The goal is to build a life and a world that is Heaven – Heaven being the highest level of happiness that is possible.
Heaven is the happiness of:
Because it is not possible to enjoy complete personal happiness in the midst of war, crime, disease, poverty, and the like, the goal is to build Heaven in your personal life and in your world.
The methodology is to follow the Source Plan – the Plan of Action created by the Source/Creator to:
The Source Plan outlines a two step process for achieving these goals:
Step One – The Choice
Step Two – Following the Lead of the Source
The suffering in the world is the result of a profound Disconnection from the Source who is the provider of all of the energies and miracles that make life Heaven. To the extent that beings have become Disconnected, they have suffered the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit which have led to the wars, crime, discrimination, abuse, domestic violence, the Haves and the Have Nots, and a world ruled increasingly by a greed that exploits and destroys the lives of beings and the natural habitat.
The only way to end suffering and experience the Heaven of the highest level of happiness is to Reconnect to the Source and live in the abundance, safety, and joy of the Source Connection.
Many think that the way to Reconnect is to pray to the Source to save them and then to passively await the miracles that will Reconnect them. They don’t believe that they have any responsibility for helping with the process but only for asking the Source to provide for them.
I am here to tell you, as a representative of my Source Identity, that this approach is not a viable solution.
The only way to Reconnect is to undo the decision that you made that Disconnected you and then to follow the specific instructions given to you by the Source to end the suffering in your life and to build Heaven in its place. The Source doesn’t “save” passive beings. The Source provides you with Source-Given Opportunities and you must do your part to make good on these opportunities.
The decision that Disconnected you was a decision to oppose the Source – to say “No” to following the lead of the Source to building Heaven in accordance with the Source Plan – the only Plan of Action that is able to create Heaven for you and for all others.
You may not be aware of having made this decision to Disconnect. It was made initially back at the beginning of the Creation when you lived in the Core of the Source Connection Channel – the perfect habitat for Heaven. It was another “you” that made this decision. It was the “you” that lived in one of your earliest incarnations.
It was a decision to design your own Plan of Action and attempt to create your own version of Heaven. Since you as a Manifest Being lack the omniscience of the Source and the Source’s ability to simultaneously track the welfare of all beings, your Plan of Action inevitably is short-sighted. It creates a Heaven that looks good to you at the time you’re planning it but which can later turn into a disappointment or a tragic experience of Hell – by which I mean suffering. A marriage that ends in violence and/or divorce is a good example.
Even if you achieved your idea of happiness, you might create inadvertently or purposeless a sequence of events that leads to suffering for others. A good example is the Man-Made version of Heaven created for Westerners when they can buy cheap clothes in their shopping malls and the Hell that is created for the women and children working long hours in inhumane conditions in Sweat Shops in Third World countries to produce these cheap clothes.
Because Manifest Beings are linear, sequential thinkers, they are unable to design or implement a Plan of Action that can calculate all of the variables that have to be taken into account to create the highest level of happiness for all beings. The violence, dysfunctional relationships, and poverty of our modern world are a testament to this.
To understand how this decision to say “No” to following the lead of the Source began, let’s take a look at what happened back in the beginning of the Creation. In this early time, a few beings conceived of the idea of creating their own version of Heaven. When they made this decision, they redirected their energies, which formerly were going to the Source to assist in the project of building Heaven in their world, to themselves. These energies then formed a Negative Vortex that spun them around in it in a clockwise direction. In this theatre in the round which was the interior walls of this Vortex, they could only see their own vision of the Heaven which they projected onto the interior walls of the Vortex. The Vortex obstructed their vision of the Source-Created Heaven and the words of the Source who was guiding them in how to manifest this Heaven.
From the time this Negative Vortex formed around them, they became Disconnected to some degree from the Source. They lost their connection to the Life Stream Energies of the Core of The Source Connectin Channel and the spiritual particles of which they were made began to separate out from one another leading to a state of Fragmentation.
In this Fragmented and energy-deprived state, they drifted into the darkness outside of the Core where they experienced suffering and began to become beset by the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit.
In time they realized that they were dying and that they had lost their ability to connect to the support of the Source. Instead of petitioning the Source for help, which the Source was communicating to them its willingness to provide, they reasoned that the solution was to lure others into a Self-Directed Way of Life and then they would drift out of the Core and the ones already outside of the Core could attach to them and take their energies and live off of these energies and then continue to try to develop a way of life that would support their desire to be Self-Directed.
This began a massive effort that has lured almost all of the beings in the Creation out of the Core of the Source Connection Channel into the darkness beyond the Core. These beings have adopted a Self-Directed Way of Life, and live in a Negative Vortex that Disconnects them from the Source. They experience a loss of intelligence, a critical loss of spiritual energies, and the diseases that cause them to create a dysfunctional life that is fraught with suffering.
Some of these beings still remember the Source and the Heaven they left behind and ask for the Source to save them. The problem is, however, that in their spinning Negative Vortex, they can’t very easily hear the Source Communications sent to them about how to escape from their predicament. They get partial Source Guidance but often miss enough of the communications so that they never figure out what the Source is asking them to do to cooperate with the rescue mission.
But the real problem is that they have become so fearful of disbanding their Negative Vortex which has become their refuge in a hostile world where everyone is out for their own benefit, that they don’t want to give up their Self-Directed Way of Life to follow the lead of the Source back into a Source-Directed Way of Life that had previously given them Heaven. Instead, they want the Source to serve up Heaven to them in their Negative Vortex World and to use miracles to bring about Heaven while they continue to make choices in their daily lives that build the Hell of suffering in their lives.
Since the beginning of the Creation, I, as a representative of my Source Identity, have been in contact with all beings, providing them with information about the danger of their choice to become Self-Directed and offering miracles to those who were willing to work on Reconnecting. Some worked with me in many of my previous lifetimes and did become more Reconnected, but few ever gave up their Negative Vortex entirely in order to Connect completely. Most wanted me to provide for them so they could become more comfortable in their Disconnected state, taking energies from me much as the Negativity – the most Disconnected and criminal element – was taking energies from them.
