You Have a Priceless Opportunity 

Help Usher in the Era of Perfect Health



A great miracle is due to arrive on the Earth in June. 


This miracle is The Spiritual Healing Power Station that will provide all beings with the Life Giving Energies that:

  • heal those who are ill
  • prevent illness
  • sustain a state of Perfect Health


Your help is needed to provide the Material Energy to ground this miracle so that it becomes a lasting treasure of Healing Energies for all beings.


We only have until the end of June to land this miracle.  


If we miss this opportunity it will return to the Unmanifest Level of Reality from which it has come and it will not be able to return. 


Without this miracle it will not be possible for beings to experience the miracle of Perfect Health, a miracle that has been enjoyed for thousands of years by members of the 14 Prototype Communities that exist in different parts of the Creation.  Beings in these Communities do not suffer from illness or aging.  This is in large part because they draw on the Life Sustaining Energies from a Spiritual Healing Power Station like the one that can be brought into the Earth in June. 


It has taken thousands of years to create an equivalent type of Spiritual Healing Power Station that can survive in the very Miracle-Unfriendly Conditions of the Earth. 

You don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to support the landing of this miracle on the Earth in the one window of opportunity that we will have in June.


Now is your chance
to say “No” to the suffering caused by illness and
 to say “Yes” to Perfect Health.


To say “Yes”
fill out the form below.

This will enable me to send you information on The Spiritual Healing Power Station and how you can help to make its Life Giving Energies available to you, your loved ones, your community, and to all beings.


This information is available through Connecting, your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that your life and all of life was meant to be.  When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:

  • Information on The Spiritual Healing Power Station Project
  • Information on other Source-Directed Spiritual Activism Projects that provide Miracle-Based Source Solutions for the problems that you face individually and the problems that are faced by the Global and Universal Community
  • Audios and Videos from Next Step Communications from the Source that provide you with the Source Perspective on the history of the Creation, on the state of the world, and on the Source Plan for stopping the suffering and manifesting a Life that is Heaven for all beings
  • Heaven Agents in Action Broadcasts that give you an opportunity to observe Heaven Agents working with the Source on Source-Directed Projects
  • Journey of Discovery audios, videos, articles, Miracle Tools, and Miracle Recordings that provide you with an experiential understanding of how the 14 Prototype Communities achieved a Miracle-Based Way of Life that, to this day, provides them with Total Abundance, Love-Based Relationships, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and Perfect Health
  • Emailed Source News Updates on The Work of the Source that keep you abreast of the Source-Directed Spiritual Activism that is making it possible for you and all others to have a chance to have a Life that is Heaven - Heaven being the highest level of happiness that is possible for you.



These Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training.  It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Community that nurtures all of its own.


Be on the lookout for this email. 

Once you set your password, you will be given a link to information on The Spiritual Healing Power Station.  Other emails from Connecting will introduce you to the Spiritual Activism Training Materials and provide you with the links.


I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.


Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project

Founder of The Miracle School


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The Spiritual Healing Power Station Project

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Next Step Communications,
The Journey of Discovery,
& Emailed Source News Updates

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