Tranquility Energy Infusions provide you with the Spiritual Energy that is needed by the Spiritual Level of the your Suit – your body/mind – if the Physical Level of the Suit is to counteract life stressors that age the body, rob it of its ability to relax and enjoy life, and make it prone to disease and death. Having enough Tranquility Energy enables you to sustain a baseline of relaxation, restfulness, and regeneration even in the midst of challenging life circumstances. It helps to alleviate the level of stress that leads to anxiety, depression, and overwhelm. It fights aging, promotes optimal functioning, and protects the body from dysfunction at the Spiritual Level that translates into dysfunction at the Physical Level. Tranquility Energies are vital for both spiritual and physical health.
Tranquility Energy Infusions are administered in two ways:
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to learn about Tranquility Energy Infusions and
The Tranquility Energy Infusion Campaign.
For further information you can reference The Resource Directory below.
The Source has created Source Solution Miracles that empower you, as a Source-Directed Activist, to alleviate suffering in your life and in the world and to manifest The Heaven that Life Was Meant to Be.
Source Solution Miracles enable you to act as both a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist bringing about the healing and transformation that is needed on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality, as well as catalyzing the social change that is needed on the Outer Plane, the Physical Level of Reality.
Through a combination of Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism, you can work together with other Source-Directed Activists to build the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life in which all beings can experience Total Abundance.
Source Solution Miracles empower you to engage in Spiritual Activism and Social Activism in a Source-Guided way that ensures that your efforts will yield the personal and social transformation that is needed to alleviate scarcity and suffering and build toward the Total Abundance that is the foundation of a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own. They are Spiritual Solutions of great magnitude because they are created, delivered, and supported by the Source.
For a complete listing of all of the Source Solution Miracles that have been posted online to date, I refer you to The Source Solution Miracle Hub.
The Tranquility Energy Infusion
Sign Up for Connecting, your Point of Connection to Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials and emailed Source News Reports on The Work of the Source.
Tranquility Energy Infusions were first created to enable the Suit – the body/mind – to protect its Spiritual Electrical System and its Spiritual Intelligence System. If either of these Spiritual Systems goes down, the health of the Suit at Spiritual and Physical Levels is dangerously impaired. This opens the door to disease and death.
To understand what this means, let’s start with the basics.
Your Suit has a Spiritual Electrical System that is the central nervous system of the Spiritual Level of your Suit. It directly controls your Physical Electrical System, which is the central nervous system that runs your physical body. Another way to think of it is that your Suit is “wired” first at a Spiritual Level which controls the wiring at a Physical Level. If the wiring at the Spiritual Level is broken or impaired, this will affect the wiring at the Physical Level.
The Spiritual Electrical System provides power to The Spiritual Intelligence System which directs the Spiritual Intelligence that governs the Biological Intelligence of the Suit. The Biological Intelligence governs all organic functioning such as the DNA, The Physical Immune System, the body organs, and all of the cells in the physical body. Spiritual Intelligence keeps Biological Intelligence operating in harmony with the health of the organism as a whole.
Autoimmune disorders are an example of damage to The Spiritual Electrical System which has reduced the ability of The Spiritual Intelligence System to direct the Spiritual Intelligence that guides the Biological Intelligence of The Physical Immune System. The Biological Intelligence, which is largely mechanical in nature, can overreact and start attacking the body systems, causing life threatening damage. This was very notable with many suffering from Covid. Their Physical Immune Systems malfunctioned and generated cytokine storms that crashed body systems, causing death.
When The Spiritual Electrical System is damaged, a portion of The Spiritual Electrical Grid crashes, leaving The Spiritual Intelligence System without the power that it needs to operate the Spiritual Intelligence affected by the Spiritual Power Outage in the Grid. This is similar to what happens when the electrical grid in a city goes down and certain sections of the city lose electrical power. Until The Spiritual Electrical Grid is repaired, certain mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual Suit functions are without power. This is when diseases of the body, mind, and spirit manifest.
What damages The Spiritual Electrical System is stress.