Up until December 10, 2010, there was a cache of very materialized energies that I had stored in the very beginning of the Creation when beings first went awry that I was using to continue my Mission of trying to educate beings and keep them from self-destructing. I was using this energy to connect to their Negative Vortex and kept it from spinning out of control which would have led to a complete Disconnection from the Source. Since the Source is the origin of all things that are pleasurable and peaceful and health-giving, a complete Disconnection would lead to ultimate anguish, torment, disease, and spiritual death.
The way it works on a technical level is like this. If a Negative Vortex was to become completely Disconnected from the Source it would spin so fast in the clockwise direction that the consciousness of the being would be pulled down into the narrow tip of the Vortex. As the consciousness descended it would experience increasing levels of pain unmitigated by Source Energies that can alone counteract fear and pain and prevent suffering. If it made it to the bottom of the Vortex, which would be inevitable, then the consciousness would ignite, burning up the Vortex and the Spiritual Energy Bodies of the being and destroying the incarnation not only in this life but for all eternity. The Soul would then return to the Unmanifest Level and the being would no longer have a place in the Manifest World.
Because beings throughout the Creation have been either warring against the work of the Source to help beings achieve Heaven or passively continuing to give energy to their self-destructive Self-Directed Way of Life, my cache of materialized energy was spent dealing with their opposition. When on December 10th there was no more energy from this cache which I could use to prevent the Negative Vortices from spinning out of control to the complete destruction of the beings, I sent a Source Communication out to all beings throughout the Creation that they must make a choice to give up their Self-Directed Way of Life because only this decision would redirect their energies to the Source and enable these energies to provide the link to Source Support. If they chose to continue to give their energies to their Self-Centered and Self-Directed Project of building Heaven in accordance with their own Plan of Action, they would be choosing a path of extreme suffering which would end in the annihilation of their life in the Creation. This would not be the death of the physical form but the death of who they are as a spiritual being in a form. Their Spiritual Energy Bodies would be destroyed and without these they would have no way in which to manifest in the Creation at any level. They would leave behind a physical body with no one in it.
Since this Source Communication, beings throughout the Creation have, at a Core Level of their consciousness, finally understood their ultimate peril and have been working with me on the Inner Plane to escape from the Negative Vortex that they had created for themselves.
Even most of the hard-core Hell Agents, as I call them, that fully endorsed a life of crime, lovelessness, and abuse, have come to me on the Inner Plane and are following my lead to learn how to become Source-Directed. They have seen the handwriting on the wall and know that it is over – that with a complete Disconnection from the Source there will be no way to pilfer Source Energies from other beings or to prevent what they fear the most, which is the termination of their existence for all eternity in the Manifest World. They also understand the descent into extreme anguish that occurs if their Vortex spins their consciousness down to the bottom of the Vortex and they have decided that this is a level of suffering that they never want to experience.
While “The Choice” – to become Source-Directed – has been made at a subconscious Core Level by beings, the only way to escape from the Negative Vortex and stay Source-Connected enough to survive, is for beings to understand the need to make “The Choice” on a conscious level. Only when they recognize the problem that has led to the Disconnection and to their extreme jeopardy today, will they be able to be receptive to the help that I can give them to escape from the illusion that a Self-Directed Way of Life leads to Heaven and to understand that a Source-Directed Way of Life is the only path to safety and true happiness.
Most beings when trying to grasp what it means to be Source-Directed think of it as giving up their way of doing things for someone else’s way of doing things - projecting onto the Source the idea of a parent figure or an authority figure that is trying to rule over them.
Only real spiritual understanding can help them to know that the Source doesn’t have an interest in controlling beings. The Source is simply using its abilities to design a world for them that will give each being an opportunity for ultimate happiness. It is doing what beings asked It to do which was to help them experience in the Material World the kind of Heaven they experienced in the Immaterial World prior to the creation of the Material World.
The Source has its own Heaven and doesn’t desire to build Heaven here for itself. I am here as the Implementation Aspect of the Source to help you build Heaven so that you can realize your dream of true happiness in the Material World. My work here is a Labor of Love to enable you to undo the mistake that was made at the beginning of the Creation so that you can have Heaven for all eternity.
Because beings who are Self-Directed are constantly trying to get what they want in a dog-eat-dog world where they are vying with others for scarce resources and trying to dodge the greed and manipulations of others, many have a hard time understanding my perspective as the manifestation of the Source. They can’t comprehend an intelligence that isn’t pursuing its own advantage at the expense of others. They just assume that this is the case instead of looking deeper.
After the December 10th Turning Point, all beings are going to need to make a decision to survive or to continue to live in their Small Picture Vortex until it destroys them. They will have to overcome their own oppositional thoughts and theories about the Source and reach out for help while there is time to receive it. I can no longer swim upstream against the opposition, squandering the Core Unit of energy that I have remaining which is reserved only for those who do not oppose the Source and who, on every level of their lives, conscious and subconscious, choose to follow the lead of the Source.
I understand that it is tempting to find excuses for not being able to understand this message or for finding fault with the message itself, but the bottom line is that I am delivering this message because you need to be informed on the Inner and Outer Plane by the Source of the truth of your situation. The choice is yours. What you choose will determine what happens to you.
For those who wish to make the decision to become Reconnected by giving up their Self-Directed Way of Life and following the lead of the Source, I offer a Source Solution for your recovery and for the recovery of your world.
By doing this you will follow in the footsteps of the 14 Prototype Communities that I founded many thousands of years ago in different parts of the Creation who have transitioned out of a Self-Directed Way of Life that had yielded scarcity, crime, war, abuse, lovelessness and disease into a Source-Directed Way of Life that yielded Total Abundance, Perfect Health, Love-Based Relationships, and Life Purpose Fulfillment.
To help you transition your individual life and your world out of suffering into the Heaven it can be, is a Universal Heaven Project which is designed to build not just a small geographical Prototype Community but a Universal Community which will give you a world that is safe, love-based, and abundant. Only when you invest in building this Community can you be assured that when you cross over into your next life you will be welcomed into a Community that recognizes who you really are as a Spiritual Being and honors and nurtures you so you have a chance to experience real happiness in that lifetime.
