The Total Abundance Webinar

With a Gift from The Universal Heaven Agent Network


In these Webinars you learn how to work with The Manifestation Grid to spot the miracles that are landing in squares in the Grid and to learn how to work with the miracles once they arrive. This work is the central activity that members of the Prototype Communities engage in to keep themselves supplied with everything that they need for Total Abundance.


In the beginning stages of the work, the miracles that will be coming through will be arriving on the Inner Plane.  As Heaven Agents become more highly skilled at working with the miracles and as the conditions on the planet become conducive to the arrival of Outer Plane miracles, materialized miracles that provide food, clothing, shelter, and other needed material possessions will begin to arrive.


Training in working with the Manifestation Grid is the central training for manifesting Total Abundance in your life and in the world.  Those who work with the Source using the miracle of the Manifestation Grid will be positioning themselves to become a part of the Materialization Economy when it reaches the level of fully materialized miracles that can substitute for the possessions that must now be obtained through brute force farming and manufacturing.


The Correct Exchange for a Total Abundance Webinar is US $110/3+ hour Webinar.


Gift from The Universal Heaven Agent Network

The Correct Exchange for a Total Abundance Webinar is generally US $110/3+ hour Webinar.  The Universal Heaven Agent Network is offering to provide a Gift of Material Energy to Heaven Agents learning how to work with The Manifestation Grid.  This is in acknowledgement of the importance of the work of Welcoming in the Miracles to the functioning of a Prototype Community.


This Gift balances the exchange for $45.  Heaven Agents attending their first Total Abundance Webinar will then only need to provide the $65 remaining of the $110/Webinar in order to balance this part of the exchange.


NOTE: This Gift is available only to Heaven Agents who have:

  • completed Step 2 of The 12 Steps to Living Heaven.  This enables them to receive the gifted Turning Point Miracle which provides them with a Life Adventure.  Manifestation Work keys off this Life Adventure.
  • are upholding The Standard of Heaven Agreement in their lives which ensures that they are maintaining the Miracle-Friendly Energy Environment in which the miracles that make Life Heaven can materialize. 


The February Total Abundance Webinar is scheduled for: 

Saturday, February 22nd – 12:00 pm PST

If you are attending a Total Abundance Webinar for the first time, you are eligible for the Gift of $45 from The Universal Heaven Agent Network.  To receive this Gift, access the link provided below.


If you have already attended your first Total Abundance Webinar, then use the link provided below.