The Dream Heaven Command.
A Dream Heaven Command coupled with a Perfect Sound Intervention is the best response to clearing the Suit of the Negative Emotional Medium that is both an interface for the Negativity and fuel for its attack.
You can gift your Suit with a Dream Heaven Command by telling it to "Dream Heaven to clear Negative Emotional Energy."
You can request a Perfect Sound Intervention by going to:
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