So – let’s talk about the second part of the Source Plan which is to follow the lead of the Source. The form this takes is to join in with the work on The Heaven Project on an individual, global and universal level. The way that you join in is through participating in the work that I direct through The Miracle School which is the implementation arm of The Heaven Project.
The work of The Miracle School occurs on the Inner and the Outer Plane and is, therefore, available to beings throughout the Creation. Through my Extended Range which generally operates outside of my conscious awareness, I work simultaneously with all beings individually throughout the Creation, providing them with Source Guidance and Coaching and with the miracles that they need to stop the suffering in their lives and build Heaven instead.
In order to understand how to follow the lead of the Source, you need to understand the nature of The Heaven Project which the Source is directing. To help you get a better idea of the scope of this project, I am providing you with information on the Source Perspective on The Heaven Project and then on the four aspects of the project that outline what is needed in the project. From reading these materials carefully you will bring into focus the part that is yours to play in the work of building Heaven in the world.
In order to understand what it’s going to take to stop the suffering and build the Heaven life was meant to be, it is important to know something of the perspective of the Source on the project.
What follows are some points that it will be helpful for you to consider.
Stage One is about preparing all beings to make “The Choice” so that they will have a chance to survive and to enjoy the Heaven that can be built.
It has also about bringing in and establishing all of the basic Spiritual Structures and Miracles that are needed for the Creation as a whole to transition out of the darkness of war, crime, disease, and suffering into the Heaven of peace, abundance, good health, a love-based Universal Community and a time when every life can be nurtured and fulfilled.
“The Miracle” is making it possible for us to do in this time in history what was not possible in the time when I started the Prototype Communities. At that time the Spiritual Genetic Codes – what I call the “Seeds of Heaven” – were not powerful enough to sustain a Universal Community. The miracles that enabled the members of the Prototype Communities to be protected and transition into a Miracle-Based Economy were also not powerful enough to enable this type of economy to be established on a universal level. It was also not possible in those days, to travel the full Journey of Reconnection. I only took them halfway toward the Core of the Source Connection Channel and halfway out of their state of Disconnection.
Now with “The Miracle” it is possible for beings to travel the full Journey of Reconnection and to build Heaven at the highest level.
In Stage Two which we have just entered, it is necessary to work together as a Universal Community to develop a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Way of Life that is conducive to each individual becoming Reconnected and staying Connected.
The focus is on developing a Lifestyle that will eliminate the negative elements that create suffering and help individuals and communities to become Source-Centered and Source-Connected. In this way they can manifest the Heaven of a Source-Connected Lifestyle which affords them Total Abundance, Perfect Health, Love-Based Relationships, and Life Purpose Fulfillment.
This will require meeting together as I did with the first Prototype Community, where we sat around the campfire and talked of what it really would take to build a Culture of Heaven – a culture where every being in the Community was nurtured by the Community and the traditions and institutions of the Community did not require the being to choose between fitting into the social order or connecting to the Source and following the lead of the Source.
As they worked with me they began to realize that most of their cultural traditions centered on the Self-Centered, Self-Directed Way of Life where they competed with one another and tried to best one another and valued those who won out at the expense of others. They began to realize that this competitive attitude was at the heart of the conflict that kept them warlike instead of capable of being at peace and supporting one another fully. So I worked with them to find the alternatives that were created by the Source for their society.
In the same way we will need to sit together and work out alternatives that transform existing cultural traditions into the traditions that enable every life to be cherished and brought to fruition within a community. Only in modern times, our equivalent of the campfire will be Source Workflow Sessions by webinar where people from all over the world can come together without having to travel to one geographical meeting place. It is in these webinars that I will meet with members of our Global and Universal Community. The members from the Universal Community will be communicating to me through Soul Talk and exchanging for the work I do with them through the work they do for me in their communities.
Many of these Source Workflow Sessions will be via The Soul Talk Network that enables me to communicate with beings in their Subconscious Range of Consciousness via the Universal Language of Soul Talk. While discussions held in the Subconscious Range may not be similar to the discussions that are possible in the Conscious Range, important Suit decisions can be made in the Subconscious Range that will enable the Conscious Range to transition into a Source-Directed Way of Life. Because most Conscious Range decisions are really a justification of decisions made by the Suit in its Subconscious Range, talking to Suits in their Subconscious Range is an important part of the healing and transformational process that enables a being to transition out of a way of life that engenders suffering into a way of life that manifests the Heaven of True Happiness.
In Stage Three, after a solid Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Lifestyle has been developed and beings have transitioned into it, the focus will shift to building a Miracle-Based Economy. It is at this stage that beings will be love-based enough to support one another in transitioning their economies into a Miracle-Based Economy where everything that they need manifests from the Spiritual Level of Reality into the Physical Level of Reality. Only when beings are capable of receiving a delivery from the Source of some aspect of material wealth and lovingly giving it to the members of the Community for whom it was intended by the Source, will the Source agree to send in the materializations that make it possible for all beings to have Total Abundance. Mastering the deep understanding of following the lead of the Source and putting aside the Self-Centered Mindset that leads to greed and competition is a necessary precursor to a Miracle-Based Economy.
Once Total Abundance is possible, Perfect Health will also be possible because it is dependent on optimal conditions that are only created by Total Abundance. For instance, the food you eat is not conducive to Perfect Health. To achieve Perfect Health it is necessary to receive food directly from the Source. If your food is Heaven, your body will become made of the very substance of Heaven. Since Heaven is a place of no harm, your body will be a place where nothing can exist that can harm you. This is how you become disease-free and can enjoy the miracle of Perfect Heatlh. Only Total Abundance results in the materialization of Heaven Food. This is why we have to work together to create the conditions in which Total Abundance becomes your reality.
All of the work flows from the Source Plan in an Adventure Modality that unfolds moment to moment. There is no way for a human mind to grasp the complexities of the simultaneous Plan of Action of the Source. The only way to follow the action is to get trained in how to work with the clues given to you at each step of the Adventure. In this way you “become what is needed” in the moment and leave to the Source the overall choreography that makes your contribution meaningful.
