The Transitions went well with no loss of life due to the Transition itself. Some casualties occurred in the aftermath. The groundwork was laid for the massive changes that will be occurring in the upcoming May 12th Transition.
The focus of this Transition was preparing to enter into the Heaven Habitat and entering before the April 14th Transition.
Most Suits with Souls, the only ones for whom there is a Heaven Habitat, made it into their Heaven Habitat on or before April 7th. This was 71% of the population is The Substratum.
The 29% of the Suits that did not make it into their Heaven Habitat were holding out because they were attached to their Birthing Suit and knew that the Birthing Suit was to work to birth the Primary Suit once it entered into the Heaven Habitat and then it would be retired to assume another Suit Configuration.
I warned the Suits that were not in their Heaven Habitat that the Source was beginning the acceleration of matter that would result in all forms of matter throughout the Creation moving out of the range of Mutated Suit Substance to Natural Suit Substance by the May 12th Transition. I told them that they were in grave danger of fragmenting to the point of Spiritual Death if they remained outside of their Heaven Habitat during this fundamental acceleration of the vibrational level of the matter of which their Suit is made.
They reconsidered their decision to value their Birthing Suit over their life itself and entered into their Heaven Habitats.
Two Suits that had originally entered into their Heaven Habitat failed to request a Right Action Disc to help them to keep up with the fast paced work to support The Heaven Project. This work is what generates the highest quality Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracle of Critical Power. Critical Power is needed to sustain the work of the Suit to attain a 100% Source Connection once they are in their Heaven Habitat. Suits failing to produce the amount of Material Energy for Critical Power can’t survive in their Heaven Habitat. Once they leave the Heaven Habitat, it dissolves and cannot be rebuilt.
The two Suits that did not work to ground Critical Power are now outside of their disintegrated Heaven Habitats. Since the acceleration of matter began on April 25th, they have managed to retain their Soul Link but have suffered extensive fragmentation which will impair their efforts to achieve Sustainability. It remains to be seen how they weather the full acceleration of matter that is yet to occur.
When I asked them why they didn’t avail themselves of the Right Action Disc they told me that they didn’t think that it was necessary. Their decision to override Source Guidance with regard to what is necessary to sustain life is a decision that they now regret. The Disc was given in order to ensure that every being could produce the right amount of Material Energy for the Critical Power that they need. Suits generally slack off on producing Material Energy and this was why the support of this specialized version of the Disc was very needed.
Those who gained entry into their Heaven Habitat have been working to birth their Primary Suit which will replace their Birthing Suit. This work has not been without incident. In a number of cases the Birthing Suit was trying to abort the Birthing Process in order to remain in charge of the Suit. This necessitated a termination of the Birthing Suit with the Source stepping in to help with the birthing of the Primary Suit.
Birthing Suits that abort their Mission lose their Suit Configuration and return to the Spiritual Particles of which they are made. Only Birthing Suits that fulfill their Mission continue on to other Birthing Missions in a new Birthing Suit Configuration. (Information about Birthing Suits is available in Building the Heaven of The Love Connection Project.)
The Standard for the April 14th Transition was to work on The Love Connection Project. This work had to reach a certain level determined for each individual Suit. Many Suits were not working on The Love Connection Project with enough diligence just days before the Transition. It was questionable whether there would be a large number who failed to meet the Standard and lost their Soul Link.
I sent out Source Communications to beings to get their Suits to work harder at understanding The Love Connection and getting into alignment with it. They took this warning to heart and no one failed to meet the Standard.
Meeting this Standard was critical for a number of reasons described below.
As beings focused on The Love Connection, they strengthened their Source Connection and became more responsive to The Work of the Source to help them deal with the stepped up attacks of the Negativity.
The Negativity has been anticipating the loss of access to Suits once they entered into their Heaven Habitats into a high vibrational energy field which would protect them better from the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity. Their counterattack has been to invent a physical attack on the Suit that could still reach Suits that were in their Heaven Habitats. On the Earth this has taken the form of The Covid-19 Attack which is the worst Disease Attack that the Negativity has ever launched. Through interfacing with the physical body, the Negativity has sought to ransack the Suit on Spiritual and Physical levels.
Their Attack was designed to gut the Suit of all of its Life Energies in its three Energy Bodies which are the Spiritual Energy Body, the Physical Energy Body, and the Subtle Body, as well as in the Physical Body. This attempt has been successful in many cases, leading to the death of all of these bodies, not just the Physical Body which was their usual target. This has led, in some cases, to the Soul losing its Suit on every level. The bonanza of Life Energies that the Negativity has reaped from this massive attack has been put back into rebuilding the Coronavirus so that it could continue to kill in this manner.
