Gifted Special Focus Adventure Coaching Session


If you have activated your Life Adventure through Signing On to The Adventure, a powerful Gifted Coaching Session is possible.  These Adventure Coaching Sessions activate Heaven Manifestations which supply you with essential pieces of the puzzle for a Life that is Heaven.  Because of the power of the work, the Network has not been able to provide all of the Material Energy needed for the Session, but is providing approximately half of the Material Energy required to ground the miracles that will come through in the Session.


Without the Gift from the Network, each one hour Coaching Session requires a Correct Exchange of $385.  Those registering for their first Adventure Coaching Session will receive a Gift of approximately half of the one hour Session which will enable them to balance the exchange for the Session for only $193.  

This Gift is available only to Heaven Agents who have:

  • completed Step 2 of The 12 Steps to Living Heaven.  This enables them to receive the gifted Turning Point Miracle which provides them with a Life Adventure.  Coaching Sessions key off of this Life Adventure.
  • are upholding The Standard of Heaven Agreement in their lives which ensures that they are maintaining the Miracle-Friendly Energy Environment in which the miracles that make Life Heaven can materialize.


The Gifted Coaching Sessions are described below.  


For a brief overview of The Living The Adventure Coaching Program you can read the section below entitled:  Understanding Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Adventure Coaching.  For a more extensive discussion of it you can read the article entitled: The Living The Adventure Coaching Program.


The Three Gifted Special Focus Adventure Coaching Sessions

Securing the Success of Your Mission in This Life

In this Session, the focus is on understanding your Mission in this life, deciding to do it, and then allowing The Adventure to secure the successful outcome. This is a fundamentally important step in Living Heaven since your happiness in life is based on being true to who you really are as a Spiritual Intelligence and fulfilling your Life Purpose which is to manifest the aspect of Heaven that you alone can manifest for yourself and others.  When there is a lack of Life Purpose Fulfillment, no amount of material possessions or loved ones or entertaining events can assuage the deep and abiding sense of loss that comes from living out of harmony with who you really are and with your true Life Purpose.


Since everyone’s Mission to to Live Heaven, there is no risk of signing on to a Mission that will be something that doesn’t add up to the highest level of happiness that is possible for you.  This doesn’t mean that your Mission will not be challenging and won’t require diligence, courage, and hard work at times to fulfill it.  But the truth is that when you are living in harmony with what brings you the greatest happiness, happiness is the result at a very deep level.  You become like a bird who experiences the joy of flying or a horse who experiences the joy of galloping.  Your Mission is your joy and your fulfillment. It is what enables you to experience the exhilaration of life lived at its highest level.


Once The Adventure has manifested the miracle that secures the successful outcome of your Mission, then the miracles that help you to stay on track with your Mission day-by-day will begin to manifest. These are the miracles that you will discover as you travel your Path of Miracles.


In the Coaching Session I will help you to understand how to work with your Mission through reading the Message Board of The Adventure and traveling in The Adventure Traveler into the future and the past of your Adventure to understand the way that The Adventure is playing out the prompts and events of your Mission.


We will then take a look at how you can continue to work with The Adventure to fulfill your Mission as you progress through your daily life.


Setting the Dial for the Heaven of True Happiness

In your Third Eye is a Spiritual Dial that can be set to the Heaven of True Happiness.  Generally this Dial is set to the Hell of a life that includes scarcity, struggle, and suffering.


I use Source Dial Setting Technology to reset the Dial for you and The Adventure is called upon to use its Manifestation Technology to support the outcome of a life that is lived in a way that promotes the realization of True Happiness.


Once this Dial is set, The Adventure unleashes a Flowstream of Happiness Energies that flow through your Suit, washing away the accumulated stagnant energies of Unhappiness and bringing in a fresh and ever circulating supply of Happiness Energies.  In time the Suit begins to relax and recover from carrying the burden of Unhappiness Energies that it has been carrying for lifetimes and it begins to feel lighter and freer and more able to respond to the opportunities to experience Heaven that are gifted by the Source in every moment of the life.


