Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to learn about The Eliminating Negativity Prototype, request the Conscious Range Download of the Prototype, and receive training in how to work with it.
This Project has been created to help you bring into focus how to work with the ground breaking Eliminating Negativity Prototype.
This Prototype sends you The Source Perspective on what is standing in the way of sustainability and putting you and others at risk during the challenging times of The Transition. Sustainability can only occur when the Suits are evolving rapidly toward reaching a 100% Source Connection and developing the Total Abundance Way of Life that is necessary to help them to get there. Anything that is obstructive, even if it seems of little consequence, is a security risk that this Prototype works with you to eliminate.
This Prototype prompts you to understand the Source-Given Miracles that you have available to you to counteract negativity in your own Suit and in the world around you. For instance, The Heaven Ray emits Source Love that melts away what is negative without harming anything that is Source-Created. This Ray can be utilized by beings of all ages to purify their Suits and protect themselves from the attacks of the Negativity – a well organized group of criminally minded beings who have lost their Source Connection and prey on those who still have the Life Energies given by the Source that come through their Source Connection.
This Prototype helps to coordinate the Team Work that is essential to eliminating direct attacks by the Negativity or indirect attacks by the Negativity working through a Suit that has become countermanned by them.
At the very least the Team Work is the Source and the Heaven Agent. In some instances, the Team Work may involve other Heaven Agents who have Miracle-Based Abilities that are needed for the work. Often the Heaven Ray will free even hard core Hell Agents of their desire to drive their Death and Destruction Agendas and then I can move in to talk with them on the Inner Plane and help them to see the importance of giving up their Harvesting Operation that damages them and their victims. I can then encourage them to work with the Source to manifest Total Abundance for all. Through their work to support The Total Abundance Support System, they receive Source Energies that they no longer feel they need to steal from the victims of their Harvesting Operation. Some truly remarkable episodes with the Negativity have occurred since the advent of this Prototype.
To grasp the breadth and depth of the spiritual context in which this Project is set, it is best to take The Gifted Total Abundance Training.
This Gifted Training gives you an extensive introduction to The Source Perspective on Total Abundance and The Total Abundance Movement through videos, audios, and articles.
It also provides information on how you can join The Total Abundance Movement by getting Trained & Equipped to become a Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist.
To access this The Gifted Total Abundance Training, you can go to:
The Source Plan for The Total Abundance Project
Sign up for Connecting to receive updates on The Total Abundance Movement as well as on all of the Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism Projects and Campaigns that are a part of it. You will also gain access to Gifted Miracle-Based Training Materials that help you learn how to become a Source-Directed Spiritual & Social Activist.
Connecting is your Point of Connection with The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness.
When you sign up for Connecting you will be given access to:
These Source-Designed Spiritual Activism Training Materials are gifted to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network that supplies the Material Energy to ground the miracles that enable you to experience this kind of Transformational Training. It is their invitation to you to join them in the work of building the Heaven of a Love-Based Universal Miracle-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
Once you submit the form, you will be sent an email that will enable you to set your password so that you can gain access to all of the gfited videos and other Training Materials of Connecting.
Be on the lookout for this email.
Once you set your password, you will be given a link to all of these materials.
I welcome you to The Work of the Source to build the Heaven of True Happiness in your life and in the world.
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