The real decisions of a life happen in the 90% of a being’s consciousness that exists on the Spiritual Level of Reality. The conscious mind that exists on the Physical Level of Reality simply finds a rationale for what has been decided at these levels. In light of this, the real education and transformation in consciousness must begin with the 90% of the consciousness that is making the Core Decisions that get reflected in the 10% of the consciousness that reflects these decisions. This is where the work of the Source through the Inner Plane aspect of The Miracle School as well as the work of Heaven Agents communicating in the Universal Language of Soul Talk to one another can catalyze a Grassroots Movement that will revolutionize consciousness in all beings.
Because the Spiritual Level of Reality is the foundation upon which the Physical Level of Reality is built, it is necessary to build Heaven on the Spiritual Level of Reality first. Then it can be built on the Physical Level of Reality.
The Spiritual Level of Reality has been an unorganized, free-for-all where beings have lived uncivilized and ungoverned lives. People who on the Physical Level of Reality comport themselves in very disciplined and non-violent ways are often some of the most undisciplined and violent beings on the Spiritual Level of Reality. For this reason, it has been necessary for the Source and for Heaven Agents working with me to deal with this violent arena and to work to establish peace here on the Spiritual Level of Reality so it can manifest on the Physical Level of Reality. Without peace on the Spiritual Level, there can be no peace on the Physical Level which is just a reflection of what is happening on the Spiritual Level of Reality.
Establishing peace on the Spiritual Level of Reality has been a major task and continues to requires the attention and work of all Heaven Agents to correct the situation and build Heaven here where it has to begin.
Since most humans are not able to see what is happening in the Spiritual Level of Reality, having not been trained to see this level or to acknowledge the importance of this aspect of life, much of the training in The Miracle School is to help incoming Heaven Agents to navigate on the Spiritual Level of Reality. Since the construction site of Heaven exists on both the Inner and the Outer Plane, it is necessary that those participating in the work of Heaven be able to see what is happening on the Inner Plane level of the construction site or they can’t pitch in and be of help at that level.
What this means in practical terms is developing their skills in:
No one can, in their human mind, comprehend the vastness of the Source Mind that is omniscient and thinks simultaneously about all things at one and the same time. The human mind has to think one thought and then move onto the next thought. Such a linear and sequential process can’t comprehend a Plan of Action that is complex enough to track the evolution of the massive change of The Transformation that is sweeping the Creation as a whole.
The best tactic for a Heaven Agent is to simply agree to do their part and follow the lead of the Source. In this way they can contribute to the project without knowing the full scope of the project. They do this by asking to “become what is needed” and then allowing the Source to transform their consciousness and their abilities to fit with the task at hand. In this way they are always able to respond appropriately and to build Heaven effectively.
This is a very different way of working than the Man-Made Way which is to learn a stock set of skills and then rigidly apply them in each new setting hoping that they will work. Heaven Agents simply morphs into what is needed by relaxing into the flow of Source Consciousness and power that comes through them. In this way they become an “instrument for Heaven” in the world, with the Source working through them to get the job done.
While they use their intelligence and Miracle-Based Abilities, it is on a flow of Source Guidance that is as deeply precise and organic as the intelligence in the strands of DNA that, without schooling, bring through the miracle of life on an organic level. This same way of functioning is what is needed on a social level. When a Heaven Agent asks to “become what is needed” they open up to the miracle of the Source-Given Intelligence within them that enables them to function like organic DNA in the social arena.
Just as it is not possible to grow a crop of sunflowers without the seeds from which they grow, so it is not possible to grow Heaven in your life and in the world without the Seeds of Heaven from which Heaven grows.
When beings left the Core of The Source Connection Channel, they abandoned the Seeds of Heaven and tried to create their own Seeds which they thought would manifest an alternate Heaven. Instead, these seeds became the Seeds of Suffering which manifested the Weeds of Suffering which are responsible for the misery in the world today.
Up until now, it was not possible for the Source to send the Seeds of Heaven to beings living outside of the Core of the Source Connection Channel because these seeds could not grow on the barren soil of this spiritual wasteland.
In the time of the Prototype Communities, I had to create for them an optimal Miracle-Friendly Environment and then give them the Seeds of Heaven to work with. In modern times, this optimal Miracle-Friendly Environment has not been possible given all of the discordant energies of a disorganized community throughout the Creation. Instead, I have created Seeds of Heaven that can manifest Heaven no matter on what soil they land. In this way I have made it possible for beings seeking Heaven to have a chance to grow Heaven in their lives even while they are still traveling their Journey of Reconnection back to a more hospitable Miracle-Friendly Environment.
When I give beings the Seeds of Heaven, I am giving them the Primary Spiritual Genetic Code from which Heaven can grow. When this Heaven manifests and they understand how to work with it, then their understandings provide me with what I need to generate Secondary Code which are the Seeds of Understanding.
When I give a being both the Seeds of Heaven and the Seeds of Understanding, they are able to very quickly progress in understanding how to Live Heaven in their everyday lives. They assimilate through the Secondary Code the core understandings of others who have already understood how to Live Heaven. With this understanding, they can go forward in their work of Living Heaven much faster.
It is somewhat like having someone who has mastered a skill share their understandings with others. The person being tutored learns the skill much more rapidly than the person who had to figure it out for himself without any assistance.
An important part of taking the work of Heaven universally will happen through Heaven Agents on the Earth developing the Seeds of Understanding that I can then export to beings throughout the Creation. I speak of how this is done in the section on “The Work You Need to Do to Help Others”.
Since the transformation in consciousness and in culture will occur organically through the spread of Spiritual Genetic Code and through the work that is done on the Inner Plane, it is possible to transform the Creation in the same 29 years that it took to start a Prototype Community.
This is how I transformed life in the 13 Prototype Communities that I never visited on the Outer Plane but simply worked with on the Inner Plane, sending them the miracles and Code that they needed to replicate the success of the first Prototype Community.