While an immediate ecstatic experience of True Happiness is not the result, since the clean out of the Unhappiness Energies can take some time, there is a baseline of well-being that the Happiness Energies establishes that begins to enable the Suit to calm down and move out of fear into the Light of Source Love and finally into a continuing experience of Heaven.  It is a process that begins with turning on the jets of Happiness that must flow through a Suit if it is to rise above the depressive energies of its own Unhappiness Energies and the collective Unhappiness Energies of beings in the world around it.


In the remainder of the Session, I work with you to understand what is in your Life Adventure as your Next Step for securing the Heaven of True Happiness and I help you to develop the Skill Sets in reading the Adventure to know when an action that you are considering taking is in alignment with your happiness and when it is deleterious to your happiness.  Such Skill Sets enable you to know before you take action what the outcome of your action will be in terms of the overall happiness that you are able to manifest in your life. This set of skills is one of the most important Skill Sets for achieving True Happiness in this lifetime.


Activating the Core Unit of Your True Identity

In the center of your Third Eye is the Core Unit of your identity as a Spiritual Intelligence.  Generally this unit has been disabled by the Negativity which endeavors to suppress the true identity of a being and replace it with a Pseudo Identity that can be manipulated to allow the Negativity to harvest the Suit and the life for its own purposes.


When a Pseudo Identity develops – what I call the Story Character – this identity will open the door to Hell Identities coming into the Suit and taking over essential aspects of its functioning.  These Hell Identities will then accelerate Spiritual Fragmentation in order to divide up the onboard identity of the Story Character into innumerable Personality Fragments that can more easily be shuffled around to do the dirty work of the Negativity in destroying the life and destroying the lives of others.  In advanced stages of Spiritual Fragmentation, The Suit can become a complex of shifting identities with nothing stable within it to anchor it in Source Love or remain true to its Mission in this life.


An important corrective is an Intervention by The Adventure which secures the Core Unit in the Third Eye for the true Spiritual Identity – the Soul. Once this is secured, then the Pseudo Identities that have been drawing power from this Core Identity Unit in the Third Eye begin to disintegrate, clearing the Suit for the Soul to assume its rightful place on the stage of the life.


Once this Core Unit is activated, I work with you to understand what steps you need to take to recognize your true identity and to allow it to manifest fully in your life.


Until the true “you” is at the helm of your life, it is not possible to Live Heaven.  No Story Character, which is a creation of the Negativity, can Live Heaven.  It always sabotages any attempt to Live Heaven because it is a reflection of the Negavitity from which it was created and anything that arises from the Hell of suffering, is a consciousness that replicates suffering, scarcity, and struggle on every level of its existence. This is why, despite the best efforts of many people who are run by Story Character Identities, varying gradations of unhappiness continue to be the norm.



How to Request a Gifted Adventure Coaching Session

You can request a Gifted Special Focus Coaching Session by filling out the form provided at the bottom of this page. Enter into the Comments Box the type of Special Focus Coaching Session you would like.  


If this is your first Coaching Session, check the box for a half hour Consultation Session since the other half hour will be exchanged for on your behalf by The Universal Heaven Agent Network.  


If this is your second Coaching Session, check the box for the one hour consultation.



Additional Information on Adventure Coaching

Understanding Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Coaching

At the heart of a Prototype Community is the Solo Heaven Agent Work that fulfills the Life Purpose of every Heaven Agent within the Community.  From this Solo Heaven Agent Work comes the manifestation of the Heaven that each Heaven Agent was created to manifest in their life and gift to the Community.  Without the integrity of this work, a Prototype Community could never achieve the level of Heaven that it needs to achieve to afford each Heaven Agent Life Purpose Fulfillment and afford the Community the Total Abundance that comes from each Heaven Agent manifesting the aspect of Heaven that they alone can manifest.


