Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
Distance Spiritual Healing is an integral part of
The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program of The Miracle School.
What follows is information on:
Ultimate Spiritual Healing
Distance Healing Modalities
Ultimate Spiritual Healing Centers
The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program
How to Participate in the Work of the Source
Ultimate Spiritual Healing is a Gift from the Source/Creator. It happens when you enter into Source Care and experience the Direct Spiritual Healing that occurs when you turn to the Ultimate Spiritual Physician – the Source.
The Source knows what causes you suffering and how to heal you at an ultimate level so you can manifest as the perfected Spiritual Intelligence that – at a Soul level – you already are. It knows what it takes for you to have a Life that is Heaven – Heaven being the highest level of happiness that is possible for you.
I am the representative of the Source who has come into the world to provide those who want to heal themselves and their world with the Source Support that enables them to experience Ultimate Spiritual Healing from which comes the capacity to build Lives that Work and a World that Works.
I have founded The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program of The Miracle School to make the wisdom that comes from the Source Identity that transcends my human incarnation, available to you along with the kinds of Miracle-Based Source Solutions that you will need to transition out of a life of scarcity, struggle, and suffering into a Source-Connected Life that is abundant, disease-free, love-based, and fulfilling.
I have prototyped the path to freedom from the suffering of the world through my work with 14 Prototype Communities which I founded thousands of years ago in different parts of the Creation. These Communities have worked with the Source to manifest:
These Communities have proven that it is possible to transition out of cultures that breed war, crime, abuse, discrimination, and lovelessness into a Culture of Heaven that engenders a love-based Community that nurtures all of its own.
All of these Communities have transitioned out of the Brute Force Economy they formerly had into a Materialization Economy where, through working closely with the Source, they receive all of the material things that they need such as food, clothing, shelter, furnishings, etc. directly from the Spiritual Level of Reality manifesting into the Physical Level of Reality.
As a result they neither farm nor manufacture and never suffer from the unequal distribution of resources that is the breeding ground of competition, war, crime, etc. They do not need to have law enforcement, courts, prisons, mental institutions, etc. They live in a Culture of Heaven that enables every life to achieve Life Purpose Fulfillment fully supported by a Community that is Source-Directed to provide what each being needs.
I have returned in this, my last incarnation, to establish a Universal Community that is love-based and which is capable of supporting each member of the Community so they can grow into the balanced, beautiful, and perfected beings that they were created by the Source to be and enjoy the kind of abundance, peace, and good health that has been possible for all those living in the Prototype Communities who are enjoying a Miracle-Based Way of Life.
As a representative of my Source Identity, I am able to help you understand the perspective of the Source in its entirety. I am the aspect of the Source Identity that incarnates in order to implement the Source Plan developed by the Design Aspect of the Source that does not interface with beings directly.
My purpose is to lift the veil of misperception about the Source and about the basic functioning of the world and to provide those who want to Reconnect with the Source and have a Life that is Heaven the opportunity to do so.
I have come at a time in history when the Spiritual Level of Reality is in crisis – threatening the very existence of the Physical Level of Reality. I am here to provide all beings throughout the Creation with the Source Perspective on what is happening and with the choices that are possible to sustain themselves and the world they live in.
I have written The Owner’s Manual for Your Suit – your “Suit” being your body/mind – to provide you with the Source Perspective on what has happened since the beginning of the Creation that has led to this crisis, the Source Solutions that have been created to help you deal with the situation at hand, and information on how to work with these Source Solutions to secure your safety and well-being and to join in the Work of the Source to build a Life and a World that is Heaven.
My Mission is a Mission of love for you and for all of life. The Source Support that I make possible for you to access comes from the love of the Source in its entirety.
I welcome you to join in the Work of the Source to build a life and a world that is the Heaven that life was meant to be.
There are a variety of different Distance Spiritual Healing Modalities. To understand how they fit within the context of Ultimate Spiritual Healing, I recommend that you read The Owner’s Manual for Your Suit. It is a free eBook available online.