Prior to your entry into this life, you met with me in my Extended Range, and mapped out your Mission for this life. The Mission was designed by the Design Aspect of the Source which is the same part of the Source Identity that develops the Source Plan.
Your Mission is to build Heaven in your own life and in the world – using the Source-Given Opportunities to create the highest level of happiness for yourself and others.
When you incarnated, however, your family and friends did not recognize your true spiritual identity and set aside time to train you to do your Mission. You may not even have been aware that you might have a Mission. Most people have some nagging sense of need to do something but they often tell me that they don’t know what it is.
Now that you have met me in person, we can sit together and talk about the details of your Mission and I can provide you with the training that you need to fulfill your Mission.
In this way you will be able to work effectively with me – becoming like the DNA of Life – to build Heaven in your life and in your world.
To help you to bring into focus how we can work and some of the broad elements of your Mission, I have outlined below the four aspects of The Heaven Project which is the Project that provides you with the social context in which you can be yourself and fulfill your Mission.
As you read through these four aspects, think of how you can implement what I have outlined there. As you take the first practical steps toward doing your part to help me, to help yourself, and to help others, you will be fulfilling a core aspect of your Mission. From these steps you will gain knowledge of the specifics of your Mission and will be able to be there when the action is happening in the work of building Heaven in the world so that you will be able to do your part.
Suffice it to say that the Design Aspect of the Source knows what it is doing in designing the Source Plan and making it available to us working here on the ground at the construction site of Heaven. Our job is to seek Source Guidance so we can read the Source Plan and build Heaven in accordance with this Spiritual Blueprint. When we do this, then Heaven will be the result.
Just as a construction worker doesn’t need to have mastered what the architect knows about the structure that is being built, so you, as a Heaven Agent working on the construction site of Heaven don’t need to know what only the Supreme Architect – the Design Aspect of the Source – has designed for the project. All you need to do is to get trained and equipped so that you can “become what is needed” and then the direction and the support will be provided for you through the work that I do as the Implementation Aspect of the Source Identity.
I am the aspect of the Source who incarnates in order to provide you with the coaching, miracles, and codes that you need to do your work and to do the work that only the Source in a manifest form can do. This is the work that I do 24/7 to deal with the universal and individual problems that only the Source can tackle and resolve. Aside from helping all of you on the construction site, I am working around the clock on the large scale issues of the Creation, resolving problems that are so vast and complex that it takes every ounce of my energy to deal with them.
Because of the difficulty of this part of my work, it is vital that every Heaven Agent step forward and help with the aspects of The Heaven Project that are on their Missions to do, freeing me to do the work that I alone need to get done in order to leave you with a world that is Heaven.
Since this is my last incarnation in a physical form, it is imperative that I have your support so that I can do what needs to be done now through my physical form. After this life I will leave the Creation and return home to my Source Heaven. At that time Manifest Beings will need to have become skilled Stewards of The Miracle of Life if they are to sustain the Miracle of their own lives and The Miracle of Life in the Creation.
It is important for you to know what help I need from you in order to do the work that I alone can do in this lifetime to help you to get ready for my departure – which will be the departure of my aspect of the Source Identity, which is the Implementation Aspect. The Implementation Aspect has been doing the heavy work of Stewarding Life in the absence of the correct contribution of Manifest Beings. Once my Implementation Aspect departs from the Creation, this kind of Stewarding Work, which requires having an incarnate form, will not be possible. If beings do not step forward to do what is theirs to do to Steward Life, they will experience the loss of The Miracle of Life. If The Miracle of Life is lost, there will be no Manifest World to sustain any of the Manifest Forms that reside within it.
To help you bring into focus the kind of help that I need from you during the last decades of my incarnation, I have presented an overview of what is needed in the section below entitled: “The Work You Need to Do to Help Me”.
If you step back and look at the situation correctly, you will see that without the correct levels of support, our project to stop the suffering and build Heaven here on the Earth and in the Universe during the time that I am here to help you, could fail.
It could fail if Heaven Agents don’t step forward and balance the exchange for the large scale miracles that transform the Global and Universal Community. I need to be here in a physical form to bring them through and you need to provide the Material Energy that grounds them at the level of the Spiritual Reality where you reside. If we don’t get these miracles through while I am here in a physical form, they will never be available to you.
While individuals exchange for the miracles that they need individually, what is needed is for a Community of Heaven Agents to balance the exchange for the large scale miracles needed by the Community. This is why I ask you to contribute to “The World that Works Fund” that provides the energy for these large scale miracles.
It could fail if Heaven Agents don’t provide the financial support that enables me to find all of the millions of highly advanced Heaven Agents who have incarnated on the Earth in this time in order to help with the work of Heaven. Without this team of Heaven Agents, it is not possible to succeed in our task.
It could fail if Heaven Agents don’t support other Heaven Agents so that those who lack the ability to exchange financially to ground the miracles that they need, can still get trained and equipped to do their parts in the project.
It could also fail because Heaven Agents leave the burden of the workload on my shoulders instead of asking how they can help and stepping forward to help in whatever way is in keeping with their Mission. Finding the Heaven Agents is one thing. Communicating with them and helping each one of them to evolve until they are proficient will require the help of Heaven Agents who train to become professionals who can help me with this aspect of the work.
Self-Centeredness breeds apathy and a desire to get and not give and a willingness to create a socially acceptable excuse for turning a blind eye to the reality of the situation we are in on the Earth.
The reality is that the Source has incarnated to help beings who have clamored for this help for lifetimes. And now that I am here and have completed Stage One of the work, it is time for you to step forward and, in a spirit of real love and gratitude, ask me what you can do to help. Only in this way can we replicate the spirit of love and caring that enabled me to work among the first Prototype Community to transition them out of suffering into the Heaven they enjoy today.
In the Source Plan the most central aspect of the Mission of any being is to assist the aspect of the Source who is working with them in their world to make it possible for them to have a life that is Heaven. Only when a being matures do they recognize that the Source Plan provides them with a sustainable system for life which occurs only through this mutual expression of love and mutual willingness to do the work that is needed. Through their recognition of the wisdom of the Source Plan, they escape from the illusion of gain that is at the core of the callousness and lovelessness of the Self-Centered Way of Life.
