This Inner Plane Disc shores up the Suit’s resolve to remain neutral in the face of adversity, follow Source Guidance, and do its Mission even under life threatening circumstances. It keeps the Big Picture of The Love Connection with the Source and respect for The Miracle of Life foremost in the Extended Range of Consciousness of the Suit. The Extended Range, which is generally outside of conscious awareness, can work with the Source even if the Suit in its Conscious Range is too ill to focus on receiving and following Source Guidance.
When this life sustaining state of consciousness exists in the Suit in the Extended Range, The Spiritual Life Support System will continue to send in Life Energies from the Suit's Source Connection Channel. These Life Energies enable the Suit to persevere in the face of adversity.
If this attitude is absent, The Spiritual Life Support System closes down and prepares for death. This cuts off the flow of Life Energies to the Suit and precipitates the death of the physical body.
The Life Support Disc is very important for those terminally ill to keep them in the right mindset even if they end up crossing over. It is important not to die in a state of disorganized thoughts and emotions that have abandoned the principles of the Life Mission and lost sight of maintaining the Source Connection.
While some people can sustain a very conscious life affirming attitude in the face of overwhelming physical pain and the collapse of bodily functions, most people need help in sustaining this state of consciousness. Since Covid often compromises the breath and creates brain failure, blood clots and strokes, the conscious mind of the Suit may be unable to function normally and, therefore, unable to control its attitude toward what is happening.
In summary, The Life Support Disc was created to help Suits in grave danger to sustain, in their Extended Range, the life affirming orientation that is necessary to prevent the shut down of the Spiritual Life Support System which begins with the Life Energies that are sent to the Suit from The Source Connection Channel. Because a positive, life affirming orientation is critical to sustaining the flow of Life Energies to the Suit, this orientation must be maintained by the Suit if it is to survive. The only way to ensure that it is maintained is to help the Extended Range to maintain it. The Extended Range is aware and functional even when the Conscious Range of the Suit is comatose or crossing over at death.
The Will to Live is critical to survival. This Miracle Tool sustains the Will to Live in the Extended Range of the Suit even when the brain is malfunctioning and the body is comatose.
You can access more information about The Life Support Disc at:
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