Partially Gifted Source Connection Coaching Session

In this Session, the Material Energy has been provided to enable the miracle of The Source Perspective on your life to manifest, opening the door for whatever transformational work is needed in the Session. It is in a Session of this kind that in-depth work can be accomplished.

You will be meeting with Sherry Daniel, Ph.D., Director of The Miracle School for the Session which can be by phone, Skype, or in person in The Source Connection Center in Seattle, WA  USA.  For further information on who she is and how she works, you can go to:  About Us


The Universal Heaven Agent Network supplies 50% of the Material Energy needed for you for the Session. This covers a 30 minute Session.  You contribute the other 50% to provide the Material Energy for the other half of the Session.  This gives you a full hour which is the amount of time that will be needed to enable you to make progress toward understanding The Source Perspective on the issues we address as well as working with any Source Solution Miracles that come through during the course of the work.


You can process your request by filling out the form that can be accessed below.

Select from the drop down menu a 30 minute Session since the other 30 minutes will be exchanged for on your behalf by The Universal Heaven Agent Network.  

This Gift is given only for your first Source Connection Coaching Session.

You will be notified by email with regard to dates when a Session can be schedule.


NOTE: In all work that is Miracle-Based, it is necessary that your Suit – spiritual body/mind – be able to maintain the Miracle-Friendly Energies that enable you to work with the miracles from the Source.  All applicants for the Gifted Coaching Session will need to be upholding The Standard of Heaven that enables a Miracle-Friendly Working Relationship with the Source to be established.  If your Suit is not yet ready for an in-person Session, I will email you and recommend a course of action that you can take to prepare your Suit for a Session. 

For more information about The Standard of Heaven Agreement, you can access the link provided at the bottom of the Registration Form below.

Fields marked with star are required.

About You

  1. Gender required

  2. Primary Phone Number
  3. Additional Phone Number
  4. Additional Phone Number
For the Source Connection Coaching Session
  1. What length of a Source Connection Coaching Session are you requesting?

  2. How would you like to do the Source Connection Coaching Session? required

    Please check all that would suit you.

  3. What is your timezone? required

    example: Pacific Time, Central European Time, Japan Standard Time

  4. What would be the best times for you to have the Source Connection Coaching Session?

  5. Do you have any questions or comments regarding the Source Connection Coaching Session?