Stress can be generated by life stressors such as performance anxiety, the loss of a job, a conflicted relationship, the death of a loved one, and the trauma caused by war, crime, exploitation, abuse, and discrimination. In addition to these kinds of life stressors is the stress that results from direct, Energy Attacks by the Negativity on The Spiritual Electrical System.
The Negativity is the criminal element that operates in The Spiritual Level of Reality and manifests through those aligned with it who live on The Physical Level of Reality. Members of the Negativity have lost their Source Connection and, therefore, lack the natural Life Energies that come from the Source. These Life Energies are needed to sustain the health of their Suits. They have set up an extensive Universal Harvesting Operation to steal the Life Energies of Suits that have a Source Connection.
In order to break into Source-Connected Suits to steal the Life Energies, they have to weaken the Spiritual Boundaries of the targeted Suits. This is done by encouraging Suits to live Source-Disconnected lives that breed The Hell Experience of scarcity, suffering, and struggle. As Suits war against one another in their attempt to wrest some happiness for themselves in their lives, they damage themselves and make themselves ripe for the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.
Very Source-Connected Suits can’t be broken into and controlled or harvested. All of the lights of the Spiritual Intelligence System are lit up and the Suit immediately repels attack and calls on the Source for additional protection.
From the point of view of the Negativity, Source-Connected Suits are a liability. They can’t be harvested and they support other Suits becoming Source-Connected.
In order to limit the number of Source-Connected Suits, the Negativity has set into motion a very extensive system of Energy Attacks that is aimed at every Suit born into The Original Creation, which is the world that we live in. Only those living in one of the 14 Prototype Communities, that the Source founded many thousands of years ago in other parts of the Creation, don't have to endure such attacks. They live in protected geographical communities and live the Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that strengthens their Source Connection and enables them to do their part to protect themselves from the Negativity. For the majority of Suits in The Original Creation, however, attacks on The Spiritual Electrical System are ongoing and relentless.
When a child is born, the Negativity bombards The Spiritual Electrical System with Negative Energies that begin shattering Spiritual Electrical Connections. As the Spiritual Electrical Connections are broken, the lights of The Spiritual Intelligence System, that is powered by The Spiritual Electrical System, dim or go out.
By the age of 16, most Suits have lost about 50% of the lights of their Spiritual Intelligence System and their physical central nervous system is firing at only about 40% of its Source-Given capacity.
The end result is a lack of intelligence on both Spiritual and Physical levels and a Suit that is beginning to decline as a Spiritual Electrical Unit. It is like the Suit has been hit by so many bolts of Stress Energy that parts of the Suit are shorting out and internal connections that would enable the Suit to be more intelligent are broken.
People are aware of the stress of these Energy Attacks in their Extended Range, which is generally outside of their conscious awareness. In their Extended Range, they respond to the stress of knowing that these attacks are destroying their Suits and will lead to eventual death by trying to comfort themselves. Many turn to drugs, alcohol, food, sex, video games or whatever other addictions or pleasures distract them from the pain of these attacks. They try to dull out their senses that are jangled by this violent form of abuse. Their emotional reaction to the attacks can lead to fear, anger, desperation, depression, and overwhelm that the Suit doesn’t know how to manage since it is generally not aware, in its Conscious Range, of what is triggering these negative emotions. In the fertile Negative Energy Medium created by these negative emotions, the Negativity is able to easily infiltrate the Suits and gain control over vital spiritual and physical Suit Functions.
Instead of trying to restore their Spiritual Intelligence, many Suits, in their Extended Range which is aware of the Energy Attacks, try to dumb themselves down because when they do so, the abuse diminishes. This is one of the motivating factors for Suits trying to suppress their Spiritual Intelligence that could warn them about these attacks and the need to seek the help of the Source to deal with them adequately. Suits that are using the dumbing down approach try to keep their Conscious Range focused on living on a surface level unaware of the violence that is happening on The Spiritual Level of Reality.