In order for a Heaven Agent to discover the miracle of who they really are and to learn how to fulfill their Life Purpose, it is necessary to work directly with the Source to receive the individualized training that alone is capable of helping them to develop their unique Miracle-Based Abilities.


This individualized training occurs through the Individual Living The Adventure Coaching Program where I work one-on-one with Heaven Agents, helping them to learn how to Live Heaven in their lives.  


In a Coaching Session, The Adventure begins by outlining the transformation in your Suit or in your life that needs to occur for you to take your Next Step toward Living Heaven.  If you feel ready to take this Next Step, then The Adventure manifests the desired outcome on the Spiritual Level. It then provides you with the understandings and opportunities to develop the Skill Sets that are needed to flow with the current generated by this Inner Plane manifestation so that it begins to manifest on the Outer Plane in your everyday life.


This Coaching Methodology draws not only on the Manifestation Technology of The Adventure but on the Direct Source Work that I provide through Spiritual Editing of the SuitSuit Dial Setting, and Heaven Frequency Transmissions that occur during the Session.  These transformational modalities make the impossible possible, transforming your Suit in ways that no resolve and follow through on the Outer Plane could ever achieve.  They give you the chance to make the Executive Level Decision to have a Life that is Heaven and then to be backed up by the power of the Source moving the obstacles out of your way and reconfiguring your Suit so it is capable of Living Heaven.  Suit repairs, maintenance, and upgrades happen naturally in a Coaching Session and complement the coaching that provides you with the understandings of how to do your part in transitioning into a Heaven Way of Life.


The Coaching Program also draws on the extensive 24/7 Inner Plane Coaching that I provide to enable you to continue to progress in your transition into a Heaven Way of Life.  Since Fragmentation has divided up the Subconscious Range in the Suit, it is not possible to progress toward a Heaven Way of Life without dealing with the fears, ambivalence, objections, and opposition of the Fragments of Consciousness that oppose your Conscious Range decisions.  Inner Plane Coaching enables me to talk directly to those aspects of your Suit that are blocking your advancement and to either win their cooperation or provide them with the power and Source-Direction to reconfigure themselves so that they no longer persist in a mutated, self-repeating pattern that is self-destructive.


In each Coaching Session you not only learn more about how to Live The Adventure through reading the Adventure Message Board and working with The Adventure Traveler that enables you to travel into the future and the past of The Adventure, but you accomplish the manifestation of key elements of your Life as Heaven.  Each of these Heaven Manifestations is like a piece of the puzzle of your Heaven Way of Life.  The more pieces that are manifested, the faster you complete The Picture of the Heaven of True Happiness which begins to manifest in your life.


This is how the Prototype Communities have manifested their Heaven Way of Life. They worked with me individually to manifest all of the pieces of the puzzle for their individual and Community Heaven Way of Life.  Every day they would bring through other pieces of the puzzle until they had built the essential structure of a Heaven Way of Life.  After this the puzzle pieces that they would work on manifesting each day were for sustaining the Heaven that they had built.


When you begin to work with The Adventure to build the Heaven that is yours to enjoy personally and yours to contribute to the collective experience of Heaven in the Community, then you will build a treasure from which the Ultimate Experience of Heaven can be experienced in your life.


Since manifesting all of the pieces of the puzzle of your Heaven Way of Life requires a dedicated process worked with overtime, I recommend that you sign on to The Living The Adventure Coaching Program that will enable you to manifest all of the pieces of the puzzle that you need to Live Heaven in your life. Because this commitment activates The Adventure at a higher level of power, you obtain faster and more miraculous results. 


The program can be custom designed to fit with your unique circumstances and your ability to exchange for the miracle of this Source Support.  I suggest that Heaven Agents contact me for an Assessment of what kind of Adventure Coaching Program will work best for them.  To contact me they can go to:



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