The Universal Prototype for a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Way of Life needs to be grounded on the Earth, the most materialized part of the Creation, in order for others in less material parts of the Creation to build upon this foundation.
The Primary Code for how to live a Source-Connected Life has already been developed and is available to all beings throughout the Creation. What is needed is for every being to work with this Code to transition every aspect of life out of the Disconnected Way of Life that is currently being lived into a Source-Connected Way of Life. This means that every aspect of life needs to Source-Connected if the Universal Prototype is to ground here on the Earth successfully. Every action from eating, sleeping, walking, working, socializing, playing, raising children, making music, etc., needs to be Source-Connected and supportive of the Source Connection of everyone engaged in these actions.
Until every part of life strengthens and sustains The Source Connection, life in the Creation will be precariously perched on the edge of unsustainability and will, when the Implementation Aspect returns to the Unmanifest Level, tip over the edge into unsustainability. This means that those who continue to engage in a Disconnected Way of Life that weakens their Source Connection will not survive the final stage of The Transition and may lose their Source Connection even before the final stage as the Implementation Aspect moves through the 12 Levels of The Transition.
For this reason, the work on grounding The Universal Prototype on the Earth has to be top priority. All Heaven Agents need to go daily to The Universal Heaven Project Workstation online and work with the Graphic of The Universal Heaven Project to activate Heaven Agent Work in their Extended Range. Then they need to go to The Source Solution Hub and work with The Heaven of True Happiness Grid to spot the miracles that are coming in to help build the Heaven of a Source-Connected Life. Then they need to find the individual Source Solution Miracles and the Heaven Projects and Campaigns that guide them in their work on the Prototype.
Part of the work on the Prototype is to transition your own life into a 100% Source-Connected Way of Life and the other other part is to help others to make the transition as well. If there is not excellent Universal Team Work at the time of the final Transition of the Implementation Aspect to the Unmanifest Level, there will be no way to sustain Life in the Creation. Unless all beings on the Earth and in the rest of the Universal Community begin to work daily on the Universal Prototype, beings will not be ready to shoulder the responsibilities that will be theirs when the Implementation Aspect is no longer performing many of the functions that will have to be assumed by Manifest Beings.
The best way to understand the work that is needed on The Global Prototype is to take the 5+ hour Gifted Video Book Training which can be accessed by members of Connecting at:
If you are not yet a member of Connecting, which gives you access to all of the Gifted Spiritual Activism Training Materials coming from The Work of the Source, you can sign up at:
You can follow the action and receive Source Guidance on how to support The Global Prototype at:
You can learn how to do your Heaven Agent Work through joining The Source Connection Coaching Program which you can read about at:
Your work on The Global Prototype is an important part of your Mission which is to build the aspect of Heaven that only you can build for yourself and for all others. When you work to build your aspect of The Global Prototype, you fulfill your Mission for building the Heaven that you were created to build.
There is little time to turn around life in the Creation. We have a few decades. With miracles this can happen, especially with the miracle of a Prototype.
When you or anyone makes a breakthrough in overcoming a Disconnected Way of Life to live a Source-Connected Way of Life, you contribute to the Prototype the Secondary Code generated from your life experience. I can then send this Secondary Code to beings struggling with similar issues throughout the Earth Plane and in the Creation. Through working with your understandings of how you overcame a Disconnected Way of Life, they can more easily overcome the thought forms and difficulties which they are encountering. In this way you help countless others to move more quickly toward building a Source-Connected Life.
Without this immediate transfer of your knowledge to others, it would be impossible to gather the masses together and try to explain to them how to transition into a Source-Connected Life. All beings are hearing Inner Plane Source Communications advising them of the danger that they are in during The Transition and giving them the Primary Code needed to build a Source-Connected Life. They may not register these Source Communications in their Conscious Range, but they are making steady headway in their Inner Plane lives which is the foundation for their eventual understandings and correct action in their Outer Plane lives.
The power of a Prototype can best be understand by the example of my work with the 14 Prototype Communities which I, in previous lifetimes, founded many thousands of years ago in different parts of the Creation. I only lived amongst one of the 14 Prototype Communities and transitioned the other 13 Prototype Communities by using exported Primary and Secondary Code and Inner Plane Source Communications.
The 13 Prototype Communities were able to transition successfully from communities rife with war, crime, domestic violence, discrimination, and corrupt economies into Love-Based Communities that achieved Total Abundance, Perfect Health, Love-Based Relationships, and Life Purpose Fulfillment in only 29 years, replicating the speed of the work in the first Prototype Community that I worked with on the Outer Plane. A big component of their success was the Secondary Code developed by the first Prototype Community.
This proven methodology can work to transition all beings on the Earth and throughout the Creation in the time that remains before The Transition completes if beings rally and work with the miracles provided by the Source.
While Outer Plane educational materials are urgently needed to help to accelerate the process of bringing Inner Plane understandings into action on the Outer Plane, the Inner Plane Source Communications are moving people into action and saving lives at each of the Turning Points of The Transition. With your Secondary Code contributions, they can move even faster.
I encourage you to participate fully in building The Global Prototype and to communicate to me your experiences through filling out the Participation Form you will find below. In this way, you can help to strengthen the Secondary Code that you generate from your successes.
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