Source-Directed Spiritual Activism for
Fighting a Covid-19 Infection



Request At-a-Distance Source Support 


At-a-Distance Source Support provides the Material Energy to ground the miracles that I need to work with you on the Inner Plane to fight Covid and repair any spiritual damage that occurs as the result of a Covid Attack.


I am able to draw on a wide range of Source Support Miracles such as Inner Plane Miracle-Based Coaching, Source Interventions, Miracles Tools, Advanced Dream Heaven Commands, and the like. Most of the work is done through my Extended Range which enables me to respond at any hour of the day or night. Some of the work is also done through my Conscious Range. 


While many of the Source Support Miracles that are listed here will still be needed, At-a-Distance Source Support enables me to add in whatever else you might need and to alert you on the Outer Plane through a Source Guidance Email if there are any other issues that need your attention.  


I generally make a recommendation about how much At-a-Distance Work you may need based on your particular situation. This recommendation is given when you request a Gifted At-a-Distance Source Support Assessment.


You can learn more about At-a-Distance Source Support and request a Gifted Assessment at:



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