Universal Community Meetings provide a context in which Heaven Agents from the Universal Community are able to ask for help with individual and community issues that they are facing in their Prototyping Work on Living Heaven. I provide Direct Source Guidance and fellow Heaven Agents seek Inner Source Guidance to provide support for one another. Team Work helps to manifest the miracles that bring through the Source Solutions that are needed. This kind of Community Support is essential to developing a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
There are two kinds of Universal Community Meetings:
The Correct Exchange for a Universal Community Meeting is US $95/2+ hour Webinar.
The first Special Focus Universal Community Meeting attended will be gifted by The Universal Heaven Agent Network. No financial exchange will be needed. Those wishing to attend will still need to be upholding The Standard of Heaven Agreement in order to be admitted to the Webinar. All who register will be screened for their readiness to participate in an event of this sort. If you can't attend, you can be given a Replay without a financial exchange.
After the first Special Focus Meeting has been attended in person or by Replay, all future Replays of the Meetings will be available with a partial gift from the Network of $50 which will make the Replay available for $45 rather than the usual $95. Some Replays will also be offered without a Financial Exchange as a part of the work of helping those considering joining in the work of the Prototype to get a more complete understanding of what it means to Live Heaven in their everyday lives.
In the Webinar I will walk you through the Six Steps and open the discussion up for Heaven Agents to ask questions, share their experiences, and explore the insights given to them by Source Guidance.
For those who are new to working in a Source-Directed Webinar, I recommend that you read the article entitled: How to Participate in a Webinar.