Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to receive Source Support to work on The Perfect Health Project by working with its Action Plan and the Action Plans for the Build Heaven Projects that it supports.
Suits do not achieve Perfect Health unless they have excelled in all of the other four Primary Build Heaven Projects. If they lack the Total Abundance to sustain their physical or spiritual Suits then they will not be able to achieve Perfect Health. If they are in a malestrom of toxic relationships, then this will detract from Perfect Health. If they are not experiencing Life Purpose Fulfillment then their sense of loss and meaninglessness will detract from their health. And if they lack a well developed Love Connection with the Source in which they are experiencing The Heaven Experience in every aspect of their life, then the despair of their Soul will prevent Perfect Health at the highest level from ever manifesting.
While Perfect Health is the result of the work on all of the other Projects, focusing on Perfect Health is one of the best way to work on all of the Projects. This is because the focus for achieving Perfect Health is on Celebrating Source Truth.
It is only when a Suit Celebrates Source Truth that it is able to understand how to:
Celebrating Truth is at the heart of a Source-Connected Way of Life. It is what tempers the desires of the Suit and its attachment to its Personal Story and its Cultural Story. When the search for Source Truth and the celebration of Source Truth becomes the foundation upon which a life is built, then the Suit is not at war with itself over the changes that need to occur for Perfect Health to manifest.
A Suit that is dedicated to Celebrating Source Truth will welcome an insight that something that it is doing is leading to ill health and preventing it from achieving Total Abundance. Even if this means having to learn a new way of living to correct the problem, it turns with gratitude to the Source for the Source Truth to chart it's path to recovery.
The stance of a Suit who is living life by Celebrating Truth is that the only real tragedy is to live according to Story Truth and have it wreak havoc in its life and world and to miss out on the chance to have lived according to Source Truth and traveled The Path to Perfect Health.
More than half the battle in bringing about personal and social change is getting rid of the attachment to ideas, comfort zones, people, and things that have arisen from Story Truths. If the Suit makes a commitment to Celebrating Source Truth then this commitment helps it to decide what to keep and what to let go of in its way of life without feeling badly about attachments that it realizes, in the light of Source Truth, are causing it harm and causing harm to others.
The power of attachments and also desires, which are a kind of attachment, melts away when the commitment of the Suit is to Celebrating Source Truth. The Suit doesn’t experience pain or loss or regret when letting go of what it realizes is not on its Source-Guided Path. It simply moves through the process of receiving Source Truth and processing through the thoughts and emotions that it formerly had about an attachment and then asking to see the path ahead from The Source Perspective so that new thoughts and emotions that are informed by Source Truth come through to provide the structure and direction that the Suit needs in order to move forward on its Path.
The Suit is in search of structure and direction. When this starts coming from Source Truth, it can be very content with this and understand that Story Truth is toxic and dangerous to its ultimate well being.
The first Action to take is to practice Celebrating Source Truth and make this the foundation upon which you Build Heaven in your life and world. When you commit to Celebrating Source Truth it is a commitment to put Source Truth into action in your life and world. This is how Source Truth is celebrated.
It is also a commitment to discovering Source Truth. Since most beings have been raised in a Cultural Story that is based on Story Truth, a Heaven Agent has to begin to question everything that they think that they understand about reality and ask to receive the Source Truth that will enable them to stay in Source Reality rather than investing in Story Reality.
Since only those who invest in learning how to live in Source Reality will know what it really takes to protect and sustain their Source Connection, it is important to get started bringing Source Truth to bear on every aspect of your life and world. In this way you escape from the Story Reality which is putting your life at risk by teaching you that what endangers your Source Connection is good for you and should be valued.
Only understanding the world from The Source Perspective, which is the foundation for Source Truth, will enable you to sustain your Source Connection. The Story Reality which has almost terminated life in the Creation through its false ideas about the Source and about the spiritual and physical nature of life will not enable you to survive now that we are in The Build Heaven Phase of The Transition. In The Build Heaven Phase only those actively Building Heaven will survive the stages of The Transition. Since Source Truth must guide the building process, only those seeking Source Truth will be able to meet these Build Heaven Standards.
The second Action is to receive Source Truth Downloads about different topics and then spend time working to bring the Downloads into your Conscious Range. When the Conscious Range can see a situation from the vantage point of Source Truth then it can begin to ask questions about what needs to change and how this change should occur.
In this way the Suit becomes an avid learner about The Source Perspective which embodies the Source Truth about any situation large and small. Instead of passively awaiting Source Guidance about how to respond to a life situation, the Suit is actively seeking to understand what an optimal community living a Total Abundance Way of Life would do to promote Perfect Health in all members of the Community. This focus opens the door for broad spectrum research that reveals many of the hidden aspects of the Cultural and Personal Stories that would remain unexamined without this effort to Celebrate Source Truth concerning the way of life in its entirety.
A Heaven Agent can ask for a Source Truth Download for anything that they are seeking to understand. The Download will require Material Energy to ground in their life. This Material Energy can be provided by either an Energy Exchange or a Financial Exchange.
All of the Building Block Projects will have a Project Source Truth Download that will help the Heaven Agent complete their knowledge of how to build the aspect of Heaven that is the focus of the Projec.
While most Source Truth Downloads take some skill to bring them into the Conscious Range of the Suit, they benefit the Extended Range immediately which percolates its understandings into the Conscious Range over time.
Training in how to read a Source Truth Download is given through the Miracle-Based Coaching Program in individual and group sessions.
To learn more about Source Truth Downloads and The Source Truth Download Campaign, you can go to:
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Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven that Life was meant to be.
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The Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
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I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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