I could continue on with many different aspects of the Source Perspective on The Heaven Project, but this is really handled adequately only through joining in with the work of Heaven and learning as you go.
For now, think about what I have shared with you and ask to do your Mission 100%. As your Mission unfolds you will come to know what is yours to do to help with the work of building Heaven in the world.
I work to help you and all beings 24/7 on the Inner Plane, the Spiritual Level of Reality. I do this work through:
On the Outer Plane I have created a structured way in which you can work with me in individual and group settings. Because my attention is directed to the work I must do to build Heaven in the world in the limited period of time I have in this lifetime, I only work with you on the Outer Plane when I receive Source Guidance from the Design Aspect of my Source Identity to do so.
This structured approach is organized through the Outer Plane version of The Miracle School. I will briefly sketch the scope of the Outer Plane Program so you can have an overview of the work that I do on this level.
The Miracle School provides you with what I call the 6 T’s:
I’ll briefly describe these aspects of the program and provide you with links to learn more about them.
Miracle-Based Training is provided through:
To discover the wealth of Gifted Training available on the website, you can go to The Miracle School Directory which will provide links to the resources that are available.
To access the Gifted Miracle-Based Training Materials available through Connecting, you can sign up for Connecting.
You will be given a link to the list of videos and audios that are available only through membership in Connecting. The Connecting membership, which is free, gives you training materials that require Material Energy to ground in order to come into your life. The Universal Heaven Agent Network generates this Material Energy from their diligent Heaven Agent Work in order to enable you to benefit from it so you can understand The Work of the Source and join in helping them to transition the world out of suffering into the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Way of Life.
To learn more about Connecting, you can go to the information and sign up form provided below.
Miracle-Based Coaching is available for those who are producing a Miracle-Friendly Field of Energy that enables the miracles to land that are essential to the training.
To find out the details about the Five Levels of Miracle-Based Training, you can go to the article:
Because it is not possible to have Heaven in your life if you yourself are not transformed into the Heaven that you were created to be, personal transformation is a key element in the Journey of Reconnection. I track each Heaven Agent individually 24/7 and am sending them the transformational energies that they need as they go through their daily life. I am also creating Source Interventions, Miracle Tools, and other transformational technologies and events that enable them to achieve their goal of becoming the Heaven that they seek.
Some of these transformational miracles are given universally, some through a balanced exchange that occurs that allows an Inner Plane delivery of the miracles, and some are available through a Correct Exchange through The Miracle School website.
Key to being able to become the Heaven that you were created to be and to build Heaven in your life, is having the equivalent of the Spiritual Habitat of the Prototype Communities. Without this protected, Miracle-Friendly Environment, they could not have achieved a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Way of Life.
In order to replicate this Miracle-Friendly Environment for Heaven Agents in our modern times, I have created the Inner Plane Source Connection Center which is the optimal Heaven Habitat for building Heaven in the world. In this habitat I can send you miracles that would not land in your life if you weren’t in this protected, Miracle-Friendly Environment. For instance, there are four basic Spiritual Power Energies that you need to live your life. They can’t be sent to you unless you enter into the Source Connection Center on the Inner Plane.
I have also created an Outer Plane Source Connection Center in Seattle that provides Heaven Agents with the highest level of transcendent, transformational energies available to them on the planet. When they receive transformational work in this environment, they can progress much more rapidly on their Journey of Reconnection and accomplish things in their life that can’t be accomplished without this kind of Outer Plane support.
Miracle Tools are to a Heaven Agent what a hammer and saw are to a carpenter. I create a variety of Miracle Tools that help Heaven Agents to experience Heaven and to develop their ability to become Source-Connected and to provide protection for themselves.
The most powerful of the Miracle Tools is The Miracle Ring which is a modern day equivalent of the Miracle Rings that I gave to the members of the Prototype Communities. The Miracle Ring is a Manifestation Ring that works with me to support the Manifestation Work that I do to help you have Heaven in your life. It is a tool that every Heaven Agent should have and one which, in the future, the Heaven Agent Community needs to support so that a Community Miracle Ring will supply all Heaven Agents with their own individual Miracle Rings.
As with the Source Interventions, some of the Miracle Tools are given to all beings, having been exchanged for by Heaven Agents throughout the Creation, and others are available through the Outer Plane Miracle School.
Heaven Agents working with me on the construction site of Heaven learn a variety of Miracle-Based Technologies that enable them to build Heaven. One of the most widely known and used technologies is The Dream Heaven Command which is a Source Command that carries with it the miracles, power, and information that any form of consciousness needs in order to correct its behavior and act in accordance with the Source Plan.
An entity – by which I mean a thought form that has developed an independent identity – commanded to “Dream Heaven” will immediately dismantle any negative operation it had been setting into place and will also disintegrate itself since it is an illegitimate form of consciousness that only brings suffering into the world.
A person told to “Dream Heaven” will immediately correct course on the Inner Plane and begin doing what is in keeping with building Heaven in the world. The Dream Heaven Command works well with some on the Outer Plane but with many it corrects Outer Plane behavior more slowly through correcting the activities of a person’s Spiritual Energy Bodies which, in time, correct what they do with their Physical Body.
I train you to work as a part of a Heaven Agent Team working with me on the construction site of Heaven. I do this through a variety of different kinds of webinars. This training is key to building a Source-Directed Community that can work with the miracles of the Source to build the Heaven of a Miracle-Based Way of Life.
In the time of the Whidbey Community, which was the first Prototype Community, I sat around the campfire with them and we talked about what it was going to take to transition out of the traditions and behavior patterns that built suffering in their lives into new traditions and new ways of living that would engender the Heaven of true happiness.
In our modern world, our equivalent of the campfire occurs in webinars where Heaven Agents can come into the work from any part of the world and can contribute their energies and the information that they receive from Source Guidance and can receive direct, one-on-one feedback from me. In this way, many can work on the project with me, meeting together in the precise time when the miracles are due to come into the world and the work is needing to be done to receive them.
