Welcome to

Universal Heaven Agent Network Meetings


Sherry Daniel, Ph.D. - Founder of The Miracle School

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School



This is the place where you can come to listen to the recordings of The Universal Heaven Agent Network Meetings that occur via The Soul Talk Network – an Inner Plane Universal Communication Network.  During the Meetings, I converse with Heaven Agents from the Earth Plane and from the Universal Community outside of the Earth Plane in the Universal Language of Soul Talk which is a language common to all species throughout the Creation.  

The Purpose of the Meetings


The purpose of these Meetings is to provide Heaven Agents with The Source News on what is happening and with Source-Directed Training on how to move into closer alignment with The Work of the Source to achieve a 100% Source Connection and build a 100% Source-Connected Way of Life.  


Since Heaven Agents throughout the Creation are faced with many of the same issues in understanding how to work with the Source to transition into a Source-Connected Way of Life, the questions, comments, and issues brought forth are of value to all Heaven Agents. Of particular value are the insights of advanced Heaven Agents from The Prototype Communities and The Other World – a world that was created after the Original Creation, which is the world we live in.  They have been Living Heaven at an advanced level for thousands of years and are also on the path to a 100% Source Connection. They have insights and questions that are instructive to Heaven Agents in other parts of the Creation who are just beginning their journey.


During these Meetings, there are long periods of silence, which I edit out of the recordings, when I am listening to what the Heaven Agents, who are speaking to me in the language of Soul Talk, are communicating to me. I respond to these communications by speaking simultaneously in English and in Soul Talk.  In this way, all who are listening to the recording can follow the action and those attending via The Soul Talk Network can receive my communications.



How I Work with Those Attending the Meetings

Setting Up & Strengthening Your Individual Verbal Soul Talk Network

Those attending these meetings either via The Soul Talk Network or via a recording, receive an Individual Verbal Soul Talk Channel which greatly strengthens their ability to receive and send Soul Talk Communications to me that are immediately translated by their onboard Source Intelligence into their native language.  While Soul Talk is often a language of images and inner video like adventures, it is most easily understood when it comes through as verbal communications.


The Verbal Soul Talk Channel greatly increases the ability of the being to understand Soul Talk Images and Adventures and to carry on a conversation with me on the Inner Plane.   It is only when you can talk with me naturally in the course of your daily Mission Work that you can Live The Love Connection with the Source.


Each time you listen to a recording of a Network Meeting, I activate your Verbal Soul Talk Network Channel.  With each Activation, it becomes stronger.  


Individualized Source Communications 

During the Meeting, I am simultaneously communicating to your Conscious Range through my spoken words that are communicating both in English and in Soul Talk and to your Subconscious Range through your Individual Verbal Soul Talk Network.   These communications reach the aspects of your Suit that need Individualized Training in order to implement the understandings and Skill Sets that I am discussing in the Meeting. 


Many of these Subconscious Range Soul Talk Communications to your Suit are like the Source Communications that give your Biological Suit the technical information that it needs to maintain life in all of your billions of cells. Your Spiritual/Energy Suit has similarly complex levels of functioning that require Source Communications to operate correctly and adjust to the rapid Universal Changes that are altering the physics of life throughout the Creation. These Source Communications are like Talking Shop to your Suit so that it can keep up with the changes and retain its Source Connection.


There are also levels of your Suit that are oppositional or confused or fearful about some of the changes and need some additional Source Coaching to come onboard with them and understand what is happening and what to do to adjust. These aspects of your Suit also receive help during these Meetings.  If they are not able to have time with the Source to work through some of these things then they can work against the Heaven Agent Work you are trying to accomplish in your Conscious Range.


As long as your Suit is in Helping the Source Mode, whatever Source Communications are appropriate will be given to it during the course of listening to a recording of a Meeting.  If you listen to the same recording multiple times, different Individual Source Communications will be given.  This is because I am actually working with you in Real Time whenever you are attuning to working with me through listening to a recording.


The Source Catalyst Jumpstart 

Each Meeting provides all attending either live or by recording with a certain kind of Source Catalyst Energy that helps them to jumpstart their work of translating the training into Skill Sets that they can use in their everyday lives. This Catalyst Jumpstart is important to the acceleration of the learning process.  


Correct Exchange

The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of this Source-Directed Training so that you can receive the Training as well as the Source Catalyst Energy, is US $50.


The Directory of Universal Heaven Agent Network Meetings

Below you will find a listing of the Network Meetings held to date.  


To request a particular Source-Directed Training, you can access the link provided below that Training.




The Directory of
Universal Heaven Agent Network Meetings


The Universal Heaven Agent Network Meeting on March 13, 2016 

In this Meeting I provided Source News on my work on The System of Life and on the monumental Universal Change that has occurred in the way that beings relate to the Source.  This is the change from The Help Me, Source Mode to The Helping the Source Mode. 


Now only beings approaching the Source in The How Can I Help You, Source Mode, can interface with my Workflow.  This Workflow is moving at every increasing speeds to establish the conditions in the Creation in which The System of Life, that will be needed to sustain all of Life in the Creation, is put into place on every level before the departure of my Implementation Aspect at the end of The Transition.


To request this Source-Directed Training, you can access the link provided below.