When a Suit restricts access of The Spiritual Intelligence System to its Conscious Range the Negativity lessens its attacks on the Suit and even gives some support to the Suit in pursuing what it desires in life as long as what it desires will break it down further for the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity.
The Negativity works through Suits that have dumbed themselves down to encourage others Suits to do the same. While the dumbed down Suits think that they are getting an easier life, they are actually being positioned to further advance the Harvesting Operation of the Negativity which will eventually harvest them until there is nothing left of their higher range of Spiritual Intelligence or their capacity to sustain their Source Connection. Then they will enter into The Hell Experience of the Negativity, that lacks, even with stolen Life Energies, the amount of Life Energy to experience any true happiness.
The Negativity embroils people in a struggle against one another so they never stop to notice that they all have one common opponent – the Negativity – that is working against all of them equally. It is a clever tactic to get the population to dumb themselves down and attack one another and do the dirty work of destroying their own Suits for the benefit of the Negativity.
Source-Connected Suits in the past who have tried to battle against this constant debilitating kind of attack have called upon the Source for help. The Source has given them Infusions of Spiritual Energies from The Universal Source Connection Channel to enable their Suits to ward off the attacks and retain their Spiritual Electrical Systems in good working order. These energies have also enabled them to respond positively to Source-Created Spiritual Changes which require adjustments in The Spiritual Electrical System of the Suits. Because the stress of a Spiritual Change has been eased by the presence of supportive Source Energies, the Suits of those seeking Source Support have adjusted to the change without breaking down.
When in 2011, The Universal Source Connection Channel was destroyed by the Negativity, the Infusions of Source Energies stopped since there was no more power available. Heaven Agents then were without the support needed to ward off this attack or to adjust to the massive Spiritual Changes that have occurred since that time that require rapid alterations in the way The Spiritual Electrical System functions.
Since that time the population of the Earth has been breaking down not only at a Spiritual Electrical System level but at a Spiritual Intelligence System level.
In the interim I have been searching for a way to help those seeking to keep their Suits in good working order without the supportive energies of The Universal Source Connection Channel.
In the summer of 2011, I brought through the miracle of Tranquility Energy Infusions administered through The Tranquility Energy Intervention. At that time the Spiritual Technology was such that it took 14 months to build a Tranquility Energy Network to aid in the delivery of Tranquility Energies. These Energies had a calming effect on The Spiritual Electrical System that made it less brittle and likely to shatter when faced with life stressors or Energy Attacks by the Negativity.
Now in 2022, new Spiritual Technology has come through that speeds up and streamlines the process. This Intervention not only enables the Tranquility Energy Infusions to be delivered immediately without the need for a Network but it can deliver Infusions that are ten times more powerful than the Tranquility Energy Infusions that were delivered previously.
The new kind of Tranquility Energy Infusions are equipped to provide six kinds of support for the Suit. I discuss these in the section below.
The new, more powerful Tranquility Energy Infusions do not repair The Spiritual Electrical System. The Spiritual Electrical Systems of Suits have suffered so much damage since the start of The Transition in 2015 that Tranquility Energies can't help with the repairs that are needed at this point in time. What Tranquility Energy Infusions can do is to help to prevent future damage and help the Suit cope with the existing damage to The Spiritual Electrical System until the Suit can receive The Spiritual Electrical System Restoration Intervention which rebuilds Spiritual Electrical Connections and reconstitutes The Spiritual Electrical System Grid so that the Suit has a fully functional System.
The new Tranquility Energy Infusions help the Suit in six ways. This help is considered by the Source to be essential in this time of The Transition when massive Spiritual Change is challenging already damaged Spiritual Electrical Systems and many are experiencing Spiritual Fragmentation, which can lead to Spiritual Power Outages and to a complete collapse, which could lead to Spiritual and Physical Death.
Without Tranquility Energies, The Spiritual Electrical System is brittle and easily broken. With enough Tranquility Energies in the Suit, The Spiritual Electrical System becomes more supple and able to bend and not break when hit by a bolt of Negative Energy in an Energy Attack or shock waved by a traumatic event or stressed over time by life stressors.