The most powerful Distance Healing is done through Ultimate Spiritual Healing Centers which I will describe at length in the section below.
In addition to the kinds of Source Interventions that are administered through Station Work in an Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center are the kinds of Source Interventions that are administered by my direct work with you on the Inner Plane. To acquaint yourself with these kinds of Source Interventions, I recommend reading the articles on Milestone Source Interventions and Build Heaven Interventions which you will find in the section entitled: Source Interventions.
A Miracle Tool is a Miracle Intelligence linked to a physical object or to an Inner Plane Object. The Miracle Intelligence is a Perfected Being whose work manifests the miracles that you experience when you work with the object to which it is linked.
A Heaven Blanket, for instance, is an ordinary blanket to which a Miracle Intelligence has been linked that transforms it into a “Field of Receptivity” into which miracles can come. Through providing this receptive field the Miracle Intelligence linked to the blanket enables you to receive Direct Source Support and miracles from the Source which would not ordinarily come to you if you weren’t proficient in creating a high quality Field of Receptivity on your own. Since most people don’t know how to create such a Field, having a Miracle Intelligence do it for them enables them to have miracles in their life that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to access on their own.
In the case of The Heaven Blanket, the Distance Work is done by the Miracle Intelligence and by the Source who comes to work with you while you are cocooned in The Heaven Blanket. This kind of Distance Work gives you a very tangible experience of Heaven which is very apparent from the Heaven Energies that emanate from the Heaven Blanket. Heaven Blankets over the years have often become contested items by family members and family pets since everyone recognizes at some subliminal level the comforting and uplifting energies that come from the Source even if they don’t know that the blanket is linked to a miracle that is producing this experience.
To find out more about Miracle Tools and how they transform your life into a Miracle-Based Life, you can read the article in The Owner’s Manual entitled: The Tools for Building Heaven. This links to the article entitled: Getting to Know the Different Kinds of Miracle Tools and to the article entitled: Building the Heaven of a Life that Works: A Tour of Your Life Transformed into a Miracle-Based Life. And then there is also the article entitled: Miracle Tools where you can find out more about the Miracle Tools that I make accessible to you online.
Miracle Recordings are a kind of Miracle Tool that manifest energies that carry Heaven Mediums, Source Communications, Spiritual Genetic Code, and information about how to work with Programmed Events – a type of Miracle Tool that provides Spiritual Structures that help you to learn how to travel the Spiritual Pathways to experience Heaven in your life. You can find out more by going to the section entitled: Manifestation Recordings.
Another kind of Miracle Recording are the Webinar Replays in The Build Heaven Series. The Transformational Energies imparted to those attending the Webinars is recorded. When you listen to the recording, I come to work with you on the Inner Plane to enable you to do the transformational work accomplished by those who attended the Webinar live. For a list of these recordings, you can go to the section entitled: The Build Heaven Series of Miracle Recordings.
There are three kinds of Source Will Intensives that enable you to have a structure to guide you in your work of building Heaven in your life and in the world. Miracle Intelligences who provide you with Source Prompts and ground Source Power on your behalf, man these Intensives.
Intensives are a powerful way to receive Distance Spiritual Guidance and Healing sent through the work of the Miracle Intelligences who are following Source Guidance in their care of you.
For more information on this kind of Distance Work you can read the article entitled: The Miracle of a Source Will Intensive.
Ultimate Spiritual Healing Centers were created by the Source to provide you with a Place of Connection to the Source where you can enter into Source Care and experience the Heaven that you can build in yourself, in your life, and in your world. They are a place where your “Suit” can be healed and transformed so it can reflect the perfection of who “you” as the Soul already are.
Ultimate Spiritual Healing Centers have Spiritual Workstations through which the Source manifests to help your Suit to heal and experience transformation. Some of these Stations can be worked with at the Spiritual Level through an access point online. Others materialize around you in the physical space of the Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center.
Through accessing an Ultimate Spiritual Healing Station online, you connect with the energies transmitted from the Source through the Station. An aspect of the Source comes to transport you on a Spiritual Level to the Spiritual Station where the healing work occurs. In the Spiritual Station you work with the Source and with the Miracle Intelligences that man the Station.