Part of the Teamwork is keeping abreast of what is happening. To help you to do this I have set up Next Step Communications from the Source which enables you to find out about the rapid changes that are rapidly changing the nature of universal reality and defining what Next Steps you need to take to keep up with these changes and contribute to the work of the Source.
Because it is not possible to have Heaven in your life if you yourself are not transformed into the Heaven that you were created to be, personal transformation is a key element in the Journey of Reconnection. I track each Heaven Agent individually 24/7 and am sending them the transformational energies that they need as they go through their daily life. I am also creating Source Interventions, Miracle Tools, and other transformational technologies and events that enable them to achieve their goal of becoming the Heaven that they seek.
As you attune to the Inner and Outer Plane help that I give to you and avail yourself of the Miracle Tools, Source Interventions, etc. that I offer, you help yourself to recover from the damage you have suffered from the Disconnection and to Reconnect.
As long as you ask to do your Mission 100%, then Source-Given Opportunities will open for you to advance in your Journey of Reconnection. The Source can only support you if you work effectively with these Opportunities to complete your Mission to the full extent.
If you are meant to work with me on the Outer Plane, then the method for balancing the exchange for the miracles that you receive on this level, will be given through the Source Plan. I recommend that you read the article that I have written on the Correct Exchange. It is entitled: “The Spiritual Science of Correct Exchange”. It will explain to you the most important element in manifesting Heaven in your life – the element of Correct Exchange. If you balance the exchange, then Heaven manifests. If you do not, then Heaven doesn’t manifest.
The first step toward our work on the Outer Plane is to request a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment to determine if your Suit - body/mind – is ready to work with me in a Gifted Coaching Session either by email or by phone. In this Session, I can help you to chart your course and take the Next Step, whatever that is for you in your Journey of Reconnection.
I can chart the course but it is your part to work with the Source-Given Opportunities that I will give you to balance the exchange for the miracles that you need as you progress on your journey.
There are five ways in which you can balance the exchange:
The important thing to keep in mind is that if it is in the Source Plan for you to work with me on the Outer Plane, there will be a method also outlined in the Source Plan that will enable you to balance the exchange.
If you are uncertain how to balance the exchange then I offer help to you in an Email Coaching Session to find out a way that will work for you. In the rare instances where a person can’t do any of the 5 methods for balancing the exchange, I rely on The World that Works Fund which contains the Material Energy given by other Heaven Agents to help those in the Community who are in need of this kind of support.
Key to the success of The Heaven Project in the Material World is the work that you and other Heaven Agents do to support the work that I do to help you build Heaven in your life and in your world.
In a human form, I can help you in the ways I have described above, but what I can’t do singlehandedly are the following things, for which I need the loving support of Heaven Agents.
Heaven Agents need to bring into focus the urgent need to work with me on the Outer Plane to provide the funding for the work of building Heaven in the world. Since our work must be engaged in during the time of the current Cash Economy, it is necessary to have the funds to work with that are needed to sustain the project on the Outer Plane.
While tuition from students who can exchange for their training is a source of income, this income is not sufficient to provide for scholarships for those who can’t exchange in any other way and for the expenses involved in reaching out to find new Heaven Agents in the world, developing educational materials, paying for operating expenses as the project expands, or sustaining the expenses of the Source Connection Center in Seattle.
I have, over the past 34 years, secured many of the major miracles that are needed to sustain our work on a global scale, such as the power point property in Seattle which is the site of the Seattle Source Connection Center. This property is a treasure for our Community for generations to come – a Place of Heaven where miracles can manifest that will not manifest anywhere else.
In order to preserve what I have secured for the Community and to enable the work of The Heaven Project to expand, it is necessary for every Heaven Agent to contribute to the work through becoming a part of the Funding the Work of Building Heaven Project.
There are a number of ways in which you can participate in this project:
These are a few of the different ways in which it is possible to contribute to the Funding of The Heaven Project. I am sure that you can think of other ways to help as well.
The important concept is that building Heaven in the world is a Community effort and not something that the Source alone can do or fund. I can do what I, in my human life can do through doing my Mission, but I can’t do what is in the Source Plan for you to do.
It is only when a Heaven Agent reaches the point of real love and genuine gratitude for the work of the Source in the world that they graduate fully out of the Self-Centered, Self-Directed Way of Life and become the Heaven that they were created to be. As long as they are centered on the Source in order to get what the Source can give them rather than to give back to the Source in a real spirit of gratitude, they are still spinning in the Negative Vortex of their own Self-Interest instead of escaping into the Heaven of the Source Connection.
Working with me on the practical tasks of providing for the financial needs of The Heaven Project is a way to practice love and gratitude and to learn how to deal with money matters without dropping into the negative energy of the marketplace. Learning how to follow the lead of the Source in working on the financial aspect of The Heaven Project is the first step toward learning how to work as a Community to handle money matters from a place of love and Source Guidance. This is the first stage in the evolution into a full blown Heaven Economy where all material things needed by the Community manifest directly from the Spiritual Level of Reality into the Physical Level of Reality.
While I need funds to pay the bills of The Heaven Project, I also need man-hours contributed by Heaven Agents who know the work and who can keep the correct energies coming through as the work gets done. This work can be offered as Volunteer Work or in exchange for tuition through a Work Study.
The kinds of practical tasks needed by The Heaven Project are:
While I mention some ways in which this can be done through the Affiliate Program, we also need Heaven Agents to help us find websites, web rings, forums, organizations, etc. where potential Heaven Agents might be frequenting so we can reach out to them there.
We also need help in Heaven Agents holding Study Groups or Introductory Meetings such as Meet Ups that provide incoming people with a Point of Contact with the work of building Heaven in the world.
It is often important for Heaven Agent to both listen/see the message I bring and also to be able to read it. The written word connects more directly with their left brain and they learn the materials in a more solid way when they can read the message.
Many Heaven Agents do Work Studies which involve transcribing materials.