This helps to prevent Spiritual Power Outages in The Spiritual Electrical Grid of the Suit. These Grid Power Outages threaten spiritual and physical health. They deprive The Spiritual Intelligence System of the power that it needs to keep the Spiritual Level of the Suit in good condition and to guide the work of Biological Intelligence that maintains the Physical Level of the Suit. Whatever part of the Grid is down affects the corresponding part of The Spiritual Intelligence System that it services. This affects mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual functioning in the parts of the Suit experiencing a Spiritual Power Outage.
Power coming through The Spiritual Electrical System has to flow through all of the Spiritual Conduits in the Spiritual Level of the Suit in an appropriate way for the Suit to function correctly. When The Spiritual Electrical System is lacking in Tranquility Energy, Power Surges can overwhelm the Spiritual Suit Functions that govern the Suit on spiritual and physical levels. This can lead to too much power surging through the part of the Spiritual Body that is most closely linked to the Physical Body. When this overload of Spiritual Energy hits the Physical Body it can trigger a panic attack, mental and physical derangement, mental lapses that lead to accidents, and electrical disruptions that can trigger strokes and heart attacks in those most at risk on the physical level.
While Power Surges are a danger, so are Stress Triggered Power Outages. A Stress Triggered Power Outage stops the flow of energy in some part of The Spiritual Conduit System. For example, if a person becomes extremely fearful in the face of a life threatening situation, the Suit might panic at some subconscious level and shut down the flow of all Spiritual Life Energies to the digestive system. While it is normal for the body to pause digestion in favor of power going to muscles for fight or flight, shutting down all levels of Spiritual Energy to the digestive system is an over reaction that can result in a serious gastrointestinal crisis. This crisis occurs because the Life Energies, that are being sent to the digestive system to maintain it during the pause, pool in the digestive system of the Spiritual Body. The pooled energy becomes an Energy Dam that blocks the natural flow of Life Energies that need to pass through The Spiritual Conduit System to the digestive system and from it to other parts of the body.
This blocked energy can be experienced in the Physical Body as painful pressure in the digestive tract or in the brain, that leads to a headache, or pain in the back or in other parts of the body. The pain can intensify as more energy pools behind the Energy Dam. Careful release of the blocked energy is required to avoid it releasing suddenly and slamming into the Spiritual Brain and causing another level of spiritual injury which can translate into the Suit malfunctioning on the Physical Level.
Tranquility Energy Infusions help the Suit to remain in a relaxed and fluid state so that it can deal with Power Surges and reduce Stress Triggered Power Outages. In this way it avoids painful and even life threatening consequences.
High Intensity States are triggered when the Suit experiences any event that ramps its intensity up to a peak level. A Suit with ample Tranquility Energy is able to perform at at peak level and then release from the High Intensity State and relax, rest, and rejuvenate itself. A Suit lacking in enough Tranquility Energy can get jammed in the High Intensity State and be unable to come down off it it to rest and regenerate. Even if the Suit eventually falls asleep, it may remain in the High Intensity State at some level of its consciousness. This builds stress at a subliminal level that leads, over time, to damage to The Spiritual Electrical System.
Tranquility Energy Infusions give the Suit what it needs to function at peak levels and still maintain the capacity to relax and rest deeply so that the Suit regenerates itself instead of continuing to burn its energies at a level of intensity that stresses The Spiritual Electrical System.
With enough Tranquility Energy, the Suit is able to maintain a calm center of well being that enhances the functioning of The Spiritual Electrical System and The Spiritual Intelligence System. This gives the Suit the chance to use the higher range of its Spiritual Intelligence to problem solve and perform at optimal levels.
Tranquility Energy Infusions give the Suit that extra boost toward optimal functioning that it needs to go the distance toward Ultimate Sustainability, which is what will enable it to preserve its Source Connection during The Transition.
Aging is a direct result of the damage to The Spiritual Electrical System. In the older years, The Spiritual Electrical System becomes so impaired that it is unable to support The Spiritual Intelligence System at a level that can maintain health. This is when Degeneration overtakes the Suit's capacity for Regeneration and the decline into disease and death accelerates.
