The Tranquility Station


There are two kinds of Source Interventions that occur through The Tranquility Station.  There are:


Vibrational Healing Interventions

Vibrational Healing Interventions accelerate the vibrational level of the Suit to unusually high levels to break the Spiritual Electrical Field of Negative Energy Structures that are the spiritual foundation for the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit, for Inner Plane attacks by the Negativity, and for Outer Plane attacks which manifest in Outer Plane misfortunes.


Once the Spiritual Electrical Field of the Negative Energy Structure has been broken, the Suit is brought down to a normal level of vibration through the administration of Tranquility Energies that calm down the Spiritual Electrical Field of the Suit itself. Once freed from these Negative Energy Structures, your Suit can recover from whatever damage was caused by the Negativity.


The Tranquility Intervention

The Tranquility Intervention administers to your Suit Tranquility Energies that are designed to rebuild your Spiritual Electrical System so it can sustain itself in the face of the attacks of the Negativity and also during positive spiritual changes that lead inevitably to changes in the System.  Suits traveling The Path to Perfection which involves rapid and continual Spiritual Electrical System changes require Tranquility Energy to sustain the stability and good health of the Spiritual Electrical System.


Tranquility Energies are particularly important after the crash of the Universal Source Connection Channel which used to provide stabilizing energies to all Suits.  


How I Work with You in This Station

Because I meet you there in the Station to do the work, whatever kind of Intervention you have signed up for, and whatever stage you are in this Intervention, will be what I will administer when you arrive at the Station and begin your Session.


For those working with The Tranquility Intervention Sequence, Sessions through this Station administer the work at a much more powerful level than the Tranquility Energies that are sent to you At-a-Distance when you are not in a Session.  I recommend that you avail yourself of as much Station time as you can during the time of your Treatment Sequence.  This will enable me to work with you most effectively.