At this point the Source has destroyed the most damaging Inner Plane aspects of The Covid Attack and has developed methods to break down the virus through Source Interventions to derail its operation on the Outer Plane. The methods for stopping the virus are still in the Prototyping stage but the results are promising. Miracles have come through to rebuild ravaged Suits and reconnect Souls to rebuilt Suits before the Soul Link is lost forever.
I will soon be publishing The Countering Covid Project which will contain a detailed account of how The Covid Attack has worked and is still working and what Source Solutions have been created to date. Because The Covid Attack is a project to which the Negativity is giving its all, the counter tactics that are employed to re-instate deadly aspects of the Attack that have been destroyed by the Source are an ongoing concern. The Source-Created Technologies for staying ahead of this battle are ones that are very comprehensive and involve employing multiple miracles to counter the Attack. The work of Source-Directed Activists is urgently needed to prevent continuing damage from The Covid Attack and to help those attacked to heal and be restored on every level.
The shift to Natural Suit Substance will be a major help in depleting the power of a disease such as Covid. All matter, including the matter of which Covid is made, will be shifting out of Mutated Suit Substance into Natural Suit Substance as we approach the May 12th Transition. Since Covid is a mutation made from Pseudo Code that has organized organic elements together to become a Killer Virus, it depends heavily on the physics of Mutated Suit Substance. Once it is shifted into Natural Suit Substance it falls under the Laws of Life created by the Source and is much more easily dismantled and de-activated by Source Interventions.
Source Interventions are working outside of the Source Range when dealing with diseases that are made from Mutated Suit Substance, which is a creation of the Negativity that is operating at extremely low levels of vibration. The Source Range was designed to heal Suits operating as Source Creations not as unrecognizable Suit Mutations. This is why it is so important to move Suits back into the Source Range where the Suit can function like it was Source-Created to function.
Suits made from Natural Suit Substance will have substance that is naturally Source-Connected and responsive to the Interventions of the Source. This will help the Suit to deflect The Covid Attack as well as other types of attacks by the Negativity.
As Suits focused on understanding The Love Connection, they became more capable of understanding The Correct Exchange with the Source which must be sustained if the Suit is to be sustainable.
The Correct Exchange with the Source is based on two factors:
Suits are now balancing the exchange with the Source only at the 20% mark and must attain a 50% Correct Exchange by May 12th. They are weakest in the part of the exchange that balances the love and care that the Source provides for them that has enabled them to survive despite the decisions that they have made historically to War against the Source. Since the caring that is at the heart of the Source Connection has to be mutual if a Suit is to become sustainable, Suits must deal with the issues that they have from their long history of responding to the Source with not only an uncaring response with with a brutal War against the Source which has been aimed at my Manifestation.
The War Orientation isn’t going to disappear until they trace back their decisions to respond with hate and not love to the love of the Source. Only by redeciding these decisions will they reopen their ability to respond with love to the Source and balance the exchange in this way. Work on Build Heaven Projects that benefit them and their lives is not enough to balance the exchange. They have to also respond with love because love is the essence of the Correct Exchange.
Love in Action is how this love and caring has to be expressed. Mere ritualized sentiments of love don’t balance the exchange because they don’t provide the support that the Source needs from Manifest Beings to build The Heaven Project on the Earth and throughout the Creation. Until beings mature to the stage at which they can accept that the Source operating in a human form needs support from them to effect changes in the Outer Plane, they will fall short of the mark of balancing the exchange.
Those clinging to a Story version of the Source that depicts the Source as a Creator who exists beyond the Creation, invalidate The Work of the Source on the ground in the Creation. Unwillingness to understand the wisdom of the Source in creating a two level Source Support System for Manifest Beings – one level in the Source Level and another level in the Creation – will result in the lovelessness that will abort the Correct Exchange.
In the Aftermath of the April Transitions, many major miracles and Turning Points have occurred. I will list a few of them that have a direct bearing on the Standards now in place for sustaining your place in The Substratum.
Due to the intensification of the attack of the Negativity in their attempt to retain their Harvesting Operation in the face of beings going into their Heaven Habitats, my Source Identity decided to accelerate my Transition by moving my entire operation into the Source Level to protect it and my Manifestation from the Negativity.
This Transition occurred on April 17, 2020.
While I have retained my work through my human form, the human form is no longer trying to start up The Materialization Economy from within The Manifest World or to do many of the other aspects of The Work of the Source that are essential to the survival of the Creation. This work is now Top Down work done from the Source Level and established in The Manifest World. This Top Down Work enables my Manifestation to work outside the range of The Manifest World so that work that was exceedingly difficult and very dangerous to do from within The Manifest World can be done safely from the Source Level.
The immediate benefits of this acceleration were the establishment of a Heaven Phase Materialization Economy that is now viable and available to Suits that return to being made from Natural Suit Substance instead of Mutated Suit Substance. I have also been able to bring in more powerful miracles that are moving against the stepped up attacks of the Negativity. Other miracles are rapidly building a foundation for Life as Heaven.