The Source did not create Suits to age and die in a broken state. The Source created Suits that would retain Perfect Health until the Mission of a lifetime was over and the being could walk out of their healthy Suit into their next lifetime. What is happening in the world is not what should be happening. Only when humans wake up and realize that they have bought a bad bill of goods from the Negativity and that what they are trying to come to peace with – the breakdown of their Suits in the aging process – is not supposed to be happening at all, will they turn to the Source for the Source Solutions that will enable them to enjoy the disease-free, age-free Perfect Health enjoyed by members of the Prototype Communities.
Members of the Prototype Communities also had to realize that disease and aging were not a normal and expected part of life and then stand up against this atrocity and fight to eliminate it. Once they crossed this bridge then the rest of the journey to Perfect Health came fairly easily because they knew that strengthening their Source Connection was the key to Perfect Health and to Life as Heaven.
Now is the time for beings outside of the Prototype Communities to take a stand against this senseless suffering and to begin to fight back and take control over the quality of their lives.
While eliminating aging takes more than a series of Tranquility Energy Infusions, Tranquility Energy Infusions are an important component in the Anti-Aging Project that is a part of The Perfect Health Project. This is a Project that has been a major focus for decades but has not yet been posted online.
If everyone who is on anti-depressants or self-medicating with alcohol, drugs, and other addictive substances had the right amount of Tranquility Energy, they would achieve a stable baseline level of well being from which they could begin to address the life stressors that are contributing to their distress.
A Suit that is receiving Tranquility Energy Infusions experiences a greater sense of well being and a kind of resiliency that enables it to cope with life stressors without experiencing the anxiety, depression, and overwhelm that other Suits, that do not have Tranquility Energy, experience.
Tranquility Energy Infusions are administered differently according to whether they are Baseline Energy Reserve Building Infusions or High Power Infusions.
Baseline Tranquility Energy Infusions are given first through Rehabilitation Infusions that rebuild The Tranquility Energy Reserve that is needed for the Suit to be able to draw on this Reserve for its daily functioning. Once this Energy Reserve is established, monthly Maintenance Infusions are needed to maintain the Energy Reserve. If the Energy Reserve ever drops below the 100% Mark, then the Suit ceases to be able to experience the six benefits listed above.
For more information on how to request Baseline Tranquility Energy Infusions, you can go to the Request section below.
High Power Tranquility Energy Infusions are needed when the Suit is facing high stress situations such as those arising from a Life Crisis, Life Transition, Life Stressors, or a Peak Performance Event. These crisis situations require more powerful doses of Tranquility Energy than what the Suit can draw on from its Energy Reserve, which is designed to help sustain it for ordinary life events.
High Power Infusions can be requested by the Infusion or for a life circumstance. A Gifted Assessment is available for those seeking to know how much High Power Infusions are needed to help them through a particular life situation.
For more information on how to request High Power Tranquility Energy Infusions, you can go to the Request section below.
Tranquility Energy Infusions are an essential part of The Spiritual Energy Support System. Without them even the positive Spiritual Changes of The Transition that are helping Suits to go the distance toward Ultimate Sustainability can lead to Spiritual Fragmentation of The Spiritual Electrical System and to the inability of the Suit to sustain its Source Connection.
While rigorous Spiritual Change is necessary to make it to Ultimate Sustainability before the end of The Transition, the risk factor in such rapid change has to be adequately countered with the soothing and calming energies of Tranquility Energy in order to enable the Suit to progress without incurring further damage.
Heaven Agents who provide their Suits with a 100% Energy Reserve of Tranquility Energy and maintain this Energy Reserve as it is drawn upon to stabilize the Suit, will have a Suit that can sustain itself under ordinary circumstances. Heaven Agents who call in High Power Tranquility Energy Infusions when needed will enable their Suits to survive the high stress Life Events that can impair their Spiritual Electrical System if not dealt with appropriately.