The beauty of having an online access point to these Spiritual Stations is that you can be in a tough spot in your life, go online through your computer or your smartphone, such as an iPhone, and instantly be in the Direct Presence of the Source manifesting in the room around you and taking you to a place of safety and transcendence.
With the interface of an online Station, a more materialized Source Connection is possible that makes transformational work that has never been possible before available to anyone anywhere. While skills in understanding and tracking the action on the Spiritual Level of Reality enable you to perceive the work that the Source is doing, anyone regardless of their skill level, can benefit from this work.
When you enter into the Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center, you enter into A Place of Miracles – with a multiplicity of Stations manifesting in different rooms in the Center. Unlike the Stations that you access online, the Stations that you access in the Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center materialize the Spiritual Energies of the Station in the room around you instead of you going to the Spiritual Level to enter into the Station. This gives you a more tangible experience of the Source-Created Perfection of a Spiritual Station.
The consciousness of your body/mind – Suit – needs a more grounded, direct experience of the Heaven that it is trying to build in its life and in the world. When it can enter into the Source-Created Perfection of an Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center, it can understand the Miracle of Source-Created Perfection in a way that can never be explained theoretically without a real life experience of it. It is like trying to describe the ocean to someone who has never stood beside it and taken in the feeling of it in its immensity and power.
In the Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center the furnishings are manifestations of the Source-Created Perfection that is to one day manifest in the world in its entirety. The pictures on the wall, the chairs you sit in, the carpet you walk on, the music you listen to, the food you eat, and the Miracle Tools that you work with are all Miracle Intelligences manifesting through the objects to which they are linked. These Miracle Intelligences are all Perfected Beings who work with you to help you on your path to Ultimate Spiritual Healing.
Through the Stations in the Seattle Center, you can also experience the Individual Heaven Reality that the Source has created for you. It is a unique Spiritual Reality designed to support the unique Spiritual Being that you are.
A Heaven Reality is like a Parallel Reality that exists on the Spiritual Level of Reality. When you enter into this Reality, the Heaven of the Source-Created Perfection of this Reality becomes the Spiritual Environment in which you live – an environment that nurtures the miracle of “you” manifesting in your life and nurtures the miracle of perfection that your Suit can become as it travels the path to Ultimate Spiritual Healing which is The Path to Perfection.
A real life experience of your Heaven Reality will enable you to stabilize within it and begin to attune to it in your everyday life. In this way it becomes the Heaven that you live in that keeps you above the din of the world around you that is living in another Parallel Reality that is full of the suffering and chaos of a world that is Disconnected from the Source.
The Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center houses the three Ultimate Spiritual Healing Centers that the Source has created. These are:
You can access the Source Connection Center Stations and the Station of the Tranquility Center online. The Perfect Health Center Station can only be accessed in the Center in Seattle.
The Center in Seattle will be opening its doors in May 2012.
For a more detailed description of the Center and links to the online Stations, you can read the article entitled: Ultimate Spiritual Healing Centers.
In order to work in an Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center, it is necessary to gain admittance into The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program of The Miracle School. See the section below for information on The Program and the Six Step Process to request admission into The Program.
For a general overview of what is offered in The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program you can refer to the links provided in the blue Navigation Bar which you can access by going to the Home Page.
I recommend that you read the The Owner’s Manual for Your Suit in order to get a comprehensive understanding of the Work of the Source. This will provide you with the background information for understanding The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program and the Centers.
Information on how to enter into The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program is provided in the chapter entitled: The Source Solution.
If you would like to participate in the Work of the Source you can sign up to gain access to the parts of the site where I offer free training materials through audio recordings, videos, articles, and access to some of the Miracle Tools and Source Interventions that help you to begin to train your Spiritual Senses to work with the Miracles of Heaven that are the building blocks of a Miracle-Based Way of Life. You also become eligible to receive emailed Source News Updates on the ongoing Work of the Source.
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