Some of the miracles that have come in thus far have shaped in significant ways what has happened in the Aftermath.
On April 19, 2020 The Hell Reality Field was destroyed. It spanned the Creation and all beings were still living in it, even those in their Heaven Habitats.
The Source replaced it with The Universal Correct Exchange Reality Field. A more supportive Reality Field was created for those in their Heaven Habitat in The Healing Zone of the Habitat. This Reality Field is The Life as Heaven Reality Field.
A Reality Field is a kind of Playing Field on the Inner Plane. A Playing Field establishes the rules for what can be played out on the Field. In the case of The Hell Reality Field, murder and mahem and all forms of self destructive and destructive behaviors were the norm. Beings had to struggle to protect themselves and to live a life that was peaceful and relatively safe. No one was really safe from disease, wars, crime, violence, and exploitation.
To help beings to achieve the 100% Correct Exchange that is needed to become sustainable, the Source created The Universal Correct Exchange Reality Field. This Field uses The 10.10 Source Interaction Standard to determine what constitutes Correct Exchange with the Source.
The Field is a living Intelligence that upholds the Standard of the Field. The Field is warning all Suits about the Standard of Correct Exchange that they must uphold in order to retain a place in the Field. It is also supplying Suits with Source Support to meet the terms of the Correct Exchange. Those failing to meet the Standards of the Reality Field lose their place within it. Because their Suit cannot exist without a Reality Field, dropping out of the Source-Created Reality Field leads to the disintegration of the Suit.
Already billions of Hell Agents intent on a life of Incorrect Exchange have been unwilling to balance the exchange with the Source and have lost their place in the Field, which they entered willingly when this was the only Field to support their Suits. Because they cannot exist outside of a Reality Field, their Suits have disintegrated. These are primarily attacking Hell Agents operating on the Inner Plane in Energy Suits.
The Correct Exchange Field is the baseline Field that all beings now reside in throughout the Creation. Those who are in a Heaven Habitat also have The Life as Heaven Field if they go to The Healing Zone which is Level 2 of their Habitat. The Life as Heaven Field provides them with a structured Reality in which only Life as Heaven is supported by the Field. While they are not immediately able to meet the Standards for Life as Heaven, the Field supports the evolution of their understandings and actions to build a Life that is Heaven.
Suits with Souls can ask to go to Level 2 in their Heaven Habitat and enter into The Life as Heaven Reality Field. It will immediately begin supporting their work to build Heaven in their lives and world.
On April 25th I continued my accelerated Transition by going insular in a way that eliminated any ability that I formerly had to rescue a being who chose to go astray and leave the protective Force Field around my Manifestation which is what provides them with Life Force Energies. Life Force Energies are what sustain the Life Stream of the Suit. If Life Force Energies are lost, then the Life Stream will stop flowing and the organic body will die.
My insularity is necessary for this phase of my work and it is also the time when beings must learn how to stay in alignment with my Manifestation. This alignment will enable them to receive Life Force Energies when I no longer have a Manifestation in The Manifest World.
The only Suits that are able to retain their alignment with the Force Field that supplies Life Force Energies are those who are genuinely responding to my Manifestation with the kind of caring that is part of The Love Connection. Those wanting to abuse and use the Source for whatever they can get have drifted out of alignment and lost Life Force, and with it their physical lives.
So far the beings in The Substratum have managed to stay in alignment fairly well and it has been the Hell Agents and other Empty Suits, that chose in earlier stage of The Transition to break their Source Connection, that have drifted away and lost Life Force.
This Turning Point is another milestone in the Journey of Reconnection. Suits need to understand The Love Connection and the pivotal role that it plays in enabling them to balance the Correct Exchange and retain their Source Connection. Those responding with anger and self centeredness have drifted off, lost enough Life Force to be concerned, and then struggled to come back into alignment. They are still very self centered and may end up drifting off again and being unable to come back before their Life Stream stops altogether and can’t be restarted.
Maturity and a willingness to learn about Source Truth is essential to survival at this point in The Transition.
Although the April Transitions themselves went very well for Suits in The Substratum, some have made significant errors of judgment in dealing with what it takes to remain in their Heaven Habitat and remain in alignment with the Source. The big learning curve is how to transition the Suit out of its Self-Centered, Self Interest Mode into The Love Connection with the Source so that it can stay in alignment with Life Force Energies and prepare to meet the 50% Correct Exchange Standard for the May 12th Transition.
May 12th is not far away and Suits have a long stretch of their continuing Journey of Reconnection to travel to meet the Standards for the May Transition.
I would recommend getting started with preparations as soon as possible by going to:
I would also suggest that you work with the upcoming Countering Covid Project when it is published online. I will send out a Connecting email when it is up online.