Both the Baseline and High Power Tranquility Energy Infusions are needed for Suits to function optimally in their work to achieve Ultimate Sustainability.
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Baseline Tranquility Energy Infusions were created to:
High Power Tranquility Energy Infusions were created to:
This Source Solution Miracle is part of The Perfect Health Project and is a
Perfect Health Source Intervention.
It provides you with an opportunity to respond to The Source Call to Action to Do What Is Needed to support The Work of the Source. You Become Love in Action when you support Source-Directed Spiritual Activism and Social Activism by working with a Source-Created Miracle to bring about Spiritual Healing for yourself and others.
Source-Created Miracles are Gifts from the Source. They function very differently from what people generally think of as "miracles". Source-Created Miracles are Perfected Spiritual Intelligences that are born into the world and who require a Miracle-Friendly Field in which to operate. It is up to the person requesting the miracle to provide:
Material Energy can be provided the natural way through an Energy Exchange by doing the Source-Directed Activist Work that generates this kind of energy. For those unskilled in doing Source-Directed Activist Work, The Financial Exchange Miracle enables them to provide Material Energy generated by ordinary work as a substitute.
The Source provides information on the exact amount of Material Energy needed to build the Energy Nest for each kind of Source Solution Miracle. This is translated into a Financial Exchange equivalent for those who are unable to provide the Material Energy through an Energy Exchange. Only when the correct amount of Material Energy is provided will the Source send in a miracle.
A Miracle-Friendly Field is produced when a person's Suit – body/mind – maintains a strong Source Connection that enables it to exist above the low vibrational energies that create a toxic, Miracle-Unfriendly Field in which miracles can't survive. There are clear guidelines from the Source about the level of a Miracle-Friendly Field that each miracle requires in order to interface with the person requesting it and do its Mission to help this person.
For a brief overview that will explain the basics, I recommend that you go to: How Miracles Come into Your Life and World.
For an in-depth Training, I recommend the Source Workflow Training: The Source Truth Building Block Training on Source-Created Miracles. This Gifted Training is available only to members of Connecting. If you are not already a member of Connecting, you can request a Gifted Membership by accessing the Signup Form below.
Educating yourself about Source-Created Miracles will help you to understand how to do the Correct Exchange that is your part to do in receiving these Gifts from the Source. Once you understand these Spiritual Principles you will be able to welcome in and work effectively with all of the miracles that manifest the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.
The Correct Exchange for Tranquility Energy Infusions varies according to whether Baseline or High Power Infusions are being requested. I discuss the Correct Exchange for these two types of Infusions in the sections below.
There are two stages in the administration of Baseline Tranquility Energy Infusions. They each have their own Correct Exchange.
In The Rehabilitation Stage, you supply your Suit with the Rehabilitation Tranquility Energy Infusions that it needs to restore basic functioning and establish a baseline of well being which is capable of delivering on the six outcomes outlined above. Suits with extensive damage and intense interference by the Negativity will take longer to establish this baseline. I recommend requesting The Spiritual Electrical System Restoration Intervention in order to speed up the process.
I monitor how your Suit is functioning with the Infusions and inform you when your Suit is ready to graduate from The Rehabilitation Stage to The Maintenance Stage when Maintenance Tranquility Energy Infusions maintain the baseline that has been established.
The amount of Material Energy that is needed to ground the more powerful Tranquility Energy Infusions used in The Rehabilitation Stage is $400/month.
In The Maintenance Stage, you supply your Suit with the Maintenance Tranquility Energy Infusions that enable it to maintain baseline Tranquility Energy functioning throughout its life. Less Material Energy is needed in this stage because the Tranquility Energy Infusions are less powerful.
The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the Maintenance Tranquility Energy Infusions used in The Maintenance Stage is $200/month.
To provide the Correct Exchange you can access the links provided below.
High Power Tranquility Energy Infusions can either be requested by the Infusion or by a Gifted Assessment for a life circumstance.
The amount of Material Energy to ground an individual Infusion is US $600.
You can request more than one Infusion when you fill out the request form accessed through the link providied below.