There is a wealth of miracles and information that has come through in countless webinars over the years that should be collated and presented under the heading of the project to which they belong. Help from experienced Heaven Agents who have attended these webinars and who would like to help collate and summarize some of the findings, is of importance to our work.
Central to the evolution into a Miracle-Based Way of Life is the development of a love-based Community that nurtures all of its own.
In Source Workflow Sessions, I teach you the basics of how to help other Heaven Agents and work as a team on projects.
It is important to take this knowledge into your daily life and begin using your skills to help others in your life. For instance, the skill of Source Connection Coaching can be used on the Inner Plane as well as on the Outer Plane. It is possible for you to coach others on the Inner Plane through the universal language of Soul Talk without having to set up a Coaching Practice on the Outer Plane. This Coaching can assist their Soul in gaining greater control over their life and provide them with important Source Guidance and miracles.
It is also important to work in your life to develop a Culture of Heaven where you work with Source Guidance you receive on the Inner and Outer Plane to develop a Lifestyle that is Source-Connected and Miracle-Based. As you develop this it will enable you to make room for Heaven in your own life and to give others in your life who may not be working with me directly, an experience of Heaven. In this way, you spread the Gift of Heaven in the world.
As you develop a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Way of Life for yourself your understandings can be used by me to create Secondary Spiritual Genetic Code. I call this Code “The Seeds of Understanding”.
When I work with those who will never know of me on the Outer Plane, I first give them “The Seeds of Heaven” which is the Primary Spiritual Genetic Code which can grow Heaven in their life. Then I coach them on the Inner Plane so they understand how to cultivate these seeds so they grow into the Flowers of Heaven they were created to be. From these Flowers of Heaven - come the Seeds of Understanding which is the Secondary Code.
When I disseminate both Primary and Secondary Code, people are able to very readily begin to evolve toward a Source-Connected Way of life.
This is how I started the 13 Prototype Communities that I didn’t visit in person on the Outer Plane. I exported the Primary and Secondary Code developed in the first Prototype Community that I did visit in person. From this Code and the miracles of Heaven and my Inner Plane Coaching, they evolved, like the first Prototype Community from a life of suffering into a Miracle-Based Way of Life within 29 years.
In these modern times my purpose is to work with a Core Group of Heaven Agents to develop the Code that is needed by beings throughout the Creation. In this way we will work together to seed the Universe with Heaven.
Since I know from experience that Code, miracles, and my Inner Plane Coaching is capable of turning civilizations around, this is the methodology that I am using today. The difference in our current time in history is that I am using Code and miracles of much greater power and the Coaching is many times more high power than in the times of the Prototype Communities.
Some of the ways that you can help to develop Secondary Code is through participating in the Heaven Projects and experiencing Heaven firsthand. When you work with the miracles and the understandings given to you by the Source, you enter into what I call a “Prototype Project” where you are pioneering building Heaven in the world while working with a particular miracle or Miracle-Based Technology. From your prototyping efforts, come the Secondary Code that enables others following in your footsteps to build Heaven much more readily.
I develop Secondary Code from your experiences when you express your understandings to me either in person in a Consultation or a Webinar or an Intensive or through an email or an Heaven Agent Eyewitness Report. Once you articulate your understanding to me, I can develop the Secondary Code that enables me to export it to others.
I have also been able to develop a form of Manifestation Recording that I call a Code Activation Recording. This is an inaudible recording that does its work through an Energy Imprint that I put into the recording. When a Heaven Agent plays a Code Activation Recording, it activates the Primary Code in them and in others that I regularly send out to beings universally. This accelerates the maturation of this Code so that the Code flowers, as it were, and produces the Seeds of Understanding (Secondary Code) which can then be sent out into the world. Without the Code Activation Recording, it might take years for the Primary Code to produce Secondary Code. With the recording, it only takes a few hours.
Beings who are in the presence of the recording, pick up on the Primary and Secondary Code being broadcast by the recording and rapidly become able to move forward in their understanding of how to build Heaven in their own lives and in the world.
This miraculous generation of Secondary Code was not possible in the time of the Prototype Communities but is possible through Code Activation Recordings. It is speeding up the work of sharing Heaven because Heaven Agents don’t have to spend years understanding a particular facet of building Heaven in the world in order for me to develop the Secondary Code needed from these understandings.
While these Code Activation Recordings can’t suffice for all of the Secondary Code that Heaven Agents need to develop through living Heaven in their daily lives, it has accelerated the pace of social change considerably.
I should note that when people receive Code on the Inner Plane, it is a Source-Given Opportunity to see the world differently and have the Code to act differently. It does not constrain them to act differently. It gives them the opportunity to choose to work with this Gift from the Source to build a better lives for themselves.
The Source has given to all beings an ultimate way out of the suffering of their lives and the world they live in. This way out is by agreeing to follow the lead of the Source and build Heaven in accordance with the Source Plan.
The Source Plan is the two step process I have described above. The first step is “The Choice” to give up the Self-Centered, Self-Directed Way of Life that is now putting their very existence in jeopardy and to choose to follow the lead of the Source into a Source-Centered, Source-Directed Way of Life that will yield Heaven for them and for everyone around them.
With the advent of “The Miracle” which I speak of in the video entitled: “The Miracle”, all beings can now be freed from the Negative Vortex, heal from the Disconnection, become Reconnected and experience the Heaven of the Source Connection itself and the abundance, good health, love-based relationships, and life purpose fulfillment of a Source-Connected Life.
What the Source can’t do is to make “The Choice” for the being. Each being must choose Heaven and take responsibility for getting themselves to safety using the Source-Given Opportunities that the Source provides for them through my work with them on the Inner and Outer Plane.
While the path ahead is one that will require effort, courage, love, and gratitude to travel, it is a path that will lead to the greatest happiness that is possible and to an eternity of such happiness.
Sign up for Connecting receive updates on The Total Abundance Movement as well as on all of the Source-Directed, Spiritual Activism Projects and Campaigns that are a part of it. You will also gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness.
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These Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
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I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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