If you would like to know how much Tranquility Energy is needed to supply your Suit or the Suit of a loved one with enough Tranquility Energy to deal with whatever circumstance is of concern, you can request a Gifted High Power Tranquility Energy Infusion Assessment. I will email you the Source Recommendation in accordance with the principles that govern a Source Response. If you would like to go forward with the Infusion you can use The Life that Works form below and enter the amount of the Correct Exchange for the Infusion in the form.
If you would like to gift Tranquility Energy Infusions to someone you know, you can enter their name, age, and relationship to you, and any information about them that you feel is relevant in the Comments Box when you process your Ffinancial Exchange.
There is no need to talk to the person to whom you are gifting this form of Source Support. If the Suit of the person accepts the gift in an Inner Plane discussion with the Source, then the gift can be given. It cannot be given if the Suit does not accept it.
If you provide a Correct Exchange for someone whose Suit refuses this gift of Source Support, then I will contact you and you can either re-direct it to someone else who will accept it or your Financial Exchange will be refunded to you.
You can request help for a person you know by accessing the links provided above.
Because building up your Baseline Energy Reserve and rehabilitating your Suit in The Rehabilitation Stage and maintaining it in The Maintenance Stage requires ongoing Material Energy to ground the miracles used in the Intervention, it is important to not miss a monthly payment and lose ground which will require more expense to regain. The Source can't provide the Intervention unless there is Material Energy available to ground the miracle of the Intervention. Since I do not send out monthly notices about the payments that are needed, it is up to you to remember when you need to make these payments.
What will work best for most Heaven Agents is to set up an Autopay that processes a monthly payment on time and keeps the work of the Intervention ongoing.
To set up an Autopay, you can make the first payment using whatever credit card you would like to use for recurring payments for the Autopay. Then email me to let me know that you would like me to use this card for subsequent monthly payments. I will then set it up for you for a recurring monthly payment on the same day of the month as your initial payment. I can also transition the payment amount when you move from the Rehabilitation Stage to the Maintenance Stage.
If, at some point, you need to update or change the credit card on file for the Autopay, you can make a $1 payment in The Life that Works Fund form below and email me to request that this credit card be used for any future Autopay payments for this Intervention.
If you would like to cancel the Autopay, you can contact me and I will terminate it.
If you would like Tranquility Energy Infusions but need an interest free Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on the amount per month that you can provide, and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if there is enough Material Energy in the Fund for me to deliver Tranquility Energy Infusions to you now and enable you to reimburse the Fund by your payments over time. (The World that Works Fund contains stored Material Energy donated by Source-Directed Activists. As you reimburse the fund, you free up funds to help other Source-Directed Activists.)
If you are providing Payment Plan payments, you can use The Life that Works Fund below which allows for you to enter the amount that you are providing.
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Tranquility Energy Infusions are essential to the survival of Suits in this time of The Transition when Suits need to be able to travel The Journey of Reconnection back to the 100% Source Connection that will enable them to achieve Ultimate Sustainability.
Heaven Agents need to provide Material Energy to help other beings, particularly other Heaven Agents, to restore their viability by supplying their Suits with the Tranquility Energies that the Suits need to counter the existing damage to The Spiritual Electrical System and to prevent further damage.
While providing Material Energy through an Energy Exchange is important, when Material Energy is given through a Financial Exchange, it provides the funding that is needed to connect with those who are awakened enough to begin working with the Source to prepare for the Stewarding Work that will be important to Global and Universal Sustainability.
Thinking Big Picture is essential now if beings are going to achieve Ultimate Sustainability for themselves and their Habitat for Life in the Creation before the end of The Transition.
Information on how to provide a Financial Exchange, is provided below.
To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed.
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Sign up for Connecting to receive News Updates on Source Solution Miracles & Source-Directed Activism Projects and to gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based, Source-Directed Activist Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gifted videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
NOTE: If you encounter technical problems in completing the Signup process, contact me with information on the kind of technical issue you have encountered. I will troubleshoot the problem and email you with information on how to proceed.
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